Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 210 The Great Freedom Surveying Sword Technique

Hongchen Qijie Mountain, the wind is warm and the sun is beautiful at this time.

Lu Chaoding looked up at the colorful auspicious clouds in the sky, thinking endlessly.

Ye Longxing became his junior brother.

Lu Chaoding felt it was outrageous when he thought about it.

But this is what really happened, and the system certified it.

Following this, Lu Chaoding could also view Ye Longxing's detailed attribute information.

His level has now reached level 90, and his health value is as high as 90 billion. In terms of character setting, he is not a human, but a dragon from the ancient Aolong clan. He has many skills, including [Black Cloud Formation], [ The Great Freedom Patrolling Demon Sword], [The Great Freedom Breaks Mysterious Sword Qi], [Seven Killing Sword Formation], [Dragon Qi Sword], [Devil Dragon Transformation], [Devil Dragon Escape], and so on.

It is stated in his character information that Ye Longxing's skills have formed a system. This system is called [Da Zi Zai Xun Tian Sword Guide], and the system that has been formed seems to be a great master of swordsmanship.

This "Sword Master" is a title that can be worn like Niu Daren's "Aura Chef", and its function is reflected in modifying and creating sword cultivation skills.

As the "Grand Master of Swordsmanship", it is only a matter of time before Ye Longxing transcends the extraordinary and reaches the pinnacle.

In addition, his name is actually not "Ye Longxing", but "Ye Xinglong".

Of course, the name is just a code name. Lu Chaoding is still used to calling him "Ye Longxing". As for his real name, it is probably only used in formal occasions such as "Feijian Chuanshu".

"I don't know what this big boss thinks. He actually joined my sect and didn't even care if he became my junior disciple. But his behavior should be very wise. Let's see how he teaches me how to be comfortable. The Sky Patrol Demonic Sword... This Ye Longxing is a real master who can control the situation. If he sincerely surrenders, then with him in charge, my reliable sword sect will be stable."

Lu Chaoding was looking forward to it. He introduced Ye Longxing to the mountain gate. He wanted to place him at the foot of Wanjian Mountain and gave him a [Tianlao] as a residence, but Ye Longxing took the initiative to choose Hongchen Qi. A Buddhist scripture pavilion on the second floor of Boundary Mountain was used as a residence. After moving in, he put on a very simple gray robe and a cloth hat. He looked like a monk and a Taoist. His image was completely changed.

As for Ye Xuntian, she did not join the Reliable Sword Sect. She was still the leader of the Xuntian Sword Sect. She quickly left and returned to Qianyuan Island.

After some repairs, Ye Longxing came to Lu Chaoding. He put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Brother, I will teach you the Da Zi Zi Xun Tian Sword Technique. This sword technique was created by me in Zongheng Seven Realms. Based on the Sword Demon Escape Technique, it can search the sky and the earth, and explore the void, so it is called the Sky Patrol Demon Sword. My junior brother is not a sword demon, so obviously I cannot cultivate my original Sky Patrol Demon Sword, but I can make some slight modifications for my senior brother and keep the sword. Magical magic is enough to deal with that hidden sky!"

While speaking, Ye Longxing stretched out his palm, and with a flash of light, a piece of jade appeared in his palm, which was the Sword Art Jade Slip. This is a prop similar to a skill book, which can be equipped on the secret skill column.

Lu Chaoding took the jade piece and immediately saw a brief introduction to the [Great Freedom Sky Patrol Sword Technique].

Secret skill: Da Zi Zai Xun Tian Sword Technique (Bound)

Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: Sword Fairy

Level: LV1
Special Effect 10: The speed of the sword is increased by [-]%.

Special Effect [-]: The visual distance is greatly increased.

Special effect three: Sword patrol, with real vision, you can see invisible units, hidden coordinates, secret entrances, etc. Please explore by yourself for details.

Note: The upgrade of this secret skill requires Ye Longxing to provide subsequent swordsmanship jade slips.

"That's it?"

Lu Chaoding frowned slightly.

Say you are not satisfied, this secret skill is very versatile and can most likely be used against Daozang Kong. It can also increase the speed and sight range of the sword, which is very practical.

But he said he was satisfied, but Lu Chaoding felt that this secret skill was too weak, and if he wanted to upgrade, he would need Ye Longxing to provide subsequent swordsmanship jade slips.

"That's all, anyway, I have the characteristics of Tai Chi Sword Immortal. I have multiple secret realm columns, combat skill columns and stunt columns. This Da Zi Xing Tian Sword Technique can be used as an auxiliary skill."

Lu Chaoding thought about this, so he equipped the jade slip of [Da Zi Zi Xun Tian Sword Technique] in the secret skill column, and then tried to walk with the sword, and felt that it was very good.

Ye Longxing did not bother Lu Chaoding and quickly entered the Sutra Pavilion.

Half a day later, after Lu Chaoding finished digesting the gains from the Great World Secret Realm, he took out the unreliable lottery tickets he had accumulated recently and started the lottery.

Cooperating with the Destiny Treasure Book, Lu Chaoding frequently drew out high-end props, but there were really not many good things that he cared about now. In the end, after all the unreliable lottery tickets were used up, Lu Chaoding was satisfied with only one item. , a five-star [Excellent Kiwi Fruit].

Taking kiwi fruit can permanently increase random abilities. Lu Chaoding has taken it before, and it has increased speed and raised the upper limit of fighting spirit.

This five-star [Superior Kiwi Fruit] is a bound prop that can only be used by Lu Chaoding himself and cannot be traded. When Lu Chaoding ate it at this moment, he immediately received a system prompt: "Ding, eat the supreme kiwi fruit, your An ability will be improved, or some permanent gain status will be obtained, the calculation is under way..."

"Ding, congratulations on getting the permanent benefit: basic attack distance +20%."

"Attack distance +20%?"

Lu Chaoding quickly opened his properties panel.

What he refined in the "Refinement Panel" was [Sword Control Distance], and for Sword Immortal, sword control distance is equivalent to attack distance. Now Lu Chaoding's basic attack distance has reached 550 meters. Adding in the 20% increase in the kiwi fruit's power, its attack range can reach 660 meters. If it controls the black saber-toothed tiger in tank form, its attack range can reach 800 meters.

"This permanent gain effect is not bad, the percentage increase is stronger than the fixed value..."

Lu Chao nodded, and then summoned Lan E and others to discuss the upcoming arrangements.

Lan E and others were strategists. They traveled in the sword world and knew many secrets. They gave Lu Chaoding many suggestions. Some suggested that Lu Chaoding attack other sects, thereby cultivating the unreliable Wanjian Mountain.

Some suggested that Lu Chaoding go to Tiankuizhou, where he seemed to be able to create a large dungeon.

Others suggested that Lu Chaoding should train his subordinates and distribute pills in large quantities to quickly increase the level of the disciples of the sect.

Lu Chaoding felt that the suggestions they provided were very good and they were all good ideas. After studying them carefully, he decided to follow Lan'e's suggestion and go to Tianzhong Prefecture to participate in the sword cultivation conference.

By the way, Lu Chaoding can also find an appraiser to appraise the 20 yuan unappraised inheritance jade slip.There was also the suggestion of cultivating sect disciples and improving their levels. If there was no conflict, Lu Chaoding decided to proceed at the same time.

Of course, even though the plan was finalized, Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry to set off. In the next three days, he spent most of his time in the mission hall collecting props and accumulated a large amount of [Baolong Pill] and [Purple Mansion Pill]. , to prepare for future plans, and in between buying props once a day, you will definitely lead a team to attack the secret realm of the world.

There was nothing left to plunder in the Great World Secret Realm. Lu Chaoding led the team to fight there, which meant continuing to demolish buildings and bombard mountains.

Every time he entered the secret realm of the Great World, Lu Chaoding would use the [Great Freedom Sky Surveying Sword Technique] in the hope of finding Daozangkong.

But Daozang Kongzhen seemed to have abandoned the secret realm of the universe and never appeared again.

On this day, Lu Chaoding discovered a special product [Jade of Inheritance] in the Plane Merit Mall. This product is in stock, with a total of 100 pieces. It is bound when purchased, and each piece has [-] merits.

When he encountered it, he earned it. Lu Chaoding immediately spent gold and yuan to exchange for merit regardless of the cost. At this time, no one competed with him. He quickly bought all 100 pieces of [Jade of Inheritance].

100 yuan of [Jade of Inheritance] is equivalent to one hundred copies of [The Inheritance of the Sword Immortal], and Lu Chaoding is very lacking in [The Inheritance of the Sword Immortal]. Now that he has 100 copies, he has started to upgrade his skills like crazy.

In less than 5 minutes, Lu Chaoding used up all of the [Sword Immortal's Heritage], upgraded the [Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow] to LV13, and upgraded the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill] to LV18!

Under normal circumstances, the upper limit of the level of five-star skills is LV12, but Lu Chaoding has the characteristics of Shangqing Sword Immortal, Dayan Sword Immortal, and Daluo Sword Immortal, which can increase the level limit of secret skills, combat skills, and stunts, so he came up with 13 The level 18 [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill].

Of course, if Lu Chaoding's Sword Immortal characteristic fails, then the power of the skill will be pushed back to LV12, the Sword Immortal characteristic will be restored, and the power will be restored.

Contrary to what Lu Chaoding expected, [The Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow] after reaching level 12, the number of sword shadows that can be differentiated is fixed at 3000. After reaching level 13, the upper limit of the number of sword shadows has not increased. But the damage of Sword Shadow has been increased from the original 10% to 15%!

This can be regarded as a great enhancement, but it will be a bit expensive to upgrade [The Absurd Spectral Sword Shadow] later on. [The Legacy of the Sword Immortal] will be a bit expensive. To upgrade to level 14, you need 14 copies of [The Legacy of the Sword Immortal]. Level 15 requires 15 pieces, and so on.

As for [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill], after the skill level exceeds the upper limit, the power increase is similar to the original. Now at level 18, Lu Chaoding can summon a giant sword as long as 18 feet long, and the power is increased to 18 times. If he attacks The destructive power of buildings, catapults and other durability units is increased by 18 times.

The upgrade of [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill] is quite expensive. After reaching level 12, each upgrade consumes a fixed 10 copies of [Sword Immortal's Heritage].

"Certificates, inheritance, enlightenment, will, no amount is enough!"

Lu Chaoding felt it.

And on this day, when he went to the Great Universe Secret Realm, Lu Chaoding used his level 18 [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill] and directly smashed a mountain with one sword. He had been busy for more than an hour, and the three mountains and two peaks in the Great Universe Secret Realm were destroyed. They were all razed to the ground.

Looking at the naked Great World Secret Realm, Lu Chaoding felt refreshed.

At this moment, tens of thousands of kilometers away from Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, in front of the entrance of Udu Imperial City in Tianzhong Prefecture, there was an old man in ragged clothes who looked like a beggar. He stumbled suddenly and almost fell to the ground.


The old man squeezed out two words through his teeth.

He is Tao Zangkong.

He received a system prompt that his secret realm of the universe had been razed to the ground. It was no longer a cave, but a ruined secret realm.

"Damn it, my Great World Cave Heaven is just gone? It doesn't matter if I fell back to the cave, but why did it directly become the ruins secret realm? What's the use of the ruins secret realm?"

Daozangkong chanted loudly.

He has been having a very hard time these days. He escaped from the Great World Secret Realm before, and it seemed easy. However, Qilin Jie is still tracking the Blood God and Jian Chan. If he ignores it, then there is a high chance that his two strongest sword slaves will... Beaten to death.

Daozangkong naturally didn't want this to happen, so he used many methods and spent a lot of effort to save the Blood God and Jianchan, but the price was that he was injured more seriously and became like a beggar.

"This Lu Chaoding has done an incredible job! For this plan, I hope to find a stable place in the country of Dayu... I must enter the court as an official, become a national advisor, and take charge of power, so that I can use Dayu to help me." The power of the country, revenge!”

Daozangkong narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Udu Imperial City. His goal was to become the contemporary national master of Dayu Kingdom.

At the same time, outside the Udu City Gate, a sky survey ship was approaching.

The pattern of the Qianyuan Hall is painted on the sail of this sky surveying ship. The people on board are none other than Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu.

"This is the capital of the Kingdom of Dayu..." Jia Zhengyi looked ahead, took out another letter, and sighed: "I don't know how to send this letter out! Are the four strange people in charge of the wealthy couple's land? Emperor Yu , Oh no, former Emperor Yu, is he in the palace?"

Ren Daniu was calm and composed at the moment. He sat cross-legged on the bow of the boat with his eyes closed and said: "Now that you've come, let's make peace with it. Let's go to the palace first!"

"That's all it can do..."

Jia Zhengyi shook his head.

A moment later, Jia Zhengyi's sky survey ship crossed the city gate and flew into Yudu.

At this time, Lu Chaoding left his cave. He asked Lan Er and others to summon Dugu Tian, ​​Wang Chengang, Jiang Youxian, Zhao Qian and Sun Li, the Boiling Blood Four, the Four Swordsmen of Fiery Fire, and the Four Saints of Poxu. In the square of the gate hall, he gave them instructions.

"As we all know, reaching level 70 will unlock the National War gameplay, and if the number of players reaching level 70 exceeds 70, the National War plot will start! You are very lucky. After research and decision, the boss will vigorously support you and let you You will quickly reach level 70. You will receive a large amount of elixirs later. I hope you can practice elixirs as a meal, reach level [-] as soon as possible, and lead the times... Madams, give out the elixirs!"

Lu Chaoding waved his sleeves, and a hundred ladies headed by Lan E began to distribute pills to everyone.

And this batch of selected players is no more, no less, exactly 100 people.

Lu Chaoding thought that the amount of pills he had given out was sufficient. If they worked hard enough, they should be able to reach level 70 in a week at most.

By then, he will be one step closer to starting the National War plot, and one step closer to him breaking through to level 90.

To break through level 90 and reach level 91 is to reach the peak level.

Everyone cheered and cheered. Lu Chaoding looked happy and thought silently: "If I advance to the peak realm, from the perspective of realm, I should be considered a powerful person. Then I will be very proud to participate in the sword cultivation conference." (End of chapter)

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