Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 227 The Law Enforcer at the Peak Level

Outside the small mission hall, four-star and five-star swords were moved out in bundles.

Many players are queuing up here, waiting to receive the sword.

"Damn, that's outrageous. Big wholesale of five-star weapons?"

"Made, Brother Ding is openly cheating, not hiding it at all."

"Don't jump in line. Newcomers go to the back!"

“Each person receives one bundle, don’t receive more!”

"The five-star weapons are issued in bundles. This is so exciting!"

"I've never drawn a five-star weapon in Tianming Tower!"

"It's outrageous!"

"If other players see this, they will be scared to death!"

"Brother Ding is too buggy. His strong words affect the balance of the game, but I like it!"

"Everyone, remember, these high-end weapons are not for your own use, but for you to take to the Unreliable Wanjian Mountain to stock! Stock the swords in exchange for stones of luck, accumulate stones of luck, and cultivate the swords of your destiny. , remember, six-star weapons are your goal!"

"Made, this is too arrogant!"

"Six-star weapons, do they exist?"

"Everyone, don't mess around. There are plenty of high-end weapons. Don't fight or snatch..."

There are more and more players outside the mission hall, and it is noisy. Players such as Zhao Qian and Sun Li, the Boiling Blood Four, the Four Saints of Poxu Mountain, and the Four Swordsmen of Fiery Fire are all here.

Gradually, the outside of Renwu Hall became like a busy city.

Lu Chaoding was in the small mission hall. He already had his natal weapon [Lu Pifu] and didn't need the Stone of Luck much, so he left it to him to keep the swords in the Unreliable Wanjian Mountain. The disciples in the sect can complete it. In this way, the disciples in the sect can obtain the Stone of Luck, and then they can obtain and cultivate their natal weapons.

"It's quite boring to farm props like this. I can farm it for three days at most, and then I'll take a break after three days!"

Lu Chaoding made a plan silently. As a player, he still cares about the game experience. He only plans to "click to the end" and periodically brush up some swords for Unreliable Wanjianshan, and then for [Lu Pifu] Just get some rations.

If he kept using props like this, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Three days later, Lu Chaoding was already a little numb. The partners who cooperated with him in brushing props were first Zhang Defa, then Hua Dashao, then Jiang Youxian, Dugutian, Wang Chengang, etc., even those who cooperated with him , and also went from extremely excited to "insensitive".

"Cheating is also a physical job. I wonder how many swords there will be on the unreliable Wanjian Mountain after all this hard work..."

Lu Chaoding shook his head. After insisting on buying another batch of gold coins, [Nine Scale Tribulation Mirror] and cultivation elixirs, he stood up and left the mission hall.

Just after leaving the mission hall, dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, followed by lightning and thunder.

"What's going on? It's going to rain heavily?"

Lu Chaoding raised his head, and then saw a golden figure appearing in the sky.

"The leader of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu Chaoding, I, the Eight Desolate Sword Gods, Lian Wushuang, obey the laws of heaven and I will give you the punishment of heaven, accept death!"

The deafening sound came down from the sky, shaking the entire Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

Lu Chaoding's pupils shrank and he immediately became serious.

He saw that an enforcer came from heaven.

"I've cheated too hard these days and I'm going to be punished by the system. This law enforcer looks so powerful..."

Lu Chaoding quickly took a few steps back. Since he was still far away, he couldn't see the information about Lian Wushuang in the sky, but just by looking at the formation in which he appeared, he knew that he was by no means ordinary. Maybe he was a certain corner. A peak level master who lives in seclusion.

"Junior brother, where is junior brother? A powerful enemy is attacking, come out and help!"

Lu Chaoding shouted, but he received a response immediately. A player next to him shouted to him: "Elder Tianxing left the mountain yesterday!"


Lu Chaoding gritted his teeth and immediately opened the passage to the Chaoding Cave and shouted: "Ladies, a powerful enemy is coming, come out and form a team!"

Luliu and other ladies of the head immediately flew out of the super-ceiling cave.Lan'e took 30 ladies of the head to fight against evil sects and demon sects. The other 69 ladies, including Luliu, stayed in Chaoding Cave and practiced in it when they had nothing to do. It can be said that Lu Chaoding " A good helper to carry with you.

"Form a team, quickly form a team!"

Lu Chaoding quickly sent a team invitation to Luliu and others.

At the same time, players and NPC elders from all over Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain also noticed the strange phenomenon in the sky and took action.

Soon, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and countless thick lightnings landed around Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, condensing and not dissipating, as if forming a lightning cage, wrapping the entire Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

"This place is forbidden, and the reliable sword sect will also be removed from the list today. I have the authority of heaven, who dares to stop me!"

The deafening sound sounded again. At this time, the Eight Desolate Sword God Lian Wushuang who made the sound had clearly appeared in Lu Chaoding's field of vision.

This is an old man with yellow hair. He is wearing a gray robe, carrying a big sword on his back, and his eyes are shining with golden light. Behind him are more than ten lifelike thunder and lightning dragons.

boom boom boom boom...

He is like the source of thunder, with lightning flying everywhere where he stands.

[Lian Wushuang: LV120 Eight Desolate Sword Gods, law enforcer, master of swordsmanship, with a life value of 2000 billion? ? ? ? ? ? 】

"Good guy, he is a level 120 peak level expert, and like Ye Longxing, he is also a master of swordsmanship, with a life value of [-] billion..."

Lu Chaoding felt a little guilty, and at this time he received another system prompt: "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, and the system enforcer is found, and the task is issued: kill the enforcer Bahuang Sword God Lian Wushuang, the task is completed, the reward is unreliable Raffle ticket x 100!”

"Damn it, you defeat such a powerful BOSS and only get 100 unreliable lottery tickets? The system is unreliable, you're going to screw me to death..."

Lu Chaoding snorted and thought quickly.

At this time, he can hide in the super cave. Maybe the Eight Desolations Sword God Lian Wushuang can chase him, maybe not, but if he hides like this, there is a high probability that the Reliable Sword Sect will be doomed. You must know that Ye Longxing They all have the ability to sink the island. For this peak level master, it may not be difficult to sink Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

"Although I'm afraid I won't have any firewood if I keep the green hills, we haven't reached that point yet. Let's rush in and kill them first. If it's not possible, we can run away again..."

Lu Chaoding made a decision and did not hesitate. He flew into the sky with the Daxuan Ship, and a black saber-toothed tiger appeared under him.


After shouting violently, Lu Chaoding took the initiative and used his gaze sword technique, attacking Lian Wushuang with his gaze first.Lu Chaoding's gaze swordsmanship has already reached LV2. When his gaze is locked on the target, the target will permanently lose 4 health points every second.

Although Lian Wushuang is a level 120 peak master, he is not immune to the damage caused by the gaze sword technique. A light damage number appeared on his head. He showed a look of disdain and said: "A little trick!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and pressed down with five fingers, and immediately dense lightning burst out from his palm.

The lightning speed was so fast that as soon as Lian Wushuang raised his hand, Lu Chaoding was attacked and he couldn't even react.

"Holy shit, is this a light speed attack?"

Lu Chaoding was now equipped with many defensive items such as [Counter-attack Shield] and [Kilin Universal Wheel], but he was still injured. A series of damage numbers popped up on his head at a very fast speed. He had been attacked nearly a hundred times, and his health Nearly [-] people were killed, and the scene in front of him also changed rapidly, and he was pulled into the battle space.

The next moment, in the battle space, Lian Wushuang was still high, hanging in the air, surrounded by thunder dragons.

Lu Chaoding and the 69 wives of the head stood on the ground. He looked at Lu Liu and others around him, felt a little relieved, and said: "Fortunately, you are here too! There are many of us, don't be afraid, we will go with you next Husband, let’s kill this big BOSS together!”

As he spoke, Lu Chao stood up on top of the tiger on the ship. A big black knife appeared in his hand. He raised the knife, and [Lu Pifu] and his 3000 sword shadows appeared.

Luliu and the others did not show much fear. They each prepared for battle and assumed attack postures.

Soon, the one-minute preparation time ended, and Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and entered the first round.

"Fortunately, I have an advantage in speed. As long as I can repel this guy, I will be invincible!"

Lu Chao's mind was trembling, and he immediately used [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate]. With a wave of his sword, the sword shadow bombarded him. One attack broke Lian Wushuang's toughness, causing dense thorns to appear on his head. The damage number was high, and his body was also ignited by the true fire of the sun.

boom boom boom boom...

Lu Chaoding's output was explosive. Just this first attack knocked out more than 1200 billion of Lian Wushuang's health points, reducing his health bar by more than half.

But after the attack, Lian Wushuang's health bar immediately pulled back a lot, decreasing and increasing. The actual loss of health was less than 50 billion, and his toughness bar was suddenly filled again.

Moreover, behind Lian Wushuang, a thunder dragon immediately jumped out. It was lifelike, howling and roaring, twisting its body, and attacked Lu Chaodong.

Lu Chaoding could not dodge. He only felt that the dazzling golden light quickly occupied his field of vision, and then received a system prompt: "Ding, you were counterattacked by the Bahuang Thunder Dragon and became paralyzed. Since the end of the round, your The speed will be reduced by 30%!"

"He actually has an automatic counterattack skill! This guy can also automatically regenerate his blood and become full of toughness in an instant. However, he is not immune to being knocked back by riding slashes. He was knocked back 3000 miles this time. He deserves a fight!"

Lu Chaoding was calculating quickly in his mind, and without stopping, he continued to use the Sword Immortal's Second Hate.

In this attack, the knockback effect of his Riding Slash was triggered again. Lian Wushuang was knocked back by 30% again, which means he was knocked back 3000 miles. But from behind him, another Thunder Dragon pounced and hit Lu Chao. The top of the body caused damage to Lu Chaoding and gave him a negative status that slowed him down by 30% again.

This negative state is actually superimposed on the previous negative state, which means that after the end of the round, Lu Chaoding's speed will be reduced by 60%!

Lu Chaoding frowned, he switched the attack form to [Glow], and Third Hatred took action, but he attacked himself, which was to restore his blood.

After suffering two Thunder Dragon counterattacks in a row, Lu Chaoding's health bar was running low, but with a single replenishment of blood, he filled up his health bar in an instant.

As for the fourth hatred, Lu Chaoding switched to attack mode and attacked Lian Wushuang again. Like the previous two attacks, he knocked out nearly 50 billion of his health points and knocked him back 3000 miles again.

Lu Chaoding was also counterattacked by the Thunder Dragon again, and the negative status was superimposed. After the round, his speed will be reduced by 90%!

"The speed is reduced by 90%. If this continues, after the next attack, my speed will become negative at the end of the round. If so, don't I only have one action round? Lian Wushuang was knocked back. But I can still run back, so I just stay on the same spot, or run backwards..."

Lu Chaoding felt the pressure, but kept attacking.

The fifth hatred attacks, and the sixth hatred heals itself.

The seventh and eighth hatreds attack, and the ninth hatred restores its own blood.

Tenth, No. 11 hates attacks, No. 12 hates blood recovery.

In this way, after Lu Chaoding completed his round, he attacked Lian Wushuang eight times in total, knocking out nearly 400 billion of his health points and knocking him back by 240%, which was 24000 miles.

Lu Chaoding was also counterattacked by Thunder Dragon 8 times. Although he used the radiance of the sun to replenish his health, he gained a negative status that reduced his speed by 240%.

After the round was over, Lu Chao checked his attribute information. Fortunately, his speed only reduced to "0" and did not become a negative number.

But the speed of zero means that Lu Chao was punished and there will be no action rounds in the future.

And because Lu Chaoding's speed became zero, the speed of his Underworld Sword Spirit also became zero, and he was forced to stand still, unable to launch an attack.

"The next step is up to you, madam. If we can't kill Lian Wushuang before he takes action, we will wait to die!"

Lu Chao said seriously that at this time he could only place his hopes for life on Lu Liu and other heads of the family.

Luliu said: "Don't worry, husband, I will risk my life to protect you. Sisters, get ready to fight!"

After saying this, Luliu stood up with his sword, pointed forward a little, and then a green sword light attacked Lian Wushuang.

Luliu's speed is as high as 500. After Lu Chaoding's turn is over, it is her action turn. Although her attack methods are ordinary, her power is not low. In the end, Lian Wushuang's health points were nearly 10 billion. .

However, Luliu was also counterattacked by the Thunder Dragon, losing one-tenth of his health, and his speed was reduced by 30% after the round!

After Luliu's action round ended, it was Qingsui, Hongfu and Zihua's turn.

The speed of these three people was 480, and they were the third echelon of action. They took action at the same time, and finally destroyed Lian Wushuang's health points of nearly 30 billion.

Of course, they also received counterattacks.

Next came the turn of the remaining 65 ladies of the house. They all had a speed of 450. They all attacked at the same time and used various sword moves. In the end, Lian Wushuang's health totaled about 600 billion.

As a result, Lian Wushuang's health bar was reduced to less than half.

Since he was repulsed by Qian Zhan, the next action round for Luliu and others was still over.

After another round of actions by the 69 ladies of the house, Lian Wushuang's health points were less than 400 billion. However, Luliu and others were not in very good condition either. After suffering a counterattack, they lost a lot of health points and lost their speed. reduced by 60%.

"If I can't kill this old guy this round and my speed is reduced by 90%, it will definitely be this old guy's turn to take action, and it will be over!"

Lu Chaoding was a little panicked, but fortunately Lu Chaoding's previous cavalry attack was very powerful. Even though Luliu and the others were slowed down by 60%, the third round of action was still before Lian Wushuang.

In the third round of attacks, 65 ladies of the head attacked at the same time, and Lian Wushuang's health was finally wiped out.

"I have lived in seclusion outside the territory for 300 years, and I am at the peak of enlightenment. How could I be defeated by you? I am unwilling to accept it!"

Lian Wushuang roared, and the thunder dragon behind him collapsed, then its body cracked, and finally turned into light and dissipated.

A big treasure box appeared out of thin air and landed in front of Lu Chaoding and others. (End of chapter)

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