Chapter 208
"Yes, it's me, the boss!"

Lu Chaoding smiled and tried to make himself look confident. He continued: "In the past, you and the witch attacked my reliable sword sect and took away my seven beloved swords. God's way is reincarnation. Now is the time to pay off the debt. ”

"Pay off the debt!"

Dao Zangkong narrowed his eyes and said, "If that's the case, I'll just return the seven swords to Master Lu. Peace is the most important thing in the world, so why go to war like this?"

"Peace is the most important thing! What a joke, why didn't you say that peace is the most important thing when you took my beloved sword? Now that the leader is here, you want to return the sword and get rid of the problem. It's simply wishful thinking."

"Now and then, Master Lu, you and I can actually cooperate. Peace is the most important thing, and harmony brings wealth. How about it? By the way, I have some Nine Turns Golden Pills here, which are first-class healing pills. Give them to Lu How about some leaders?"

As he spoke, Daozang flicked his sleeves, and a palm-high jade gourd appeared out of thin air and flew towards the top of the landing.

Lu Chaoding didn't look at the little gourd at all, and said with a sneer on his face: "Do you think this leader is stupid? You can just let me go and dream!"

After saying that, [Gaze Sword Technique] had been activated. Wherever Lu Chaoding looked, damage numbers appeared above Daozangkong's head, and the upper limit of his health began to decrease.

"Headmaster Lu!"

Dao Zangkong's expression turned extremely ugly. He glanced around and said in a deep voice, "Master Lu really wants to start a war with me!"

"Isn't that nonsense?"

Lu Chaoding was too lazy to talk nonsense with Dao Zangkong. He felt that it was really meaningless. He equipped "Lu Pifu" in the first weapon column and "Lu Qilin" in the second weapon column, and wanted to attack Dao Zangkong.

But at this time, Lu Chaoding felt a numbness in his back, as if someone had thrown a paper ball at him, but this was actually an attack.

"Sneak attack?"

An idea came to Lu Chaoding's mind. The next moment, the scene in front of him flashed and he came to a closed space.

"Ding, you have entered the World War Realm!"

"Ding, the current scene is a special battle space. You can leave after the battle!"

Lu Chaoding heard the system. He quickly looked around and found that the space of the World War Realm was not big. It seemed to be some ancient ruins. There were broken walls and ruins. There were many broken statues on the ground, and there was a light curtain dome in the sky. , directly in front of Lu Chaoding, were Dao Zangkong and his three mysterious bronze gourds.

At this time, Daozangkong showed a cunning smile on his face. He raised his palm, and a long sword that looked like ice crystals appeared on his palm: "Master Lu, let me introduce to you, this is my sword. , the five-star [Shadowless World] sword, this sword is shadowless and invisible. It can travel through the void and kill enemies quietly! And when you are hit by it, you will come to my world battlefield. Here, this is my battlefield, unless You die in battle, otherwise you will not be able to leave without my permission! Head Lu, do you understand your situation? You have been imprisoned by me!"

"is it?"

Lu Chaoding looked calm on the surface, but he was also observing his surroundings carefully.

There is no doubt that he was careless. He was attacked and plotted, and his life points were not lost much, but he was dragged into this world war.

But Lu Chaoding was not anxious. Although his team was split and Lan E and others did not follow, the equipment and skills were complete. At least he did not have to worry about being defeated by Daozangkong.

As for leaving this place, Lu Chaoding thought it wouldn't be difficult. Maybe he could escape by pretending to be dead. The worst he could do would be to die once and lose a level. It wasn't a big deal.

However, this feeling of being successfully plotted was not comfortable, and it also made Lu Chaoding secretly reflect. He felt that he was a little inflated, so he should keep a low profile in the future, and let his subordinates do what they can do, and face the means. There is no need to take risks yourself against unknown powerful opponents.

"Gan Duoduo said you have heaven to help you, but I want to see if heaven will come to save you today!"

Daozangkong snorted and threw the [Worldless Shadow] sword in his hand. His figure immediately disappeared strangely, but the three bronze gourds behind him were clanging and shaking violently.

Soon, the bronze gourd in the center exploded, the smoke dissipated, and a black figure appeared.

"Sword slave?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and remembered what Lan E and others mentioned before. When he took a closer look at the black figure, Lu Chaoding was suddenly stunned.

He recognized it, it was Yan Shangjing.

Yan Shangjing slowly opened her cloudy eyes at this moment.

Her face was expressionless and confused.

Lu Chaoding saw her simple message, and to his surprise, Yan Shangjing's name was "Blood God".

"So, Yan Shangjing was made into a sword slave puppet by Daozangkong? This Daozangkong..."

Lu Chaoding frowned. He had never felt that an NPC was so troublesome before. This strange world secret realm was different from the ordinary battle space. There was no preparation time, and there seemed to be no round battle rules, secret skills, combat skills, stunts, etc. All can be used, Lu Chaoding did not dare to delay, raised his hand and pointed, Lu Pifu transformed into a shape and went straight towards the "Blood God".

The "Blood God" looked confused and confused, but she also moved quickly. With a flash of her figure, she transformed into many and quickly formed a group.

Lu Pifu, on the other hand, has high attributes and charges forward domineeringly. He can kill a clone of the Blood God with one punch, making him quite unstoppable.

"Lu Qilin, come out too!"

Lu Chaoding shouted loudly, and the Qilin King in the second weapon column also appeared. With a cry, he flew forward to support Lu Pifu. There was the sound of swords ringing around him, and flying insects and small swords appeared all around him. !

At this time, the second strange bronze gourd also exploded, and a golden dragon appeared from it. The dragon grew up immediately and soon exceeded 30 meters in length. It had pure white eyes and looked dazed and stunned. On the top of his head are the four characters "Yu Tian Kuang Long".

"The Sky-Conquering Crazy Dragon?"

Lu Chaoding snorted, and then quickly equipped the nine-sided Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror. The nine-sided Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror floated behind him, evenly distributed in a ring, and two of them immediately flashed with light, and the whole explosion Opened, it turned into the shadow of eighteen unicorn beasts, and rushed towards the "crazy dragon that controls the sky".

This is Lu Chaoding's Qilin Tribulation for the "Yu Tian Mad Dragon".

The eyes of Yutian Kuanglong were pale, and he roared. He was quickly surrounded by the phantoms of the eighteen unicorn beasts, and then a battle broke out.

Lu Chao kept moving, and then looked at the "Blood God" who had transformed into more than 20 people, and said: "Whether you are the Blood God or Yan Shangjing, this leader will bring you another Qilin disaster!"

While speaking, Lu Chaoding once again used two Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors.The third strange bronze gourd was also opened at this moment, and a strange man with a bald head and the appearance of a monk appeared from inside. The word "Sword Zen" floated above his head, and he looked like a master.

Lu Chaoding did not recognize this "Sword Zen", but he knew that he was Dao Zangkong's sword slave and was now an enemy rather than a friend, so he used two Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors on him.

In this way, Lu Chaoding used six Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors on the spot, but before he could see the battle clearly, eight crystal swords fell from the sky and landed around Lu Chaoding. At the same time, Dao Zangkong's A face appeared in the sky. The face looked down at Lu Chaoding and roared: "Master Lu has a lot of treasures, you might as well give me a few!"

And just when the sound sounded, Lu Chaoding felt a breeze blowing from his head. He immediately tensed up, guessing that he might have fallen into Daozangkong's trick again.

Sure enough, the system prompt immediately sounded: "Ding, affected by the Great Universe Shattering Void Divine Sword, the three Nine Scale Tribulation Mirrors in your weapon column have been lost."

"Tai, rob my treasure again!"

Lu Chaoding was very unhappy, but Dao Zangkong's face laughed loudly in mid-air. He opened his mouth and vomited, and the phantom of the nine-headed unicorn beast flew out of his mouth.

"Master Lu, I will also bring down the Qilin Tribulation for you!"

The phantom made a sound and smiled even more arrogantly.

Lu Chao had a cold expression on his face. He rode a tiger and wielded a sword, and quickly equipped himself with a spare super sword. Without caring about anything else, he first attacked the phantoms of the unicorn beasts that were running towards him.

Previously, Lu Chaoding had no intuitive understanding of the combat effectiveness of these unicorn beasts, but now that he was facing them, he knew that they were really difficult to deal with.

Their level is the same as that of Daozangkong, and their combat power is not as good as those released by Lu Chaoding, but each one is quite brave. They rush down together with terrifying momentum, as if they can tear Lu Chaoding's Daxuan ship to pieces immediately.

In just a few moments, Lu Chaoding was hit several times and his health was reduced by less than half.

"What a Dao Zangkong, he robbed my treasure and actually used it on the spot to deal with me. His method was really shameless. Fortunately, he couldn't use multiple Nine Scales Tribulation Realm at once, and the virtual power of these nine Kirin beasts Shadow, I should be able to block it!"

Lu Chaoding said silently, no longer caring about his image at this moment, he put [Kirin Sun and Moon Armor], [Flying Snow Battle Clothes], [Magical Skills and Miaojue] and other fashions, as well as [Counterattack Shield], [Kirin Vientiane Wheel] Once the defensive back parts and pendants are all equipped, the bags on the body will immediately bulge and jingle when moving.

As a result, Lu Chaoding's defensive capabilities were greatly increased, especially when [Counterattack Shield] and [Kirin Universal Wheel] came into play at the same time, making Lu Chaoding extremely hard, and the phantom of the nine-headed unicorn beast was killed. , it is difficult to deal effective damage for a while.

Of course Lu Chaoding fought back. With a thought, the Great Sun Dharma Ring appeared behind him, and the Heavenly Power [Sun] actually came into play.

"The sun is shining!"

Lu Chaoding shouted, switched to "universal" state, flipped his palm, and then used the "Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique".

Buzz, nine giant swords quickly appeared in the sky. The real fire of the sun was burning on these nine giant swords. Before it came, a strong wind hit the ground, giving the people below a heavy sense of oppression. Finally, the nine swords fell. , on the range group, fire raged.

"Well, this is the power of heaven!"

Daozangkong's voice came from the void, with surprise in his tone.

Lu Chaoding was too lazy to respond, and just mercilessly drew his sword into the void. Under the universal illumination of the [Sun], no matter where he attacked, the final damage would be shared equally by the enemies in this secret realm.

"I don't know if Dao Zangkong will be harmed..."

Lu Chaoding muttered.

Soon, Lu Chao withstood the attack of the nine-headed Qilin beast and burned them all to ashes first.

At this point, Lu Chao's pressure was greatly reduced, and he took action against the Blood God, Yutian Mad Dragon and Jian Chan.

After the sky-controlling mad dragon was also killed, Dao Zangkong's voice sounded again: "I underestimated the hidden treasure swordsman and Master Lu!"

After his voice appeared, the remaining six Blood God clones in the world battle realm merged into one and disappeared at the same time, while Jian Chan sat cross-legged in the void, and a bronze gourd quickly appeared outside his body. In another blink of an eye, that The bronze gourd disappeared.

"Is this... running away?" Lu Chaoding reacted immediately and shouted: "Dao Zangkong, are you coming to the front? Running away is a grandson!"

No one paid attention to Lu Chaoding, but the barrier of the World War Realm began to shatter like a lens, and then fell piece by piece. Suddenly, with a bang, the whole shattered, and the World War Realm disappeared.

The body of the Sky-controlling Dragon fell out, obviously a trophy.

The effect of the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror that Lu Chaoding had used was still there, and the surviving Qilin beast's shadow escaped into the void and continued to hunt down the Blood God and Jianchan.

Lu Chaoding returned to the front of Yuhuan Mountain at this moment. In his field of vision, long swords were fighting on Yuhuan Mountain. Many "ladies in charge" had already rushed into the mountain, and Lan'e was standing far away from him, waiting for him. Wait 100 meters.


Lan E was the first to notice Lu Chaoding, his eyes swept over him, and he frowned slightly.

Lu Chaoding looked at Lan E and said, "Did you find Dao Zangkong who was escaping?"

Lan E shook his head and said: "No! However, we have found a treasure house in Yuhuan Mountain. All the swords thrown by the master before can be recovered. In addition, we also found many unfinished sword slave puppets. Dare we Ask the leader how to deal with it!"

Lu Chaoding's mind was on Dao Zangkong, and he didn't pay much attention to Lan'e's questions. He waved his hand to signal her to make her own decision, but shouted to the void: "Dao Zangkong, don't you dare to show up? Don't you show up?" If I don’t live, this cave will be demolished by me.”

"No response!"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and said again: "I know that you are hiding around and you can hear my words. Do you think you can always escape?"

At this time, Dao Zangkong's voice appeared again: "Master Lu, Lu Chaoding, you can do whatever you want with this world's secret realm. Today's loss will be remembered on your head, and I will bear it in the future." Slow liquidation!”

Lu Chaoding laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "No, come out and settle the matter now! You are Dao Zangkong, the founder of the Great Sword Sect. It's so shameless to hide. Come out and fight with me. I will let you One hand!"

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of being remembered. Lu Chaoding is really afraid that Dao Zang will come to him at random to settle matters. With his methods, it is more than enough to bully the disciples of his sect. Even if he is plotted by him, he will suffer.

Unfortunately, no matter what Lu Chaoding said next, Zangkong never responded, as if he had already left.

(End of this chapter)

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