Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 204 Black Kirin

Chapter 204 Black Kirin

[Construction drawings of unreliable buildings: special props, bound. After the leader Lu Chaoding uses them, he can build an unreliable building in the residence of the reliable sword sect.The unreliable building is a special modified version of a regular building. After using this construction drawing, one will be randomly tampered with the functions and built in regular sect buildings such as Shenbing Pavilion, Hidden Scripture Pavilion, Hidden Sword Pavilion, etc. Please refer to the details by yourself. explore. 】

"I like the random tampering function. Regular buildings are boring, but if my reliable sword sect continues to develop like this, I'm afraid it will become an unreliable sword sect."

Lu Chaoding saw the mission reward and was looking forward to it.

The nine elders of Qilin Cliff were also extremely happy at this time. They almost wanted to regard Lu Chaoding as their benefactor.

The Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror is the treasure of Qilin Cliff, but it has been damaged long ago. To these nine elders, its value is obviously higher than the Qilin Secret Treasure. Losing ten Qilin Secret Treasures in exchange for 36 Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror is a profit. Too great a benefit.

"Headmaster Lu will be our honored guest at Qilin Cliff from now on. This gift is given to Head Lu. We at Qilin Cliff welcome Headmaster Lu to visit us at any time!"

The great elder Xiang Tianming gave Lu Chaoding a token, which is a special three-star pendant called the Qilin Cave Sky Talisman. Once equipped, it can open the passage to or from the Qilin Secret Realm.

Lu Chaoding happily accepted, and then he chatted and laughed with the nine elders of Qilin Cliff, mostly about Xiang Ruyan and Xiang Rudan.

Regarding Xiang Rudan, the nine elders were quite emotional after learning about his life experience. They all frowned, but they were still very open-minded. They regarded Xiang Rudan as a junior and sympathized with him. After understanding his talent, this sympathy It turned into love, and the great elder Xiang Tianming even directly issued a notice to select Xiang Rudan as the new generation of Qilin son of Qilin Cliff.

However, with the fall of Jiulin, the young generation of Qilin Cliff is mixed, and the current generation is only a Qilin son like Xiang Rudan. It is impossible to find a new Jiulin in a short time.

When Xiang Rudan was sent to a cave called "Qilin Ancestral Land" by nine elders, Lu Chaoding received the system, and the plot of "Legend of Nine Scales" was completely completed. Although Xiang Rudan returned to Qilin Cliff, He can be regarded as a disciple of the Reliable Sword Sect. The system gave him the position of "Qilin Elder of the Reliable Sword Sect". At the same time, Lu Chaoding also gained the friendship of Qilinya. The nine elders also gave him many high-level materials to teach Lan E. The others were very satisfied.

Of course, Xiang Rudan will probably not leave Qilin Cliff in the short term. According to the nine elders, he has to accept the inheritance of the Qilin clan in the Qilin ancestral land. This process will take time, ranging from three months to three years. , and before obtaining the inheritance, he cannot leave the Qilin ancestral land.

"That's all, let him accept the inheritance here. My mission is considered completed, so let's go back to the sect. It's time to find a way to deal with Daozang Kong."

Just as Lu Chaoding was about to return home, nine elders found him again. The eldest elder Xiang Tianming said: "Master Lu, to be honest with you, there is a black unicorn mixed in my Qilin Cliff. This unicorn is not from my tribe. Its origin is Unknown, extremely powerful, threatening to become the Qilin Lord, and has been causing chaos here for several days. Now, we want to go to suppress this Qilin, and sincerely invite Master Lu to watch the ceremony."

"Black Kirin..."

After Lu Chaoding entered the Qilin Cliff Cave, he heard a lot about the black unicorn. When he thought about it, this should be a BOSS, and it must be related to some plot. After hearing the words of the great elder, he nodded and said: "Okay, let's go take a look."

After a while, Lu Chaoding saw the black unicorn.

The NPCs in Qilin Cliff are all humanoid. They are aliens from the Qilin clan. Their living habits in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation are not much different from humans. However, this black Qilin is a Qilin beast, as big as a rhinoceros, and has a full body. Covered with black gold-like scales, there is a pair of dragon horns on the head, and a black mane on the neck. It is like a cow and looks a bit fat. The limbs are very thick, the head is a bit like a hippopotamus, the mouth is big, and the tail is curled, a bit Like a pig's tail.

"Is this thing a Qilin? Chuan'er!"

Lu Chaoding muttered. In his field of vision, the black unicorn was sleeping on a rock, looking very lazy.

However, Lu Chaoding could not see his detailed attribute information, only his level, which was actually the same as the great elder Xiang Tianming, level 81!

Xiang Tianming came to the black unicorn at this moment, took a long sword and knocked on his forehead, saying: "Black unicorn, you have been causing trouble in our Qilin Cliff for a long time, and your sin is not small. Today, I will give you one last chance." , leave quickly, let’s forget about it and spare your life, if you continue like this, I will take you down today.”

Black Qilin blinked his eyes and said: "Old bastard, you are so brave. I am your future master. You are talking to me like this, don't you want to get out of here?"

As he spoke, the black unicorn climbed up, and the scales on its body stood up one by one. Suddenly, it seemed to be wearing a suit of armor full of spikes, and its appearance became much more ferocious.

"You are stubborn. In this case, I want you to know that Qilin Cliff is not a place where you can run wild!"

The Great Elder Xiang Tianming jumped back and shouted again: "Start the formation!"

Immediately, the great elder and the other eight elders who had been scattered around began to emit light. The light reached the sky and formed light pillars. A light curtain was built between the light pillars, and then the phantom of the unicorn appeared in the air. Four big characters: "Qilin Formation".

The black unicorn howled and roared, but remained calm and looked at the great elder Xiang Tianming quietly, with more or less contempt in his eyes.

"I understand, this is the Qilin Formation!"

Lan E, who was standing next to Lu Chaoding, spoke at this time.

"Madam, what do you know?"

Lu Chaoding looked at Lan E curiously. Although he knew that he and the one hundred wives of the head of the house were only in the name of "husband and wife" and could not be "husband and wife," it was harmless to take advantage of them occasionally.

Lan E had no objection to Lu Chaoding's title. She said: "I heard that there is a Qilin formation in the Qilin Secret Realm. It is an extremely powerful trap and killing formation. This formation requires nine people to deploy. Once the layout is completed, it will be formed. The battle space, this battle space, is easy to break from the outside in, but the target trapped in it must complete the battle if it wants to escape. The ordinary escape methods are simply ineffective in this large formation. This is the Qilin Cliff Sword Cultivator. The strongest method seems to be that 50 years ago, Xiang Ruyan and the others suppressed the demon Yan Shangjing with this formation."

Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Really? A battle space is formed directly? This is a nine-person team, nine people fight one, and ordinary escape methods are ineffective? Doesn't the Sword Immortal's escape from the battle also work? "

Lan E nodded seriously and said, "You can't escape the battle even if you escape from the air!"

"Then this formation is really good!"

While Lu Chaoding was speaking, the battle inside the Qilin Formation had already begun. The Great Elder Xiang Tianming was the first to take action. As soon as he came up, he raised the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror and used a Nine-Lin Divine Light to hit the black Qilin with grinning teeth. .

Then there was the second elder Xiang Tianjin. He also attacked the black unicorn with the divine light of the cliff nine scales. The others attacked according to their elder ranking. When it was the turn of the ninth elder, the elder laughed and swallowed a pill. Nine people behind him Lin Jie Jing shines brightly.

When Lu Chaoding saw this, he understood that the Ninth Elder was going to unleash the "Qilin Tribulation".

Sure enough, the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror behind the Ninth Elder collapsed, and the light shone like an explosion. Then the phantom of the Qilin beast appeared, surrounding the black Qilin and launching an attack.

The black unicorn was already wilting at this time. In fact, after receiving the first ray of nine-unicorn divine light, his eyes widened with a frightened expression. At this moment, seeing the tribulation of the unicorn falling, he was so horrified that his hooves started to tremble. .

"Wait a minute, we have something to discuss..."

The black Qilin was obviously about to give in, but the Qilin calamity still fell mercilessly. The phantoms of the nine Qilin beasts flew down and immediately fought with the black Qilin.This battle scene is very exciting. It is no longer turn-based, but fierce hand-to-hand combat. Seeing that the black unicorn cannot escape, he can only fight with all his strength. He is not big, but his combat power is extremely good. He can hold on to the nine-headed unicorn beast. The attack of the phantom is just to catch the phantom of a Kirin beast and bite it.

Two minutes later, the phantom of the Qilin beast was torn to pieces by him.

Of course, the price paid for this Qilin beast was also huge. The scales on its body were scattered all over the ground, and it was unknown how many were knocked off. It was still being held down and beaten in a group.

Five minutes later, the battle ended. The black unicorn actually shattered all the phantoms of all nine unicorn beasts. He himself was covered in scars and fell to the ground with a whimper. Seeing that the oil was exhausted, the lamp was exhausted.

This result was obviously not expected by the nine elders of Qilin Cliff.

"What, Qilin Jie couldn't kill this guy!"

"This black unicorn is probably extremely talented!"

"I thought I could beat this black unicorn to death with a Jiulin Tribulation Mirror, but I never thought he could bear the beating like this!"

"What is the origin of this black unicorn..."

The nine elders were discussing, but at this time, Black Qilin's round had just entered. He was seriously injured and fell to the ground. He still had no fighting power. Two minutes later, the action timed out, and it was the turn of Great Elder Xiang Tianming.

"It's your own fault, it's your own fault, Black Qilin, I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't know how to cherish it. Now you brought this result on yourself, you can't blame me..."

The great elder Xiang Tianming slowly walked towards the black unicorn with his sword in hand.

At this time, Lu Chaoding suddenly received a message from the system: "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts and releases a mission: rescue the Black Qilin. The mission is completed and the Black Qilin's allegiance is obtained!"


Lu Chaoding was refreshed. He looked at the elder Xiang Tianming who was about to take action and said hurriedly: "But Lu Chaoding hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, can you be merciful and leave this black unicorn to me to deal with." "

"Huh? Head Lu..."

"Headmaster Lu, this black unicorn has almost run out of fuel. He won't survive!"

"Master Lu, what do you want to do with this black unicorn..."

The nine elders discussed quickly, and soon the elder Xiang Tianming showed a gentle smile. He bowed his hand to Lu Chaoding and said: "Since the head of Lu has spoken, then give this black unicorn to Lu Chaoding." Master, let me do whatever you want..."

After saying that, he put away his long sword and waved his sleeves. The light cyan light curtain immediately disappeared and the unicorn formation dispersed.

"Thank you!" Lu Chaoding responded with his hands raised, and then stepped forward to check on the black unicorn.

"This guy is dying, how can he be treated?" Lu Chaoding had an idea and took out the [Kirin Immortal Medicine], one of the ten secret Kirin treasures.

This Kirin elixir is a strange grass that looks like a Kirin. It has been bound to Lu Chaoding and can only be used by Lu Chaoding. Its effect is to treat the designated target, save it from death once, and restore its status to full.

Lu Chaoding felt that this [Kirin Elixir] was considered a high-end item. If it could be used by Xiang Ruyan before, giving it to him might help him recover from his injuries.

But it doesn't seem to be a loss when used on Black Qilin at this moment.

After all, this guy is a level 81 big BOSS. He can resist the Qilin Tribulation. He is very strong. It is a good thing to get his loyalty.

"Black Qilin, we met by chance, and I saved your life. From now on, you will join the reliable sword sect and be loyal to me!"

While Lu Chaoding was speaking, he pressed the [Qilin Elixir] on Black Qilin's forehead.

The black unicorn immediately screamed like a slaughtering pig, but its voice gradually became stronger.

In less than half a minute, he jumped up vigorously, with a puzzled expression on his face. After looking around, he looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "Did you save me?"

Lu Chaoding: "Yes, I am the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect. From now on, I am your master, and you must be loyal to me!"

Black Qilin shook his head and said: "It's a beautiful idea, but I didn't ask you to save me. You saved me voluntarily, how can you make me loyal!"

After saying that, he stepped on the void and ran to the sky. He was very unwilling and looked at the great elder Xiang Tianming with fear. After that, the black unicorn threw off its hooves and ran towards the sky.

"He ran away!" Lu Chao was stunned. "The system is unreliable. He ran away. Where is the promised reward? You should take care of him!"

The hundred wives of the head all frowned. They did not understand the leader's behavior, and the NPCs at Qilin Cliff also found it strange.

"Master, you tried to conquer this black unicorn, but it seems you failed!"

"Oh, what a waste of elixir!"

"The leader made a mistake. Although this black unicorn is extraordinary, its character is too bad!"

"Master, if you want to conquer the masters, this won't work!"

Lan E and other ladies of the house gathered around Lu Chaoding, some comforting and some preaching. Lu Chaoding felt his ears buzzing. After finally getting them to calm down, suddenly, his black unicorn appeared from the sky again. When he came back from Zhongfei, his flying pattern was a bit awkward, as if he was restrained by an invisible force. When he came above Lu Chao's head, he suddenly fell down and fell flat on his back.

"Lu Chaoding, Head Lu, I, Black Qilin, will be loyal to you from now on... Oh, what am I talking about? What happened, why am I back... Well, Master, I am actually a big sword , oh no, I am Sword Spirit..."

(End of this chapter)

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