Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 216 Yuhuang

The Uto Imperial Palace occupies a huge area with countless palaces and pavilions. There are many buildings with magical shapes that are not built by manpower, such as the Glazed Pagoda, the Black Iron Sword Monument, the Crystal Palace, etc., and all the buildings are outstanding. A magnificent, towering building that looks particularly majestic.

Lu Chao held the Yuhuang Royal Alliance Leader's Token on his head, as if playing for fun, and looked at it with admiration.

Of course, there are many guards in the palace. There are guards standing guard in front of almost every building. There are also patrols in teams. Lu Chaoding is often questioned. He can't do it here just by relying on Yuhuang's alliance leader's token. Fortunately, Zhang Wensheng, the guard general of the Hall of Heroes, followed Lu Chaoding. He acted as a guide beside Lu Chaoding and was responsible for communicating with the patrolling guards, which saved Lu Chaoding a lot of trouble.

About two hours later, after passing through more than a dozen halls, Lu Chaoding and his party came to a domed hall that radiated golden light.

The main hall is extremely majestic, like a hill, with a height of 500 meters. The main entrance is wide. It is estimated that 100 people can pass through in parallel. The surrounding area of ​​the main hall is also extremely empty. There are many guards standing guard. There are two statues in front of the hall that look like they are made of gold. There are statues of divine dragons and two large sky-level patrol ships flying red flags. There is a vertical plaque above the main entrance of the hall with three words on it: "Tian Yuan Hall".

Zhang Wensheng stood still at this time, with a half-bow and a smile on his face, he said to Lu Chao: "Sir, Alliance Leader, the Tianyuan Hall in front of you is where His Majesty Yuhuang will be in charge. If you, the Alliance Leader, want to see His Majesty Yuhuang, the young general can come up. I have reported in front of you, but I can no longer accompany you to the palace. The leader of the alliance is no longer in the imperial court, so many etiquette must be unfamiliar. The young general boldly reminds you that Emperor Yu is the emperor with a high status and attaches great importance to etiquette. You must not be disrespectful. After meeting Emperor Yu, please also ask The leader of the alliance is not allowed to bow down without permission. He must call himself a commoner and honor his majesty. He must not look directly at the emperor, and he must not murmur to himself. He must not sit down without being given a seat..."

"So many rules?" Lu Chaoding quickly waved his hand to interrupt Zhang Wensheng, "You still kneel down? How can you kneel down? I am a player, here to play games, not to be a slave. Thank you for your hard work along the way, you Now that I can move around freely, I will move around freely next.”

After saying this, Lu Chao shook his hands and released the Daxuan Ship, and then manifested the black saber-toothed tiger.

He wants to ride a tiger and wield a sword into the palace!

Not only that, but you also have to be fully armed and team up with the ladies.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Lu Chaoding still doesn't know the settings of the Dayu Dynasty. He treats the Tianyuan Palace in front of him as a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, and thinks that he should be careful.

Seeing Lu Chaoding's behavior, Lan E and the other ladies didn't say much. They quickly jumped onto the Daxuan ship, each of them looking very cautious.

After being informed by Zhang Wensheng and receiving a message that he was allowed to enter the palace, Lu Chaoding rode a tiger ship and entered the Tianyuan Palace with his wife and apprentice.

As soon as he entered the hall, Lu Chaoding felt that the entire field of view was golden. He saw golden pillars, golden floor tiles, and golden screens. It was as if everything in the hall was made of gold, which was a bit dazzling.

"Is this too gorgeous?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but murmur.

At this moment, a soft and stern voice suddenly sounded: "How dare you enter this Tianyuan Palace by boat!"

Lu Chao looked up and saw a tall man in purple clothes, a tall hat, and a black gauze covering his face.

Judging from the figure, this person should be a woman. Her eyelashes are very long, her eyebrows are slender, and her eyes are cold. This person looks a bit cold and stern. She is holding a whisk in her hand, without touching the ground, and she is hanging about three feet above the ground. ruler, and behind him is a bead curtain strung with golden beads.

Lu Chaoding felt that this man's clothes looked a bit like a eunuch. When he looked carefully, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Good guy, level [-]! This is a master above the extraordinary, at the pinnacle level!"

Lu Chaoding saw the simple information about the person in purple. Her name was unknown, her identity was the internal manager, and her level was [-], but the specific attribute information could not be seen.

"Get off the boat quickly!"

The man in purple shouted again.

Lu Chao frowned. He thought quickly, then took out the imperial control alliance leader's token, and said righteously: "I am the leader of the martial arts alliance. I have the token as proof. The supreme leader of the martial arts, riding a tiger." The captain of the ship commands the world, no one dares to disobey, have you heard of it!"

The man in purple shook his fly whisk, snorted and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about at all. If you don't get off the boat, I will accuse you of disrespect and take you down on the spot!"

"You've never heard of the Supreme Martial Arts Master who rides a tiger and drives a ship. You're really ignorant..."

Lu Chaoding was just talking nonsense. Seeing this [-]-level master, he felt a little guilty. His thoughts at the moment were safety first. He would never get off the boat. At worst, he would not see Emperor Yu, so he would just turn around and leave.

At this moment, a childish voice came from behind the golden bead curtain: "Let him come in. I will give him special privileges. You don't have to bow when you see me."

Upon hearing this, the man in purple immediately bowed and said yes, and then flicked the fly whisk, and the bead curtain would automatically open to both sides.

Lu Chaoding quickly looked behind him, and he vaguely saw a golden high platform guarded by various exquisite sculptures, and a figure that seemed not very tall on top of it, seemingly on a dragon throne.


The man in purple turned around and gave Lu Chaoding a cold look.

Lu Chao cupped his hands towards her, his face was calm, and without saying anything, he carefully steered the Daxuan Ship through the bead curtain.

Then, very quickly, he suddenly shook.

This shock was not because he saw Emperor Yu, but because he saw Dao Zangkong sitting cross-legged on a throne on the right side under the golden high platform.

At this time, Daozangkong's face was rosy. He was holding a jade ruyi and his expression was kind. He was sitting leisurely like an old god. When Lu Chaoding looked at him, he also looked at Lu Chaoding, and an intriguing smile gradually appeared on his face. .

"Master Lu, long time no see!"

Daozangkong even took the initiative to say hello to Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding's heart suddenly tightened, wondering why this guy was here, and he must not have fallen into any trap.

He didn't want to take too many risks and wanted to turn around and leave right now.

"Master Lu, don't be nervous, you are safe here." Another voice sounded.

The speaker is sitting on a throne on the left side of the golden platform. He is also an old man. He is wearing a battle armor, has scars on his face, and has deep eyes. His whole person has a different kind of temperament that makes people laugh. At first glance, you will immediately feel that this is a veteran of many battles.

Next to this veteran, stood the mighty general Zuo Xuandao.

Lu Chao glanced at the veteran and couldn't help but be surprised. He also saw the veteran's simple attribute information. He was the generalissimo of the dynasty, and his level was as high as one hundred.

"Are you Lu Chaoding, the leader of the Sword Cultivator Alliance?"

The childish voice sounded again. Lu Chao looked up and found that the voice was coming from a petite figure sitting on a dragon chair on a golden high platform.

The figure was wearing a golden dragon robe and was obviously Yuhuang. However, she looked like a six or seven-year-old girl with a level of only thirty.

"Is Emperor Yu a girl?"

Lu Chaoding was surprised.

The girl was quite majestic. She sat on the dragon throne, stared at Lu Chaodong, and said slowly: "The great times are coming, and national wars are about to begin. However, each sect only looks at their own interests and fight endlessly. What is wasted is the fate of the country, and what is lost is the origin of the great world. This emperor has integrated many sword cultivating sects to reduce disputes and stabilize the world to resist enemies in the future planes. Originally, he wanted Zuo Xuandao to be the leader of the alliance, but now this leader The position has fallen to you... Leader Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect, you have disrupted my plan! But if you can be used by me, it is not a bad thing, or even a good thing!"

The little queen has a clear accent and speaks with great grace.

Lu Chao calmed his mind. He thought quickly and said nothing at the moment. He glanced at Dao Zangkong again.

This guy, if you leave him alive, is a hidden danger after all, and he has no intention of letting him go yet.

Dao Zangkong laughed and said: "Master Lu, I am now the Great Master of the State. You and I have no grudges at all. How about we turn our hostility into friendship and discuss important matters together."

"Dayu Imperial Master!" Lu Chao said sincerely that Dao Zangkong was quite capable. In such a short time, he actually became the Imperial Master of the Dayu Dynasty. It seemed that this Imperial Master's status was extremely high.

The Emperor Yu said again: "Headmaster Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect, you are already an extraordinary swordsman. You should take a long-term view. Do you know that the national war is about to start?"

Lu Chao nodded and said, "I know, this is a system setting!"

He didn't care whether the NPC on the other side could understand it or not, and said to himself: "If a thousand players level exceeds 70, the National War plot will start. I guess it will start soon!"

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, the NPCs on the opposite side nodded when they heard his words. The little queen then said: "What about after the national war? There are top secrets between heaven and earth. Does Master Lu know that there is still a plane war?" "

"I know!" Lu Chaoding said casually, "Isn't it just a plane war? I already knew about it. I also know about the plane merit mall!"

At this time, the scene became a little quiet. The little queen frowned, as if she had never expected that Lu Chaoding also knew about the plane war. She took a dozen breaths before continuing: "Headmaster Lu actually knew about the plane war." Face war, do you know the cruelty of plane war? At that time, the world will be turned upside down, evil spirits will come, lives and land will be plundered, the weak will be eliminated, countless sword cultivators will die tragically, and even the entire sword cultivator civilization will be killed. This Hongchen Sword World will all perish!"

Lu Chaoding waved his hand carelessly and said: "I'm too worried. Isn't it just a plane war? It sounds like it's the end of the world. It's just a very ordinary system activity. System activity, do you understand? ?”

There was another moment of silence in the hall.

"Master Lu, they may not understand what you are saying." Daozangkong suddenly laughed, "After all, they have not yet awakened and are not players. The personality and memory given to them by the system will allow them to unswervingly execute their own plot. Xiao Yuhuang pities the world and pities the world. She wants to protect the world of Hongchen Sword Realm! The Generalissimo is warlike, he wants to recruit the world's masters and prepare for a rainy day! It's a pity that they are just tools to advance the plot. They have low initiative but don't know it. .”


Dao Zangkong's words made Lu Chao raise his eyebrows.

The little queen, as well as the grand marshal and Zuo Xuandao, obviously did not understand Dao Zangkong's words. Perhaps they directly blocked Dao Zangkong's narrative. After a while, the little queen said: "Lu, the reliable swordsman sect. Master, I can recognize your identity as the leader of the Sword Cultivator Alliance and declare it to the world, allowing you to have the same status as the National Advisor and the Grand Marshal, and grant you many privileges such as mobilizing hundreds of officials, recruiting dynasty troops, etc., as long as you are willing to cooperate with me. Emperor, are you willing to unify the world as soon as possible during the national war to cope with the plane war?"

Lu Chao rubbed his palms and quickly understood what the little queen said. From a player's perspective, if nothing else happens, as long as he answers her "yes", she will probably issue some tasks to him in the future. Let yourself do it.

That doesn't seem like a bad thing.

After all, there are tasks, which means there are rewards.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Chaoding raised his hands to the little queen and said, "Your Majesty, I think it's okay. You can tell the world about my identity as the leader of the martial arts alliance."

He said to himself that if he was unhappy, he could give up the choice at any time.

The little queen was overjoyed and immediately called out two attendants and gave them quick instructions. Then Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, a special plot has been achieved. Your identity as the leader of the Sword Cultivator Alliance has been confirmed by the Dayu Dynasty. The Dayu Dynasty issued a Announcement, you have obtained a [fame spread]..."

"Ding, an error occurred. Currently [Prestige Communication] cannot start the Sword World Walking plot!"

"Ding, you have obtained dynasty privileges. You enjoy the treatment of a first-class official in the Dayu Dynasty. All officials and soldiers of the Dayu Dynasty know your information..."

"Ding, affected by the mysterious atmosphere, all officials and soldiers of the Dayu Dynasty will remember your name, but forget your appearance..."

Before Lu Chaoding had digested the system prompts, the little queen added: "As the leader of the Sword Cultivator Alliance recognized by the dynasty, Head Lu, you can get some support. I will help you quickly complete the Sword Cultivator Alliance. These things, Just take it."

While speaking, the little queen waved her hand to Lu Chaoding, and a golden treasure box appeared out of thin air in front of Lu Chaoding.


The golden light in the treasure box continued to bloom, making Lu Chao couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands. He was in a happy mood and said to himself: "Good guy, with so many rewards, I feel a little embarrassed to be the leader of the martial arts league without being serious. ." (End of chapter)

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