Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 224 Promoted to the first sect

"I hate that the power of heaven cannot be released!"

Big characters floated above Lu Chao's head, and at the same time, the shadow of his sword roared, rushing toward a square of players on the opposite side like a strafing attack.

clang clang clang clang...

The damage figures rose like waves, and the players screamed and quickly knelt down one by one.

When Lu Chaoding raised his sword again, the entire square, more than a hundred players, all knelt on the ground.

The sword shadow bombing under the bright sun allowed Lu Chaoding to receive explosive group damage, and he knocked out a square array on the opposite side in his first shot.

"Baga, I was actually killed!"

"how can that be?"

"Damn it, why is his damage so high!"

"Kill more than 100 of us at once?"

"Who is the player opposite?"

"Baga, the one next to you must avenge us!"

"Holy God Kirzan, kill him quickly..."

The kneeling players shouted loudly. Lu Chaoding smiled slightly and raised his big black knife: "The second hate land is hard to find!"

clang clang clang...

Another round of sword shadow bombing!
This time, all the players in the second player phalanx also quickly knelt down.

"This unscientific!"

"How could he kill so many of us at once?"

"Baga, this swordsman from the Hongchen Sword World is too powerful!"

"Isn't it possible that Kirzan is not his opponent?"

"This is outrageous!"

"Hey, do you dare to tell me your name?"

"Hahahaha!" Lu Chao laughed loudly, "Listen carefully, I am the leader of the martial arts alliance, and I am a reliable swordsman!"

After saying that, Lu Chao swung his third sword. Under the bombardment of the sword shadow, without any surprise, all the players in the third player square knelt down.

At this point, all hostile players in the battle space have been killed. They are kneeling neatly, and all they can do is shout loudly.

Lu Chaoding ignored them. He looked at the ten-meter-tall Holy God [Kirzan], raised his sword, and continued to attack.

"Four Hate Fashions Are Too Ugly!"

"The Five Hate backpacks are too heavy!"

"The Six Hate pendant is lost!"


"Twelve hate Dugu Wudi!"

Lu Chaoding made a rare last strike with his sword. Under this attack, the Holy God [Kirzan]'s health bar had long been emptied, but he survived without it. There was a bright ball of light above his head. , the body bloomed with golden light, entered some special state, and was protected by the holy light.

"Blocked blood?"

Lu Chaoding frowned.

Many Arcane World players who were kneeling on the ground laughed loudly, and some shouted: "Are you stupid? The Holy God is blessed by the Holy Light. If the Holy Light is immortal, he is immortal!"

"You guy, don't think that you win if you kill us. The Holy Spirit will avenge us!"

"Great Holy God, fight back quickly!"

"Kirzan, take action and beat him to death!"

When Lu Chaoding heard these calls, he didn't panic, because although the holy god [Kirzan] was blocked from death, he was continuously repelled and the action bar was pushed, so it was still early for him to take action.

"I want to see how long your Holy Spirit can last, Huang Quan Sword Spirit, take action!"

Lu Chao flipped his sleeves, and the sixteen bone sword spirits in front of him leaned forward uniformly, assuming the posture of drawing swords. They began to prepare the [Heaven-Destroying Drawing Sword Technique]. After two rounds, they can Launch an attack.

Huangquan Sword Spirit has the same speed as Lu Chaoding. After Lu Chaoding's action is over, it is their turn to act.

And their actions were collective actions. The sixteen white-bone sword spirits held back their ultimate move, while the eleven sky-controlling mad dragon sword spirits flew out at the same time, launching their own different attack methods to attack the Holy God [Kilzan].

boom boom boom boom...

Fireballs, wind blades, ice cones, thunder and lightning, etc., all hit [Kirzan] one after another.

This attack is also very fierce, and the average big BOSS can probably be killed instantly, but the Holy God [Kirzan] can't die due to the blood lock.

"I want to see if you really can't be killed!"

Lu Chao snorted. He ushered in his second turn and used [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] again.

The extraordinary characteristics of [The Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow] and the characteristics of the Qinglian Sword Immortal have accumulated enough fighting spirit for him, and he can use his unique moves continuously.

A new round of [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds] knocked back the Holy God [Kirzan] twelve times. Although he was still alive, he couldn't take action at all.

Therefore, Lu Chaoding acted continuously, round after round, and continued to attack the Holy God [Kirzan].

"I can keep attacking. I don't believe I can't kill this holy god!"

Lu Chaoding muttered. With the repelling effect given by the black saber-toothed tiger, theoretically, Lu Chaoding could move infinitely.

So, time passed slowly, 10 minutes, two 10 minutes, three 10 minutes, one hour, two hours, four hours... Lu Chaoding was like a tireless robot, repeating his attacks.

The players of Arcane World who were kneeling on the ground couldn't stand it. At first they laughed and ridiculed Lu Chaoding, but after four hours, they all became dejected and withered.

"Baga, I can't stand on my knees anymore!"

"What the hell are we doing?"

"With this damn battle setting, Holy God Kirzan is just a target, and there's no way he can fight back!"

"Can we call it a draw and end this damn battle?"

"I've been kneeling for four hours and I can't stand it!"

"This is simply torture..."

The system is set so that until the battle ends, the fallen players can only kneel. No matter how many players in the arcane world complain, they can only kneel upright.

Suddenly, just after Lu Chaoding made a round of sword shadows, the "blood-locked" [Gilzan] let out a shrill scream.

"You, the Sword Immortal of the Hongchen Sword World, you actually broke through the barrier of the Holy Court. This is impossible, this is impossible. I, the Holy God Kilzan, will actually fall..."

Following this roar, his tall figure quickly turned into light, and with a final pop, he disappeared, and where he originally stood, a large golden treasure box appeared.

"Ding, kill the Holy God of the Arcane World [Kirzan], plane merit +3000000!" Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good guy, I beat him continuously for more than four hours, my hands are numb, and I finally beat him to death!"

Shaking his head, Lu Chaoding had a smile on his face.

"Baga, he actually killed a holy god!"

"Oh that's impossible, the Holy Spirit is immortal!"

"The Hongchen Sword World is so terrifying, the Holy God has actually fallen!"

"Although the Holy Spirit is dead, this damn battle is finally over!"

"I will never come to Hongchen Sword World again!"

"This martial arts leader is definitely not an ordinary player!"

"He may be the strongest player in Hongchen Sword World!"

"The leader of the martial arts alliance, a reliable swordsman, I remember his name!"

"Damn it, this battle space should be shattered quickly..."

Some players in the arcane world shouted, but Lu Chaoding ignored them. He slowly came to the treasure chest dropped by the Holy God [Kirzan].

"Look what treasure fell!"

Lu Chaoding opened the treasure box, and immediately a dazzling golden light rushed out from it.

"Ding, congratulations on getting Arcane Throne Fragment 19!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the five-star weapon Arcane Scepter, the item has been bound!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the job transfer certificate from the Holy God, the item has been bound!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the five-star [Brilliant Judgment] skill book, the item has been bound!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Kirzan's Practice Notes], the item has been bound!"

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the five-star material Philosopher's Stone..."

The system prompts kept ringing in Lu Chaoding's ears. There were many items in the treasure box dropped by [Kirzan], more than 30 items. There should be many high-end items among them, but it seems that the more powerful ones are all tied up. Fixed items.

However, among these items, apart from materials, there were almost none that Lu Chaoding could use.

Lu Chaoding was a little disappointed and said: "They are all rubbish. I am so disappointed!"

There were many items that he didn't even bother to pick up.

After handling these trophies, the battle space was shattered, and Lu Chaoding returned to the plane passage.

"Ding, the holder of the Arcane Throne Fragment was found!"

A system prompt immediately rang in Lu Chaoding's ears.

Lu Chao looked around and was immediately stunned.

He found that the surrounding environment had changed drastically. He seemed to be on the other side of the plane passage. Under him was the Holy Tower City. This city was dilapidated and almost filled the valley. There were no Arcane World players around. The figure, the level 90 demon [Baragon] was also missing.

But Luliu and other ladies of the head stood around with swords in their hands.


At this moment, Lu Liuyu came to Lu Chaoding with Yu Jian, holding a metal fragment the size of a fist with both hands, and said: "Husband, we have killed the demon god Baragon and all the invading enemies. This is the secret of the Arcane Throne." Husband, please keep the fragments!"

Lu Chaoding was quite surprised and said: "You are so strong, why are you all killed?"

He didn't expect that his wives were so tough. It took him a lot of effort to kill the Holy God [Kirzan], but his wives actually killed the Demon God [Baragon] of the same level.

Luliu smiled slightly and said: "This is nothing. By the way, the Holy Tower City of the Arcane World also came over and was shot down by us. Now the invasion of the Arcane World seems to be over!"

"Cow batch!"

Lu Chaoding once again lamented that his wife was powerful. Lu Liu and others' achievements this time once again refreshed his understanding of them.

"My wife is so powerful, I can totally lie down, tsk tsk tsk, just be a salted fish from now on!"

Lu Chao smiled and couldn't help but wonder how Lan E and the others were doing now.

He sent Lan E and the others to eradicate evil sects and demon sects, but he didn't know what the results would be. It was going to be smooth sailing. Judging from the performance of Lu Liu and others, I'm afraid they are unstoppable.

"Husband, what's next for us?" Luliu bowed and saluted, "Stay here, or leave?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the plane passage and said: "Set up camp on the spot. I have a mission, husband. I will stay here before the plane passage is closed."

"Yes, then I will continue to monitor this face passage, and my husband can rest aside!"

"Thank you for your hard work, ladies!"

Lu Chaoding nodded, and then he leisurely explored the broken Holy Tower City.

He thought that the Holy Tower City was definitely a very important building in the world of Ota, but his wives were so fierce that they shot down the city as soon as it arrived, leaving it in ruins.

"Even if this Holy Tower City is in ruins, there should be a lot worth exploring in it. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I just wander around..."

Lu Chaoding thought silently. He explored the Holy Tower City and soon found some non-attributed books and scrolls. Through those books and scrolls, he gained a lot of information about the arcane world.

The Arcane World is obviously a game plane like the Hongchen Sword World and the Machine King Universe. There are only four initial professions for players in it, namely Paladin, Magic Envoy, Arcana, and Ranger.

There are no sects in the arcane world. The Demon Palace and the Holy Court may be the strongest forces in the arcane world. Under these two transcendent forces, there are also two secondary organizations, the Arcane Association and the Ranger Guild. power.

Lu Chaoding also obtained some information about the Arcane Throne. The Arcane Throne is the only plane master artifact in the Arcane World. It is a treasure. Once obtained, you can enjoy great privileges in the Arcane Universe. It can even be said that Become the master of the arcane world.

Similarly, it seems that other planes have similar main artifacts of the plane, but most of these main artifacts are broken, and the fragments are not separated in different plane worlds. This is an important inducement of plane wars.

"Could it be that the Hongchen Sword Realm also has a plane master artifact? If I can get it, what kind of authority can I get?"

Lu Chaoding was quite curious.

He continued to explore the holy tower, and before he knew it, the duration of the face passage was over.

When the plane channel was closed, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Block the plane enemies from the arcane world until the plane channel is closed. The mission is completed. The reward is 10000 unreliable lottery tickets and 1 reputation spread. !”

"Ding, your reputation has spread far and wide. If you meet the special conditions, you will be promoted to the first level of the reliable sword sect!"

"Ding, the level has been increased to LV60 and the sect has been promoted to the first level. The sect construction task 006 has been completed. Congratulations on getting a huge sect construction gift package. The items have been distributed to your storage space. Please check it yourself."

"Ding, congratulations on completing all sect construction tasks and unlocking the sect building: Jian Zong Ancestral Hall!"

"Ding, after the Jian Zong Ancestral Hall is created, you can freely create sect positions such as sect elders, protectors, hall masters, deacons, etc., as well as carry out operations such as passing on positions, disbanding sects, establishing sub-sects, and sub-sects. Please explore on your own for details."

"The sect has been promoted to the first level? Is it all because of the popularity of this sect leader?" Lu Chaoding was overjoyed and immediately opened the storage space to check the huge gift package for the sect's construction.


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