Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 225 It turns out that you are in the same group.

"This super gift package is really good. After digesting these items, my reliable sword sect will truly have the foundation of a first-class sect."

Lu Chaoding nodded with satisfaction. Now the matter in the nameless valley has been settled. Although the Holy Tower City still has a certain value for exploration, there is little point in continuing to explore. Lu Chaoding returned with everyone after a while. Chun Nuan Pavilion.

As for the outposts of various forces outside the valley, the rioters in Huanhuo City, as well as the Wuxiang Sword Sect, Xiantian Sword Sect, Gusong Sword Sect, etc., Lu Chaoding was too lazy to answer.

Half a day later, Lu Chaoding piloted the Daxuan ship and began to return to Yudu.

Originally, there was a teleportation sword stele in the Chunnuan Pavilion, but it was unfortunately broken by Lu Chaoding. It would take a month for the Chunnuan Pavilion to be rebuilt before the sword stele could be used, so Lu Chaoding could no longer enjoy the convenience of teleportation. Be able to fly back on your own.

"Chunhua House has Hua Lao Bustard and the Four King Kongs, Chun Xiang Yuan has Xiang Lao Bustard and winemaker, Chun Nuan Pavilion has Nuan Lao Bustard and poison maker, and I think there are several other brothels that also have a bustard and special talents. They will be the future Demon Sword Sect. When I return to Chunxiangyuan, maybe I should quickly reach several other brothels through the Teleportation Sword Monument, demolish them all, and then use the money to rebuild. If everything goes well, I can rebuild the Demon Sword Sect in a month. Already..."

Lu Chaoding was making plans silently. He was now somewhat interested in rebuilding the Demon Sword Sect.

Luanhuo City is six thousand miles away from Yudu. It is neither far nor close. Lu Chaoding is not in a hurry. He just treats it as a tourist and usually visits places with beautiful scenery or large towns. After a while, it took three days for Lu Chaoding to return to Yudu.

After returning to Yudu, Lu Chaoding kept a low profile. Instead of going to the meeting hall, he came outside the palace alone and entered the Tianyuan Hall using the imperial gate master's token.

Lu Chaoding naturally came to ask for rewards.

After entering Tianyuan Hall, Lu Chaoding met Yuan Feiying, the chief internal officer, without any surprise.

The internal manager was still cold and cold. This time, she showed obvious hostility towards Lu Chaoding and blocked him from moving forward.

Lu Chaofeng could defeat the level 90 Holy God [Golzan], but he was still a little unsure about dealing with this level 100 peak master, so he said honestly: "Manager Yuan, the leader of this alliance will put down the chaos. The city is in chaos, and I have come here to report back to Emperor Yu. Please let me go."

Yuan Feiying snorted coldly and said: "Leader Lu, don't think that you can be arrogant because you are respected by Emperor Yu. In this court, you have no official position, only a false name. You need to know etiquette and propriety in your actions in the future!"

"Am I being arrogant?" Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes. He was very puzzled as to why the internal manager was targeting him so much. After thinking about it, he cupped his hands and said, "Manager Yuan, have I ever offended you? How can I I feel like you’re being very specific?”

Yuan Feiying said: "I advise you to cooperate with the Imperial Master. Even if you don't cooperate, don't make an enemy of him. Let's just say this. You can take care of yourself."

"Oh, I understand, it turns out that you and the national master Daozang Kong are in the same group."

Lu Chaoding showed an expression of sudden realization, wondering whether Yuan Feiying might have a special relationship with Dao Zangkong. Maybe in the plot setting, they had known each other for a long time, and Dao Zangkong's success in becoming a national master probably had something to do with this. It is related to the chief internal manager.

Yuan Feiying's eyes were a bit colder and he said: "Don't talk nonsense, you idiot. The national master is a man of great talent and strategy. He is an extraordinary person through the ages. It is an honor for me to be in the same court with him!"

"Is that so?" Lu Chao said with a smile, "Then what should you do if Dao Zangkong rebels? I heard that he wants to sneak into the forbidden Wanfa Tower."

Yuan Feiying snorted again and said: "Leader Lu, I advise you to be careful in your words and deeds, and especially be careful not to talk nonsense to His Majesty. There are many people who die young in this world, so don't misunderstand yourself!"

"Understood!" Lu Chao raised his hand and said in a deep voice: "Then the leader of the alliance comes to return his life, do you really want to stop me from meeting your majesty?"


Yuan Feiying flicked his fly whisk, and the golden bead curtain opened.

Lu Chao straightened his clothes and stopped looking at Yuan Feiying. He strode through the bead curtain and quickly arrived under the high platform in the palace.

At this time, there were no national masters or generals under the high platform. There were only the little girl Yuhuang and the two attendants beside him.

Seeing the small figure on the dragon chair on the high platform, Lu Chaoding said bluntly: "Your Majesty, I have completed the task assigned by you and defeated the evil spirits causing chaos in Huanhuo City. Everything else does not matter. It is you. It’s time to deliver on your promise,”

"Did you just defeat that evil spirit? It seems that the mission given to you by this emperor is more than just this..."

Having said this, Xiao Yuhuang's brows wrinkled and relaxed, relaxed and wrinkled again, and entered a state of ghost.

About 2 minutes later, her expression was no longer evil, a smile appeared on her face, and she said: "Master Lu is indeed worthy of being the leader of the martial arts alliance. Since you have eliminated the evil spirit, then, in the treasure house, [the construction drawings of the Hall of Heroes] Let me reward you."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Lu Chaoding responded with his hands raised.

Not long after, a young guard took the [construction drawings of the Hall of Heroes] and handed them into Lu Chaoding's hands.

Emperor Yu said again: "Master Lu has superb methods. Can you share your worries with me again?"

"Another mission is coming?" Lu Chaoding put away the [construction drawings of the Hall of Heroes], patted his chest again, and said: "If you have anything to say, you can speak. As long as the reward is good enough and not troublesome, I will be happy to share your worries. "

Emperor Yu nodded and said unhurriedly: "The national war is about to begin, and the national weapon is about to be born. The national weapon is a powerful magical weapon that suppresses the fate of the country. It has the power to change the situation of the war. It has been said since ancient times that the twelve states in the center of the Hongchen Sword Realm, Each state has a national weapon, but these national weapons are rarely controlled by the emperor. According to legend, the national weapon in my sky is sealed in the Sunset Mountain. The Sunset Mountain is thousands of miles away from here and is a mountain on the western border of Zhongzhou. The terrain inside is complex and the environment is harsh. I have sent nine teams to search for the national artifact, but they all ended in failure. I now feel that only the master Lu, with his superb skills, may be able to help me find the national artifact. . Leader Lu, are you willing to take a trip to Sunset Mountain?"

"Ding, Yuhuang has issued a task to you. This task is passive and cannot be refused. The task content is as follows: Please go to Sunset Mountain to find the national artifacts of Tianzhong State. The time limit is one month. After completing the task, you can obtain Yuhuang's favorability and Yuhuang's favorability. Royal Gift Treasure Box x 3!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: Please go to Sunset Mountain to find the national artifacts of Tianzhong State. The time limit is three months. If you complete the task, you will get the favorability of the Yuhuang and the treasure chest given by the Yuhuang!"

"Well, let me go find the national weapon."

This was the first time for Lu Chaoding to hear about the prop "National Artifact", but through its name, he immediately realized how extraordinary this prop was. Unreliable system tampering with the task and relaxing the time limit for finding the national artefact undoubtedly It reduces the difficulty of the task.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chao said: "Your Majesty has entrusted you, and I dare not respond. Your Majesty, don't worry. I will rush to Sunset Mountain as soon as possible to find the national weapon for your Majesty."

"That's great!" Yuhuang laughed.

Lu Chaoding raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the national preceptor Dao Zangkong colluded with the chief internal officer Yuan Feiying to sneak into the forbidden Wanfa Building and steal the opportunities within it. Do you care about this matter?"

Emperor Yu looked stunned and said, "I don't understand what Alliance Leader Lu is saying!"

"I said that the Imperial Guards are about to rebel, and Yuan Feiying, the chief internal officer, is not a good person. I am reporting them to you. Do you want to take them down?"

Emperor Yu frowned and still said: "I can't understand what Master Lu is saying!"

"I said that Zangkong and Yuan Feiying were going to rebel, and Yuan Feiying threatened me..." "I can't understand what Master Lu is saying!"

Lu Chao saw that Emperor Xiaoyu kept repeating this sentence over and over again, and he had a clear understanding in his heart. He shook his head and said: "It seems that Your Majesty is not very intelligent, that's all. Just pretend that I, the leader of the alliance, said nothing and take my leave!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding strode out of Tianyuan Hall.

He still did not return to the "Meeting Hall" of Wulin Zhengzheng. Instead, he came to Chunxiang Courtyard and teleported to Chunhua Tower in Tianyun City through the teleportation sword tablet in the backyard.

"The task in Sunset Mountain has a time limit of three months. Don't rush to complete it. First demolish the Chunhua Building and rebuild it, and then return to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain to digest the harvest of these days..."

Lu Chaoding muttered in a low voice. When he came to Chunxiang Tower, he immediately used the extraordinary giant sword technique, three strikes and five divided by two, and demolished Chunxiang Tower in less than five breaths.

"Oh, my Chunxiang Tower!"

When the entire Chunxiang Tower collapsed, Madam Hua showed up. With a sad face, she pointed at Lu Chaofeng and said, "Master Lu, Madam, I didn't offend you. Why did you demolish my Chunhua Tower?"

The Four King Kongs, Song Shu, and Geng Jinfei also jumped out. The four King Kongs were full of evil spirits, but Song Shu and Geng Jinfei were blank.

Lu Chao said: "I'm sorry, my hand slipped and I accidentally demolished Chunxiang Building. But I can pay for the reconstruction and give you compensation. After the reconstruction of Chunhua Building, let me be the boss, okay?" good……"

While speaking, Lu Chaoding had already taken out his Qianyuan Token and swiped [-] million gold coins directly at Hua Laobao.

Hua Lao Bustard was immediately stunned, her eyes widened, and she was speechless for a long time.

Song Shu and Geng Jinfei looked at each other. They also didn't understand what Lu Chaoding was doing.

"What's going on? Is Lu Chaoding a fool who demolished Chunhua Building and spent money to rebuild it? Doesn't he like the decoration style here? He can't waste it like this if he has money, right?"

Song Shu whispered to Geng Jinfei next to him.

Geng Jinfei hummed and said: "Is it possible that he was also tricked by Madam Hua and felt unhappy, so he demolished the Chunhua Building? This guy is really weird... Could it be that he wanted to take over the Chunhua Building? Run it yourself?”

Song Shu nodded and said: "It's not impossible, this guy is just a weirdo..."

At this moment, Lu Chaoding suddenly approached Song Shu and Geng Jinfei and said, "You haven't redeemed yourselves yet? Tsk, tsk, do you want me to help you redeem yourselves?"

Song Shu hurriedly said: "No need!"

Geng Jinfei also waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, I don't want to redeem myself!"

"Huh?" Lu Chao was quite surprised when he saw the performance of the two of them. "It seems that you like your current job very much. Isn't it interesting to be a turtle?"

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Song Shuye asked Jin Feiguang to smile and say nothing. They would not tell Lu Chaoding that Chunhualou was a special sect with great prospects.

Lu Chaoding no longer cared about them. He looked at Hua Lao Bustard and asked, "Hua Lao Bustard, what do you think?"

Madam Hua stamped her foot and said: "If you add another [-] million, I will recognize you! Master Lu, you may not know that our Chunhua House is not an ordinary brothel. It has a very deep background..."

Lu Chaoding waved his hand to interrupt his words and said: "Okay, no problem, then I will give you another [-] million! In my place, things that can be solved with money are not a problem, so the madam will quickly rebuild Chunhua Tower Bar."

"Okay, in one month, I promise that Chunhua Tower will be rebuilt, and by then, you will be the leader!"

"Good good!"

Lu Chaoding nodded with satisfaction, waved and left.

Song Shu and Geng Jinfei were stunned again at this time.

"What's going on? The madam said that in one month, Lu Chaoding will be the head of Chunhua Tower? Then he will be my head? Is this okay? It's too outrageous! Lu Laomo has merged our sect like this?"

"Let me tell you, this Lu Chaoding just wants to open a brothel. Will we two turtles be able to be serious by then?"

The two of them whispered, feeling a little unhappy.

After Lu Chaoding left the ruins of Chunhua Tower, he went to the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord of Tianyun City is Li Chengzhi. He is Lu Chaoding's nominal disciple and respects Lu Chaoding very much. After seeing Lu Chaoding, the city lord knelt down and saluted, and then hosted a banquet in honor of Lu Chaoding. Excellent service.

Lu Chaoding came to look for him mainly because of the "Wulin Decent" station.

Although his "Martial Arts Decent Sect" currently only has four sects joining it, and there are unlikely to be many more sects joining in the future, it still needs a station.

Lu Chaoding had long planned to build this station in Tianyun City.

As for the station in Yudu, Lu Chaoding only regarded it as a manor to fool Zuo Xuandao and others.

"Huh? I left in a hurry, but I forgot to ask about the situation of Jia Zhengyi, Niu Daren and Zuo Xuandao. I left them in Yudu and went to Luanhuo City. I don't know how they are now. Have they been affected by Daozang? Empty persecution..."

Lu Chaoding muttered, and then he and Li Chengzhi had a good discussion, and finally decided that the Wulin Zhengpai's headquarters would be established in the City Lord's Mansion in Tianyun City. Li Chengzhi then recommended himself and took the initiative to serve as the manager of the Wulin Zhengpai. He was very concerned about this matter. He was very proactive and quickly mobilized manpower to begin the renovation of the City Lord's Mansion.

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied with his cheap apprentice and gave him [White Lotus Sword Immortal's job transfer certificate] as well as some advanced skill books and elixirs.

"Disciple, it is also important to improve your personal power. National wars are about to begin, and there will be plane wars in the future. Take some time to practice martial arts and improve your strength!"

After Lu Chaoding gave Li Chengzhi some instructions, he took the Daxuan Ship and returned to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. (End of chapter)

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