Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 217 The whole world is full of evil sects and demonic cults

"As expected of Emperor Yu, he is rich and powerful!"

Lu Chaoding checked the subsidy materials given to him by Emperor Yu. Most of these materials were exclusive and had been bound to Lu Chaoding. Most of the exclusive building construction drawings were limited to the Dayu Dynasty. Lu Chaoding could not use them. They are brought back to the sect's headquarters for use, and cannot be used in Tianyun City, Tianyun Prefecture.

However, Lu Chaoding didn't care about this. He was thinking about finding a suitable place in Udu City to use these materials and build a palace for himself. As for the location of the Wulin Decent Alliance, he wanted to arrange it in Tianyun City. , this will not change.

As for the material rewards such as the sky survey ship, Lu Chaoding received a receipt and needed to go to a specific location to receive it.

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied with this harvest, but he was not satisfied.

Next, he was like a "licking dog", praising the little queen vigorously, hoping to obtain more benefits.

This move actually worked very well. The little queen was very happy and said: "Master Lu, you are very good. You are worthy of being a contemporary hero. I am very happy. Tell me, what other needs do you have and what support can I give you?" This Emperor will never be stingy!"

Lu Chaoding was not polite and said: "I want the construction drawings of the special sect building Hall of Heroes."

"The construction drawing of the Hall of Heroes?" The little queen raised her eyebrows and said: "There seems to be a construction drawing of the Hall of Heroes in the treasury of the dynasty, so..."

She turned her palm, and a parchment appeared in front of her. The parchment seemed to be a map. After slowly unfolding it, the little queen took a look and said: "Six thousand miles north of Yudu, the Chaos Fire on the northern boundary of Tianzhong Prefecture In the city, an ancient ruin appeared a month ago. The ruins were surrounded by blood mist, and there was a strange castle inside. According to the spies, the ancient ruins were probably the ancient battlefield of the plane war long ago, and the strange ancient castle There should be a powerful creature in the castle. It will appear every few days and take pleasure in killing the strong people around it. It is powerful and can fight extraordinary. The second-rate sect Xuanhuo Sword Sect closest to the ruins has been destroyed. This dynasty established The government office was also destroyed, and all three thousand government officials were slaughtered. Head Lu was so advanced in cultivation that he would rather go to Tiankui Prefecture to put an end to this chaos for the emperor, investigate the ancient ruins, and find out the relevant planes. If there is any information about the war, there are still two sects in the north who are not convinced and have not yet joined the alliance. Head Lu will collect them all. When you return to the court, I will hold a banquet to cleanse you and bring the Hall of Heroes to the Hall of Heroes. Submit the construction drawings.”

"What mission is so troublesome?"

Lu Chaoding raised his eyebrows, and then received a system prompt: "Emperor Yu has issued a task to you. This task is passive and cannot be refused. The task content is as follows: Please go to Chaoshuo City in the northern boundary of Tianzhong Prefecture and defeat the unknown ancient Castle creatures, quell the chaos in Chaos Fire City, investigate the ancient ruins of Chaos Fire City, obtain information about plane wars, and conquer Wuxiang Sword Sect, Xiantian Sword Sect, and Gusong Sword Sect in the northern boundary of Tianzhong Prefecture. There are seven mission objectives in total. After all are completed, You can obtain the favorability of the Yuhuang and the construction drawings of the special sect building Hall of Valor. Mission tip: The faster the task is completed, the higher the favorability you can obtain!"

"Good guy, this is a big mission. Little Yuhuang is pretty good at summoning people!"

Lu Chaoding had already anticipated that Emperor Yu would release the task. This "release" might be more appropriately referred to as "appointment", because he had no right to refuse and could only passively receive it!
The system prompt continued to sound: "Ding, occasionally unreliable system starts, updates tracking tasks, tampered with content: Defeat unknown castle creatures, Defeat unknown castle creatures, Defeat unknown castle creatures, Defeat unknown castle creatures, Defeat the unknown castle creatures, defeat the unknown castle creatures, and defeat the unknown castle creatures. There are seven mission objectives in total. After completing all of them, you can obtain the favorability of the Emperor and the construction drawings of the special sect building Hall of Valor..."

"Huh? The system is really unreliable. Are these seven mission objectives?"

Lu Chaoding was calm on the surface, but he started to complain in his heart. He thought for a while and agreed first. As for when to do this task, it depends on his mood.

After the little queen announced the mission, she threw the parchment to Lu Chaoding, then waved her hand, announcing that she was sleepy, and motioned for everyone to leave.

Lu Chaoding left the palace, and soon he saw the "general manager" again.

This "general manager", whose name Lu Chaoding still didn't know, looked arrogant. She was standing outside the golden bead curtain. When she saw Lu Chaoding, she suddenly said: "Master Lu, although Emperor Yu thinks highly of you, I don't think so." I still give you a piece of advice, don’t be too arrogant. You must know that there are people outside the world, and don’t think that you are invincible. If I want to kill you, it will not be too difficult, and you can do it without being noticed!"

"Huh? Are you threatening me?"

Lu Chaoding frowned. He didn't like this NPC and didn't want to pay attention to it. He turned his hand and whispered in the ear of the eldest lady Lan'e: "Madam, do you know this eldest internal manager? Is she very strong?"

Lan'e looked serious and didn't say much. He only urged Lu Chaoding to leave quickly.

After leaving the Jin Yuan Hall, Lan E bowed and saluted Lu Chaoding, and whispered: "Master Husband, if my guess is correct, the internal manager should be Yuan Feiying, the famous Shadowless Sword God 30 years ago. , it is recorded in the classics of Kunlun Island that the Shadowless Sword God Yuan Feiying is cold and ruthless, with superb swordsmanship, and is known as the most promising swordsman wizard in the peak realm within a hundred years. Unexpectedly, she is now a master of the peak realm, the head of the sword. Husband, don’t provoke this person unless absolutely necessary, her shadowless swordsmanship is very powerful and can kill people invisible."


Lu Chaoding nodded obediently.

Lan E added: "There is also the general marshal in the previous palace. He should be Chen Baji, known as the God of War of Dayu. It is recorded in the ancient books of Kunlun Island that this man once followed Yu Fanfan and was a veteran of hundreds of battles. A master of swordsmanship, his specific profession is unknown, but he is upright and a trustworthy person..."

"A person to hand over to?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes. At this moment, in his field of vision, the "people to befriend" that Lan E said were walking towards his Daxuan Ship.

The tall, gray-haired general apparently caught up with him on purpose. Behind him was the mighty general Zuo Xuandao. Zuo Xuandao stared at Lu Chaoding with an unkind expression on his face, but his expression was very peaceful.

When he met Lu Chaoding's eyes, the old man laughed, and then he cupped his hands, his body rose into the air, and the next moment he was on the Daxuan Ship, standing in front of Lu Chaoding.

"Hey, you can actually board my ship!"

Lu Chaoding was quite surprised.

The Daxuan Ship is both a ship and a sword. Being used by him is essentially a flying sword. It is impossible for ordinary people to get up.

"This is light work!"

However, Lan E's eyes lit up, and he immediately leaned into Lu Chaoding's ear and whispered: "My husband, the leader, this person is designated as the Sword Master. His Qinggong has reached a miraculous level, and he can actually catch up with flying swords!"

The [-]-level Grand Marshal Chen Baji glanced at Lan E, his face remained as usual, and he raised his hand to Lu Chaoding and said: "Headmaster Lu can achieve his current level of cultivation at such a young age. I really admire him, but as a swordsman. Leader of the Xiu Alliance, your strength can only be said to be barely convincing, and at least the three first-class sects will not recognize you as the leader of the alliance, let alone take orders from you!"

Lu Chao returned the salute and said: "It doesn't matter, this alliance leader doesn't care about this!"

"Really?" Chen Baji thought for a while, "Originally, this position of master was for my disciple. He has already touched the threshold of the peak. It won't take long for him to reach level 91 and become a peak master. I didn't want to, but you took my position away." Lu Chao said, "Your apprentice is the mighty general Zuo Xuandao? So, you came here to help your apprentice regain his position?"

Chen Baji shook his head and said: "That's not the case. In fact, I came to you because I want to form a master-disciple relationship with you. Master Lu, are you willing to accept me as your master?"

"What? Do you want me to become your disciple?" Lu Chaoding shook his head quickly, "I don't want to!"

"Master Lu, don't refuse in a hurry. Let's first listen to the benefits of becoming my disciple." Chen Baji put his hands on his back and said leisurely: "I have the inheritance of ancient swordsmanship, and my profession is Qitian Sword Saint. This profession is passed down by a single line. You If you take me as your teacher, I can teach you the art of swordsmanship and make you the next Sword Master Qitian!"

"No need, I don't lack the inheritance of swordsmanship." Lu Chao was unmoved. What can he say in his mind that the Qitian Sword Master can have his own profession of "Sword Immortal of the Supreme Pure Moral Yin and Yang Infinite Huangquan Qinglian Dayan Taiji Luoduobao"?
Chen Baji still looked easy-going and continued: "Master Lu probably doesn't know yet, but if you get my true inheritance, you will immediately gain my complete strength. You will inherit my level and skills and directly become a peak master. , If this is the case, your position as the alliance leader will be stable, even the old guys from Qinglian Sword Sect, Daluo Sword Sect, and Hongchen Sword Sect will not dare to be arrogant when they see you."

Lu Chaoding was a little interested: "Really?"

Chen Baji nodded and said: "Yes! The professional characteristic of Qitian Sword Master is perfect inheritance. To be honest, I have an old injury and will die soon. I have been looking for a suitable successor these years. Head Lu has someone As a walking assistant in the sword world, I will definitely become a great weapon in the future. I am willing to help Master Lu reach the top. As long as Master Lu agrees to me, he will serve as Marshal of Dayu and assist the Queen to unify the sword world, I will be willing to donate my life's skills."

"What a pity!" Lu Chao slapped his thigh, "It's a pity that you have found the wrong person. I really want your skills, but it is not cost-effective. My profession is a very strong and unreliable swordsman. I don't want to Changed his profession to become the Sword Saint of Qitian."

"Really?" Chen Baji frowned, but soon smiled and said, "It's too early to make a decision now. I can still live for a while. If Master Lu changes his mind, he can come to me at any time. , In addition...I have an unkind request."

"Old General, please speak!"

"My disciple Zuo Xuandao, his strength is quite good. Although he cannot be the leader of the Sword Cultivator Alliance, can you give him a position so that he can share some affairs with Head Lu on weekdays?"

"That's no problem, then let General Zuo be the deputy leader! Well, I almost forgot, my martial arts sect already has a deputy leader, so let General Zuo be the protector, the first protector!"

"That's very good, we have an agreement!" Chen Baji extended his hand and the mighty general Zuo Xuandao bowed down to respond.

"Zuo Xuandao, you are now the Sword Cultivator Alliance... the first protector of the martial arts sect. From now on, you will follow Master Lu and listen to his instructions!" Chen Baji said slowly.


Zuo Xuandao bowed and saluted, not daring to disobey.

"Well!" Chen Baji nodded and chuckled, seemingly satisfied. He raised his hand to Lu Chaoding and said, "The bad disciples will be taught by Master Lu. Please pay more attention! I have nothing to do now, Lu. Master, let’s meet again!”

"Goodbye, goodbye!"

Lu Chaoding raised his hands in salute, and then saw Chen Baji jumping off the Daxuan Ship and walking away leisurely.

The mighty general Zuo Xuandao looked cold and stern, and then used the magic method to walk in the air, following the Daxuan ship. Seeing Lu Chao looking over, he said: "If you have anything to do, leader, just ask!"

"Okay, if you want to follow, then go ahead!"

Lu Chao said sincerely that Zuo Xuandao was a level 90 master after all, and was expected to reach the peak level. If he was willing to be his follower, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

After a while, Lu Chao pushed out of the palace.

He now has a transcendent status and is a first-class official of the Dayu Dynasty. He only needs to show his alliance leader's token, and whether he is a patrol general or an official, he must salute and serve him carefully.

With this kind of treatment, it is very convenient for Lu Chaoding to do his best.

Half a day later, he occupied an open space in the south of Udu City, and used the materials funded by the Emperor to build a dedicated meeting hall, landmark flags and other buildings, creating a small building complex with a manor-like feel.

The landmark flag has the four banners of "Wulin Zhengpai", and the plaque in the meeting hall also has the four characters "Wulin Zhengpai". This place can be used as the residence of the Wulin Zhengpai General Forum, but Lu Chaoding only regards it as Private estate.

"General Shenwei, the headquarters of our martial arts sect is in Tianyun City in Tianyun Prefecture. It has not been built yet. This matter is not urgent, because the martial arts conferences of the martial arts sect are held from time to time depending on the mood of this master! You want to Understand, the management of this alliance leader is very humane, and there is nothing for you to do now, you can go fishing!"

Lu Chaoding sat on the large chair at the top of the meeting hall and spoke to Zuo Xuandao leisurely.

Ever since Zuo Xuandao left Tianyuan Palace, he has been following him like a bodyguard.

Zuo Xuandao obviously didn't quite understand what Lu Chaoding said. Just as he was about to say something, two figures suddenly rushed into the meeting hall.

These two people are Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu.

"Leader, you can make it easy for us to find you!" Jia Zhengyi wiped his sweat. After entering the hall, he showed a big-character poster to Lu Chaoding and said: "I have collected the names of all the factions in the alliance. The information has been sorted out. Leader, please take a look. Now our martial arts sect has a total of 4 sects joining us. Many guys who shouted to support you ran away before. I have written them all down. In addition, I also sorted out the evil sects and demon sects. According to the sect’s roster, there are a total of 236 evil sects and demonic sects that need to be conquered. How do you think they should be conquered?”

Lu Chaoding looked at the "big-character poster". Sure enough, the names of many sects were written on it. Many of them were marked with "devil sect" and "evil sect" at the end. Among them were Qinglian Sword Sect, Hongchen Sword Sect, and Great Sword Sect. The three first-class sects of Luo Jian Sect.

After looking at it for a long time, Lu Chao said: "Good guy! Leader Jia, you are so cruel. If you manipulate me like this, the whole world will be full of evil sects and demonic sects, not counting your reliable sword sect and morality." As for the Sword Sect, there are only two third-rate sects that are our allies. We, the upright martial arts sect, are afraid that we will become corrupt." (End of Chapter)

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