Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 230 I am the boss of both black and white paths

Tianyun Prefecture, Tianyun City, Chunhua Tower.

Song Shu and Geng Jinfei were squatting in the backyard of Chunhua Building, talking happily.

These two are no longer Turtle Gongs. After the Demon Sword Sect was reestablished, they automatically obtained positions in the sect and are now both deacons of the branch.

"The Heavenly Demon is reborn! Haha, Lu Chaoding abdicated, and the Heavenly Demon became our leader!" Song Shu had a sense of pain and suffering, and continued: "I guess Lu Chaoding was killed by our leader, haha, this guy is too If you become arrogant, it will be a matter of time before you overturn."

Geng Jinfei said: "The Heavenly Demon Sword Sect is a bit of a demon sect, and my identity as a disciple of the Daluo Sword Sect has been directly wiped out! Tsk tsk, we will be free from now on, and we can leave Chunhua Tower in an honorable manner. Old Song, Deacon Song, you Now that you are an honorable Steward, what are your duties?”

Song Shu called up his task panel and said: "Haha, I can train the Turtle Master! Training the Turtle Master means forcing others to change their jobs into the Turtle Master. Haha, isn't it fun!"

"Train Mr. Turtle?" Geng Jinfei clapped his hands, "Okay, Old Song, you have graduated. From now on, you will be Mr. Turtle's mentor!"

Song Shu was also quite proud and said: "I never thought that when the Demon Sword Sect is rebuilt, we can still enjoy privileges. Mad, in the future I can catch the players myself, forcibly train them to become Turtle Lords, and form an army of Turtle Lords!"

"Gong Turtle's army? Haha, it sounds very interesting. I support it!" Geng Jinfei nodded repeatedly.

Song Shu suddenly narrowed his eyes. He patted Geng Jinfei on the shoulder and said, "A Fei, isn't it your duty to train Turtle Master?"

"No?" Geng Jinfei shook his head.

"what is that?"

"Hehe, my duty is... to train the magic gate guards!"

"Magic Gate Guard?"

"Well, they are probably the guardians of the Demon Sect like the Four King Kongs. They have no skills and only know how to capture, tie and other dirty tricks."

"Damn it, everyone is a Turtle Master. Why is it that you are so cool as a deacon and can train the Demon Guards, but I can only train a Turtle Master?"

"How do I know? You have to ask the system!" Geng Jinfei smiled. The Demon Guards were much stronger than Turtle Gong. He also thought about getting a team of Demon Guards for fun.

The two men continued to talk, enjoying the power crazily. After a while, Xiang Lao Bustard and the Four Great Vajra came over. Xiang Lao Bustard said: "Two deacons, the master has ordered us to go to the main altar to gather immediately."

"General altar? Where is that?"

"The master summoned us? How to get to the main altar?"

Song Shu and Geng Jinfei were full of expectations. They really wanted to see the demon at this moment.

Hua Lao Bustard said: "The teleportation sword monument in the backyard can open the teleportation channel to the main altar. You follow me. We will set off now to go to the secret realm of the devil!"

A moment later, the Teleportation Sword Monument was activated, and Song Shu, Geng Jinfei, Xiang Laobao, and the Four King Kongs quickly arrived at the Heavenly Demon Secret Realm and appeared in front of the huge palace that looked like a miracle.

At this time, they were not the only ones arriving here, there were also NPCs from Chunxiang Courtyard, Chunnuang Pavilion, and Chunyan Tower, a total of 23 people.

These NPCs greeted each other after meeting. Song Shu and Geng Jinfei were very happy to get to know Xiang Lao Bustard, winemaker, poison maker, musician, dancer and many other NPCs. They felt that the Demon Sword Sect was full of talents, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority. .

Soon, the seven old bustards took the lead and the group entered the Demon Hall.

At this time, in the Heavenly Demon Hall, the Heavenly Demon who looked like a giant girl was sitting on a huge throne. She was playing with the [Demon Sealing List] in her hand and said: "Master, all members of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect have arrived."

Lu Chaoding was standing behind the huge throne at this moment. He said leisurely: "Okay, you are the leader of the sect. From now on, you will be in charge of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect. I will be the big boss behind the scenes. Don't use my I will reveal my identity to anyone, do you understand?”


The devil girl nodded obediently.

Lu Chaoding is very satisfied with his performance. In his mind, he is the leader of the martial arts alliance. This is a positive and public persona. He only needs to stand firm. As for the identity of the Supreme Elder of the Demon Sword Sect, he should hide it first. With.

"I'll leave the Demon-Sealing List to you. Feel free to do whatever you want. Master, I'll withdraw first. I'll come see you when I'm free!"

Lu Chaoding communicated with the system at this time, stretched out his hand, and a bright passage appeared in the void. It was the exit of the Heavenly Demon Secret Realm. Stepping into that passage, Lu Chaoding returned to the place where he had entered the Heavenly Demon Secret Realm before, and the Heavenly Demon Sword was in his hands again. appear in front of you.

"Haha, I will be the boss of both the underworld and the white gang from now on!"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently. He had planned to develop the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, but he did not have the time to take care of it himself. Since Heavenly Demon is one of the ancestral sword demons, her design must be extremely powerful. She will be in charge of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect. It will definitely make the Demon Sword Sect grow rapidly.

Lu Chaoding was looking forward to this, and soon he took the Daxuan Ship and began to return to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

In the secret realm of the Demon, Song Shu, Geng Jinfei and a group of NPCs came to the Demon at this time.

Song Shu and Geng Jinfei were surprised all the way from the moment they entered the Heavenly Demon's Secret Realm. When they saw the Heavenly Demon sitting on the huge throne, their eyes even shone.

They can see the attribute information of the demon.

"Damn it, one of the ancestral sword demons, our boss is so powerful, he must be a top figure!"

"I like this setting and appearance! Haha, it's really going to be developed this time!"

Both of them were very excited and felt like they had discovered a treasure.

In their eyes, the girl Tianmo, who was over three feet tall, immediately became a top figure.

And quickly, something happened that made them even more excited. The demon used the [Devil-Sealing List] to seal them as demons.

"Song Shu, Geng Jinfei, you two are my demon generals from today on. I am immortal. You will enjoy protection and be exempted from the punishment of death! Now, I will transfer your positions to the Infinite Sword Demon for you!"

The girl demon showed some aura of a superior person. With a flick of her fingers, two light balls fell into the eyebrows of Song Shu and Geng Jinfei, directly transforming them into [Infinite Sword Demon].

It is one of the natural abilities of the Heavenly Demon to transfer a member of the sect to the Sword Demon class.

As the ancestral sword demon, Tianmo controls the inheritance of a large number of sword demon professions. [Infinite Sword Demon] is considered to be the most powerful among many sword demon professions, with powerful professional characteristics and complete skills.

Song Shu and Geng Jinfei were flattered and shouted excitedly.

After just briefly checking their own information panel, they were sure that their combat power was better than before.

Next, Tianmo transferred all other NPCs in the palace to different professions, which enhanced their strength.

It is worth mentioning that Hua Lao Bustard and other seven sub-rudder leaders were transferred to [Phantom Sword Demon]. After the transfer, these seven greasy women immediately turned into beautiful girls, and their levels were directly upgraded to Level 70.

"I have been reborn, but my strength has not yet been restored. I will not leave this devil's secret realm for some time in the future. The sect has been rebuilt and is waiting to be revitalized. Song Shu and Geng Jinfei, I will appoint you two as inspectors. Your mission is to This sect absorbs fresh blood, recruits disciples, and gives you and others the privilege of using the Teleportation Sword Monument! The helmsmen and deacons of each branch must cooperate with the two patrols to strengthen our Heavenly Demon Sword Sect!" The Heavenly Demon Girl stood up at this time, holding her palm With a wave of his hand, seven bright passages appeared, which were the passages leaving the secret realm of the Demon.

"I'll wait and I will do my best!"

"Don't worry, head!"

Song Shu, Geng Jinfei and a group of NPCs responded respectfully, and then they returned to their respective rudders through the transmission channel.

After a while, Song Shu and Geng Jin flew out of Chunxiang Courtyard. They took the four Vajras from Chunhua Tower and went directly to the streets to arrest people. After they caught them, they trained them on the spot to become turtle masters or Vajra guards.

These two people were powerful and protected by the Demon Sealing, so many players were quickly attacked by them.

In this way, two days later, there were dozens of turtle and king kong guards in Chunhua Tower.

Song Shu and Geng Jinfei made people angry in Tianyun City. Everyone yelled and cursed, but they didn't care. They transferred the sword tablet to other branches and started committing crimes.

As a result of their actions, in just a few days, many players knew that Chunhua House, Chunxiangyuan and other seven brothels were branches of the Demon Sword Sect, and then promoted the plot. Finally, on the tenth day after the Demon Sword was rebuilt, A group of NPCs from Daluo Sword Sect arrived in Tianyun City. Those NPCs were all extraordinary experts above level 60. They directly declared war on Chunhua Tower.

Many players participated in this battle. One day later, Chunxiang Tower was destroyed, Xiang Lao Bustard and other NPCs escaped, and many Turtles and King Kong guards were rescued.

Lu Chaoding had no idea about this. When the Chunxiang Tower war broke out, he had just returned to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, and then entered Chaoding Cave, where he took medicine in seclusion and remained indifferent to the outside world.

On this day, after knocking down a [Chaos Golden Pill], Lu Chaoding suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, your health has reached the realm threshold. Your health cannot continue to increase until you break through the current realm."

"The health value has reached the limit!"

Lu Chaoding quickly called up the character information panel and found that his health value was exactly 1000 billion.

"1000 billion is the upper limit of health in the extraordinary realm?"

Lu Chaoding studied carefully and found that his current basic health value is 1000 billion. This value has become constant. Even if he wears equipment that can increase his health value or takes drugs that can temporarily increase his health value limit, his upper limit of health value is still If it doesn’t change, it will be fixed at 1000 billion.

"Is this the threshold of the realm?"

With a thought in his mind, Lu Chao took out the [Breaking Heaven Pill].

After swallowing this divine treasure-level elixir, Lu Chaoding's attack power increased rapidly, and soon it was fixed at one hundred and one, no longer changing.

"Ding, your attack power has reached the realm threshold. Your attack power cannot continue to increase until you break through the current realm."

"100 billion is the upper limit of attack power in the extraordinary realm!"

Lu Chao had a clear understanding. At this time, his basic attack power was 100 billion. This value could no longer be increased, nor could he equip weapons.

"Now it seems that the health and attack power have reached the realm threshold, and the props that can increase the health and attack power are useless to me. I guess the attributes such as defense, toughness, speed, etc. also have similar realm thresholds. I just don't know. Exactly how much!”

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.

In the next few days, Lu Chaoding had been looking for props that could increase the upper limit of attributes, and he actually found one.

This prop is called [Desolate God Fruit], which is listed in the trading house and sells for [-] million. Its effect is to increase the upper limit of toughness and defense when taken. The value is random, with the minimum being one and the maximum being one hundred.

Because the price was too high, no one bought this [Desolate God Fruit]. Maybe the buyer set this price just to show off.

Lu Chaoding had a lot of money and bought it directly. Then he took it to the mission hall and started brushing it hard.

This farming lasted for two days. Lu Chaoding ate while farming. He ate an unknown number of [Desolate God Fruits] in two days, and of course he accumulated more.

The moment Lu Chaoding left the mission hall, there was sudden lightning and thunder above Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, and then two figures appeared in the air.

Of the two figures, one was dressed in black, with a black beard and black hair, and looked like a middle-aged man; the other was dressed in white, with long flowing hair, and was a handsome woman.


Lu Chaoding was shocked.

He noticed immediately that two more law enforcers had arrived.

"It's just a matter of getting some [Desolate God Fruit]. What's more, two law enforcers were sent at once, and it made people have fun!"

Lu Chaoding was also mentally prepared. He rode a tiger and wielded a sword, flew into the air, flicked his sleeves, and the entrance to Chaoding's cave opened. Lan'e, Luliu and other one hundred ladies of the head appeared and immediately formed a team with him.

At this time, Lu Chaoding also saw the attribute information of the two law enforcers in the sky. The middle-aged man was named [Xuan Qingtian] and he was a level 120 [Da Luo Sword Immortal].

The handsome woman's name is [Ni Caihuang] and she is a level 120 [Taiyi Sword Immortal]. Their health points are both 2000 billion.

These two came from the "Secret Realm of Chongtian" outside the twelve states. They were unborn masters. They were now law enforcers and were driven by the system to attack Lu Chaoding.

"Xuan Qingtian, Ni Caihuang, a Daluo Sword Immortal, and a Taiyi Sword Immortal. You are all experts from this world. Can you let me go?"

Lu Chaoding asked tentatively.

Xuan Qingtian snorted and said: "Head of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu Chaoding, the leader of the Wulin Alliance, you are going against heaven and committing heinous crimes. You must be punished!"

Ni Caihuang said: "Lu Chaoding, I will definitely take your life today after receiving the order from Heaven!"

"In this case, in order to protect myself, this leader has no choice but to offend."

When Lu Chaoding said this, he no longer hesitated, raised his brows, and launched an attack with [Gaze Sword Technique] first, and then he attacked at the same time with a hundred ladies of the head, and soon the sky was filled with sword shadows.

Soon, a huge war flag appeared over Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, and Lu Chaoding and a hundred ladies of the head, as well as Daluo Sword Immortal Xuan Qingtian and Taiyi Sword Immortal Ni Caihuang entered the battle space at the same time.

The battle ended two hours later. When the battle space was shattered, Lu Chaoding took the form of a dragon, and 27 of the [-] ladies of the head were killed in the battle.

"The powerful Daluo Sword Immortal and Taiyi Sword Immortal are actually faster than me. If I hadn't been taking medicine day and night to increase my health and attack power to the realm threshold, it would be hard to say whether I would win or lose... It seems that before you have enough strength, you have to be careful when cheating, otherwise you will be in trouble if you attract law enforcers who cannot be defeated!"

Lu Chaoding concluded silently, and then looked at his trophies.

He didn't have many trophies, only two pieces, one was [Hongchen Dao Box Fragment 22] and the other was [Hongtian Treasure Teleportation Jade Talisman]. (End of chapter)

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