Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 221 I am Diablo

Lu Chaoding didn't get any response.

Obviously, the system still doesn't recognize his identity as the head of Chun Nuan Pavilion.

"I estimate that it will have to wait until a month later, when the Chunnuan Pavilion is rebuilt, to determine whether my position as head is legitimate. If I can really obtain the identity of the head of the branch of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect by destroying and rebuilding it, then I will rebuild the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect. It’s not hard to make a pie either.”

Lu Chaoding thought about it silently and felt that the world was so big that he could do whatever he wanted.

After a while, he left the ruins of Chunnuan Pavilion and then began to look around.

What appeared in his field of vision was a town with not many pedestrians and low houses. The cold wind blew on the streets, blowing the dead grass into rolling balls.

Deserted and dilapidated, this was Lu Chaoding's first impression of this place.

Soon he discovered many corpses that looked like decorations on the ground. Occasionally, groups of patrolling guards passed by on the street. They were also loose and had no morale, just like remnants of soldiers.

Lu Chaoding knew that this was Chaoshuo City. He took out the mission scroll that Emperor Yu had given him before and looked at it. He knew that the reason why this place was so deserted was because of an ancient ruin that appeared a month ago.

Following the guidance on the scroll, Lu Chaoding quickly found the ancient ruins.

The ancient ruins are in a valley. Looking from a distance, the entire valley is shrouded in scarlet mist, and a towering building can be vaguely seen in the mist.

Outside the valley, there are many simple camps. Those camps or outposts are more suitable, and there are scattered NPCs stationed in them.

"It's quite mysterious!"

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes. He no longer saw the player, so he knew that the valley ahead was still unexplored.

And in such a place, there are usually some treasures inside.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chao flew into a camp with his sword on his head.

This is the largest camp outside the valley. There is a red flag in the camp, and it seems that the soldiers of the Dayu Dynasty are stationed in it.


Lu Chaoding's uninvited appearance quickly attracted the attention of the NPC. Three guards wearing simple armors blocked him with swords. The leader had scars on his face and wore a helmet.

More NPCs were alarmed and ran out of tents and towers. They seemed very panicked about Lu Chaoding's arrival.

Lu Chaoding took out the imperial leader's token, showed it to these NPCs, and then said: "I am the leader of the upright martial arts sect. Entrusted by Emperor Yu, I came here to defeat the unknown castle creatures in the valley!"

The mission issued by Emperor Yu to Lu Chaoding originally had seven mission objectives. It not only required defeating the unknown creatures in the castle, but also quelling the chaos in Chaos Fire City, investigating the ancient ruins of Chaos Fire City, obtaining information about plane wars, and subduing them. The Wuxiang Sword Sect, Xiantian Sword Sect, and Gusong Sword Sect in the northern boundary of Tianzhong Prefecture!
However, the unreliable system has been tampered with, and the mission goals are still seven, but they are exactly the same, they are all to defeat the unknown castle creatures.

"Are you the leader of the martial arts alliance?"

"Oh my god, he's a first-class official!"

"Is this a big shot on the same level as the National Preceptor and the Grand Marshal?"

"Emperor Yu finally sent someone!"

"Call the adults out quickly, our Luanhuo City can be saved!"

The soldiers who showed up were excited and surrounded Lu Chaoding. No one doubted his identity.

Soon, the crowd separated, and an NPC wearing a maroon silk official robe and a black official hat came to Lu Chaoding, cupped his hands and said: "I have met the leader of the alliance, Luanhuo City."

"Don't be too polite, get up!"

Lu Chao waved his hand, thinking that the guy in front of him was probably a minor official at the county magistrate level.The "little official" immediately burst into tears and choked up: "Sir, you must save us. Ever since the ruins in the valley appeared, Huanhuo City has been in chaos. Now the evil spirits in the valley come out to catch us from time to time. People, there were rogue bandits again, burning, killing and looting everywhere. The three sects of Wuxiang Sword Sect, Xiantian Sword Sect and Gusong Sword Sect took the opportunity to make money and caused all kinds of man-made disasters. The majesty of the imperial court in this chaotic city was gone. Cun, please take action to kill the evil spirits, bring order to the chaos, and quell the chaos!"

Lu Chao said: "First tell me, the leader of this alliance, what's going on with that evil spirit!"

All the soldiers around him immediately started talking.

"The evil spirit has bat-like wings on its back! He can fly!"

"He is not a human, he has a pair of sharp fangs!"

"He was wearing weird clothes, white gloves, black eye circles, and a cape that was black on the outside and red on the inside."

"He likes to bite people's necks..."

As Lu Chaoding listened, he felt that what these soldiers described was very similar to vampires.

He had seen vampires in the Machine Emperor Universe and met the awakened vampire Duke Alice. He was wondering if a certain vampire boss in the Machine Emperor Universe had crossed the line.

After carefully learning about the evil spirit from all the soldiers, Lu Chaoding decided to go meet him for a while.

A moment later, Lu Chaoding arrived at the entrance of the Blood Mist Valley. Looking at the blood mist in front of him, he murmured: "The evil spirit is not weak. According to Yuhuang, it can fight extraordinary people. It should be a level 60 spirit." It’s a BOSS, but it shouldn’t be my opponent!”

After thinking about it, for the sake of stability, Lu Chaoding rode a tiger ship into the valley, and released the ladies in Chaoding Cave, as well as Lu Pifu, Lu Qilin, and his second apprentice, the powerful bull demon ape.

Soon, Lu Chaoding discovered that there were many ruins in the valley. It seemed that this was once a prosperous city, and the architectural style of those ruins and various ruins was completely different from that of Hongchen Sword World. , in Lu Chaoding's feeling, it is more inclined to the architectural style of the Western Middle Ages on Earth.

Gradually, Lu Chaoding felt like land fragments, or space fragments, were suddenly embedded here.

"The terrain is complex, but there doesn't seem to be any wild loot!"

Lu Chaoding muttered. At this time, he had come to the only complete but still leaning building in the valley.

This is an old castle, and it is quite magnificent. The main structure is very complete, and there are even some bright flags on it. You can see the pattern of tulip flowers on the flags.

"Cry, cry, cry, cry..."

Suddenly, a cry came from the old castle, like the cry of some kind of big bird, sharp and harsh.

At the same time, scarlet blood quickly seeped out from the walls of the castle, and the blood-colored mist also gathered, making the light dim, and the entire castle immediately looked eerie.

"Cough, cough, cough, turn it into thick blood. This is your destination..."

A sharp and heart-wrenching voice suddenly came from the castle.

Lu Chaoding immediately reached out and pointed toward the sky, and nine huge extraordinary swords appeared above his head.

"what are you!"

He shouted in the direction of the castle.

The sharp voice sounded again: "I am an immortal evil spirit, a licker of souls, and a lord of blood. I will seize your life and collect your soul. Your blood and bones will become this castle." of masonry.”

"Mard, scare me!" Lu Chaoding didn't care about Sanqi 21. With a thought, nine extraordinary giant swords fell towards the bloody castle.

"Do you know who I am? I am the God of Diablo, and I will kill you!"

Lu Chaoding decided to demolish the bloody castle first. (End of chapter)

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