Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 226 Floating Cloud Mountain

After returning to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, Lu Chaoding immediately built the [Hall of Heroes] on the top of the mountain.

hum hum...

As the majestic building rose from the ground, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, find and build a special sect building, the Hall of Valor. The task is completed. The peach blossom sword god Xiang Ruyan will be resurrected in the Hall of Valor for free."

"Free resurrection? Is there any paid resurrection?"

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry to enter the Hall of Heroes. He called up the information panel of this special building and looked at it carefully.

Name: Hall of Valor, special sect building
Description: The Hall of Heroes is 30 feet high, with passages for [-] people passing side by side on each side. There is a pool of heroes in it, which contains the function of the Hongchen Sword Monument and can accommodate heroic spirits and achieve resurrection.

Function 50: Sect players can bind the Hall of Valor as the resurrection point, and then they will be resurrected in the Hall of Valor after death, and the death penalty will be reduced by [-]%.

Function [-]: After the sect NPC is killed in the battle, the heroic spirit returns to the Hall of Valor and can be resurrected by consuming gold coins, special props, etc. However, the strength will generally decrease after resurrection. Please explore by yourself for details.

Note [-]: Players or NPCs who died in non-combat battles cannot be resurrected in the Hall of Valor.

Note [-]: The Hall of Heroes can be destroyed. Once destroyed, the heroic spirits contained in it will be annihilated.

"This Hall of Heroes is a resurrection base. Yes, with it, you won't be afraid of the sect's NPCs dying!"

Lu Chaoding felt that the Hall of Heroes was a very important building. He stepped into it and quickly discovered the peach blossom sword god Xiang Ruyan sitting on the ground.

Peach Blossom Sword God's pseudonym is Manatee, and he is known as No. 1 in the Eight Thousand Miles of Sea. His original name is Xiang Ruyan, and his true identity is the leader of the Nine Scales of Qilin Cliff. He is known as a peerless genius who only appeared in 5000 years. If he hadn't been harmed by the demon Yan Shangjing, , the achievements are limitless.

Lu Chaoding saw his brief information. His level was LV60, his profession was Peach Blossom Sword God, and his health was [-] million.

At this time, the resurrected Xiang Ruyan was still a little confused. He looked at his hands and said softly: "What happened? I'm not already dead. Well, the old wounds have been healed. How is it possible? How is it possible?"

"Don't doubt it, you are resurrected!"

Lu Chaoding stepped forward and said: "Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan, welcome back to Hongchen Sword World!"

When Xiang Ruyan saw Lu Chaofan, he quickly stood up and saluted, saying: "Master!"

Lu Chao nodded and said: "I have completed the things you entrusted to me before you died. Your son Xiang Ruhai is now in Qilin Cliff and should be living a good life. The demon girl Yan Shangjing has also been killed. This leader is defeated, enjoy this rebirth."

Xiang Ruyan knelt down and saluted, saying: "Thank you very much, Master. There are no words to repay this great kindness. Please accept Xiang Ruyan's bow!"

"No need to be polite!" Lu Chao said, "From now on, you will be my reliable sword sect's heroic elder. Practice well and work hard to improve your strength. There will be wars in the future, and the sect needs you!"

Xiang Ruyan said: "Xiang Ruyan will definitely serve the sect to the death to repay the kindness of the leader!"

"Yeah!" Lu Chao nodded, then turned sideways and looked outside the hall.

A person walked out of the hall, it was Ye Longxing.

Ye Longxing has long black hair and is wearing a loose robe. He is walking leisurely, holding a volume of books in both hands, and looks like a civil servant.

"I've seen Senior Brother!"

Ye Longxing saluted Lu Chao, then looked at Xiang Ruyan, exclaimed in surprise, and said, "The Qilin clan?"

Xiang Ruyan also looked at Ye Longxing. He looked serious, took a step back and said, "Aolong clan?"

"Junior brother is here!" Lu Chaoding looked at Ye Longxing and was a little surprised. The level of this great master of swordsmanship at this time was already level 91. Even though it was only one level higher than before, he was a great master. With the improvement of his realm, Ye Longxing is now a master at the peak realm, and his health value is as high as 300 billion.

"It seems that my junior brother's skills have improved greatly during my absence!"

There was a smile on Lu Chaoding's face, but he was also a little worried. If Ye Longxing, who is level 91, has no second intention, he will naturally be a reliable master of the sword sect, but if he has hidden evil intentions, it will also be a big trouble.

"It's just that the injury has recovered a little. I wonder who this brother of the Qilin clan is?" Ye Longxing looked at Xiang Ruyan, his eyes showing some brilliance.

Lu Chaoding introduced: "This is the Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan. He used to be the leader of the nine lins on Qilin Cliff, and is now the heroic elder of our sect. Elder Xiang, this is my sect leader's junior brother, Ye Longxing!" "

"Ye Longxing? Ye Longxing of the Seven Dragons Realm?"

Xiang Ruyan's expression became more solemn, and he took two steps back again, but then he held his hands and said, "Xiang Ruyan has met senior."

Ye Longxing shook his head and smiled, and said: "Senior, I am just a junior player now, the leader's junior brother. Player, do you understand?"


There was an obvious look of confusion on Xiang Ruyan's face.

Ye Longxing smiled mysteriously. He looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "Brother, the leader, this Peach Blossom Sword God is extraordinary and has extremely powerful settings. You are possessed by heaven, but you have to find a way to make him Awakening, otherwise it would be a pity. There are also those wives of the head. Senior brother is so blessed that they must wake up. However... they may not be willing to be the wife of the head after they awaken. On this point, senior brother must Be aware in advance.”

"Oh, really?"

Being suggested like this by an "NPC", Lu Chaoding was a little uncomfortable. He smiled and said: "Junior brother came just in time. I still need to digest some supplies here, let's go together."

While talking, Lu Chaoding took out ten secret seeds.

These ten secret realm seeds are also rewards in the huge gift package for sect construction. They are special bound items. Lu Chaoding can use them for himself or give them to people in the sect. However, the gifts are irreversible, so they cannot be obtained through the mission hall. More.

"Secret Realm Seed..."

Ye Longxing's eyes lit up and he said: "What a good thing. After this thing is refined, it can open up an exclusive cave. Senior brother is indeed a person favored by heaven. I can actually find 10 of this kind of thing!"

"It's just a trivial matter." Lu Chao said, "Junior brother, Elder Xiang, how about one of you each?"

Ye Longxing shook his head and said: "I don't want it anymore, I already have a cave."

Xiang Ruyan said: "It turns out to be a secret seed. Master, Xiang will not be polite to you. Please give me a secret seed. If I have my own cave, my cultivation speed will increase a lot." "No problem. "

Lu Chaoding generously gave Xiang Ruyan a secret seed.

The latter pressed the secret seed into the center of his eyebrows, then closed his eyes and sat up cross-legged.

Ye Longxing said: "Senior brother, let's go. Don't disturb the Peach Blossom Sword God's practice. He is most afraid of disturbing you at this time."

"it is good!"

Lu Chaoding followed Ye Longxing's advice and left the Hall of Valor with him.

Ye Longxing, who has become a player, is very easy-going and talkative. He took the initiative to spread some information about the exclusive cave and the exclusive cave to Lu Chaoding. He said that for sword cultivators, the exclusive cave is actually of little use, but if It would be awesome to be able to upgrade the exclusive cave to an exclusive cave.

Having an exclusive cave is equivalent to carrying a small world with you. You can be more flexible when fighting with others, and you can even be in an invincible position.

Ye Longxing also owns a cave. His cave is called "Longxing Cave", and his seven magic swords are stored in it.

Those seven magic swords, Lu Chao has seen before, are exactly the same: [Da Zai comes out], [Flaming Dragon Treasure Mirror], [Binghuang Lihuo], [Yingtian Zhaoming], [Heavenly Tribulation Thunder], [Buddha Yuanling] ], [Nine-turn Demonic Dragon].

Lu Chaoding didn't know the details of these seven magic swords before, but now he was quite surprised to hear Ye Longxing tell them personally.

Because those seven magic swords are so extraordinary, they are all six-star!
You must know that Lu Chaofu's [Lu Pifu] and [Lu Qilin] are so powerful, but they haven't been promoted to six stars yet.

"With seven six-star weapons, I really don't know how strong Ye Longxing is. I guess even now he is stronger than Yuan Feiying, the chief internal officer of the Udu Palace."

Lu Chao said sincerely that he was lucky not to be an enemy of Ye Longxing. This guy was much more powerful than Daozangkong.

"Senior brother, don't underestimate Dao Zangkong."

Ye Longxing suddenly spoke, which shocked Lu Chao again.

"I just thought of Daozangkong. Why did he talk about Daozangkong? He must be able to read minds."

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently, but on the surface he asked Ye Longxing humbly for advice, cupping his hands and saying, "How do you say it?"

Ye Longxing said: "Daozangkong has more than one exclusive cave. In the character setting, he was once the leader of the sword world. He refined many sword slaves and buried many chess pieces. Now Daozangkong has also become a player. He refined The sword slaves he made, the chess pieces he buried, and the secret treasures he collected should all be used by him. Compared with ordinary players, he has a huge advantage, and his own cultivation qualifications are also extremely strong. The Divine Sword is a first-class method. This guy cannot be punished. His future achievements are limitless. It is not a problem to reach the top in a short time. It is not impossible to break through to the highest level in the future."

"Qualification? What's the use of this qualification? Don't you need experience to upgrade?"

Lu Chaoding frowned and asked, thinking that without these AI players, he would probably be invincible, but with these players, he might have to be more careful sometimes.

Ye Longxing smiled and said: "Of course not. Our upgrade settings are the same as those of Skywalker players. The qualifications I refer to actually refer to the privileges given to us by the system. For example, for me, the cultivation level required for my upgrade is just One percent of you, I am a great master of swordsmanship, and I can create my own skills within the scope allowed by the system. Most skills have no upgrade restrictions with me. After getting the skill book, the skills are usually fully leveled directly. My Great Freedom Patrolling Demonic Sword can automatically become stronger as my level increases, and it is already LV20 now..."

"Damn it!" Lu Chaoding's eyes widened when he heard this, "So you are the ones hanging on the wall, you are all hanging!"

Ye Longxing said: "Our guai are not as good as yours. We only have small guai, and you are possessed by Tiandao. That is outrageous. This is why I chose to join the reliable sword sect. Compared with Gan Duoduo, who only has some administrators, Compared with the existence of privileges, senior brother has greater advantages, but your future enemy is the system of heaven, so you must not be careless, I have put everything on senior brother, senior brother, please don't overturn."

"I'll do my best!" Lu Chaoding suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Next, Ye Longxing told Lu Chaoding some of his understanding of the game, and finally suggested that Lu Chaoding keep the remaining secret seeds temporarily and give them to the right candidate.

After a while, Lu Chaoding took out the [Building Drawings of Fuyun Mountain] and used them.

Quickly, a floating mountain shrouded in clouds and mist appeared above Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

Among the materials released in the sect construction super gift package, Lu Chaoding felt that the [Fuyun Mountain construction drawings] might be the most powerful.

According to the description information in the drawing, Fuyun Mountain is a special building with three main functions.

First, it has the ability to fly; second, it can produce flying treasures and facilities such as auspicious clouds, flying clouds, colorful auspicious clouds, somersault clouds, floating cloud battleships, and flying clouds; and third, it can be used as a mothership, allowing the docking of war machinery such as sky survey ships. .

In addition, Fuyun Mountain can be upgraded using specific props. After upgrading, it will become larger and buildings can be built on it.

“This mountain is great!”

Ye Longxing looked at Fuyun Mountain, nodded, and said: "Senior Brother, if this mountain is not good, please leave it to me to manage. In the future, I may look for opportunities elsewhere. Having this mountain will be much more convenient."

"no problem!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and called up the management panel of the school.

Since all senior positions such as elders and protectors have been occupied before, Ye Longxing's status in the Reliable Sword Sect is only a "true disciple", and if he wants to obtain the management authority of Fuyun Mountain, he must at least be a protector.

Now that there is a "Zongmen Ancestral Hall" building in Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, Lu Chaoding can grant positions to everyone under his sect at will. He no longer needs elder tokens, guardian tokens and other props. With a thought, he will leave Ye Long Xing's status was promoted to the first elder of the sect, named "Elder Xuntian", and then the management authority of Fuyun Mountain was opened to him.

Lu Chao said: "Junior Brother, I will leave this Floating Cloud Mountain to you! Also, I wonder if Junior Brother can do Senior Brother a favor."

"Senior brother, what arrangements do you have, but it's okay!" Black clouds appeared under Ye Longxing's feet, and he walked through the air. It seemed that he was planning to go to Fuyun Mountain.

Lu Chao said: "That's it. Emperor Yu of the Dayu Dynasty issued a mission to me, asking me to find the national artifacts. There was very little useful information. The Emperor Yu only said that the national artifacts were sealed at the sunset in the west of Tianzhong Prefecture. Shan, senior brother, I’m too busy and can’t leave. Can you make a trip for me? It’s best if you can find the national artifact within three months. It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it.”

"It's just a small matter, junior brother can do it for me!" Ye Longxing did not refuse, "Take me to select a few clever disciples, and then set off to Sunset Mountain. When I find the national weapon, I will bring it back to senior brother. "

"Okay, okay, I'll excuse you, junior brother."

Lu Chaoding felt that in addition to some special tasks, he could leave ordinary tasks such as finding objects and delivering letters to his subordinates in the future.

After a while, Ye Longxing went to Fuyun Mountain, while Lu Chaoding came to the pier at the foot of the mountain and released the sky survey ship rewarded by the system. Then he took Zhang Defa to the mission hall and refreshed the recently obtained props. .

Lu Chaoding mainly farmed gold yuan and weapons. He now has a huge demand for weapons. After all, Lu Pifu needs to devour weapons to become stronger, and Wanjian Mountain also needs to keep more swords. (End of chapter)

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