Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 220 It can’t be ignored

Lu Chaoding left without saying goodbye irresponsibly.

He left simply. As for whether Dao Zangkong went to the meeting hall, what his hidden purpose was, and whether the chief internal officer had colluded with Dao Zangkong, he didn't care at all.

With a flash of light from the Teleportation Sword Monument, Lu Chaoding arrived at the backyard of Chunnuan Pavilion in Chaoshuo City, six thousand miles away.


A loud shout sounded.

Lu Chao looked around and saw an NPC with gray hair.

Perhaps because he was the head of Chunxiang Pavilion, Lu Chaoding obtained brief information about this NPC.

[Yang Mingzhou: Level 60 Blood Withered Sword Demon, Poison Maker, Chun Nuan Pavilion NPC, proficient in poison making, and good at using poisonous smoke. 】

"Another talent!"

Lu Chaoding chuckled, put his hands behind his back, and said to Yang Mingzhou in front of him: "You bastard, you don't recognize me! I am your leader, the future Lord of the Demons, and I am here to inspect, Do you dare to be disrespectful?"

"Future celestial demon?"

Yan Mingyi looked confused on Monday.

Lu Chaoding laughed. He just had the mentality to do whatever he wanted. He made random nonsense and continued: "Go and call the person in charge."

As he spoke, the Great Sun Dharma Ring of Sun Power appeared behind him, and his whole person seemed to be blooming with infinite brilliance.

The NPCs in front had limited intelligence, and some were fooled and stood there at a loss.

After about five breaths, suddenly another person flew into the backyard. This person was fat, wearing a bright red dress, and her hair was full of gold hairpins. She was another obese middle-aged woman.

[Nuan Lao Bustard: Level 60 Charming Heart Sword Demon, proficient in the magic of the devil's charming heart, in charge of Chun Nuan Pavilion in Chaotic Fire City, and good at training turtle slaves. 】

"Sure enough, there is also an old bustard." When Lu Chaoding saw this old bustard, he immediately added the title of "hundred-dollar millionaire" and said calmly: "Are you the person in charge of this place? Seeing the boss coming. , why don’t you come forward to say hello?”


Madam Nuan frowned, obviously not recognizing Lu Chao as the leader.

Lu Chao shouted: "It's really rude! It seems that you are not a qualified madam!"


Nuan Lao Madam, the NPC, was also a little confused at this time. Perhaps she was intimidated by Lu Chaoding's aura, or perhaps it was because of the title of "One Hundred Dollar Millionaire" above Lu Chaoding's head. After a while, she smiled with a smile on her face. He walked up to Lu Chaoding and said, "Why doesn't this uncle go through the main entrance?"

Lu Chao said: "Don't tell me anything else, please call the leader to come and listen?"

Nuan Lao Bustard said: "What kind of boss? The slave family doesn't understand what the master said! The master should go with the slave family to the guest room and let the slave family take good care of the master!"

"Hmph!" Lu Chao swung his sleeves and said viciously: "If you don't recognize me as the leader, what use does the leader have for the Spring Warm Pavilion?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you don't recognize me, I will demolish this place! It's up to you!"

While speaking, Lu Chaoding used the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique]. He stretched out his hand and pointed towards the sky, and there was a buzzing sound. Nine giant swords of [-] feet long appeared in mid-air. The tips of those giant swords pointed downwards. , the momentum is terrifying.

He thought that if he wanted to become the head of Chun Nuan Pavilion, he must achieve the corresponding plot. He didn't have time to study the plot slowly, so he planned to rely on his own strength to be tough and violent.

Destroying the Chun Nuan Pavilion was indeed not difficult for Lu Chaoding. Once the building was demolished and all the NPCs were killed, the Chun Nuan Pavilion would naturally be gone. He didn't think anyone here could stop him.

Of course, he just wanted to scare the NPC in front of him.

Nuan Madam suddenly had a look of fear on her face and said tremblingly: "I can't do it, I can't do it. You can't do this in broad daylight..."

At this moment, Lu Chaoding actually received a system prompt: "Ding, the occasionally unreliable system starts and releases the mission: Destroy the Chunnuan Pavilion. The mission is completed. The reward is unreliable lottery tickets × 100!" "Huh?"

Lu Chaoding was stunned when he heard the system prompt.

The unreliable system actually allowed me to destroy Chun Nuan Pavilion?

How does this work?
If you destroy it, won't your mission of rebuilding the Demon Sword Sect be ruined?
After thinking quickly, Lu Chaoding felt that he didn't need to worry. Anyway, whether or not to rebuild the Demonic Sword Party would have little impact on him. This was an indifferent matter. He didn't need to worry too much and just do whatever he wanted.

After thinking about this, Lu Chaoding felt that his mentality was very good. He laughed, and with a thought, nine extraordinary giant swords fell. With the sound of rumbling, the backyard of Chunnuan Pavilion and the ones in front of him The wooden building was quickly razed to the ground.

"Ding, destroy the Chun Nuan Pavilion station, the mission is completed, and you will be rewarded with 100 unreliable lottery tickets!"

"Ding, you destroyed the hidden sect Chun Nuan Pavilion, achieved the hidden achievement, and your reputation has increased slightly."

"Ding, you get the hatred of Nuan Lao Bustard, you get the hatred of the poison maker..."

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and nodded with satisfaction. Just as he was thinking about searching and searching to see if there was any loot, he saw the Nuan Madam emerging from the wood chips, rubble and rising dust and smoke. Her eyes were filled with desire. He held a sword in his hand, looked at Lu Chaoding fiercely, and said: "Oh, is there any king's law? You thief, I, I will fight with you..."

Yan Mingzhou, the poison maker, also emerged from the rubble in the other direction, shouting: "What a bastard, you are so bold, you dare to destroy my Chunnuan Pavilion, you must die!"

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry, and faced the aggressive Xiang Madam and Yan Mingzhou, he said: "Who told you not to recognize me as the leader? Besides, what's the big deal? I'll pay you if you're anxious." That’s it.”

After he said this, Xiang Laobao and the poison maker immediately stopped being excited. They looked at each other and discussed quickly. After about a minute, Hua Laobao took two steps towards Lu Chaodong and spread out his arms. Holding his hand, he said: "Without 1 million, you would never leave here today."

"Only 500 million? How big a deal do I think it is?"

Lu Chaoding took out his Qianyuan token unhurriedly, and suddenly had an idea and said: "Wait a minute, if I pay to rebuild Chunxiang Courtyard, can I become the master of Chunxiang Courtyard?"

The poison maker shouted: "Hmph! You have a beautiful idea!"

Madam Nuan followed: "Unless you add more money."

"More money? It's okay to add more money. Is it okay to have a small goal?"

Lu Chaoding was overjoyed. He thought NPCs were quite fun. By communicating with them, anything was possible.

"A small goal?"

"That's [-] million!" Lu Chao, a wealthy man, continued: "I can give each of you [-] million. You must recognize me as the master, and the rebuilt Chunxiang Courtyard will still be run by you. How about it?"

"Seriously! Do you have that much money?"

"Your Excellency, please don't talk nonsense!"

The two NPCs immediately calmed down.

Lu Chaoding was not polite and immediately used Qianyuan tokens to give each of them [-] million gold yuan, shocking the two NPCs on the spot.

"Money can make the mill push ghosts, this is very reliable!"

Lu Chaoding felt that he still had a good chance of rebuilding the Demonic Sword Sect, but at this time he did not receive any system prompts, so he asked Xiang Laobao: "When can your Chunnuan Pavilion be rebuilt?"

Xiang Lao Bustard said: "Thank you, uncle, it can only be a month at most..."

"Don't call me uncle, call me the leader!" Lu Chao said, "I am Shangqing Daode Yin Yang Wuji Huang Quan Qinglian Dayan Taiji Luo Duo Bao Sword Xian Lu Chaoding. Remember, from now on I will wear Nuan Pavilion The leader!"

"Yes, yes, yes! The slave family will respect you as its leader from now on!"

Nuan Madam nodded respectfully.

After Lu Chaoding finished speaking, he looked up at the sky again and said: "You have seen the unreliable system. I am also the head of Chunnuan Pavilion now, so it cannot be ignored." (End of Chapter)

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