Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 211 Tianzhong Prefecture Yudu Imperial City

In the next few days, Lu Chaoding distributed the elixirs several times, and also introduced many people into his super cave to break through the bottleneck. Naturally, the disciples of the sect were very happy. Those who received the elixirs were ranked high. Ascending upwards, people soon went to Tianyun City to participate in the extraordinary trial.

On this day, Lu Chaoding called up the world map, selected a large sword monument teleportation point outside Yudu, Tianzhong Prefecture, and started teleporting with a thought.

After about three breaths, Lu Chaoding arrived at the outskirts of Yudu, Tianzhong Prefecture. He glanced around and found that he was standing on a hill. The hill was not high, lush and covered with green trees. There was a big sword monument next to him, and There are the regular Hongchen Sword Monument and Tianming Platform, which is like a small camp.

A lame NPC was sitting on a rock not far away. He was wearing broken armor and his face was covered with dust, as if he had just withdrawn from the battlefield. After glancing at Lu Chaoding, the NPC said loudly: "Young Tian Tian." Traveler, welcome to Tianzhong Prefecture. I am the manager of this place, Zhong Baiwei, the mountain guard general of the Dayu Dynasty. This mountain is called Sigu Mountain. You can reach Yudu Imperial City thirty miles to the north, Zhongxing City thirty miles to the east, and you can reach Zhongxing City thirty miles to the south. One hundred miles away, if you see the giant tiger statue, you will reach Feihu City, and a hundred miles to the west, you can reach Baishao City! Young Skywalker, where do you want to go?"

"I want to go to the Imperial City!"

Lu Chaoding took a look at this NPC. Its level was not high, only level 40. It didn't look like a high-level NPC.

The lame NPC said: "It's good to go to the Imperial City. I'll give you this token. Bring it with you. It will be easier to enter the city!"

After saying that, the NPC threw a token to Lu Chaoding. This token was not a pendant, but just a token. It meant that Lu Chaoding was a Skywalker who had been transported to Sigu Mountain and might be used to enter and exit certain levels.

"Thank you!"

Lu Chao raised his hand to the lame NPC and was about to leave, but the lame NPC said again: "Wait a minute, I have something to ask for!"

"what's up?"

Lu Chaoding stopped and immediately realized that a mission was coming.

As expected, the lame NPC rubbed his neck and said with a smile on his face: "I have been here for a long time, and I really miss Uto Chunxiang Academy's top ten thousand years drunk. Young Skywalker, if you are on your way, you can help me. Will you bring me a bottle of Ten Thousand Years Drunk? I will give you a generous gift."

Lu Chao said: "If you're on the way, of course you can!"

The lame NPC smiled and said: "Then please, by the way, I have to tell you in advance that Chunxiangyuan is not a wine shop, but a brothel. The old bustard inside is called Xiang Laobao. She is proficient in the magic of the devil's charm. If you meet her, you Have to be careful.”

"Oh, Xiang Madam? Is she also proficient in the magic of the devil's heart?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but think of the bustard in Tianyun City. He remembered that this bustard also knew how to charm the mind of the devil.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in Lu Chaoding's head: "Ding, accept the task and accept the entrustment of Zhong Baiwei, the guard of Sigu Mountain Camp, to bring back a bottle of Chunxiangyuan's top ten thousand years of drunkenness. After completing the task, you can get Zhong Baiwei’s mysterious thank you gift.”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking mission, and tamperes with the content: Accept the commission from Sigu Mountain Camp Guard Zhong Baiwei, take him to Chunxiang Courtyard and taste the best Ten Thousand Years Drunk. After completing the task, you can get Chunxiang Courtyard!"


Lu Chao was stunned.

This tampering mission is interesting. The mission reward is a brothel. All you need to do is treat the NPC in front of you to a meal of wine?
"In that case..."

Lu Chaoding looked at the lame NPC Zhong Baiwei, cupped his hands and said: "General, please forgive me for offending, please come with me."

After saying that, Lu Chaoding took out the purple gold gourd from his waist, pointed the mouth of the gourd at the lame NPC Zhong Baiwei, slapped the bottom of the gourd, and the purple gold gourd took effect, and a strong suction force immediately acted on the lame general Zhong Baiwei. Power.

The power of the purple gold gourd is related to the user. Lu Chaoding is currently at level 90 and is using the purple gold gourd. The lame general Zhong Baiwei at level 40 has no resistance. He immediately shrank in size and then flew into the purple gold gourd. .

Lu Chaoding nodded with satisfaction, then released the Daxuan Ship and headed north.

After a while, Lu Chaoding saw Yudu's city gate.

The city gate was extremely tall, and there were many pedestrians below. People who entered and exited the city gate had to be questioned by the guards. On both sides of the city gate, there were two nine-foot-long stone lions squatting.

The two nine-foot stone lions are exactly the same as the original nine-foot stone lions of the Reliable Sword Sect. They have a certain spirituality and are defensive buildings. However, the nine-foot stone lions of the Reliable Sword Sect have been upgraded and are now nine-foot golden lions. .

There were a large number of armored guards stationed at the city gate. Lu Chaoding put away the Daxuan Ship and walked into the city gate in a low-key manner. He showed the guards at the city gate the token given by the lame general Zhong Baiwei and was let in. , entered Yudu easily.

"The air is prohibited in Udu. All flying objects and flying methods are prohibited. Anyone who flies in the air without permission will be killed. Remember this!"

An NPC who looked like a guard gave Lu Chaoding some instructions after he walked through the city gate.

Lu Chaoding raised his hand in return. He didn't care at all. He just strode forward and looked around curiously.

Yudu is very huge. When Lu Chaoding looked down at it, he felt that it was much larger than Tianyun City. There was a towering building complex in the center, which seemed to be an imperial city.

Lu Chaoding was not familiar with the place here, and most of the pedestrians were NPCs. Lu Chaoding tried to communicate with them, but found it difficult. The intelligence of the pedestrian NPCs was generally low, and most of them were unable to interact.

After wandering for a moment, Lu Chaoding opened the entrance passage to the Super Top Cave. Instead of going in himself, he released Lan'e, Luliu, Lu Pifu, Lu Qilin, and his cheap apprentice, the powerful bull demon ape.

In fact, there are quite a few players and NPCs in the Super Top Cave nowadays. A hundred ladies of the head are on standby there, and many players are "retreating and taking medicine" there.

Lu Chao said: "Lan'e and Luliu, you two are walking in the sword world and have extensive knowledge. Please act as your husband's guide and see where we go first."

Lan'e looked around and said: "This is Yudu... I suggest the master to attend the sword cultivation conference immediately. This is a court event. The venue is in the imperial city. Master and everyone please come with me."

After saying that, the Sword World Walker led the way, and Lu Chaoding quickly caught up, while Sword Spirit Lu Pifu and Sword Spirit Lu Qilin followed him on the left and right, like bodyguards.

On the way, Lu Chao mentioned that he had received a new mission from Chunxiang Tower. He wanted to know if Lan E knew the location of Chunxiang Tower and wanted her to lead the way.

However, Lan E obviously didn't take this task seriously and just urged Lu Chaoding to participate in the sword cultivation conference.

After a while, Lu Chaoding was brought to the entrance of the palace.

“Boy, this is literally a city within a city.”

Lu Chaoding looked at the towering palace walls and couldn't help but sigh.

In his field of vision, the walls of the palace were not only towering, but also gorgeous, as if they were made of gold, shining brightly and reflecting the figures of people. The city gates were also extremely thick, and there was even a moat outside the city. It looked like The defensive facilities are very complete.There were naturally guards guarding the entrance to the palace. Lu Chaoding took out the token given to him by the lame general and explained his purpose. After a lot of effort, the guard let him through.

After entering the palace along the avenue, Lan'e continued to lead the way, and soon led Lu Chaoding and his party to a magnificent hall on the left side of the palace.

The main hall is called the "Hall of Heroes" and is guarded by silver-armored guards.

"Hall of Valor..."

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but be moved. He still had Xiang Ruyan's resurrection mission hanging on him. If he wanted to complete this mission, he had to obtain the [Construction Drawings of the Hall of Heroes].

"I don't know if this Hall of Heroes is the same as the Hall of Heroes mentioned in my mission information. Maybe I can get the construction drawings of the Hall of Heroes in this palace..."

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, two level 40 silver-armored guards took the initiative to greet him. One of them asked: "Who is here and what is their purpose?"

Another said: "The palace is an important place, no one can enter it!"

Without waiting for Lu Chaoding's reply, Lan E spoke: "We are here to attend the Sword Cultivator Conference. This is my husband, who is also the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu Chaoding!"

Different from ordinary NPCs, when these two NPCs heard that Lu Chaoding was coming, they immediately opened their eyes and looked at Lu Chaoding with extremely shocked expressions.

"It turns out that this is the leader Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect. I have admired him for a long time!"

"The reputation has spread a hundred times. Master Lu is a man of great influence. Please follow me into the palace!"

The attitude of the two guards toward Lu Chaoding immediately turned 180 degrees, and they enthusiastically welcomed Lu Chaoding into the hall.

This Hall of Heroes is very spacious, and the inner field is comparable to a football field. There are many NPCs in it, some are busy and some are leisurely.

Perhaps there is a plot setting. When Lu Chaoding entered the hall, an NPC with white beard and white hair wearing official robes jumped out and announced: "Everyone, I am Zhang Wensheng, the guardian general of the Hall of Heroes, the sword cultivation conference is about to be held. This sword cultivation conference is hosted by Zuo Xuandao, the great general of Shenwei. So far, a total of 322 sects have sent people to come, including old heroes who have been famous for a long time, as well as young heroes who have just established their sects. I hope that through this conference, you can Speak freely and communicate more!”

After saying this, the NPC waved his hand, and small square tables and futons appeared out of thin air, neatly arranged in the main hall.

"Everyone, please take your seats!"

Zhang Wensheng waved his hand again, and various snacks and snacks appeared on the small square table.

"Hey, this conference is going to be interesting!"

Lu Chaoding randomly chose a futon and sat down. Lan'e and Luliu sat on his left and right, while Lu Pifu, Lu Qilin and Dali Niu Demon Ape stood behind them, cold and silent.

Other NPCs also took their seats.

At this time, Lu Chaoding's pupils suddenly shrank. He actually saw an acquaintance in the crowd.

And these "acquaintances" are Jia Zhengyi, the leader of the Moral Sword Sect, and Ren Daniu, the only disciple of the Moral Sword Sect.

The two of them also saw Lu Chaoding and waved their hands from a distance, appearing very polite, but did not come closer.

"These two are also awakened players. Why are they here for a meeting?"

Lu Chaoding was a little confused.

At this time, a golden light flew into the hall and transformed into a tall figure wearing golden armor and carrying a giant sword.

The person coming was none other than the mighty general Zuo Xuandao.

[Zuo Xuandao: LV90 Mighty Sword Master, HP 9 million, attack power 9000 million, defense 1000, toughness 500, speed 300.Explanation: Zuo Xuandao was the mighty general of the Dayu Dynasty, a first-class military attaché, with a transcendent status. He was regarded as the chief swordsman of Tianzhong Prefecture and presided over the swordsmanship conference full-time. 】

"It's a master!"

Lu Chaoding saw Zuo Xuandao's attribute information and took him seriously.

Zuo Xuandao was full of style. He glanced around the crowd, and then Da Ma Jin Dao sat on a high seat and said: "This sect meeting has three topics. One is to discuss the settlement between Tianzhong Prefecture and Tianma Prefecture. The newly discovered ancient sword cultivator cave, the second is to conclude a sword cultivator alliance under the witness of everyone, and elect a sword cultivator alliance leader, and the third is to trade materials. Now let’s proceed to the first item..."

The Shenwei General did not hesitate and said directly: "Half a year ago, a huge ancient sword repair cave appeared in the valley between Tianzhong Prefecture and Tianma Prefecture. This sword repair cave was protected by a mysterious formation. There are roars of strange beasts inside, causing stars to fall, forming earthly fire, and changing the terrain to form a Purple Jade Mountain. Let’s temporarily call this sword repair cave the Purple Jade Mountain, the Yiqi Sword Sect, the Purple Flame Sword Sect, and the Santong Sword Sect. Twelve major sects, including the Sishui Sword Sect and the Vajra Sword Sect, have never been able to reach a consensus on the ownership of the Purple Jade Mountain. Therefore, conflicts continue. As you all witnessed today, I hope that this matter can be properly handled. From now on, the Twelve The factions no longer have conflicts and disputes and can live in harmony.”

As he finished speaking, a middle-aged NPC with a long beard in a blue robe suddenly stood up. He cupped his hands around and said: "Everyone, I am the leader of the Yiqi Sword Sect. The Purple Jade Mountain has become a secret realm, and one-third of it has become a secret realm." The second is located where our sect is stationed. Our sect believes that this secret realm should belong to our sect, and at least our sect should enjoy most of the management rights. However, the eight sects such as the Santong Sword Sect, the Sishui Sword Sect, and the Vajra Sword Sect, among others, The sect's headquarters is very far away from Ziyu Mountain, so don't come and participate in the secret realm competition."


An old man in red robes got up angrily when he heard this. His eyes widened angrily and said: "I, the great elder of Santong Sword Sect, I do not agree with the statement of the leader of Yiqi Sword Sect. It is true that Ziyu Mountain is not within the scope of our station. However, its appearance is closely related to the supreme elder of our sect. It was precisely because of the joint efforts of the supreme elder of our sect and the six-tailed fox that the ruins were opened, allowed to appear in the world, and finally formed. Ziyu Mountain, I believe that our Santong Sword Sect should be in charge of Ziyu Mountain."

Another old man in green robe stood up and said: "I believe that Purple Jade Mountain should not belong to any sect. Anyone who has the ability can explore it."

Other NPCs stood up to speak one after another. Probably all the twelve sects mentioned by General Shenwei had managers here, and the matter was gradually turning into a battle to resolve.

Lu Chaoding had no interest in this kind of thing, but suddenly he received a system prompt: "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, and a task is issued: Participate in the sword debate among the twelve factions and win, and the reward for completing the task is unreliable props. ×1!”

"Huh? Do you want me to join in?"

Lu Chaoding frowned.

At this time, the mighty general Zuo Xuan said: "Since the opinions of the twelve factions cannot be unified, let us solve the matter by sword discussion according to the rules of sword cultivation. Please ask one person from each of the twelve factions to come forward and participate in the sword discussion. The winner will be the winner in the end." I have the absolute right to speak, no one else has any doubts, please be your witnesses!”

Soon, 12 people appeared. Just as they were about to start the sword discussion one by one, Lu Chaoding stood up and said: "Hold on, I am the leader of the Sword Sect, and I want to participate in the sword discussion too!" (This chapter over)

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