Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 223 Fragments of the Arcane Throne

Chapter 223 Fragments of the Arcane Throne

The black space crack expanded rapidly, and silver light suddenly emerged from it.

The voice of the unknown evil spirit sounded: "With my blood soul, Prince Tulip Deguha, I will sacrifice the throne of arcane magic, open the plane passage, and welcome the arrival of arcane magic, ahhhhh..."

Along with the roaring sound, thunder exploded, and the space cracks expanded rapidly.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be impulsive. This Sword Immortal really plans to let you go this time. Stop it quickly. I'm not going to lie to you. Don't let your mind wander!"

Lu Chaoding shouted. He looked at the expanding space crack. Although he didn't know what methods the unknown evil spirit used, he knew that he must be trying his best.

"You hateful, despicable, dishonest god, I will never believe you again. Now I will sacrifice my life to the Arcane Throne, and you will usher in the hatred of the entire Arcane world, hahaha Haha, let me curse you with my death and meet the challenge of a world..."

The voice of the unknown evil spirit gradually became weaker, and the cracks in the space continued to expand. Those cracks gathered together, gradually forming a huge light ball with a diameter of more than a hundred meters.

The light ball was clearly a space passage, inside which appeared a huge silver castle, as well as many Pegasus cavalry and strange birds and beasts, which seemed to be about to rush over.

"Ding, the unknown evil spirit sacrificed his life, the plot related to the vampire prince Deguha ended early, and the related tasks were abandoned!"

"Ding, the vampire prince Deguha has activated the power of the Arcane Throne. The plane channel linking the Hongchen Sword World and the Arcane World will open in 3 minutes and last for 24 hours. Players and monks from the Arcane World will soon Arrival, plot missions are being calculated..."

"Ding, system announcement: A temporary plot is triggered. A plane passage appears in the Nameless Valley of Chaos Fire City. Plane enemies are about to arrive. A temporary plane war plot is started. All players can go to the Nameless Valley of Chaos Fire City to participate in the plane war and kill them. Plane enemies can obtain plane meritorious deeds..."

A series of system prompts sounded. Lu Chao crossed his arms and muttered to himself: "What kind of vampire prince has such a poor psychological quality that he just kills himself? Sacrificing his life to open a plane passage, why bother?"

At this time, the "Plane Channel" also showed attribute information. It is a plane channel exclusive to the Arcane Plane. Only native creatures or players from the Arcane Plane can pass through. Players and native creatures in the Hongchen Sword World are It is impossible to enter it, but above it, the countdown number is also displayed. Once the countdown number reaches zero, this channel will be completely opened.

Lu Chaoding was studying this plane passage when Sword Spirit Lu Qilin suddenly ran over from a distance. He held a fist-sized dark green metal fragment in his hand and said to Lu Chaoding: "Master, I picked up one Baby, it was dropped by the evil spirit. This is the only trophy here."


Lu Chaoding curiously picked up the metal fragment, glanced at it, and suddenly became energetic.

[Fragments of the Arcane Throne (36): Special props. Collect all 108 fragments to synthesize the Arcane Throne.Description: The Arcane Throne is the main artifact of the arcane world. Owning the Arcane Throne can gain supreme authority in the arcane world. Please explore it yourself for details.Warning: The fragments of the Arcane Throne will definitely fall when they die. Those who hold the fragments of the Arcane Throne can sense each other within a certain distance. 】

"Fragments of the plane's main artifact?"

Lu Chaoding immediately realized the extraordinary nature of the fragment in his hand.

"The main plane artifact should be a very powerful prop. Since the vampire has a fragment of the main plane artifact, he must be a very important NPC. It's a pity that his plot is gone. This kind of completely open plot setting It’s quite interesting.”

Lu Chaoding said silently. He had just put away the [Fragments of the Arcane Throne] when he suddenly received another system prompt: "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts and releases a mission: Your reckless behavior caused a plane war. When the outbreak occurs, you must be responsible for your actions. Please sit in the unknown valley and block the plane enemies from the arcane world until the plane channel is closed. The mission is completed and the reward is 10000 unreliable lottery tickets and 1 reputation spread! "

"Is the unreliable system here to join in the fun?"

Lu Chaoding had no intention of leaving at first, but now that he has received a mission, he will not leave anymore. He flicked his sleeves and shouted: "Lu Pifu, Lu Qilin, transformed into a sword form! Madams, please disperse, Go to the perimeter to defend, husband, I am going to activate the Black Cloud Formation."


Lu Liu and the other ladies immediately stepped back, and Lu Chaoding then activated the Black Cloud Formation.

buzzing buzzing...

With Lu Chaodong as the center, the billowing black clouds quickly dispersed. In a few breaths, they covered a circular area with a diameter of 900 meters, completely sealing the space channel.

Those black clouds quickly changed into the shape of a huge black lotus. Lu Chao stood in the center of it, and a black lotus appeared at his feet.

Lu Chaoding's black cloud formation is a special secret technique. There is no distinction between us and the enemy within the formation. As long as Lu Chaoding is in it, except for himself and the Huangquan Sword Spirit condensed by the formation, all targets will be attacked by Lu Chaoding every second. One percent of attack damage.

This formation is not effective against the BOSS, and Lu Chaoding rarely uses it, but it is definitely a magical skill for dealing with miscellaneous soldiers.

And soon, the plane passage was completely opened, and a large number of Pegasus cavalry and strange beasts rushed over through the passage.

Those Pegasus cavalry and strange ferocious beasts were obviously just cannon fodder-level soldiers. They were not high-level, extremely numerous, and did not have much intelligence. They just charged without thinking. After they rushed out of the plane passage, they were immediately attacked by the black cloud. A large array of attacks.

Black lights descended, and the damage figures quickly rose up like ocean waves.

At the moment, Lu Chaoding's first weapon column is equipped with "Lu Pifu", and the second weapon column is equipped with "Lu Qilin". The other weapon columns are equipped with super Pifu swords. His attack power exceeds 200 million. The black cloud formation's group damage per second is over [-] million. Even if those Pegasus cavalry and strange ferocious beasts have defense damage reduction and toughness reduction, they can't withstand it at all. They are so weak that they are instantly killed, and they are so strong that they can only After holding on for three or four seconds, it was impossible to break out of the black cloud formation.

There were also many Underworld Sword Spirits created, but those Underworld Sword Spirits were relatively weak, and like cannon fodder, they were quickly crushed and killed by the opposing forces.

"Ding, kill the arcane cavalry of the Holy Tower City in the arcane world, and the plane merit +12!"

"Ding, kill the Arcane Dragon Eagle in the Arcane World, and the plane merit +30!"

"Ding, kill the captain of the Austrian Cavalry of the Holy Tower of the Arcane World, and the plane merit +100!"

"Ding, kill the mutated three-headed chimera in the arcane world, and the plane merit +120..."

Lu Chaoding quickly received a large number of system prompts. He opened the task panel, blocked these system prompts, and then looked down, feeling a little proud.

"It's really killing as many as you come. There's no pressure at all. This meritorious service is so profitable... So where is the Holy Tower City? Is it just mindless to send troops to die?"

Lu Chaoding didn't bother to think too much and hung up in mid-air leisurely.

This continued for nearly half an hour. Lu Chaoding didn't know how many invading enemies he had killed. When he lowered his head, he saw that there were no more soldiers in the plane passage.

"The cannon fodder is gone?"

Lu Chao landed on top of the black lotus. He looked into the passage and immediately saw two tall NPCs.

The two NPCs are both over ten meters tall. One is wearing a battle armor and the other is wearing a robe. There is a magic ring on the back, and they look like a big BOSS.

"Ding, the holder of the Arcane Throne Fragment was found!"

Lu Chaoding suddenly received a system prompt, and then he saw a simple message about two tall figures in the plane passage. [Kirzan: LV90 Holy God, Hidden Elder of Holy Tower City, Holy Court Councilor, holds 19 Arcane Throne Fragments! 】

[Baragon: LV90 Demon God, Hidden Elder of Holy Tower City, Demon Palace Councilor, Holds 21 Arcane Throne Fragments! 】

Behind these two NPCs, the huge castle was shaking. There were no more Pegasus cavalry and strange beasts in the sky, but a large group of players gathered on the ground.

The players were whispering to each other noisily. Most of them were short in stature and had bow legs. Many of them had their hair parted in the middle and had beards under their noses. Their equipment varied, some wore robes, some wore tuxedos, and some wore dolls. Some were even naked, and their weapons were different. Some held giant axes, some carried crosses, some raised swords, and some held scepters.

Lu Chaoding could only see their brief information. It seemed that those players had only four professions: Paladin, Envoy, Arcana, and Ranger.

The levels of those players are generally not high, most are below level 60, only a handful have reached level 60, and none have exceeded level [-].

"Is this player out?"

Lu Chaoding waved to the players on the opposite side through the light curtain of the plane passage, and shouted: "Let's break up, let's break up, don't come here to die, this swordsman has a good life, and I don't want to kill you!"

A group of players who were playing separately seemed to have heard Lu Chaoding's shouting. They ran to the light curtain of the plane passage and screamed at Lu Chaoding.

"Huh? Baga? Mo Wen met alien devils again?"

Lu Chaoding carefully looked at the screaming players. The more he looked at them, the more they looked like devils, so he shouted again: "Hey, devils, come here and die!"

"Baga, a player of Hongchen Sword World, you are too arrogant!"

"Warriors, gather your troops and prepare for the invasion!"

"Kill over and kill all the players in Hongchen Sword World!"

"I don't think the players in Hongchen Sword World are great, so get ready to kill!"

"I want to hold a killing contest. Let's see who can kill the most players in the Hongchen Sword World!"

"Look at the achievements in the plane..."

Lu Chaoding could hear the shouts of those players from the arcane plane. He despised them and shouted: "Little dwarfs and bow-legged people, come here and die!"

At this time, the ten-meter-tall NPC [Kirzan] suddenly pointed at Lu Chao's head with his staff and shouted: "Follow me, everyone, under the protection of the Holy Court, come to the Hongchen Sword Realm, crusade against the heretics, and regain the fragments of the throne." !”

After saying that, he took big steps and walked toward the plane passage, while the magic ring behind him bloomed with bright light.

Lu Chao said in his heart that there was finally a BOSS to fight. He stepped back a little, stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, and an extraordinary giant sword quickly appeared above his head.But at this moment, the characteristic of his Multi-Bow Sword Immortal suddenly partially failed. The second to tenth weapon columns were all ineffective. The extraordinary giant sword disappeared in mid-air, and soon only one was left.

"Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work..."

Lu Chaoding sighed, but he didn't panic. Even if he only had one "Lu Pifu", the Black Cloud Formation was still powerful.

Soon, [Kirzan] rushed through the plane passage, and as expected, a large number of players rushed over with him. But to Lu Chaoding's expectation, as soon as this NPC entered the black cloud formation, the sky above his head A light group immediately appeared. There were several figures in the light group, like heavenly soldiers and generals. However, this light group actually formed a barrier, protecting the [Gilzan] from harm, as well as the players around it. He will no longer be attacked by the black cloud formation.

"The Holy Spirit protects us. Under the light, everything is a holy realm, invincible to all laws!"

[Kirzan] shouted loudly, shook his scepter, and the light group above his head shone brightly. The figures in the light group became more solid, and each of them seemed to be real. They shot out golden lights one after another, and those golden lights were like divine spears. Pierce the black clouds in the sky.

"Ding, the black cloud formation was attacked and damaged!"

"Ding, the black cloud formation has been purified and its power has weakened!"

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and immediately retreated.

"The level 90 NPC is really not that simple. It can actually break through my black cloud formation."

With a stern look on his face, he made a decisive decision and immediately threw the extraordinary giant sword at the [Girzan].

With a sonorous sound, the eighteen-foot-long giant sword was blocked by a light curtain in front of [Kirzan], and the next moment, Lu Chaoding's vision flickered and he entered the battle space.

Entering the battle space with him were of course [Kilzan] and the players around Kilzan.

There were no less than two hundred players. After appearing in the battle space, they automatically formed three square formations around [Girzan], and they immediately started shouting.

"Hahahaha, this alien player is so stupid. He dares to attack the Holy God [Kirzan]. He is finished, he is dead!"

"Baga, I'm going to chop him to death!"

"Kill him and invade the Hongchen Sword Realm!"

"Great Holy God, kill him!"

"I want to teach him how powerful the arcane magic is!"

The shouts of these players were unbridled. Lu Chaoding snorted softly, and with a thought, a black saber-toothed tiger appeared under him. He flicked his sleeves again, and two rows of Underworld Sword Spirits immediately appeared in front of him.

The first row is 16 Bone Sword Spirits!
The second row is 11 Sky-controlling Mad Dragon Sword Spirits!
Behind Lu Chaoding, eighteen flaming dog-headed beasts appeared.

"Baga, don't be too happy. The outcome is still unknown. Today I will teach you how powerful the Sword Immortal is!"

Lu Chaoding smiled lightly. He had received a system prompt that his turn would come after the battle preparation time was over.

The preparation time was quickly over. Lu Chaoding was not polite and immediately switched the attack mode to [Pu Zhao]. He raised the big black knife in his hand, and "Lu Pifu" in the form of a long sword and his sword appeared above his head. Three thousand sword shadows.

"The Sword Immortal's Twelve Hates!"

Lu Chaoding had a stern look on his face, swung his sword, and launched his ultimate move!

(End of this chapter)

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