Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 209 Ye Longxing Junior Brother Ye

Chapter 209 Ye Longxing Junior Brother Ye

"Running away again? You can really run away! Huh, if you run away, the monk can't escape from the temple! Search my house!"

Lu Chaoding was very unhappy. With a wave of his hand, he led his ladies to search everywhere.

He was also bored. When he saw a building, he would use [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] to demolish it. Even the trees and rocks that were not pleasing to the eye must be destroyed with [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique].

Gradually, Lan E was responsible for the looting, and Lu Chaoding was in charge of demolishing the house. He kept using the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] and worked tirelessly to collapse half of Yuhuan Mountain.

At this time, he received a system prompt: "Ding, all the resisters in the current area have been eliminated, the battle is over, and the unreliable Wanjianshan sword weapon has returned to generate combat statistics. Please check it yourself for details."

Lu Chaoding called up the battle record of Wanjianshan, and saw that it read: "In the current battle, Wanjianshan participated in a total of 249450 swords, killed 13546 enemies, and sacrificed a total of 229000 swords. There were 6450 injured swords and 3000 intact swords. During the battle, a total of 4200 swords were upgraded to stars, 6600 swords were refined, and 1 sword was mutated!"

"Ding, sword sacrifice means complete damage. Sword injuries include breakage, cracks in the sword body, gaps, loss of attributes, weakened characteristics, etc. Most of them can be repaired. The sword mutates into a weapon whose attributes or attack characteristics undergo a huge change in battle. Change, mutation is a small probability event, the direction is uncontrollable, and usually irreversible.”

"Ding, it's not reliable. Wanjianshan robbed luck, and the injured sword automatically repaired..."

Lu Chaoding carefully read the battle statistics and couldn't help but sigh: "Good guy, nearly 25 swords were killed, and in the end there were only 9450 swords left, of which 6450 were damaged. The battle damage was a bit high, but... ...The results are still very gratifying. The remaining swords have generally been strengthened, especially the 3000 intact swords. The last one was four-star, and there are as many as 223 five-star swords. Most of them are the latest promotions. If After a few more battles, maybe we can develop all of them into five-stars, or even six-stars!"

After studying the battle records for a while, Lan E came to Lu Chaoding and bowed to salute. She was here to report the results.

"Master, this battle is a great victory. All the creatures in this cave have been captured. All those that cannot be captured have been killed. Thirteen boxes of resource treasures, 1200 swords, 300 gold coins, and skill secrets have been obtained. 81, a body of Yutian Kuanglong, and 5 Sword Slave Gourds were obtained. In addition, the seven super swords that were stolen by the leader before were all recovered, and they are intact."

"The harvest looks good!"

When Lu Chaoding heard the report, he felt happy, but he also immediately received a system prompt: "Ding, trigger the chance mission. You found five strange bronze gourds in the secret realm of the universe. There seem to be five people sealed inside the gourds. Strong man, break open the bronze gourd and break the sword slave mark left by Dao Zangkong, and you will gain the allegiance of five strong men."

"Ding, occasionally unreliable systems are activated, tracking tasks are updated, and the content is tampered with: If you don't break the bronze gourd, or break the sword slave mark left by Daozangkong, you will gain the allegiance of the bronze gourd and the five strong men."

"Hey, what kind of mission is this? It seems easy to complete!"

Lu Chaoding felt that he had not encountered such an unreliable mission for a long time. He thought for a while and said to Lan E: "Take me to see those five bronze gourds!"

"Good leader!"

Lan E immediately led the way and soon brought Lu Chaoding to an open space at the foot of Yuhuan Mountain.

There is a large amount of materials piled up here, the most conspicuous of which are the more than 30-meter-long [Corpse of Yutian Kuanglong] and five one-foot-tall bronze gourds.

Yutian Kuanglong died in the Qilin Tribulation, and his body became a special five-star material. Lu Chao stepped forward to look at it and couldn't help but nod.

This corpse can be used to refine the Underworld Sword Spirit.

Moreover, it is not a bound prop and can be traded, which means that Lu Chaoding can use the mission hall to brush the corpse of the sky-controlling dragon. One is equal to countless.

"The strength of this Sky-controlling Mad Dragon should still be higher than that of Ye Linlang..."

Lu Chao rubbed his chin and thought silently.

He is now level 90. With the help of [Underworld Transformation Technique], he can now refine up to 27 underworld sword spirits.

However, he only practiced 16 because he only had 16 "Ye Linlang's corpses".

Without more corpse materials, it is naturally impossible to continue to refine more Huangquan Sword Spirits.

As for the 16 Huangquan Sword Spirits, Lu Chaoding has upgraded them all to level 40!
The cultivation level required to upgrade the Underworld Sword Spirit is the same as that of players. Lu Chaotao's training of 16 Underworld Sword Spirits is equivalent to upgrading 16 players. It is still very tiring. This is him, and he will be of endless use. Only by practicing elixirs can he be able to raise so many underworld sword spirits.

And now that with the [Corpse of Yutian Mad Dragon], Lu Chaoding can refine more and stronger Huangquan Sword Spirits.

"Master!" Lan E pointed at the bronze gourd behind [the body of Yutian Mad Dragon] and said: "That is Dao Zangkong's sword slave gourd. There are Dao Zangkong's sword slaves in these five sword slave gourds. Now They are all sealed. I have a secret method that can break Dao Zangkong’s sword slave brand, but it will take at least two days.”

Lu Chaoding raised his eyes and looked at the five bronze gourds. They had attribute information and were special buildings with a health bar and a durability of [-] million.

According to normal procedures, if you want to rescue the sword slaves in the gourds, the first step is to empty the health bars of these bronze gourds, and then they will probably shatter, revealing the strong man sealed inside.

However, Lu Chaoding didn’t have to do this at all. He patted Lan E’s shoulder and said with a smile, “Madam is so powerful that she can actually break the sword slave boss of Dao Zangkong. In fact, I can also break this brand. If you don’t believe it, just look at it! "

After saying that, Lu Chao slapped the five bronze gourds one after another in a serious manner. The five bronze gourds were naturally motionless. The sword slave mark left by Dao Zangkong was even more impossible to crack, but the five bronze gourds were. It trembled rapidly.

"Ding, if you don't break the bronze gourd and don't break the sword slave brand left by Dao Zangkong, the mission is completed and you will get the bronze gourd and the allegiance of five strong men!"

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he imagined, the logic of the system is sometimes unreliable and imprecise. If he makes a move casually and shows off, he will be recognized by the system as not breaking the bronze gourd or breaking the sword slave mark left by Dao Zangkong. He can easily You will be able to receive the mission reward soon.

Quickly, the five bronze gourds were like doors and windows. Two doors opened from the middle, revealing the sword slave sealed inside.

They were five two-meter-tall giant eagles. They looked very similar, but the colors of the feathers on their heads were different, namely red, green, yellow, black, and white.

Lu Chaoding also saw their simple information. Their names are [Cangmo Red], [Cangmo Green], [Cangmo Yellow], [Cangmo Black], and [Cangmo White]. They are level 80 The "Condor King of the Divine Feather Clan" has a simple personality setting.

Soon, the five-headed condor kings opened their eyes. They all looked at Lu Chaoding, then walked out of the gourd, half-knelt down like human beings, and said in unison: "We will swear allegiance to the master to the death. !”

And the five bronze gourds seemed to be alive at the moment, twisting in place.

"Ding, the Divine Eagle Kings of the Divine Feather Tribe [Cang Mo Red], [Cang Mo Green], [Cang Mo Huang], [Cang Mo Black], and [Cang Mo White] join the reliable sword sect and automatically obtain the sect identity: Akabane Elder, Green Feather Elder, Yellow Feather Elder, Black Feather Elder, White Feather Elder!" "Ding, five bronze gourds have joined the reliable sword sect. The bronze gourds are set as living buildings and mobile warehouses, with simple personality settings and Huge storage space, please explore it yourself.”

Lan E, who was standing next to him, was stunned. He pointed at the five condor kings in front of him, then looked at the five bronze gourds, and said: "Master, what is going on? You have really cracked the Daozang." Kong’s sword slave brand?”

Lu Chaoding decided to be modest and said: "It's just a coincidence, a coincidence!"

After saying that, he began to study the abilities of the five condor kings and the bronze gourd.

The five Condor Kings have nothing to say, they are just combatants. The bronze gourds have obviously been transformed by unreliable systems. They are now mobile warehouses and can be used as transport vehicles. They have huge storage spaces. Lu Chaoding asked them to clean up the debris on the scene. They were like a double-door refrigerator. As soon as the door was opened, the items on the scene flew into them in categories. Even the more than 30-meter-long [Corpse of Yutian Kuanglong] ] was also easily taken into the body by a bronze gourd.

Soon, the scene became tidy.

Lan E and the ladies of the head next to him were amazed at what they saw. After the scene was cleaned up, Lan E said again: "Master, it's time to go home. There is an exit to the cave, and the exit is right in front of us. The place of descent!”

Lu Chaoding said: "Don't worry, I still want to practice my swordsmanship here!"

He said he would demolish this cave.

Soon, Lu Chaoding ruthlessly used the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique], bombarding the mountain one by one.

He doesn't have the means like Ye Longxing that can sink the island, but the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] can destroy the terrain, and the effect is very good. Lu Chaoding can use it to attack mountains, and theoretically can slowly wear away the mountains.

Lu Chaoding was also free. He worked tirelessly and spent a whole day razing the entire Yuhuan Mountain to the ground.

"That's all, let's go here first, and continue when you have time! The trees have been cut down, the mountains have been flattened, and even the grass has been pulled out. I want to see if Daozangkong is still happy."

Lu Chaoding muttered before starting to return.

Soon, he used the Great Universe Breaking Divine Sword of the No. [-] Martial Arts Cannon again, and first teleported everyone back to the Nut Secret Realm. Then he drove the tank to control the Great Sword, left from the exit of the Great Universe Secret Realm, and appeared in Hongchen Justice Mountain. of the north.

Two hours later, Lu Chaoding returned to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. As soon as he arrived at the mountain gate, he saw the Linglong flying boat and Ye Xuntian and Ye Longxing standing on the flying boat.

"No, Ye Longxing is here too!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked when he saw Ye Longxing again. He naturally thought that this big boss was here to attack his reliable sword sect.

However, this Ye Longxing was very polite. When he saw Lu Chaoding, he cupped his fists and raised his hands, saying loudly: "Master Lu Chaoding, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"What are you waiting for me to do?"

Lu Chao frowned and looked at Ye Longxing carefully.

A smile appeared on Ye Longxing's face. He retracted his arm, flicked his sleeves, and said, "Let's not talk about anything else. Leader Lu was harassed by Dao Zangkong. Did he rob him of weapons? He wanted to catch him but couldn't. ?”

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes when he heard this and did not respond.

Ye Longxing said again: "Dao Zangkong's Great Universe Shattering Void Divine Sword has been refined to a very high level, and his ability to escape from the sky is unparalleled in the world. It is extremely difficult to catch him, but my Great Freedom Patrolling Demon Sword is just right." You can restrain his void-breaking methods, but you can find his traces in the void and teach him nowhere to hide. Master Lu, do you want to learn this unique skill of mine?"

"What?" Lu Chaoding thought, "Can I learn it?"

Ye Longxing nodded and said: "If you are willing to become my master, I can teach you the Great Freedom Patrolling Demon Sword. With this sword technique, Dao Zangkong will not dare to provoke you in the future."

"I worship you as a teacher?"

"That's right! Become your master and accept me as your master. I will join the Reliable Sword Sect and become the supreme elder. I will teach you the Da Zi Zi Xun Tian Sword Technique. Are you willing?"

Ye Longxing's face showed a smile that was completely inconsistent with the setting of the big devil. He looked at Lu Chaoding very gently.

Ye Xuntian, who was on the Linglong Flying Boat, said to Lu Chao at this moment: "Master Lu, what are you hesitating about? You will not lose anything by becoming the master of the Patriarch. Moreover, the Patriarch has joined the Reliable Sword Sect, and he will be in charge of the Reliable Sword Sect in the future. The sect will definitely become a first-class sect that is comparable in strength to the Daluo Sword Sect and others!”

Lu Chaoding thought for a while, but shook his head: "For no reason, what kind of teacher do you want to be a disciple of? Ye Longxing, Ye Laomo, I don't want to be a generation younger than you. If you want to join the reliable sword sect, just say it clearly. It is impossible to become a disciple, so I can at most call you Junior Brother, what do you think?"

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, Ye Longxing laughed, nodded, and said: "That's okay! Head Lu, Senior Brother Lu, from now on you and I are the same sect, you are the senior brother, and I am the junior brother, you continue to be my master. I am the leader of the Sword Sect, and I will join the Sword Sect and teach you the Heaven-Surveying Demonic Sword of Freedom!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, Ye Longxing has requested to join the Reliable Sword Sect. Do you agree?"

"That's okay! There's even a system prompt!"

Lu Chaoding was really a little confused this time. He frowned and looked at Ye Longxing. He didn't know what this guy was thinking. After thinking for a moment, Lu Chaoding was not afraid. He laughed and said: "Okay, since In this way, Reliable Sword Sect welcomes junior brother to join us."

"Ding, Ye Longxing joined the Reliable Sword Sect and obtained the status of an entry-level disciple!"

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and quickly adjusted the sect's management authority, directly promoting Ye Longxing to "true disciple". He scratched his head and said: "Junior brother, I'm sorry for you, there is no suitable position now. You should teach your disciples first."

Ye Longxing said in a very easy-going manner: "It's okay, I understand, this is a system setting."

"Hey, you actually know the system settings!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked again. He understood that Ye Longxing in front of him had awakened, and it was still a very high level of awakening.

(End of this chapter)

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