Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 218 Chunxiangyuan

Chapter 218 Chunxiangyuan

Among the list of sects provided by Jia Daode, there are only four sects that have joined the upright martial arts sect. In addition to Lu Chaoding's unreliable sword sect and Jia Daode's moral sword sect, there are only Tsing Yi Sword Sect and Meteoric Sword Sect.

These are two third-rate sword sects. Their disciples are withering. The Tsing Yi Sword Sect has only one leader, named Mu Qingyi. The Meteor Star Sword Sect doesn’t even have a leader. It doesn’t even have a station because the sect has just been destroyed and now only The next one is the deputy head named Li Daxing and a young disciple of Xue Xiaoqing.

"The upright martial arts faction is weak." Lu Chao patted Jia Zhengyi on the shoulder, "Are you ready to become the enemy of the world?"

Jia Zhengyi, however, looked calm. He said with a smile: "My subordinates are always ready to charge into battle for the alliance leader!"

Lu Chao nodded and said, "It seems you understand me."

He rolled up the "big-character poster" and handed it to Lan E, saying: "Madam, since ancient times, good and evil have been incompatible. The important task of eradicating evil sects and demonic sects can only be left to you, so that I can rest assured, husband!"

Lan'e smiled and said: "I understand the intention of the husband in charge, so I will set off now."

After saying this, she ordered 30 sisters, and without delay, she immediately stepped on her sword.

The first protector Zuo Xuandao couldn't understand. He squinted his eyes, pointed at the backs of Lan E and others, and said, "What are they going to do?"

"Of course we are going to eradicate the demon sect!" As Lu Chaoding spoke, he sent a message to Hua Dashao Feijian, the deputy head of his reliable sword sect: "Xiao Hua, it's time to conquer the world and assist the eldest lady Lan E. , cultivate Wanjianshan!"

The flying sword that passed the message immediately escaped into the void.

Rarely, Lu Chaoding did not receive a system prompt indicating that there was a problem with the letter.

"Unreliable, Wanjian Mountain can be called a war artifact. Considering the future plane war, it must be cultivated as soon as possible. Then the only choice is to launch a war. Launching a war can also enhance the reputation of the sect. It should also be possible for the sect to be promoted to the first level. It will be faster..."

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.

For the next whole day, Lu Chaoding spent the day sightseeing. He piloted the Daxuan Ship, used the Da Zi Zai Sky Surveying Sword Technique, and traveled around Uducheng, gaining a lot of knowledge.

Jia Zhengyi, Ren Daniu and Shenwei General Zuo Xuandao have been following Lu Chaoding like followers.

During this day's wandering, Lu Chaoding gained a lot. He learned a lot of information about the Dayu Dynasty. For example, Yuan Feiying, the general manager of the imperial court, and Chen Baji, the general manager, were known as the twin pillars of the imperial city and were openly affiliated with the Dayu Dynasty. The strongest.

But everyone knows that the strongest person in Yudu is not these two people, but Yu Fanfan, one of the four strange people.

Yu Fanfan is the founder of the Dayu Dynasty and the father of the current little queen. He has abdicated long ago and has been in seclusion in Wanfa Tower for these years.

The Wanfa Tower is a forbidden area behind the palace and is heavily guarded. Even if Lu Chaoding has an official position, he is not allowed to enter the three miles around it. He has tried to break in but failed. The Wanfa Tower is obviously not yet When it opens, there is an invisible wall of air blocking the surrounding area.

Lu Chaoding also found an appraiser and appraised the 20 yuan [Jade Slip of Ancient Sword Cultivator Inheritance].

Those [Jade Slips of Ancient Sword Cultivator Inheritance] are also extraordinary. Three five-star skill books, ten four-star skill books, seven pill recipes, six equipment production maps, and special professions [Eight-Armed Sword Master], [Purple Sword Master] were identified. One job transfer certificate each for [Xiao Sword God], [White Lotus Sword Immortal], and [Dark Fire Sword Demon].

It's just that Lu Chaoding no longer looks down on these things. The most precious among them are the job transfer certificates for the four special professions. Lu Chaoding plans to use the mission hall to brush them when he has free time, so that he can give them to the sect. Players in need can also carry it with them and occasionally give it away to show their generosity.

"Now it's time to go to Chunxiangyuan."

Lu Chaoding looked at a majestic wooden building with red silk hanging on the eaves and said lightly.

That wooden building is Chunxiangyuan.

Lu Chaoding's purple gourd also contained Zhong Baiwei, the guard of Sigu Mountain Camp.As long as he sends it to Chunxiangyuan and lets him taste the ultimate ten thousand years of drunkenness, Chunxiangyuan will be given to him by the unreliable system.

This task is not difficult, and Lu Chaoding plans to complete it now.

Chunxiangyuan in Udu is very deserted. There are many beautifully dressed women in front of the building soliciting customers with sweet voices, but passers-by avoid them like snakes and scorpions, and even walk around Chunxiangyuan.

Lu Chaoding could tell at a glance that the Chunxiang Courtyard was the same as the Chunhua Tower in Tianyun City. The women soliciting customers were all fake and had been transformed by the fragrant madam inside using the magic of the devil's heart.

In short, this Chunxiangyuan must also be a black shop.

Lu Chaoding asked Lu Liu and other ladies of the house, as well as Jia Zhengyi and others, to wait outside the building. He strode into Chunxiang Courtyard, then held up the title of Hundred-Yuan Millionaire, and sprinkled some gold coins casually, and the Xiang Madam appeared. .

This Xiang Madam is also a middle-aged lady with a bloated figure. Her figure and appearance are comparable to the Hua Madam of Tianyun City, and her acting style is also similar. She flatters Lu Chao in every possible way and treats him as a big benefactor. Lu Chao took out ten gold yuan, which made her smile and wish she could serve him personally.

In this way, it was very easy to invite Zhong Baiwei, the guard of Sigu Mountain Camp, to have a drink of wine. When Zhong Baiwei drank a glass of wine, Lu Chaoding immediately received the system prompt: "Ding, Take the Sigu Mountain camp guard Zhong Baiwei to Chunxiangyuan and taste the top ten thousand years of drunkenness. The task is completed. Congratulations on getting Chunxiangyuan."

"Ding, you have become the owner of Chunxiangyuan. Chunxiangyuan is a special sect. The current supporting facilities, supporting specialties, equipped NPCs, etc. are at your disposal. Please check the Chunxiangyuan management panel for details."

After the system prompt ended, the translucent Chunxiangyuan management panel automatically popped up in front of Lu Chaoding.

Chunxiangyuan: Special sect
Leader: Lu Chaoding
Lao Bustard: Xiang Lao Bustard, a level 60 Charming Heart Sword Demon, is proficient in the magic of the Demon Charming Heart.

Winemaker: Zhang Wannian, level 60 Jiujianxian, winemaker, proficient in winemaking.

Customer: Zhong Baiwei, guard of Sigu Mountain Camp, level 40 lame swordsman.

Guard: none
Turtle slave: none
Supporting buildings: A three-story wooden building in the central business district of Yudu, including a backyard, kitchen, wine cellar, wine shop and other supporting facilities.

Supporting buildings: Teleportation Sword Monument (the teleportation points of Chunhua Tower in Tianyun City, Chunfeng Tower in Ten Thousand Flowers City, Chunyi Pavilion in Jufu City, Chunnuang Pavilion in Luanhuo City, Chunyan Tower in Boulder City, and Chunxing Tower in Linhai City have been opened)

Supporting specialty products: the best Wannianzui (highly spirited liquor, easy to get drunk after drinking, can produce ten jars per day)
Function [-] of the sect: training turtle slaves.

Function [-] of the sect: train winemakers.

Explanation [-]: Chunxiangyuan, Chunhua Tower, Chunfeng Tower, Chunyi Pavilion, Chunnuang Pavilion, Chunyan Tower, and Chunxing Tower are all branches of the destroyed Tianmo Sword Sect, and have now become special independent sects.

Explanation [-]: Customer Zhong Baiwei has settled in Chunxiangyuan and became a member of Chunxiangyuan.

Lu Chaoding had just finished reading Chunxiang Courtyard's management panel and immediately received another system prompt: "Ding, you have become the master of Chunxiang Courtyard and triggered the hidden mission: Conquer Chunxiang Courtyard, Chunhua Tower, Chunfeng Tower, Chunyi Pavilion, Chunnuang Pavilion, Chunyan Tower and Chunxing Tower, rebuild the Demon Sword Sect, and you will get the Demon Sword Book and the Demon Sword after completing the task!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates tracking tasks, tampering with content: conquer Chunxiangyuan, Chunhua Tower, Chunfeng Tower, Chunyi Pavilion, Chunnuan Pavilion, Chunyan Tower, Chunxing Tower, rebuild the Demon Sword Sect, you can get it after completing the task Heavenly Demon Sword and Heavenly Demon!"


Lu Chao was stunned.

"What is the reward for the tampering mission? The Heavenly Demon Sword and the Heavenly Demon? Will you give me a Heavenly Demon as a reward? What will this Heavenly Demon be?"

(End of this chapter)

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