Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 222 Unknown Evil Spirit

The Great Sun Dharma Ring appeared behind Lu Chaoding, and nine giant swords crashed down, and the light swept through the confusion.

boom boom boom boom...

The bloody castle was like a clay sculpture. Under Lu Chaoding's extraordinary giant sword, several holes were smashed out in an instant, and then collapsed and fell. In just three or five breaths, the majestic castle became There was a piece of ruins, and it seemed that due to its collapse, the bloody mist was obviously weakened a bit.

In fact, it was Lu Chaoding's [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] that had such powerful destructive ability.

[Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] can cause multiple damage to buildings. Lu Chaoding's [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] has reached LV18, which is above the limit. Moreover, under the influence of the characteristics of Duobao Sword Fairy, the power has been increased by nine times. This Only then could he destroy the bloody castle with overwhelming force.

If it were anyone else, even level 90 Zuo Xuandao, it would be impossible to destroy this building.

This is a very outrageous thing. Among players, only Lu Chaoding can do it.

Lu Chaoding was still very satisfied with the effect of his attack. He nodded and said: "Hahahaha! I am the God of Destruction of Destruction of the Family!"

He was feeling proud when he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, destroy the ancient ruins Blood and Bone Castle, related plot props and hidden treasures disappear, the Blood and Bone Castle plot is terminated, and related exploration missions are abandoned."

"Ding, you destroyed the ancient ruins Blood Bone Castle. The unknown evil spirit that lives in it is extremely angry. He is about to appear. Please be ready for battle."


Lu Chaoding was stunned.

"Relevant plot props and hidden treasures have disappeared. Isn't this just depriving me of my trophies? There is such a thing. I didn't tell you earlier!"

Lu Chaoding felt very unhappy that he had lost [-] million.

"Whoa, oh, damn, damn, damn!"

At this time, angry voices came from the ruins of the castle. Lu Chaoding took a closer look and saw a figure wearing a black tuxedo crawling out of the ruins. The figure looked like an old man, with a waist-length cloak behind him and combed hair. He looked very neat and carried a cane, but he soon transformed. His body swelled, his tuxedo torn, his eyes turned blood red, his mouth opened, revealing a pair of sharp fangs, and the cloak behind his back turned into A pair of broad, ugly wings.

[Unknown evil spirit:? ? ? ? ? 】

Lu Chaoding couldn't see the specific information about the evil spirit, but he immediately recognized it. It was a vampire. It was very similar to the one he saw in the Machine Emperor Universe, and seemed to be more advanced.

The evil spirit flew into the air with a very ferocious expression. He shouted: "You damn maggot, how dare you, how dare you destroy my blood and bone castle! Do you know that my blood and bone castle is just a little bit close to becoming a temple? ! Damn it, you blocked my plan to become a great demon, and also blocked my way back to my hometown, you deserve to die! In the name of my De Guha, I hereby swear that I will give you the most cruel torture and eternal damnation, Let you become the lowest blood slave..."

"Bold!" Lu Chaoding said with a straight face, "You vampire, how dare you speak such arrogant words, I will kill you!"

After saying this, the black saber-toothed tiger under Lu Chao's body immediately transformed into a tank, and dense mechanical missiles immediately appeared around him.

Those mechanical missiles seemed to cover the sky, and they uniformly adjusted their warhead pointing, and then launched suddenly, swishing, swishing, swooshing, as if they were trying to drown the unknown evil spirit.


The evil spirit was startled, and blood mist immediately appeared behind him. He flicked his cloak, and then countless blood-colored bats flew out and rushed towards the overhead mechanical missile.

Boom boom boom boom!

The explosion shook the valley, and the mechanical missiles exploded. Under the influence of the sun's power, the sun's true fire burned wantonly, quickly replacing the blood mist, and then countless wailing sounds came out, as if Lu Chaoding The mechanical missile attacks not one person, but a group of people.

"The Holy Flame is actually the Holy Flame. Who are you to be able to control the Holy Flame? Are you the Sun God... No, don't you call yourself Diablo? This Holy Flame shouldn't be your divine attribute! "

The slightly frightened voice of an unknown evil spirit came from the ruins.

Lu Chaoding frowned slightly. His casual attack did not achieve the result he wanted. He did not receive a system prompt. The opponent was not pulled into the fighting space by him and could still speak. This proved that his attack was resisted by him. He came down, and he was not seriously injured.

"Hey, this vampire has some tricks!" Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and responded: "What kind of holy flame, I don't know, that is the true sun fire of this sword fairy."

"The sun is really fire? Huh, don't try to trick me. It is clearly the holy flame. Even if you are not the incarnation of the sun god, you must be the lackey of the Holy Court. Damn it, you actually chased me here!"

The voice of the unknown evil spirit sounded again, the real sun fire below was extinguished, and the bloody mist rose again.

Lu Chaoding knew that the unknown evil spirit was hidden in the blood mist below. He stretched out his hand and pointed downwards and said: "Heavenly Sun, switch to the full sun mode, range attack, fire coverage, launch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dense mechanical missiles bombed out again.

Under the influence of Sun Tianquan, Lu Chaoding's attack covered an area with a diameter of nearly 800 meters. All mechanical missiles exploded and immediately turned into golden sun fire. The sun fire quickly dispersed the original The blood mist was like a sea of ​​fire flooding the valley.


Accompanied by screams, the unknown evil spirit flew out of the sea of ​​fire with flapping wings. He looked a little embarrassed, with obvious fear in his expression. He glanced at Lu Chaoding, then immediately flapped his wings and headed towards Fly far away.

"Want to escape?"

Lu Chao's thoughts moved, and the ship spirit Lu Daxuan appeared. She took over the control of the Daxuan ship, summoned the Five Pigs, and immediately increased the speed of the Daxuan ship to the highest level, chasing the unknown evil spirit.

At the same time, Lu Chaoding launched his third attack.

He still maintained the attack mode of the bright sun, launching a range attack, and this time he saw clearly that his attack hit the unknown evil spirit, causing him to scream and even fall to the ground. .

However, this attack still failed to pull him into the fighting space.

Lu Chaoding then launched the fourth and fifth attacks, both of which were intensive bombings. The ground shook, the clouds collapsed, and the fog dispersed. They all hit the unknown evil spirit, but strangely, there was no Can pull that guy into the fighting space.

"This guy is a bit weird. Doesn't he want to enter the battle space?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes, thinking that even if he couldn't pull the vampire into the fighting space, it didn't matter, he could still kill him.

Of course, it would be better if you could get some useful information from him before killing him.

Lu Chaoding knew that this valley and the unknown evil spirits were unusual and might be related to some secrets of the plane war. Lu Chaoding was still a little curious about those secrets.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chao said: "It would be a pity to beat the vampire to death directly. Let all the ladies take action together and arrest him."


Luliu and other ladies of the heads were on board the Daxuan Ship at the moment, and were teaming up with Lu Chaoding. After hearing Lu Chaoding's order, they immediately came out with their swords and quickly dispersed around.

These ladies in charge are all Sword Immortals of the Extraordinary Realm, and their own strength is not weak. Any one of them can take charge alone. They each used their own methods to quickly surround the entire valley. The unknown evil spirit was soon forced to have no way out, and finally Surrounded by everyone, with only his bloody skin left, he crawled to the ground like a frightened little beast.

Lu Chaoding jumped off the Daxuan ship at this time, with his hands behind his back, following Lu Pifu on the left and Lu Qilin on the right.

"Little vampire, now you know how powerful this swordsman is!"

While talking, Lu Chao opened the storage space, took out a high-backed chair, and sat down in front of the unknown evil spirit.

The evil spirit trembled, looking frightened and silent.

Lu Chaoding said again: "I'm asking you, do you accept it?" The evil spirit raised his head, a little afraid of Lu Chaoding's gaze, then quickly lowered his head and said: "I accept it!"

"Really convinced, or pretending to be convinced!"

"Really satisfied!"

"I do not believe!"

Lu Chao rubbed his chin. He had a mission. The mission required defeating an unknown evil spirit. Now he had received a system notification that the mission was completed.

"You, you don't believe it, what can I do?" The unknown evil spirit collapsed on the ground and said: "I am really convinced. I beg the great Holy God to let me live. I promise that I will never fight against the Holy Court from now on." enemy."

"I'm not a holy god, I'm a swordsman!"

Lu Chao responded, still thinking about how to complete his mission.

"The mission requires me to defeat an unknown evil spirit. Could it be that I mean to kill him? It would be easy to kill him, but the unreliable system is so unreliable. If I really kill him, all seven mission objectives will be considered completed. What?"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently, but the unknown evil spirit just begged for mercy, calling him the Holy God and recognizing him as the Sun God.

After some interrogation, Lu Chaoding discovered that his judgment was wrong. This unknown evil spirit did not come from the Machine King universe, but from the arcane world.

Obviously, the arcane world is also a plane world, with demons and holy gods in it.

The unknown evil spirit is indeed a vampire, and a high-level vampire at the prince level. He seems to be extremely eager to become a demon. However, because the Blood and Bone Castle was destroyed by Lu Chaoding, his plan to become a demon has been completely ruined.

In addition, this guy has a special ability, which is that he will never enter the battle space.

After a while, Lu Chaoding took out the purple gold gourd and put the vampire prince away. After all, he did not kill him recklessly. He was thinking that if he didn't search the valley first, he might be able to find something.

But just after Lu Chaoding put the unknown evil spirit into the purple gourd, he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, the mission is advancing. Defeat the unknown evil spirit once. Please keep up the good work."

"Defeat the unknown evil spirit once?" Lu Chao's mind suddenly moved, and he finally understood the logic of the unreliable system.

"The goal of the seven missions is to defeat the unknown evil spirit. It turns out that I was asked to defeat the unknown evil spirit seven times. Do I beat him until he has no power to fight back?"

Lu Chaoding smiled, took out the purple gold gourd, turned the gourd's mouth to the ground, slapped the bottom of the gourd, and with a bang, the unknown evil spirit was released.

"I have a lot of you, Master Sword Immortal. I'll let you go and get out!" Lu Chao said, and then suddenly said: "Wait a minute and let me, the Sword Immortal, heal your wounds."

After saying that, Lu Chaoding switched his attack state to [Glow], which is another attack state provided by Sun Tianquan. In this state, Lu Chaoding's attacks will no longer be destructive, but will have a healing effect.

Relying on the effect of [Glow], Lu Chaoding quickly filled up the unknown evil spirit's health bar, then nodded and said: "You can leave now, hurry up!"

The unknown evil spirit was stunned.

Luliu and the other ladies in charge were also stunned.

They couldn't see Lu Chaoding's intentions at all.

Soon, the unknown evil spirit said: "It seems that you are really not the Holy Sun God. Thank you for letting me live. I will definitely repay you in the future. Goodbye!"

After saying that, he spread his wings and immediately flew into the sky. After he had flown 400 meters, Lu Chaoding suddenly pointed at him again and shouted: "How dare you run away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword shadow rose into the air, and the unknown evil spirit was quickly knocked down.

"Ladies, beat him, haha!"

Lu Chaoding laughed and stepped forward to continue attacking the unknown evil spirit. Soon the evil spirit was beaten until only a trace of blood was left, and he was pinned to the ground and groaned.

"I'm just asking you, are you convinced?" Lu Chaoding asked again.

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced! Didn't you say let me go? Why are you still beating me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me ask you, are you really convinced, or are you pretending to be convinced?"

"Really satisfied!"

"I do not believe!"

Lu Chaoding took out the purple gold gourd again, pointed the gourd's mouth at the unknown evil spirit, and easily took it in.

Then, as expected, another system prompt sounded, informing Lu Chaoding that two-sevenths of the mission goal had been achieved.

Lu Chaoding laughed and released the unknown evil spirit again, saying: "I am kind to the Sword Immortal. I will let you go again. I hope you can take care of yourself!"

After saying that, he switched to attack mode again, filling up the unknown evil spirit's health bar, urging him to leave quickly.

The unknown evil spirit had a dull look on his face. He didn't say a word this time, and hesitantly flew 300 meters away. Lu Chaoding launched another attack on him.

After a period of confusion, the unknown evil spirit was pinned to the ground again, with only a trace of blood left.

"I'll ask you if you agree!"

Lu Chaoding asked again, while directly healing the unknown evil spirit.

Soon, the unknown evil spirit's health bar was full again. Lu Chao waved to him and said, "Run quickly."

The unknown evil spirit was like a puppet this time, standing still and not leaving.

Lu Chaoding waited for several minutes and saw that he still didn't leave, so he frowned and said, "How dare you not run away and take advantage of my sword!"

He decisively launched an attack on the unknown evil spirit. After a while, the unknown evil spirit's health bar was emptied again. Lu Chaoding used the purple gourd to put it away. The system prompt came again, announcing that the battle was still valid.

From then on, Lu Chaoding would heal the unknown evil spirit again and let him escape. Regardless of whether he ran away or not, he would soon beat him again until only his skin was left.

After doing this several times, Lu Chaoding's mission was finally completed.

"Ding, defeat the unknown castle creatures, defeat the unknown castle creatures, defeat the unknown castle creatures, defeat the unknown castle creatures, defeat the unknown castle creatures, defeat the unknown castle creatures, defeat the unknown castle creatures Life, the mission is completed, return to Yudu, and you will get the favorability of Yuhuang and the construction drawings of the special sect building Hall of Heroes!"

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and felt happy. He waved his hand to the unknown evil spirit and said, "Okay, it's none of your business. Let's go, let's go. I won't hit you!"

The unknown evil spirit's body shook violently, like a ghost, and he shouted: "You are a devil... You have gone too far to bully others, I will fight with you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang, and his body suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist, and in the blood mist, a black space crack suddenly appeared. (End of chapter)

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