Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 228 The Great Success of Baolong Jue

"Ding, kill the law enforcer Bahuang Sword God Lian Wushuang. The mission is completed. The reward is 100 unreliable lottery tickets!"

"Ding, system announcement: The Eight Desolate Sword Gods, the lord of the Eight Desolate Secret Realms, has died, and his Eight Desolate Secret Realms have been transformed into masterless secret realms. The plot related to the Eight Desolate Sword Gods has ended, the plot related to the Wushuang Sword has ended, and the tasks related to the Eight Desolate Secret Realms and the Wushuang Sword have ended. Forced interruption.”

When Lu Chaoding heard the system prompts, he was completely relieved. He hammered his chest and said: "So what if you are a level 120 peak master? Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!"

After feeling secretly proud for a moment, Lu Chao looked up at the injured ladies and said, "Thanks to you ladies this time, my husband will heal your wounds! The sun is shining brightly and you are full of vitality!"

Lu Chaoding switched to attack mode, and after a few random attacks, he helped Lu Liu and others replenish their health points.

The wives of these heads were also quite excited and excited at this time. For them, defeating a master at the peak level was also something to be proud of.

"Now it's time to count the loot!"

Lu Chao rubbed his hands together and came to the treasure box that Lian Wushuang had dropped. He thought that it was hard to fight before and hoped that this treasure box would be more powerful.

After he opened the lid of the treasure chest, dazzling golden light immediately shone out from it.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the [Jade Talisman of Bahuang Sword God's Job Change]!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Fragment 21 of the Crown of Daogui]!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Fragments of the God of Magic Scepter 50]!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Jade of Certificate] ×5, [Jade of Inheritance] ×5, [Jade of Enlightenment] ×5, and [Jade of Sword Intent] ×5!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the [Making Map of the Unparalleled Divine Sword]!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the [Map of the Eight Wilderness Secret Realms]!"

There were not many items found in the treasure chest, but they were all high-quality products. What surprised Lu Chaoding was that there were actually two fragments of the main plane artifact.

The two main artifacts of the plane are the [Crown of Dao Wei] and the [Scepter of the God of Law]. The former is the main artifact of the plane of the weird world, and the latter is the main artifact of the plane of the realm of the God of Law. These two main artifacts The fragments are the same as the fragments of the Arcane Throne. Now they have no power and will definitely fall when they die. After Lu Chaoding is obtained, he only has the ability to sense the "Fragments of the Crown of Dao and Magic" and the "Fragments of the God of Magic's Scepter" at close range. .

"The plane master artifact fragments are certainly no small matter. If you want to collect them all, you must not only have strength, but I'm afraid you also have to rely on luck..."

Lu Chaoding attached great importance to the fragments of the two main plane artifacts and put them away properly.

As for the other items in the treasure box, Lu Chaoding inspected them one by one.

The [Eight Desolate Secret Realm Map] is a non-binding prop. It records the location of the Eight Desolate Secret Realm and is also the entry certificate for the Eight Desolate Secret Realm. Lu Chaoding studied for a while, and he decided to take some free time and copy this map into multiple copies. Distribute it to your players so that they can explore the Eight Wilderness Secret Realm.

That Bahuang secret realm is the secret realm of Lian Wushuang, and there must be many opportunities in it. It may be comparable to [Zhang Zi's cave]. Lu Chaoding is too lazy to explore it himself, thinking about leaving the opportunities to other players in the sect.

[The making map of the Unparalleled Divine Sword] is a bound prop. It is an important material for making the Unparalleled Divine Sword. As long as you collect all the materials given in the map, you can use it to make a five-star weapon, the Unparalleled Divine Sword.

But for Lu Chaoding, this prop didn't have much meaning. The [Warriorless Divine Sword] was the sword god's exclusive weapon, and he couldn't use it, so naturally he was too lazy to collect materials to make it.

[Jade Talisman for the Job Change of the Eight Desolate Sword Gods] is also a first-class high-end item. After use, the player can change his job to the powerful Eight Desolate Sword Gods. However, if it is placed here on Lu Chaoding, this item is really useless. After all, it was impossible for him to give up his current profession and change his profession to become the Sword God of the Eight Desolations.

As for the [Jade of Certificate], [Jade of Inheritance] and other items, they were also bound. Lu Chaoding used them on the spot. He did not consume [Certificate of the Sword Immortal], [Inheritance of the Sword Immortal], and [Epiphany of the Sword Immortal]. ], but five copies of [Sword Immortal's Sword Intent] are rare. Lu Chaoding used them all, and [Gaze Sword Technique] was raised to LV4.
With the LV4 [Gaze Sword Technique], Lu Chao can lock the target with his gaze and cause the target to permanently lose 16 health points per second.

This skill has limited lethality, but Lu Chaoding likes it quite a lot. As the leader of a reliable sword sect and the leader of an upright martial arts sect, his skills must be special, and this [Gaze Sword Technique] is very suitable for him.

When Lu Chaoding finished counting the loot, the battle space was shattered.

Since Lian Wushuang had been beaten to death, the lightning cage outside Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain had dissipated, and the thunderclouds in the sky had disappeared. It was a clear day and the weather was particularly good.

Lu Chao took a breath of free air, his mood improved, but he also concluded.

"The arrival of Lian Wushuang must be related to my seven-day spree of buying props. The original system still wants to punish me. This is already the second time. The one sent is already a peak level master. I can't be too proud. I will still be punished in the future. Keep it tight, there is no guarantee that the third sanction will be passed smoothly... In addition, I have to make more preparations to recall Lan'e and the others. 100 ladies of the head will always be by their side. It will be safer to fight against the evil faction. Let’s leave the matter with the Demon Cult to Dugu Tian and the others, which can also add some fun to the game for them.”

Lu Chaoding made his decision silently. After a while, he sent a letter to Lan E with flying sword, asking her to lead the team back.

And he became more honest, entered the super cave, and let Lu Pifu swallow the five-star weapon he had spawned.

The next day, Lan E returned, and she reported the recent results to Lu Chaoding. In just a few days, they had killed 22 sects under the banner of "decent martial arts", gained a great reputation, and gained a lot of money. The trophies also caused outrage, and the forums were full of protest posts.

Lu Chaoding was not interested in the trophies brought back by Lan E and the others. His purpose of launching a sect war was just to strengthen the unreliable Wanjian Mountain.

Sect war is the best way to strengthen the unreliable Wanjian Mountain. Today's unreliable Wanjian Mountain has experienced a large number of players stocking up on high-end swords and war training, and several very powerful swords have been born in it. , ordinary small sects simply cannot withstand their impact and continue to carry out sect wars. It is estimated that it will not be long before a six-star sword weapon is born in the unreliable Wanjian Mountain.

After placing Lan E and others in Chaoding Cave, Lu Chaoding put Dugutian and Wang Chengang in charge of the sect war, giving them the right to mobilize the sky-level survey ship and the five elders of the Eagle King.

Dugu Tian and Wang Chengang were very happy. They had been looking forward to doing whatever they wanted for a long time. They quickly selected their manpower and each drove a fleet of sky survey ships to leave Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

Not long after they left Hongchen Qijie Mountain, a pillar of light shot straight into the sky from the top of Hongchen Qijie Mountain.

Lu Chaoding ran over to take a look, and found that the Peach Blossom Sword God had reached level 90 and had become a half-step extraordinary master. He triggered the celestial phenomena, causing peach blossoms to rain in the sky, and the Hongchen Seven Realms Mountains in just a short moment. Countless peach trees have grown, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom, making the fields crimson.

"Tsk, tsk, with this upgrade speed, Ye Longxing's talent is terrifying, and Taohua Sword God seems not to be much worse. If you don't count me, he is probably the second master of the reliable sword sect now. His strength is only second to Ye Below Long Xing, I'm afraid he's even above Lan E and the others..."

Lu Chao secretly said that he had not misjudged the person. With such a strong man who was halfway to the peak sitting at the mountain gate, he felt much more secure.

After the Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan broke through, he was still in retreat at the top of the mountain. He practiced very hard and had great momentum to reach the peak level in one fell swoop.

Lu Chaoding did not disturb him. He looked at him from a distance for a moment and then left. Then he entered Chaoding's cave and silently prepared the materials needed for the upgrade of the cave for the Peach Blossom Sword God.One day later, Lu Chaoding received another system prompt. Today, Baolong Xuantian Game has finally been completely conquered.

"Ding, after passing the five difficult trials of Baolong Xuantian, your Baolong Jue realm will be raised to great success!"


"Ding, the Treasure Dragon Art has been completed, and the ability of [Condensation Pill] has been enhanced. Now you can condense the pill without any damage, that is: to condense a Treasure Dragon Pill with [-] points of cultivation, you only need [-] points of cultivation."

"Ding, the Treasure Dragon Technique has been completed. The [Baolong Transformation] ability has been enhanced and changed into a form skill with a passive effect. When you are empty of blood, you can enter the second form, the Treasure Dragon form, and you will immediately gain 200% of your health. Others The attribute data remains unchanged, all gains and debuffs are cleared, and if you are in the battle space, you will immediately gain the ability to move. The second form lasts for one hour, and the first form will be restored after one hour, and the status will be full. Please note , [Baolong Transformation] has a 24-hour cooling time."

Lu Chao was overjoyed.

"This Treasure Dragon Art is not bad!"

What he is most happy about is the enhancement of the [Baolong Transformation] ability. This special skill can greatly improve his survivability. If he has this ability when fighting Lian Wushuang, then he can win more easily.

Lu Chaoding soon received another good news. The alchemy master Ling Qi Guo unearthed the recipe for the [Hunyuan Golden Pill] from the Tianxing Bagua Furnace at LV7 of Zhang Zi Mansion.

[Hunyuan Golden Pill: A special pill. After taking it, the player's maximum health value will be +10.Note: Hunyuan Golden Pill can be taken unlimitedly, and the effect will not be weakened, but there is a threshold for the player's upper limit of life. Please explore it yourself for details. 】

"As expected of a once-first-class sect, this Hunyuan Golden Pill can directly increase the blood volume. It is very good and is what I need!"

Lu Chaoding praised the master alchemy spirit fruit, and then mobilized all parties to collect the refining materials for the Hunyuan Golden Pill regardless of the cost.

Two hours later, Lu Chaoding collected a large amount of materials. He started to refine the aura fruit on the spot and made 1024 pills in one go.

The [Hunyuan Golden Pill] is not a bound item. Lu Chaoding took these 1024 Hunyuan Golden Pills to the mission hall, and in half a day, the number increased hundreds of times.

From then on, Lu Chaoding would eat [Hunyuan Golden Pill] as rations, knocking them one by one, and his health points would keep rising by the hundreds of thousands.

Three days later, Lu Chao's mouth was numb from eating, and his basic health suddenly exceeded 100 billion.

"I can be considered a blood cow now, but I still have to continue to take this Hunyuan Golden Pill!"

Lu Chaoding said this, but at this time he couldn't bear the loneliness.

After squatting in the top cave for so long, he felt a little bored, so he planned to go out and take over the other four brothels such as Chunfeng Tower and Chunyi Pavilion.

No one else could do this for him, so Lu Chaoding could only do it himself.

One day later, we arrived at Chunfeng Tower in Ten Thousand Flowers City.

Wanhua City is located in the center of Tianshui Prefecture, while Chunfeng Tower is located in the center of Wanhua City.

The business here is much better than Chunhua Tower, Chunxiang Courtyard, and Chunnuang Pavilion. It is full of guests and very lively.

Lu Chaoding entered it and soon discovered the reason.

The person in charge of Chunfeng Tower is Feng Lao Bustard. This Feng Lao Bustard, Hua Lao Bustard, Xiang Lao Bustard and others are like sisters. She is bloated, greedy and snobbish. She is also proficient in the devil's charm method, but Chunfeng Tower's business is booming because of her. It doesn't matter at all, the guests are here to listen to the music!
The singer's name is [Han Shishi], his profession is the Six-fingered Sword Demon, his identity is a musician, he is proficient in playing, playing and singing, he has an excellent voice, and his appearance is also excellent. He is known as a performer without selling out his body.

Almost all the customers in Chunfeng Tower came for her.

"This brothel is a bit interesting. In comparison, Chunhua House, Chunxiangyuan, and Chunnuange are just black shops!"

Lu Chao said a compliment, and then took action ruthlessly and forcibly demolished the Chunfeng Tower.

But this time during the reconstruction, Lu Chaoding was blackmailed by Feng Laobao and Han Shishi for a total of 15 billion gold yuan. Without this amount, they would not let Lu Chaoding be the leader.

Lu Chao was very wealthy and didn't bother to argue with them. After feeling that nothing was wrong, he rushed to Chunyi Pavilion.

After traveling all the way for ten days, Lu Chaoding arrived at Chunyi Pavilion.

Chunyi Pavilion is in Jufu City, which is located in the northern part of Tianma Prefecture.

The Madam here is the Italian Madam, who is also a fat and greasy middle-aged lady. In addition to her, there is also a dancer named [Su Yu] in Chunyi Pavilion.

Lu Chaoding spent [-] million gold yuan here, and successfully conquered the Italian Madam and Su Yu. When Chunyi Pavilion was rebuilt a month later, he would be the leader of Chunyi Pavilion.

Ten days later, Lu Chaoding arrived at Chunyan Tower in Boulder City, Tianxing Prefecture.

The situation of Chunyan Tower is similar to that of Chunhua Tower. The beautiful bustard inside is proficient in the magic of devil and charm, and has four thugs under his command.

These four thugs are different from the four guards in Chunhua Tower. They are closer to assassins or killers. They have superb stealth and assassination skills. However, they are only level 60, and the success rate of assassinating beings in the extraordinary realm is extremely low.

Lu Chaoding only spent [-] million gold yuan to successfully acquire this Chunyan Tower.

Five days later, Lu Chaoding spent one billion gold dollars to take over Chunxing Tower in Linhai City, Tiankui Prefecture.

There are only two NPCs in the Chunxing Building. One is the Xing Lao Bustard who is proficient in the magic of demons and charms, and the other is the chef [Fang Bubutong] who cooks delicious food.

Because of the existence of this chef, Chunxing House is more like a restaurant than a brothel, and the business is very good.

At this point, all seven branches of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect were captured by Lu Chaoding. A month later, with the completion of the reconstruction of Chunxing Building, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, conquer the seven branches of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect." , would you like to rebuild the Demon Sword Sect?" (End of this chapter)

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