Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 205 Wanjian Mountain

Chapter 205 Wanjian Mountain

The reappearing Black Qilin looked very conflicted, angry and laughing at the top landing.

Lu Chaoding could already see the attribute information of the black unicorn at this time. This guy is indeed not a pure unicorn beast. He is actually a sword spirit like the Sword Spirit Super Man. His body is a fifth-level unicorn sword. It is called "King Qilin", and this Qilin sword, like the super beast, is also a growth type and has the potential to advance to the sixth level.

As for the ability of the Qilin King, the first one is "control". This command means leading his subordinates to fight. The more subordinates he has, the stronger the combat effectiveness he can exert under his leadership, so he is extremely eager to conquer. subordinates.

The second ability is "Spirit Transformation". The Qilin King can make the sword he rules give birth to a sword spirit. This is the main way for it to advance.

This Qilin King can control the long sword, and after controlling the long sword, he can turn the long sword into a spirit. However, this guy has a "king's heart" and wants to become the king and dominate the Qilin clan on Qilin Cliff.

His third ability is storage space.

Qilin King has a huge storage space and can store a large number of items.

He also has a fourth ability, which is "change", which can change the size from big to small. The maximum size can be (number of levels) ten feet high, and the minimum size can be the size of a thumb.

"King Qilin, you have entered a misunderstanding. You should control the spiritual sword, not these innocent Qilin people. From now on, follow me and serve as my sword. I can help you." You prepare a large number of swords for you to control, come!"

Lu Chaoding stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Qilin King turned into a black sword with an uncontrollable clang, and flew into Lu Chaoding's hand obediently.

At this time, Lu Chaoding equipped the Qilin King on the second weapon column.

But at this time, Lu Chaoding's multi-treasure feature failed, and all the extra weapon columns were closed. The Qilin King fell out of the weapon column, and the sword turned into a black unicorn again, rolling to the ground.

Lu Chaoding's five-star flying insect swords that were equipped on the other weapon shelves also fell out. Black Qilin's eyes lit up when he saw those five-star flying insect swords. He rolled on the spot and took all the flying insect swords. Picked it up.

Those flying insect swords are all bound props. Logically speaking, even if they are dropped and picked up by others, they cannot be equipped.

Lu Chaoding frowned and looked at Black Qilin. Black Qilin immediately showed a humane and flattering expression and said: "Master, you dropped a treasure, I will help you put it away. Hehe, I like picking up treasures the most."

Lu Chaoding found it interesting when he heard this.

His multi-treasure sword fairy feature often fails, and the equipment in the equipment slot will fall off. Although it is not too troublesome to pick it up, it is indeed a bit troublesome.

"You're an interesting guy. If you stay with me from now on, I'll leave the job of picking up treasures to you!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and then said: "King Qilin, what do you think of the Five-Star Flying Insect Sword?"

"Five-star flying insect sword?" Upon hearing this, the Qilin King raised his right paw, and a five-star flying insect sword emerged.

"This sword..."

He shook his head for a while and said seriously: "This sword is the best, the best!"

Lu Chao nodded and said: "Since it is the best, I will give you a batch of five-star flying insect swords for you to transform and control."

"This..." The Qilin King was stunned for a moment, and then said with a face full of surprise: "Master, I take this seriously. I can control many sword spirits, so you have to take care of your five-star flying insect sword! "

Lu Chao smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have as many five-star flying insect swords as I want here!"

At this time, Lan'e, Luliu and other heads' wives and everyone in Qilinya also reacted. They all looked at Lu Chaoding with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Xiang Tianming, the great elder of Qilin Cliff, was the first to speak: "Congratulations to Master Lu for conquering this Qilin beast!"

The other eight elders followed and expressed their congratulations.

Lan E said: "Master, could it be that this black unicorn is a different species of sword spirit?"

Lu Chao nodded and said, "Yes, he is the Sword Spirit Qilin King."

After saying that, Lu Chaoding stretched out his hand to grab it again, and the Qilin King uncontrollably turned into a long black sword.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are many patterns of Kirin beasts on the blade of this black long sword.

Lu Chaoding put it into the storage space and released it. With a thought, the black long sword changed into the unicorn form again.

After tossing and turning the Qilin King between the long sword form and the Qilin form more than ten times, Lu Chaoding burst out laughing and said, "It's fun!"

The Qilin King was so angry that he showed an angry look, but he did not dare to get angry. He lay on the ground and said: "Master, don't change me around. When necessary, I will change myself. Otherwise, I I will become small and lie on your shoulders, and you will carry me around like a pet."

After saying that, the Qilin King shook his tail and turned into the size of a cat, looking very cute.

He wanted to jump onto Lu Chaoding, but was caught halfway by Lu Liu and held him in his arms.

"Be good and stay in my arms!"

Luliu said with a smile, and stroked the top of his head unceremoniously.

King Qilin suddenly felt aggrieved, like a doormat, but he didn't dare to show off.

At this point, Black Qilin's little plot is over. Then everyone in Qilin Cliff warmly entertained Lu Chaoding and his party, and gave them many small gifts before sending them off.

The next day, Lu Chaoding returned to his sect's headquarters.

He first dealt with ten Kirin secret treasures.

Among these ten secret treasures, [Kilin Immortal Medicine] has been used by Lu Chaoding, and there is also a pill called [Kilin Good Fortune Pill]. This pill can increase a lot of cultivation. If you have Kirin bloodline, you can still There is a chance to obtain a treasure body or magical power.

It was somewhat wasteful for Lu Chaoding to take this pill, but he didn't care. After taking it, his level was raised to level 79. Lu Chaoding took another Zifu pill, and his level reached level 80.

"Level 80! 81 is a level threshold, but entering the exclusive cave is not a hurdle!" Lu Chaoding felt that reaching level 90 was just around the corner, and level 90 represented the full level of the extraordinary realm. Lu Chaoding guessed Ye Long The limit levels of big bosses such as Xing, Daozangkong, and Yan Shangjing are level 90.

Among the ten Kirin secret treasures, [Kilin Sun and Moon Armor] has excellent attributes and has been fully refined. Lu Chaoding regarded this as his main costume and equipped it on the first costume slot.

This costume is very gorgeous, including thirteen parts such as helmet, shoulder pads, hand guards, and mask. It is armed to the teeth. Lu Chaoding feels powerful and domineering after wearing it.

As for the [Kilin Taiping Sword], this sword has been fully refined and has excellent attributes. However, in Lu Chaoding's opinion, it is still worse than the five-star super sword and the five-star flying insect sword. It can be used as a backup weapon.

[Kilin Seal of Life and Death] and [Kilin Holy Fire Order] were also equipped by Lu Chaoding into the pendant column.

Their attributes and functions are also pretty good. They are all offensive props. The key is their good-looking appearance. Lu Chaoding regards them as pendants.

[Kilin Vientiane Wheel] is a top-quality back piece. Its functions are probabilistic rebound damage, probabilistic refraction damage and probabilistic absorption damage. It has its own advantages and disadvantages with Lu Chaoding's durian skin-like counterattack shield, but it looks much better. Lu Chaoding Equip it as the main carry piece.

Not counting the material [Kilin Nine Yang Blood], the last two of the ten secret treasures are [Kilin Spiritual Energy Fruit] and [Kilin Divine Beast Talisman]. These two are treasures, among which [Kilin Spiritual Energy Fruit] is a special spiritual energy fruit that can be given The Qilin bloodline of the Earth Prayer will increase its star number and level. If it is the Earth Prayer of the Qilin species, the effect will be stronger.

Lu Chaoding will keep this prop for the time being.

The [Qilin Divine Beast Talisman] is a special one-time item. After use, it can summon a phantom of the Qilin Divine Beast that can exist for half an hour. The phantom is described as having a level 88 Qilin Divine Beast combat power.

"These ten secret treasures are all bound and cannot be exchanged into multiple copies through the mission hall. That's the only effect."

Lu Chaoding shook his head, and then began to look for a place to use [the construction drawings of unreliable buildings].

"This is a reliable leader, but he builds an unreliable building. It depends on whether the unreliable building is reliable or not."

Lu Chaoding muttered that in his opinion, the unreliable props provided by the unreliable system only had unique functions, but they were actually quite reliable.

After a while, Lu Chaoding arrived at the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, where he directly used the [construction drawings of unreliable buildings].

"Ding, the construction drawing of the unreliable building was successfully used, and the building is being created for you. Calculation is in progress..."

"Ding, Wanjian Mountain is being created!"

"Ding, Wanjian Mountain is a special sect building in the Hongchen Sword World. It can absorb luck and automatically give birth to swords, flying swords, spiritual swords and other swords. Players of the sect can enter Wanjian Mountain to try and find their natal swords. Players Equipped with a natal sword, the power of the sword can be increased by 100%. Each player can find at most one natal sword in Wanjian Mountain. In addition, when the sect's station encounters a large-scale invasion, the swords and flying swords on Wanjian Mountain will be destroyed. Swords, spiritual swords and other swords will automatically fly out and fend off enemies. During this process, the swords may be damaged or become stronger. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, Wanjian Mountain has transformed into Unreliable Wanjian Mountain. Unreliable Wanjian Mountain cannot absorb luck, and cannot automatically produce swords, flying swords, spiritual swords and other swords. Players from sects can enter Wanjian Mountain for trials. Stocking swords. The swords stocked in Wanjian Mountain will be automatically bound to Wanjian Mountain. They cannot be picked up or plundered. There is no limit to the number of swords players stock in Wanjian Mountain. After stocking, they can obtain luck, which can be used In order to cultivate the natal sword energy. In addition, when there is a large-scale invasion of other sects' bases, the swords, flying swords, spirit swords and other swords on Wanjian Mountain will automatically fly out and defend against the enemy. In the process, the swords may be damaged or damaged. Become stronger, please explore on your own for details.”

Following the system prompts, the terrain on the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain rose up and gradually grew into a peak. This peak was very strange, with many long swords stuck behind it.

Soon, a stone tablet appeared in front of Lu Chaoding. There were three words on the stone tablet, which was "Wanjian Mountain".

"Raising swords in Wanjian Mountain? Can swords also be kept?"

Lu Chaoding thought this "Wanjian Mountain" was quite interesting. He stepped past the boundary stone monument and immediately received a system prompt: "Ding, it is not safe to enter the special trial area ahead of Wanjian Mountain. The space within it is forbidden to air." , unable to use sword control, divine movement and other means, are you sure you want to go to the trial?"


After responding to the system, a stone-step road appeared. Lu Chaoding stepped onto the stone-step prop and entered Wanjian Mountain. Soon he saw swords stuck in the rocks.

[Unknown sword: This is an unknown sword. It seems to have been stuck in the rock for a long time. If you can pull it out, it proves that you are destined to this sword. 】

They have different appearances, but the attribute information is exactly the same. Lu Chaoding randomly picked a long sword that looked very gorgeous, held the hilt, and tried to pull it out, but found that he couldn't.

"This is unreliable Wanjian Mountain. I'm afraid all the swords can't be pulled out!"

If Lu Chaoding realized something, he continued to move forward and saw more complex terrain and more swords. After walking about 500 meters, the stone steps were gone. If he went further, he would have to find them by himself. On the way.

At the end of the stone staircase, Lu Chaoding took out the [Kilin Peace Sword] and drew it to the rock wall nearby.

"Ding, the [Kilin Taiping Sword] has been released successfully. The [Kilin Taiping Sword] has been bound to the unreliable Wanjian. You have gained a piece of luck."

Following the system prompt, a green ball of light as big as a fist flew out of the mountain and quickly turned into an egg-sized green jade in front of Lu Chaoding.

This jade is the Stone of Luck, which is Lu Chaoding's reward for raising the [Kirin Taiping Sword]. It has been bound. Lu Chaoding can see the attribute information of the Stone of Luck and can use it on weapons. Infuse the luck with it. If the luck is filled, the weapon will become the natal weapon.

And the power of the natal weapon will be doubled!
"A five-star weapon, just give me a stone of luck like this?"

Lu Chaoding didn't know whether he had more or less luck, so he took out a five-star super sword and kept it, and got a luck stone of about the same size. He then took out a three-star weapon and kept it, and got The stone of luck is only the size of a fingernail.

"It seems that the higher the quality of the swords, the more luck the system will reward."

Lu Chaoding silently concluded, and then he poured the three stones of luck into [Sword Spirit·Super Puppet], and a progress bar appeared above it.

Obviously, the progress bar represents the accumulation of luck. If it can be filled up, the spiritual energy can probably be turned into a natal weapon.

However, after Lu Chaoding used these three stones, the progress bar was less than one-tenth of the way.

"Looking at it like this, it's not easy to get a natal weapon. I'm afraid I have to keep at least twenty or thirty five-star weapons!"

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes. He had a lot of high-star weapons here. They were all used in the past. Seven of them were just five-star super swords, and there were more than 30 of them. There were even more five-star flying insect swords, there were more than 40. Bundle.

After thinking about it, Lu Chaoding stocked up 32 more weapons one after another, and used all the luck stones he obtained on the Sword Spirit Super Hero, and finally his luck progress bar was filled up.

Then, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, blessed by luck, congratulations on getting the natal weapon [Super Piff]. After equipping the natal weapon, the power of the weapon will be doubled!"

(End of this chapter)

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