Chapter 212 Let's Go Together

"Headmaster Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect?"

"Huh? As far as I know, the Reliable Sword Sect is a second-rate sect and is based far away in the Hongchen Sea. Are they actually trying to compete for Purple Jade Mountain?"

"Isn't the leader of this reliable sword sect too greedy?"

"Master Lu, do you want to get involved in this matter?"

"Master Lu, you are here to cause trouble..."

After hearing Lu Chaoding's speech, all the NPCs immediately started talking.

Zuo Xuandao, the mighty general, squinted his eyes at Lu Chaoding and said: "Master Lu, what we want to resolve is the dispute between the twelve factions and determine the ownership of Ziyun Mountain. Your faction has nothing to do with this matter, so why do you want to get involved? ? Do you really want to get a share of the pie? Master Lu, listen to me, you should not participate in this sword discussion."

Lu Chaoding laughed and said: "You have misunderstood me. I have no interest in the Purple Jade Mountain. I just want to discuss swordsmanship with the masters of the twelve sects. This is to make friends through martial arts!"

He was thinking that the unreliable system only allowed him to participate in the sword debate and win. It did not mention that he must obtain Ziyun Mountain. Lu Chaoding was not greedy. He just wanted to complete this small task and do another unreliable one. Just a prop.

"Not interested in Ziyu Mountain?"

"Just want to discuss swords?"

"Isn't this still causing trouble?"

A group of NPCs started talking again.

Lu Chaoding saw that the direction of public opinion was a bit wrong, but he didn't care. He just jumped to the center of the hall and said: "This master is lonely and wants to be defeated alone. He will cause trouble if he is not allowed to discuss swords. You can figure it out!"

"Ah? This head Lu..."

"If you don't let the sword discussion be allowed, you will cause trouble. I have never seen such a ridiculous person!"

"This guy is really here to stir up trouble!"

"The leader is like this, I don't think that reliable sword sect is serious!"

"I suggest that the Reliable Sword Sect be deprived of the qualification to participate in the Sword Cultivation Conference and the Reliable Sword Sect be banned unless Head Lu retracts his words and apologizes in public!"

"Second, how can the Sword Cultivator Conference be allowed to allow such rogue cultivators to mess around?"

"General, expel him from the venue..."

Many NPCs in the hall were filled with indignation and pointed at Lu Chaoding for reprimanding him. Lu Chaoding said nonchalantly: "Hypocritical, glass-hearted, I just want to have a sword debate with the masters of the twelve sects. Do you need to be so excited? Seeing that you are so angry, as if you want to get rid of me quickly, let’s do this, if you have the guts, leave the sect information, and I will start a sect war with you, how about it?”



"A war between sects? You're just the leader of a second-rate sect. Who gave you the courage to teach you such arrogance?"

"Everyone, who will go up to destroy his majesty?"

Amidst the discussion among the NPCs, Jia Zhengyi of the Moral Sword Sect raised his hands and said, "Everyone, let's just let Master Lu discuss swordsmanship with the masters of the twelve sects. I don't think it's a big deal. Don't be so nervous. It’s not bad to take a look at Master Lu’s strength. Everyone values ​​peace and harmony.”

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he looked at Jia Zhengyi and said, "Thank you very much, Master Jia, for speaking up. If you have time, come to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain and I will treat you to a meal!"

Jia Zhengyi sneered twice, cupped his hands and said, "Easy to say, easy to say..."

He now completely regards Lu Chao as a big boss. He doesn't want to make enemies and just wants to please. However, the other NPCs here have not awakened. Most of them don't even have names, they just have titles. He doesn't care much about it. .

At this time, the Shenwei General Zuo Xuandao said: "The Sword Cultivation Conference is naturally inseparable from the sword discussion. Since Master Lu will cause trouble regardless of the sword, well, as you wish, I, the general, agree to your participation in the sword discussion. , but you have to discuss swordsmanship with the masters of the twelve sects in turn, are you willing?"

"Wagon battle?" Lu Chao said with a smile, "That's not enough, let them do it together to save time!"

"Go together?"

"This leader Lu is really arrogant!"

"Haha, in that case, I am willing to learn Master Lu's clever tricks!"

"Everyone, we might as well take down this arrogant leader Lu first, and then decide the ownership of Ziyu Mountain!"


"Kill him together..."

Amid the calls of the NPCs, the masters of the twelve sects stood together. Among them were the leader of the Qi Sword Sect, the great elder of the Ziyan Sword Sect, the deputy leader of the Santong Sword Sect, the right protector of the Bishui Sword Sect, King Kong The five elders of the Sword Sect, etc., etc., are all very famous, but their levels are generally only over 60. Although they are all over 60 and are extraordinary realm sword cultivators, none of them are at level 70. They stand After we get together, we can actually form a team.

The mighty general Zuo Xuandao threw the sword behind him into the air at this moment. The sword did not fall, but emitted a light blue light on the top of the palace. The light turned into a light mask, covering Lu Chaoding and Twelve The masters of the faction covered it up, forming a closed space about the size of two basketball courts.

"The matter has come to an end. As the host of the sword cultivation conference, I, the general, now announce that your sword discussion will begin!"

General Shenwei announced, and then Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, a special sword discussion plot has been triggered. You are about to participate in a sword discussion. The venue for this sword discussion is in the Hall of Valor. The rules of combat are abided by, but You will not enter the battle space and can leave the battle at any time. After the combatants are determined to be dead, they will be automatically teleported out of the sword discussion venue and resurrected without any damage. Please note!"

"Ding, it's battle preparation time now. In one minute, the sword discussion will begin!"

"Is this the beginning? Then I can't roll over."

Lu Chaoding was still very serious. He took advantage of this preparation time to get ready immediately. He first equipped a total of 10 costumes such as [Kirin Sun and Moon Armor], [Shenji Miaojue], and [Flying Snow Battle Clothes], and then equipped Wear ten weapons such as "Lu Pifu", "Lu Qilin", and Super Pifu Sword, and then equip pendants such as [Counterattack Shield], [Kilin Vientiane Wheel], [Fire Wings], [Ghost Panel Ax], and [Speed ​​Jade Talisman] With back piece...

After getting the equipment ready, Lu Chaoding released the six-star black saber-tooth tiger, turned over and rode on it.

Quickly, Lu Chaoding seemed to turn into a weird weapons rack. His body was so bloated that he no longer looked human-like.

This was not over yet. Lu Chaoding finally summoned the Underworld Sword Spirit. The sixteen in the front row were White Bone Sword Spirits, and the nine in the back were Yutian Mad Dragon Sword Spirits. He even had no use for them for a long time. All the 18 puppy heads that passed by were released.

However, the NPCs' reaction to this was not great!

However, Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu's eyes almost popped out of their heads.

"What kind of monster is this? It has so much equipment! It's too exaggerated!" Ren Daniu slapped himself hard.Jia Zhengyi muttered in a low voice: "This guy is a swordsman with many treasures. Alas, he deserves to be punished by heaven. He deserves to be punished by heaven..."

At this time, the preparations for the war were over. Lu Chaoding immediately received the system prompt and entered his action round.

"It's been a long time since we had such a serious battle!"

Lu Chao held up the big black sword, looked at the twelve NPCs opposite, and said, "Do you know the twelve hatreds of the Sword Immortal?"

After saying that, he rode the tiger and swung his sword. As soon as the sword fell, sword shadows appeared in the sky. These sword shadows were like angry waves and quickly rolled towards the NPC on the far left in front.

That was the leader of the Yiqi Sword Sect.

"I hate that the power of heaven cannot be released!"

Wild characters appeared on Lu Chao's head, and damage figures appeared on the leader of the Sword Sect's head. He screamed, turned into light and dissipated on the spot, and then quickly appeared again outside the light barrier, paralyzed. Sitting at the feet of Shenwei General Zuo Xuandao, his face turned pale and he said, "I was killed instantly?"

Immediately afterwards, big characters appeared on Lu Chao's head again: "The Second Hate Land is Hard to Find"!
This time, the great elder of the Purple Flame Sword Sect was also kicked out of the fighting field.

Lu Chao kept moving and continued to take shots.

His unique skill [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] has already reached LV12. Once used, it can hit twelve swords.

In daily battles, Lu Chaoding rarely entered the battle space. Even if he entered the battle space, he could basically kill his opponent with one move. He simply could not finish the twelve swords at once.

But now, there is this opportunity.

Words with wild fonts kept popping up on his head, and the instability of various Sword Immortal characteristics was also reflected. Weapons, clothing, pendants, skill books, etc. kept falling, but this did not have much impact. Lu Chaoding's The output was absolutely overflowing, and the masters of the twelve factions on the opposite side were reduced one by one. In the end, after the seven characters "Twelve Hate Dugu Wudi" appeared above Lu Chao's head, the last master on the opposite side also exclaimed that he was out. .

At this point, the battle ended, the light blue light shield disappeared immediately, and the big sword hanging on the top of the palace flew back behind the mighty general Zuo Xuandao. The scene was completely silent. Only Lu Chao shook his head and muttered: "Oh, ah, I can’t even withstand a single move from me, it’s boring, there’s no sense of achievement, and even the Underworld Sword Spirit can’t make a move.”

He flicked his sleeves and took back the Huangquan Sword Spirit, while Lu Qilin turned into a human form and helped him collect the items that fell to the ground due to the malfunction of the Sword Immortal's characteristics.

After packing these items, the surroundings were still silent. Lu Chao said, "It's time to finish the work," and then returned to his small table.

It wasn't until he sat down that the discussion erupted.

General Shenwei looked at Lu Chaoding with a complex expression at this time and said: "I declare that in this sword debate, the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu, will win! Masters of the Twelve Sects... you can continue the sword debate, the problem has not been resolved yet …”

After hearing the general's announcement, Lu Chaoding received the system prompt: "Ding, participate in the sword debate among the twelve factions and win. The mission is completed. You will be rewarded with 1 unreliable item × [-]. Calculation is in progress..."

"Ding, congratulations on getting the construction drawing of an unreliable building x 1!"

"Another blueprint?" Lu Chaoding thought, and flipped his right hand to open the storage space. A scroll appeared in the palm of his right hand, which was the "construction blueprint of an unreliable building"!
Lu Chaoding had obtained this blueprint before and used it to build [Unreliable Wanjian Mountain] in Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

"I wonder what unreliable buildings we can build this time!"

Lu Chao was so pleased that he put away the scroll and tasted the delicacies on the small table calmly, looking very simple and low-key.

But at this time, no NPC dared to despise him.

"Master Lu is so awesome!"

"Master Lu, what state are you in now?"

"Master Lu, I wonder what kind of swordsmanship you have practiced?"

"Master Lu, can you please lend me a moment? I have a cousin here!"

"I have a daughter!"

"I have three thousand female disciples..."

Soon, a large number of NPCs came forward to get close to each other, regardless of the sword discussions among the twelve sects in the center of the hall.

Among them there are even stewards from first-class sects such as Daluo Sword Sect and Qinglian Sword Sect.

Lu Chaoding dealt with it for a while with full expectations, but was disappointed. Not a single task was triggered!

Not long after, the sword debate between the twelve factions ended. Strength spoke for itself, and the issue of the ownership of Ziyu Mountain was quickly resolved.

After trimming it for a while, the Shenwei General Zuo Xuandao took out a gold medal. He showed the gold medal to everyone and said: "This is the Yuhuang imperial alliance leader's token. Holding this token, within the territory of Dayu, your status is comparable to that of the country." Master, has great power. I believe everyone understands that the next important topic of this sword cultivator conference is to conclude a sword cultivator alliance and elect a leader, and the leader will hold this token! Regarding this sword cultivator fellow sect , I don’t know what everyone thinks.”

This time, after a short silence, "Guanshi Luo of the Great Luo Sword Sect" stood up.

In this hall, the only person representing the Da Luo Sword Sect is this steward of the Da Luo Sword Sect. He has no name and is not a high level. He is only level 65. He has white beard and white hair. He looks like an immortal, but because of He represented the first-class power Daluo Jianzong, which was considered to have a transcendent status. After he stood up, the hall quickly became quiet.

"The Supreme Emperor is invincible due to the power of his creation. Dayu is even more powerful with strong soldiers and horses and countless masters. He is the strongest force in the sword world, but he still wants to engage in such a little trick as a sword cultivator alliance..."

Manager Luo of the Great Luo Sword Sect showed a sneer on his face, "I understand that the national war is about to begin. Dayu wants to rule our sects, so he wants to form a sword cultivator alliance. I think this matter is simple. The general can be the leader of the alliance. , I think all of you here will definitely listen to your orders and serve Daewoo in the future!"

The mighty general Zuo Xuandao sneered twice and said: "How can Manager Luo say that? There have been disputes in the world for a long time, and the sects have been fighting endlessly. This sword world should have a leader, so that he can calm down the sects' fights outside the court and bring peace to the world. Sword cultivation opens up a peaceful and prosperous age."

At this time, "Steward Mu of the Qinglian Sword Sect" also stood up and said: "Then I recommend the Supreme Emperor to be the leader of the alliance. The Supreme Emperor is invincible in the world. If he is the leader of the alliance, no one will refuse!"

"Hongchen Sword Sect Zhang Jushi" also followed closely and said: "This is a good suggestion, I agree."

Seeing the representatives of the three first-class forces say this, others also spoke one after another.

Lu Chaoding listened for a moment and finally understood.

The so-called idea of ​​forming a sword cultivator alliance and nominating the leader of the sword cultivator alliance was obviously promoted by the Dayu Dynasty, and its purpose was probably to better control these sects.

However, some sects are willing to obey the arrangements of the Dayu Dynasty, but more sects are not willing to buy it, such as the three first-class forces of Daluo Sword Sect, Hongchen Sword Sect and Qinglian Sword Sect.

These three sects are not based in Tianzhong State and have huge power. In their respective territories, the sects can suppress the imperial power or even support the imperial power. The leader of the sect is the existence above tens of millions of people. He is the real talker. With such a transcendent status, how could he agree to form a sword cultivator alliance and then obey the orders of the so-called leader of the alliance?
"It seems that this issue can no longer be discussed!"

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, the occasionally unreliable system starts, releases a task, becomes the leader of the Sword Cultivator Alliance, the task is completed, and the reward is unreliable lottery tickets × 10000!"

(End of this chapter)

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