Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 213: Making trouble if you are not allowed to be the leader of the alliance

Chapter 213: Making trouble if you are not allowed to be the leader of the alliance
"Ten thousand unreliable lottery tickets?"

Lu Chao rubbed his hands and thought that the reward was okay. It was rare for an unreliable system to be so generous.

But the content of the mission...

Lu Chaoding thought for a while, then stood up and said: "Everyone, I agree with the conclusion of the Sword Cultivator Alliance. In addition, I have volunteered myself. I want to be the leader of the alliance. I feel that regardless of my character, knowledge or ability, I am the best choice. Everyone What do you think? Can you let me be the leader?"


"Master Lu, what do you mean?"

"Master Lu, you want to be the leader of the alliance? Are you kidding me?"

"Master Lu, stop making trouble!"

Immediately, a large number of NPCs spoke up, not taking Lu Chaoding's words seriously at all.

Lu Chaoding has a game mentality and speaks without any scruples. He continued: "I am serious. In short, I want to be the leader of the alliance. I will cause trouble if I don't let you. It's up to you!"

"Haha, if you don't let me be fooled, you will cause trouble. Leader Lu, you are too rogue!"


"General Zuo Xuandao, what do you think?"

"How about letting Leader Lu be the leader of the alliance?"

"Everyone, please be serious, this is a sword cultivation conference."

The hall immediately became lively. Although most of the NPCs here didn't even have names, their character settings were very full, they were talking and laughing, and some of them were very funny.

Lu Chao winked at Jia Zhengyi, who immediately understood and stood up and shouted: "Master Lu is invincible in his magical skills. The Moral Sword Sect firmly supports Master Lu as its leader. I and my disciples are willing to listen to Master Lu's orders. "

While he was speaking, he twisted Ren Daniu next to him, and Ren Daniu also stood up and shouted: "Master Lu is mighty, long live Master Lu, it is unacceptable for Master Lu not to be the leader of the alliance, and we will firmly support Master Lu." Be the leader of the alliance."

Jia Zhengyi followed up and said: "If Leader Lu can't be the leader of the alliance, who here is still qualified? I only recognize Leader Lu!"

"Please ask Master Lu to take over as the leader of the alliance and create a peaceful and prosperous era for the sword world."

Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi both have loud voices, and they sang in harmony. The scene was awkward, but Lu Chaoding was very satisfied.

Gradually, several more NPCs began to cheer, supporting Lu Chao as the leader of the alliance, as if they were joking.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, Lu Chao extended his hands to everyone around him and said: "Thank you for your support. Come, come, click me to enter the reliable mall. In order to repay your support, I will give away the iced watermelon juice for free. If it tastes good, give it a five-star rating." .”

He really gave it away for free, setting the price of iced watermelon juice to zero, not trying to make a profit, just to make a profit.

"Hey, Reliable Mall?"

“There’s really ice-cold watermelon juice!”

"This is okay, haha!"

"I didn't expect that Mr. Lu still runs a reliable shopping mall?"

"Is this the legendary mall that can only be opened by Qian Duoduo, one of the four strange men, who authorizes a joint venture?"

"Master Lu, I wonder if you are willing to sell this Kang Long Sword?"

"Master Lu, I want to buy a death-free gold medal. Price is not an issue..."

As soon as Lu Chaoding opened the Reliable Mall, a large number of NPCs immediately gathered around him, and bottles of ice-cold watermelon juice appeared in the hall. Lu Chaoding's business was very good, and he quickly received a lot of five-star reviews.

Of course, there are also many NPCs who don't buy Lu Chaoding. Based on their own personality settings, they ignore, alienate, hate, and even hate Lu Chaoding.

Divine General Zuo Xuandao was one of them. Seeing Lu Chaoding turning the hall into a bustling city, his face became increasingly ugly.

Originally, according to the setting, the mighty general of the Dayu Dynasty was trying to become the leader of the Sword Immortal Alliance at the Sword Immortal Conference. If he failed, the issue would be raised again at the next conference.

Therefore, Lu Chaoding, Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu obviously offended him by causing such trouble. He snorted coldly and said: "Master Lu, that's enough. This is the venue for the sword cultivator conference, not your sales." Market, with all due respect, you want to be the leader of the alliance, but you are not qualified enough. Not only is your strength not enough, but your prestige is not good either. In addition, your reliable sword sect is only a second-rate sect with a shallow foundation. If you become the leader, how can you convince the public?"

Lu Chaoding's thoughts were also racing at this moment. He looked at the alliance leader token in Zuo Xuandao's hand, thinking that the key to becoming the alliance leader might be to get that token.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chaoding strode to the center of the hall and said directly: "General, let's have a sword debate between you and me. If you win, I will recommend you to be the leader of the Sword Cultivator Alliance. If I win, If you do, just give me the token in your hand."


Zuo Xuandao narrowed his eyes and did not respond for a long time. "Hey, are you stuck?" Lu Chao waved his hand in front of Zuo Xuandao and said, "If you don't reply, it means you agree by default. I will beat you!"


Zuo Xuandao: "You are simply being arrogant and unreasonable. Master Lu, you are not welcome in this Sword Cultivator Assembly. Please leave and don't come back again!"

Lu Chao said: "No! If you don't let me be the leader of the alliance, I will cause trouble!"

"You!" Zuo Xuandao's eyes widened angrily and shouted: "Nonsense, are you a three-year-old child?"

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry and said with a smile: "Anyway, if you don't let me be the leader of the alliance, I will cause trouble!"

"In this case, the general has no choice but to offend me. Someone, please drive him out!"

Zuo Xuandao shouted loudly, and then four NPCs wearing armor and dressed as soldiers entered the hall. Their levels were all as high as 70. They looked very cold. Holding sticks, they came straight to Lu Chaoding and demanded Drive him out.

If an ordinary player behaves like this in this sword cultivation conference, he will be expelled, and there is a high probability that he will be expelled.

But Lu Chaoding is not an ordinary player. He is now a full-level Transcendent Realm player. So what if he is facing four level 70 NPCs?Lu Chaoding didn't care at all. When they came close, he immediately struck first without waiting for them to take action.

With a sword coming out, the hall was filled with sword shadows. Lu Chaoding immediately killed a level 70 guard, and quickly entered the battle space with three other level 70 guards.

This time, he really entered the battle space and did not stay in the Hall of Valor. The background of the battle was Lu Chaoding's nut secret realm.

"Three, why bother?"

Lu Chao shook his head and sighed.

The three NPCs were extremely dull and showed no reaction.

Obviously, they are not very "intelligent".

After the battle began, Lu Chaoding was not polite and used [Sword Cultivator's Twelve Hatreds] to quickly kill all three guards. The bodies of the three guards disappeared without leaving anything behind.

"You won't even lose a gold dollar?"

Lu Chaoding sheathed his sword. He waved his sleeves and the fighting space was shattered. He returned to the Hall of Heroes and appeared on the same spot. Standing behind him was the mighty general Zuo Xuandao.

"The thugs are not strong enough!" Lu Chaoding looked at Zuo Xuandao with a smile and said, "If you don't let me be the leader of the alliance, I will cause trouble!"

Zuo Xuandao's face became even colder and he shouted: "Come, come, come again!"

Quickly, three more waves of NPCs rushed into the hall, all in groups of four, all level 70. After appearing, they lined up to greet Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding took action directly, and with one strike of his sword, he pulled the group of four at the forefront into the fighting space. Two minutes later, the battle ended, and Lu Chaoding reappeared and attacked the second group.

In less than 8 minutes, all three sword cultivator teams were killed by Lu Chaoding. It was not that their strength was not good, but that Lu Chaoding's combat power was too strong, and his super speed gave him a commanding position in the battle space. The first move advantage, basically one first move can kill all the guards on the opposite side.

Seeing that there were no more NPCs, Lu Chaoding looked at Zuo Xuandao again and said, "Is there any more? Come together, I can do it!"

"No reason!"

Zuo Xuandao stamped his foot and finally couldn't hold it any longer. He drew out the sword behind him and slashed at Lu Chao's head.

"Good come!"

Lu Chao dodged to avoid the slash from the sword, and responded with a normal slash. The next moment, he entered the battle space with Zuo Xuandao.

"That's right. If you were so cooperative just now, why did you need to sacrifice those 20 loyal and brave soldiers?"

Lu Chaoding laughed, but he also quickly adjusted his equipment, putting everything that could be worn, hung, and carried on his body, and then released 16 Huangquan Sword Spirits and 11 Yutian Mad Dragon Sword Spirits. .

The person opposite was a level 90 mighty swordsman, and Lu Chao didn't dare to be careless.

Soon, the battle broke out. Lu Chao had a high speed and had the advantage of taking the initiative. He used [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] from the very beginning.

The level 90 Shenwei General withstood the first eight hatreds of Lu Chaoding's [Sword Cultivator's Twelve Hatreds] and was defeated at the ninth hatred.

However, he did not die, and his body did not turn into light and disappear, but turned into a bright ball with a diameter of about one foot.

Lightning was beating on the ball, like a thunder ball, and like a heart, beating loudly. After about ten breaths, the thunder ball turned into a human form again, taking on the appearance of Zuo Xuandao.

(End of this chapter)

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