Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 206 Birth Weapons

Chapter 206 Birth Weapons
"A super sword with twice the power!"

Lu Chaoding was overjoyed. His super sword had given birth to a sword spirit. It had two sword spirit special effects: [Super Overlord Body] and [Piff Kill]. It had a maximum attack power of 10 million. In the form of a sword spirit, The upper limit of health is [-] billion.

Lu Chaoding spared no effort in cultivating this sword spirit. Currently, its refinement and growth are full. Since the upper limit of attack power and sword spirit's life has been reached, its growth in killing enemies is considered complete.

But its [Blood Drinking Growth] and [Sword Spirit Growth] are not yet complete.

[Blood-Drinking Growth] can improve the sword spirit characteristics, that is, to increase the level of [Super Dominance] and [Plain Fighter]. Now these two sword spirit characteristics have reached the level of "mastery", and there are still two smaller realms. Can be improved.

There is no upper limit to [Sword Spirit Growth]. As long as it continues to devour other swords, it will be a matter of time before this super guy is promoted to six stars. By then, its attributes will be fully enhanced.

It can be said that this super sword has no upper limit for growth. It can be strengthened without any thought and will never lose money. Now that it has become Lu Chaoding's natural weapon, its power has doubled, which can be said to be a bit scary.

"Sword Spirit, show up!"

Lu Chaoding shouted softly, and at the same time he threw up the super sword in his hand. In mid-air, the sword flashed and turned into a figure that was very similar to Lu Chaoding.

"Hey, it looks so similar to me. Is this the effect of the natal weapon?"

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes and looked at his attribute information. There were no surprises. His attack power was 20 million and his health was 200 billion. His toughness, defense and speed had not increased, but they had doubled to [-]. .

This attribute data is so domineering that ordinary big bosses probably can't beat him.

"Okay, okay, from now on you will be Lu Pifu. As my natural weapon, you can be your own man!"

Lu Chaoding said with a smile, while Lu Pifu held his hands to Lu Chaoding and stood quietly aside, like a clone of him.

Next, Lu Chao stocked up on some more swords and got the Stone of Luck, but he found that he could no longer get the second natal weapon.

Each player can only obtain one natal weapon. This seems to be a system setting, but the extra luck stones are not useless. They can continue to be used for natal weapons, and then continue to infuse luck into them, giving them a small chance of success. Rising star.

The star promotion here seems to be able to break through the conventional five-star limit, but it may not be easy to reach six stars.

"This unreliable Wanjian Mountain is still very useful. You can stock swords here, collect luck stones, and strengthen your natal weapons. Ordinary players can also obtain six-star weapons..."

Lu Chaoding sighed silently.

At this moment, Hua Dashao, the deputy head of the reliable sword sect who had been in seclusion at Siguo Cliff for a long time and was painstakingly modifying the elder's clothes, stretched out.

"The first version of this elder's fashion has been completed. I will refine the details and send it to Brother Ding for approval!"

Hua Dashao rubbed his temples. He felt that he had been working really hard recently. He had spent too much energy on modifying the fashions of his sect, but he felt very fulfilled and confident that the disciples of his sect would like him. the design of.

"I have been staying at Siguoya during this period. The sect's disciple files have not been established yet. I don't know how the sect is developing now. How many new disciples have been recruited? Has the sect's buildings increased..."

After muttering for a while, Hua Dashao called up the sect management panel and summoned his omniscient elf at the same time.

"The omniscient elf Laifu, please inform me of the current situation of the sect!"

Hua Dashao said something to the omniscient elf who looked like a bronze villain. The villain rolled his eyes and immediately said: "Okay, Master! Now the Reliable Sword Sect is a second-rate sect, with a total of 2666 players and NPC members. There are 107 people. The leader Lu Chaoding’s level has reached extraordinary level 80. He has 100 wives. The sect’s buildings have been greatly updated, and the sect’s privileges have been unlocked. Unlimited team formation..."

The bronze villain's tone was unhurried, and he slowly described the situation of the now reliable sword sect. Hua Dashao's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened.

After a while, when the bronze villain finished his briefing, Hua Dashao slapped his thigh and said: "Lu Chaoding has actually been promoted to level 80, good guy, it's amazing! Also, are there so many more sect buildings?" Shipyard, Sancai Tower, Four Seasons Tower, Tianlao, Sutra Pavilion, and the unreliable Wanjian Mountain!"

Hua Dashao touched his chin and felt that he had missed a lot. He thought for a while and then said to the little bronze man: "Laifu, give a score to the new sect building."

The little bronze man said: "Good master. Shipyard, conventional sect buildings, self-constructed buildings. Under the auspices of two shipbuilding elders, we can now independently develop and manufacture conventional patrol ships. The development potential is huge. With the shipbuilding technology With the improvement, theoretically, the shipyard is expected to build a large sky survey ship, giving it an overall score of 80!"

"80 points, oh, higher than Si Guo Ya's score. I didn't expect those two captain builders to be so good!"

Hua Dashao nodded. While listening to the bronze villain's narration, he was completing the archives of the sect's buildings.

The bronze villain continued: "The Sutra Pavilion is a regular sect building with an overall score of 60..."

"Sancai Building, a special sect building, with an overall score of 66..."

"Four Seasons Building, a special martial art building, a top-notch martial art building, with an overall score of 99..."

"Tianlao, a special sect building, with an overall score of 60..."

"Unreliable Wanjian Mountain, a special sect building, an unreliable sect building, a revised building that allows the storage of swords inside, a total of 10056 swords, comprehensive score, comprehensive score..."

The bronze villain suddenly paused, and then repeated the "comprehensive rating" several times, but did not give a final rating.

"Laifu, what's wrong with you? Are you stuck? What's going on!"

Hua Dashao patted the bronze villain's head in confusion. The villain's head shook before he continued: "Wanjian Mountain is unreliable. The overall score is 100, and it is rated as a super sect building!"


Hua Dashao was stunned when he heard this.

Full marks for the building!
How can this be?

He always thought that the rating of buildings could only be 99 at most.

"This is unreliable. What's so great about Wanjian Mountain? Is stocking swords a very powerful function?"

Hua Dashao simply called up the information panel of [Unreliable Wanjian Mountain], and after checking it carefully, he didn't find out what was so powerful about this building, so he just wanted to get out of seclusion and go to Unreliable Wanjian Mountain in person. Go and have a look at Wanjian Mountain.

At this time, Lu Chaoding had already left the unreliable Wanjian Mountain. He returned to his cave world, where he took medicine and upgraded.

"Level up first, and then deal with Daozangkong. If you don't solve this potential threat, you won't be able to sleep well."

Lu Chaoding muttered.If an ordinary player is at his level, it can be said that it is very difficult to upgrade each level. However, Lu Chaoding has experienced many mysterious enlightenments and is in the cave world. It is much easier to upgrade his level.

One day later, Lu Chaoding was promoted to level 81!
After crossing this level threshold, Lu Chaoding's many sword spirit characteristics were enhanced again. He continued to take medicine and began to cultivate his bone sword spirit.

What he didn't know was that during the short period of his "retreat", Wanjian Mountain became "on fire". Under the call of the deputy head Hua Dashao, a large number of disciples poured into Wanjian Mountain. Sword Mountain, where swords are stocked crazily.

"This is unreliable. Wanjian Mountain is a super building. Don't be stingy and keep your swords here."

The deputy leader Hua Dashao is currently standing on the boundary stone tablet of Wanjian Mountain, introducing it to the players in a serious manner.

"If you don't have a sword, go to the trading house to buy it. Whether it's a high-level sword or a low-level sword, you won't lose money if you keep it. You can get the Stone of Luck. This Stone of Luck is a good thing and can be used to awaken your natal weapon. Basically, if you have dozens or hundreds of swords, you can have your natal weapon. We choose the natal weapon. We don’t need to look at the number of stars, but at the attributes. It depends on whether you like it or not. As long as you like it, then it will be made into your natal weapon. , and then you can use the Stone of Luck to rise to the stars without thinking. As long as you work hard enough, five stars is not a dream..."

Under Hua Dashao's vigorous shouting, the players in front of him felt itchy in their hearts. After entering the unreliable Wanjian Mountain, it was just a mindless stocking of swords. As long as they stocked swords, they could get the Stone of Luck. Many players have already obtained their natal weapons.

"I have my natal weapon, the three-star Neptune Sword. Tsk tsk, the power is doubled. It is already comparable to a four-star sword!"

"My natural weapon is the four-star dragon-slaying sword!"

"I am the two-star Heavenly Sword. Why? Why did I awaken the two-star sword? Hehe, just because the name sounds nice!"

"Buy long swords, daggers, broken swords, all kinds of swords, unlimited collection!"

"Using the Stone of Luck can really upgrade your natal weapon to a star level. My one-star natal weapon, the Fine Iron Sword, has been upgraded to a two-star level!"

"Damn it, brother, you are so cruel, why would you choose a one-star fine iron sword as your natural weapon?"

"What's wrong? I'm saving stones. If I drop two Luck Stones, it will be a life weapon. If I use five more, it will be two stars. It won't be long before I have a five-star fine iron sword. I'll let you see it then! "

"My natural weapon is also a one-star one, the Taomu Sword!"

"Don't be ridiculous, everyone. Once you choose your natal weapon, you can't change it. You must be careful..."

On Unreliable Wanjian Mountain, the crowd was noisy, and the players kept talking, creating a craze for building natal weapons.

The craze gradually subsided after another four days.

At this time, the number of swords on Wanjian Mountain has increased from 249450 at the beginning to a terrifying [-]!
Many players in the Reliable Sword Sect already have natal weapons, and many players are accumulating Luck Stones, thinking of using them after they have good weapons.

Hua Dashao became confused.

He felt that although this perfect building was very nice, it didn't seem that amazing.

"Only relying on the Stone of Luck and the natal weapon, this unreliable Wanjian Mountain will definitely not be a perfect building. It would be good to have a score of 99. Could it be that it has more powerful functions..."

Hua Dashao looked at the towering Wanjian Mountain and muttered, feeling quite confused.

But at this moment, there was a buzzing sound, and Wanjianshan suddenly shook obviously, and then clang clang clang clang clang...

One after another, sharp swords automatically separated from Wanjian Mountain, like flying swords. When the swords screamed, they flew into the sky in groups, like a tide, and flew into the clouds before disappearing.

"What's going on? Wan Jian returns to the clan?"

Hua Dashao's eyes widened, showing a surprised expression.

He then thought of another ability of Wanjian Mountain, which is: "When there is a large-scale invasion of other sects' bases, the swords, flying swords, spirit swords and other swords on Wanjian Mountain will automatically fly out and defend against the enemy."

"Could it be that these swords and weapons left the mountain because someone from the sect invaded other sects on a large scale? Who was it and where did they invade?"

Hua Dashao scratched his head, completely confused about the situation.

At this moment, the one who guided the nearly 25 swords away from Wanjian Mountain was of course Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding's level reached level 90 yesterday!
When he reached level 90, he received a system prompt. If he wanted to break through level 90 and reach the peak realm above the extraordinary, he would not only have to go to Tianyun State to complete the Tianxing Trial, but also wait for the National War plot to start.

Under normal circumstances, the national war gameplay can be unlocked when the player reaches level 70. Lu Chaoding's personal main mission has been tampered with, and he cannot unlock it until he reaches level 100.

As for the so-called starting of the National War plot, Lu Chaoding asked Lan E and got a statement that the National War plot will only start when the number of level 70 players exceeds [-].

Lu Chaoding has no plans to support a thousand level 70 players, and he is not in a hurry about it. He is more concerned about solving the potential threat of Daozangkong.

Therefore, Lu Chaoding, who was level 90, went to the old site of Dajianmen yesterday, which is now Hongchen Justice Mountain.

The name of this mountain was given by Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu. At the foot of the mountain there is a boundary stone monument erected by the two of them. The stone monument also marked that this is the residence of the "Moral Sword Sect".

Lu Chaoding didn't care about this. He explored around Hongchen Zhengyi Mountain, entering the cave world from time to time, and used the secret radar of the Nut Secret Realm to explore.

And the hard work paid off. After searching for a whole day, Lu Chaoding detected the secret realm of the universe at a specific location on the north side of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

This Great World Secret Realm is also a cave with a small area. Like Lu Chaoding's top cave, it is a primary cave.

The specific location where the Great Universe Secret Realm can be detected is only the size of a face plate. Only by entering the Nut Secret Realm from within can the Great Universe Secret Realm be retrieved using the Secret Realm Radar.

After that, Lu Chaoding immediately made arrangements. He brought one hundred ladies of the head into the fighting platform of the Nut Secret Realm, and stood on it. Then the No. [-] martial arts cannon was activated, selected the Great World Secret Realm, and teleported in the reverse direction. Chaoding and his one hundred wives were teleported to the secret realm of the Great World.

As soon as he arrived here, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt that the unreliable Wanjian Mountain was activated, and 249450 came to join the battle.

"Good fellow, the Great World Secret Realm is also regarded as the sect's residence? So many swords have arrived, looking majestic, how powerful is it?"

Lu Chaoding looked above his head, where the long swords from Wanjian Mountain were suspended in an orderly and powerful array.

(End of this chapter)

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