Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 229 The Demon is Reborn

"Yes! This leader wants to rebuild the Demon Sword Sect!"

Lu Chaoding immediately responded to the system.

"Ding, the special sect Heavenly Demon Sword Sect has been rebuilt, and the secret realm of Heavenly Demon Sword Sect's main altar, Heavenly Demon Cave, has been opened!"

"Ding, rebuild the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, the task is completed, and you will be rewarded with the special items Heavenly Demon Sword and Heavenly Demon!"

"Ding, the Heavenly Demon Sword is the key to unlocking the Heavenly Demon's secret realm. Please explore it yourself for details."

"Ding, the special creature Heavenly Demon has descended into Heavenly Demon Cave. Please explore by yourself for details!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for becoming the leader of the Demon Sword Sect!"

"Ding, you have lost your identity as the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, and the Heavenly Demon will automatically gain the identity of the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect."

"Ding, you have gained a new hidden identity: Lord of the Demons!"

"Ding, you have gained a new hidden identity: the Supreme Elder of the Demon Sword Sect!"

"Ding, Chunhua Tower has become the branch helm of the Demon Sword Sect, and Hua Lao Bustard has gained a hidden identity: Elder Chunhua of the Demon Sword Sect!"

"Ding, Chunxiangyuan has become the branch helm of the Demon Sword Sect, and Xiang Laobao has obtained a hidden identity: Elder Chunxiang of the Demon Sword Sect!"

"Ding, Chun Nuan Pavilion has become the branch helm of the Demon Sword Sect..."


"Ding, system announcement: Heavenly Demon comes to the world, special sect Heavenly Demon Sword Sect appears, Heavenly Demon Sword Sect plot starts. Players can go to Daluo Sword Sect, Qinglian Sword Sect, Hongchen Sword Sect to learn about relevant plot information and participate in the plot. Please explore on your own for details. !”

A series of system prompts sounded, and at the same time, a black long sword with an eye-shaped gem inlaid on the hilt appeared in front of Lu Chaoding.

This sword is the Demon Sword.

Weapon: Demon

Number of stars: six stars

Occupation: General
Refining level: +15
Attribute bonus: attack power +1 million, sword demon professional skill level +3, demon sword demon professional skill +5!

Comes with special effects: 99% blood-sucking attack!

Comes with special effects: 80% quadruple critical hit!
Comes with special effects: 60% corrosive attack!

Attached special effect: [Breaking Toughness with One Sword], attacking the target with the Demonic Sword will definitely break Toughness and give an additional 100 million Toughness-breaking damage.

Comes with special effects: [Death Demonization], targets killed by the Demon Sword will have a certain chance of being transformed into Sword Demons.The sword demon loses its original consciousness and can be controlled by the sword wielder.If the player transforms into a sword demon, the character will be deleted.

Special ability: The demon is equipped with the demon sword. The attack power of the demon sword is increased by 100%, and the triggering probability of [Death Demonization] is greatly increased.

Special ability: The Heavenly Demon Sword is the key to opening the Heavenly Demon Cave. Holding the Heavenly Demon Sword can open the passage to the Heavenly Demon Cave at any place.

Description: The Demon can use secret methods to increase the star level of the Demon Sword.

"Good guy, a six-star weapon! This sword is a bit outrageous!"

Lu Chaoding was quite surprised when he saw the attribute information of the Demon Sword. This sword was more powerful than he expected. It was really stronger than [Lu Pifu] and [Lu Qilin].

"This sword is universal for all professions, but it is obviously more suitable for the Sword Demon to use. Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to change my profession to the Sword Demon! What will happen if Lu Pifu devours this sword? Will he be allowed to do so immediately? Promoted to six stars?"

Lu Chaoding shook his head and immediately gave up the idea of ​​letting [Lu Pifu] swallow the Demonic Sword.

This Demonic Sword is not just a weapon, it is also the key to the Demonic Cave.

"If you get the Demonic Sword, you will get the Demonic Cave. I will go and have a look at the Demonic Cave!"

Lu Chao held the Heavenly Demon Sword on his head, and with a thought, the sword immediately turned into a pitch-black hollow with a diameter of one foot.

Lu Chao stepped into it, and his figure disappeared immediately, and the dark void also disappeared in an instant.

Lu Chaoding felt as if he had walked into a black fog, and his vision was completely dark. After taking three steps forward, light reappeared in his vision.

"Ding, you have entered the Demon Cave!"

As the system prompt sounded, Lu Chaoding's vision was occupied by a holy palace.

This palace is grand and majestic, like a huge mountain, sitting on the clouds and mist, illuminated by golden light, resplendent, holy and solemn, giving people a sense of epic weight and mythical magnificence.

And the entire Tianmo Cave is just such a palace.

Lu Chaoding's pupils shrank, and when he saw the huge palace in front of him, he felt that this place was not like the Demon Cave, but like the Heavenly Palace.

The light, holiness, brilliance and magnificence here were very different from the "demon" in his impression.

Suddenly, the temple door opened, and a small figure appeared on the steps of the palace.

It was a woman with snow-white skin, beautiful appearance, wearing a tulle skirt, and a pair of black wings on her back.

[Heavenly Demon: LV90 Sword Demon, the master of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, one of the ancestor sword demons, immortal, the only one who has existed throughout the ages.Explanation: The demon can be reborn infinitely, so it is said to be immortal. In fact, the demon can also be killed. After the demon is killed, it will automatically go to nirvana and be reborn at any time or place. However, every time it is reborn, its level will drop to level 90. , and the original memory is sealed. Only when its level is raised to LV150 can the original memory be restored. 】

When Lu Chaoding saw the attribute information of [Heavenly Demon], he couldn't help but feel shocked again.

"One of the ancestral sword demons, this setting is powerful enough, haha, I am the master of the demon, so am I her master!"

Lu Chaoding walked unceremoniously to the [Heavenly Demon]. He was far away just now. He thought that the Heavenly Demon was in the form of a girl. Now when he got close to her, he realized that the body of this Heavenly Demon was a bit "big". She was probably taller than Three feet tall, she is a "giant girl"!
After clearing his throat, Lu Chao looked at [Tian Mo]'s face and said, "Tian Mo, do you know who I am?"

[Tianmo] looked innocent and confused. She looked at Lu Chaoding calmly and said slowly after 2 minutes: "You are the master, the Supreme Elder of the Tianmo Sword Sect. I am Tianmo, the leader of the Tianmo Sword Sect!"

Lu Chao said: "Yes, yes, it's good to know who I am. From now on, you can hang out with me and I will ensure that you are popular and drink spicy food!"

[Tianmo] nodded obediently, and then sat on the stone steps in front of the huge palace, holding his chin and staring into the void in a daze.

Lu Chao called her several times. Seeing that she was stunned and showed no reaction, he shook his head and ignored her.He stepped into the huge palace and planned to explore it.

What Lu Chaoding didn't know was that just when he entered Tianmo Cave, far away, many ancient sects and ancient families were stationed, very similar, and rapid bells rang at the same time. Few people knew that. It is the warning bell for the rebirth of the devil.

In the northernmost part of Tianyun Prefecture, there is a lush mountain. This mountain is called Daluo Mountain, and it is the residence of Daluo Sword Sect.

At this moment, the entire Daluo Mountain was shaking, and a rapid and loud bell sounded from the top of the mountain. The high-ranking figures of the Daluo Sword, the reclusive masters, the retreating elders, etc., etc., all appeared at this moment. They turned into rays of light and all headed towards the top of the mountain.

The top of Daluo Mountain is famous for its Golden Summit. On the Golden Summit, an old man wearing a white Taoist robe, white beard and white hair, and an immortal spirit appeared out of thin air. He sat cross-legged. At this time, he slowly opened his eyes and looked towards Void.

"The demon is reborn!"

This old man is the leader of the Daluo Sword Sect, a legendary figure. Even the players of the Daluo Sword Sect have never seen him before.

The old man stood up, sighed, swept away the dust in his hand, and said to the void: "The devil is reborn, a disaster is about to happen, the Daluo Sword Sect inherits the ancient sword god's way, and it is our duty to eliminate demons and defend the way. Wusang Jueshen, In the name of the leader of the Daluo Sword Sect, please use the Daluo Divine Sword and order all disciples to gather in the main hall of the mountain gate."

At the same time, far away, in the middle of Tianshui Prefecture, a huge green lotus was blooming rapidly.

Among the lotus flowers, there is a large mountain shrouded in clouds and mist. That mountain is called the Eternal Evergreen Mountain. This mountain is the residence of the Qinglian Sword Sect.

At the top of the Evergreen Mountain, a middle-aged man with green lotus feet on his feet and a sword on his back walked out of the clouds and mist.

This man is dressed in white, has a handsome appearance, and has flowing black hair.

He is the leader of the Qinglian Sword Sect and a legendary figure named Li Twelve.

"The devil is immortal. Although I don't know why this devil was born early, but since she is reborn, she will inevitably suffer a catastrophe!"

As Li Twelve spoke, he stretched out his hand and flicked it in the air, and five green lotuses bloomed between his fingers.

The five green lotuses were spinning leisurely, as if they were real.

"The Qinglian Sword Sect has inherited the will of the Sword Saint of the Valley. After going through the battle to seal the demon, today the demon is reborn. As the leader of the Qinglian Sword Sect, Li Twelve will unseal the Qinglian Holy Sword. Five elders, come to me quickly! "

Li Twelve looked serious. With a flick of his sleeves, the five green lotuses quickly disappeared into the void...

There is a huge mountain surrounded by red mist in the south of Tianlu Prefecture. The name of the mountain is very strange, "Wu Liang Jie", and it is the legendary residence of Hongchen Sword Sect.

There are bells ringing here too.

On the top of Wuliangjie Mountain, a boy who seemed to be only five or six years old stood barefoot on top of a giant sword statue.

The boy has red dots between his eyebrows and star-like dots in his pupils. He is the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect, and his name is Qing Lingzi.

Qing Lingzi looked childish, but his eyes were extremely profound. He looked into the void and said: "At this time, those ancient sects and aristocratic families should have known about the rebirth of the demon! The demon should not have been reborn at this time. There is no destiny in the world. Change, but now that the demon is reborn, the battle to seal the demon has begun..."

Behind the boy, on the square, there are many sword cultivators kneeling at the moment. They hold their hands, it should be!

Qing Lingzi said again: "I, the Hongchen Sword Sect, inherit the ancient Red Dust Sword Immortal. During the Demon Sealing War a thousand years ago, the Heavenly Demon fell under the Hongchen Immortal Sword. This time the Demon Sealing War resumes, you must not fall. The sect’s reputation has been ruined! Send an order to find traces of the Heavenly Demon and wipe out the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect!”


"Follow the law!"

The sword fairies in the square responded one after another, and then flew their flying swords in all directions...

The bells tolled for a long time, and the heaven and earth shook. In some ancient sects, ancient aristocratic families' residences, and in some secret realms outside the territory, high-level NPCs appeared. Among those NPCs, many were legendary figures, most of whom were high-level. Extremely tall and powerful.

The actions of these NPCs, sects, aristocratic families and other forces directly led to the emergence of many plot missions. More and more players were exposed to these plots and received various subjugation missions. The name of the Demon Sword Sect also It spread quickly.

Lu Chaoding was not clear about the situation in the outside world, and he did not know that the rebirth of the demon was a very important plot. At this moment, he was just exploring the demon cave.

Tianmo Cave is undoubtedly an ancient secret realm. There are many treasures in it. Lu Chaoding just explored a little and got a lot of skill books, weapons, elixirs, production maps, etc. He was also lucky enough to get a batch of Sword Intent. Jade, after using it, the [Gaze] sword skill has been upgraded to LV5, doubling its power, and locking the gaze can cause the target to lose 32 health points per second.

"There seem to be some treasures on this huge throne. Let me see what they have!"

Lu Chaoding came here at this time on a huge throne. Looking at the size of the throne, it was obviously exclusive to the [Heavenly Demon] outside, and on top of this throne, there were three treasure boxes.

Lu Chaoding opened the first treasure box and immediately received a system prompt: "Ding, congratulations on obtaining the main artifact of the Hongchen Sword Realm [Fragments of Hongchen Dao Box 2]!"

"Huh? Hongchen Dao Box! The main artifact of Hongchen Sword World is called Hongchen Dao Box!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked. He grabbed a one-foot-long strip from the treasure box. This strip was neither gold nor stone, and its luster was dim. There was no mystery about it. Fragment 2].

"There are actually fragments of the main artifact of the Hongchen Sword Realm here. Gee, it looks like this is a very high-end map!"

Lu Chaoding checked the attribute information of [Hongchen Dao Box Fragments 2] and learned that, like other plane master artifacts, there are a total of 108 Hongchen Dao Box fragments. As long as they are collected together, they can synthesize [Hongchen Dao Box]. Dust Box], but obviously this is an extremely difficult task.

After putting away [Fragment 2 of Hongchen Dao Box], Lu Chaoding opened the second treasure box on the throne.

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Breaking Heaven Pill]!"

[Breaking Heaven Pill: a special prop, the only prop, bound. After taking it, the player's attack power will be directly increased to the realm threshold. Please explore it yourself for details.Description: The effectiveness of the Heaven-Breaking Pill increases with the player's level, and will be cleared after the player dies! 】

"Directly increase the player's attack power to the realm threshold! This elixir is a bit outrageous! This is a divine treasure!"

Lu Chao was overjoyed. He already had a large amount of [Hunyuan Golden Pill]. If he kept taking it, it would be a matter of time before his health reached the threshold. If he took this [Breaking Heaven Pill] again, his health and attack power would be reduced. Both of these values ​​can reach the realm threshold.

Although Lu Chaoding still didn't quite understand what the realm threshold was, he guessed it was a numerical upper limit. He resisted the urge to take the [Breaking Heaven Pill] immediately, and then opened the last treasure box on the throne.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the special item Demon Sealing List!"

[Demon-Sealing List: a special prop, exclusive to the Demon Sword Sect, and can only be used by the leader of the Demon Sword Sect or the Supreme Elder. Description: Using the Demon-Sealing Ranking, players of the Demon Sword Sect can be canonized as demons, the Demons have not fallen, and the demons can be sealed. As long as the list is not destroyed, the players named on the Demonic List can be resurrected indefinitely and are exempted from any death penalty. Currently, the Demonic List can contain up to 100 demons. The level of the demonized players cannot exceed that of Heavenly Demon, and they cannot unblock them voluntarily. Please explore on your own for details. 】

"The Demonic Sealing List? This thing is also very powerful. If your name is recorded on the list, you can be resurrected indefinitely, and you are exempt from the death penalty. Wouldn't it be possible to wander around?"

Lu Chaoding felt that the [Demon-Sealing List] was also a valuable treasure. As the Lord of the Demons, he could use this treasure. After calling up its control panel, Lu Chaoding found that there were only two players who could seal the demons now. One, that is, Song Shu and Geng Jinfei, who were turtles in Chunhua Tower. (End of chapter)

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