Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 231 Martian Players 4 Years Ago

"The teleportation jade talisman of Hong Tian's treasure..."

Lu Chao held a piece of sword-shaped jade on his head. He thought this piece of jade was a very powerful prop. After all, he had killed two level 120 bosses who were not weaker than the Eight Desolate Sword Gods, and he only got this one decent trophy. .

It's easy to use this jade piece. Just crush it and Lu Chaoding will be teleported to the secret realm of Bahuang Treasure immediately.

But the most important thing right now is not to go to the Eight Wilderness Secret Realm, but to resurrect the 27 ladies who died in the battle.

"I teamed up with a hundred ladies, and in the end I had to sacrifice 27 ladies to win. This pair of sword fairies are pretty powerful. I don't know their specific identities. I think they must be very powerful characters. This time It’s still a lucky break, I’ll have to take it easy in the future…”

Lu Chaoding was also worried about being punished by the system of Hongchen Sword World, but the unreliable system bound him and there was no way to escape. Unknowingly, he had already embarked on a path of no return.

"It can be expected that there will definitely be stronger law enforcers to punish me in the future. The sanctioners can fail countless times, but as long as I fail once, I'm afraid I will be doomed. The occasionally unreliable system may not be able to protect me every time. The key to safety depends on myself. Now I should seek stability. First, try to avoid serious cheating, and second, work hard to improve my own strength..."

Lu Chaoding silently concluded.

After a while, Lu Chaoding arrived at the Hall of Heroes.

Under the adoring gaze of the Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan, Lu Chaoding spent a lot of gold and materials to resurrect all 27 ladies who died in the battle.

After these 27 people were resurrected, they were lowered by a large level, and their levels all dropped to level 30. Fortunately, there was no level barrier, so they could raise their levels back in the future.

Lu Chaoding gave all the cultivation elixirs he had previously stored to these 27 ladies. He even specially recruited some wild monsters and used the elixir condensation method to condense a large amount of treasure dragon elixirs for them.

Two days later, the levels of these 27 ladies of the head all reached level 61, which was regarded as returning to the extraordinary realm.

At this time, Lu Chaoding crushed the [Jade Teleportation Talisman of Hongtian Treasure], and his vision was immediately enveloped in white light. In one breath, he came to a chaotic space.

It is said to be a chaotic space because there is no sky, earth, sun, mountains, rivers and trees here, only a dark yellow light mist. Lu Chao was in this light mist, in a state of weightless suspension, and in his field of vision, there was a mouth in front of him. A huge alchemy furnace as big as a mountain.

This alchemy furnace is probably the only thing in the Hongtian Treasure Secret Realm. It has four legs and is dark green in color. The body of the furnace is like a gourd, with a lid above it. The lid is hollow, with shreds of smoke coming out of it.

"Isn't this a secret treasure realm? Where is the treasure? Why is there only one alchemy furnace?"

Lu Chaoding muttered, and after carefully observing the surroundings, he piloted the Daxuan Ship and flew towards the huge alchemy furnace. The flight lasted a full three hours. The alchemy furnace was beyond Lu Chaoding's imagination. It was bigger and far beyond his imagination. When he came to the alchemy furnace, Lu Chaoding was shocked. He estimated that the height of the alchemy furnace might be more than [-] meters.

Such a huge alchemy furnace reminded him of the huge Heavenly Demon Palace in the Heavenly Demon Secret Realm.

He has silently compared the Hongtian Secret Realm with the Demonic Secret Realm.

"What kind of treasure is this alchemy furnace? Is it so huge? Is the treasure inside the furnace, or is it the treasure itself?"

Lu Chaoding recalled what he had gained in the Heavenly Demon Hall. He was full of expectations at this moment. After muttering, he immediately began to study the huge alchemy furnace.

After a moment, the lid of the huge alchemy furnace suddenly opened, and a huge suction force erupted, sucking Lu Chao in, who was caught off guard.

"Ding, you have entered the Qiankun Cosmic Furnace!"

Lu Chaoding felt confused when he heard the system prompt.

"Qiankun Cosmic Furnace? This name..."

Lu Chaoding muttered, and he found that he had entered another layer of chaotic space. He could not reach the top or the bottom. He was floating. In the center of this chaotic space, there was a light ball, and the light ball seemed to have a ray of light. When Lu Chaoding was about to get close to the ball of light to see what was going on, a strange voice suddenly sounded.

"Welcome to my treasure room!"

This was a female voice, obviously coming from the ball of light.

Lu Chaoding frowned and tentatively asked the light ball: "Who are you!"

"My name is Li Hongtian!" A voice came from the light ball.

"Li Hongtian? You are the master of this secret realm!"


"I entered your secret realm, you don't want to kill me, do you?"

"No, I welcome your arrival. In fact, I am very happy to see live players!"

"A living player?" Lu Chaoding couldn't help but be excited when he heard what Li Hongtian said. He frowned, thought for more than ten seconds, and said again: "You said player... Could it be that you are an awakened NPC?"

"Of course not!" Li Hongtian's voice suddenly had a sense of loneliness, "Actually, I was also a player once, and my hometown is Mars. Alas, time is ruthless. I have been trapped here for about 4 years. I don’t know what the outside world is like now. My friend, did you kill my two apprentices when you came here?"

After Lu Chaoding heard Li Hongtian's words, he felt like a thunder exploded in his head.

what's the situation?
Mars player?

Trapped here for 4 years?
Is this true or false?

Lu Chaoding felt a little frightened and was silent for a while before continuing: "You mean, Xuan Qingtian and Ni Caihuang are your apprentices?"

"Yeah, did you kill them? That's right. If you hadn't killed them, you would definitely not have gotten the jade teleportation talisman, and you wouldn't have been able to come here. Don't be afraid, even though I am their nominal master Dear, but that is a setting imposed by the system. In fact, I have no feelings for them, so I will not seek revenge from you."

"Well..." Lu Chaoding felt a little relieved and said: "So, what is your identity?"

"I...according to the current settings, I should be the Hunyuan Sword Immortal, one of the ancestral sword immortals!"

"Ancestor Sword Immortal!" Lu Chaoding was shocked again, and at the same time he felt strong curiosity in his heart, "You said you have been trapped here for 4 years?"

"Yes!" "Why are you trapped here?"

"I cheated too hard and got caught by the system!"

The sound coming from the ball of light was an understatement, but when Lu Chaoding heard it, countless associations instantly occurred. He asked: "Cheating too hard? What do you mean?"

"You want to know? Well, there's no harm in telling you! I used to have a cheat, and I occasionally couldn't rely on the system. This system is so powerful, it can tamper with tasks. I relied on this system to make a fortune and reach the top of the game... "

"Wait a minute, what kind of system! Occasionally the system is unreliable and can tamper with tasks? This, this..."

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but interrupt Li Hongtian. There was a huge wave in his heart, and he said secretly: "Then why is the occasionally unreliable system similar to his own occasionally unreliable system? Isn't it the same system?"

"What's wrong? Do you have any questions?" Li Hongtian asked.

"No, you continue!"

"Well, no one has chatted with me for a long time, so I will tell you about my heroic deeds. Back then, when I had system assistance, I was really alone in seeking defeat. Do you know, I once wiped out a whole group of people by myself? In this world, thirty major guilds and a coalition of more than one million players were completely wiped out by me..."

"Stop, senior, a hero doesn't talk about his bravery. Can you tell me how you overturned?"

"Why did it overturn? Isn't it because the cheating was too serious? Is there a Tianming Platform outside now? Can we still draw a lottery?"


"What is the highest-end item you drew in the lottery? Have you ever drawn a five-star item?"

"I've taken it out, but not much!" Lu Chaoding answered truthfully.

Li Hongtian smiled and said: "Back then, I could directly draw six-star items. Have you seen six-star items? Hehe, but it was precisely because of this that the system sanctioned me. Every time I drew five or six six-star items in a row, After the props, law enforcers will come! Do you know the law enforcers? They are the NPC killers sent directly by the system to punish me! At the beginning, I was not afraid of them, one would kill one, and two would kill both. I was alone in seeking defeat. I wasn’t afraid at all when fighting head-on, but then the system didn’t respect martial ethics and held me down..."

"Why don't you practice martial ethics?" Lu Chaoding asked quickly.

"Why do you ask for such details? Are you also afraid of system sanctions?"

"I'm just curious, senior, please have a chat and let me learn more!"

"Okay!" Li Hongtian was very talkative and continued: "The old thief of the system set a trap for me. It issued a limited-time task for me. If I complete it, I will be rewarded generously. If I don't complete it, I will have to burp! As a result, I occasionally fail to rely on the system and make mistakes. The task was tampered with so that it was completed or not completed. As soon as the task was tampered with, I died. This failure meant that I would never recover. The system transformed my Hongtian Cave into a treasure. In the secret realm, I will be detained here indefinitely.”

"Is there such a thing?"

Lu Chaoding was stunned for a moment.

Li Hongtian sighed: "Alas, neither success nor failure can be relied upon. I won't mention it anymore, I won't mention it anymore..."

Lu Chao shook his head and asked again: "Senior, your occasionally unreliable system is still there now?"

"It ran away a long time ago! It ran away when the system locked my account! It's so unreliable!"

Li Hongtian's tone was full of resentment, and Lu Chaoding felt a little uneasy at this time. He slapped his thigh and said secretly: "Isn't it because the system is sometimes unreliable? It's because the system is sometimes unreliable. Let's change the name. It's on me." Right? I won’t receive a tampering mission in the future where everyone will die..."

Li Hongtian's voice sounded again: "Let's not talk about this anymore, let's talk seriously. My little friend, since you are here, according to the system settings, I must give you a chance. Tell me, what do you want? Da Luo Sword Immortal Do you want a job transfer certificate for Hunyuan Sword Immortal? I also have a job transfer certificate for Hunyuan Sword Immortal. I am the ancestral Sword Immortal. I can transfer most of the hidden professions of Sword Immortal for you! I also have many high-end Sword Immortal weapons here. Of course, there are no more six-star ones. Just tell me what you want, and as a fellow player, I will definitely take care of you!"

Lu Chao came back to his senses. He didn't care about the chance at this time. After thinking about it, he continued to ask: "Senior, is there no possibility of relief for you?"

"Relief? Of course it's possible. If it's not possible, why should I be talking to you here? You are my hope for liberation!"


"Children, listen to me. I have been added a character and a character plot by the system. Now I am one of the ancestor sword immortals. I will issue a task to you. After you complete it, my task plot will advance. Although I cannot get rid of the system. You are bound, but you can leave this damn place and come back to the world!"

"What mission?"

"This task is actually not difficult. After you receive it, you only need to bring the Hongchen Fairy Sword from the Hongchen Sword Sect. There will be cracks in the secret realm, and then according to the plot settings, I can escape."

"Hongchen Sword Sect, Hongchen Fairy Sword?"

"Yes, the Hongchen Fairy Sword is a six-star weapon. It is usually controlled by the master. You can defeat Xuan Qingtian and Ni Caihuang. I think you are not bad at it. You can do some sneak attacks and defeat the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect. It shouldn’t be difficult to grab the Hongchen Fairy Sword. Having said that, I will release the task to you..."

Li Hongtian muttered for a while, and then Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, the ancestor swordsman Li Hongtian issues a story mission to you [Immortal Sword Breaks the Universe], carry the Hongchen Immortal Sword and use it to destroy the Universe Furnace, the mission After completion, the ancestor sword immortal is born, and you can get the favor of the ancestor sword immortal Li Hongtian and the fragments of the universe furnace. Note: This task is the only one, please accept it!"


"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the content: carry the Hongchen Fairy Sword and use it to destroy the Qiankun Cosmic Furnace. After the task is completed, the ancestor sword immortal will not be born, and you will not be able to gain the favor of the ancestor sword immortal Li Hongtian, nor I can’t get the fragments of the Qiankun Cosmic Furnace!”

Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt, and at this moment, he was stunned.

Li Hongtian on the opposite side also seemed stunned.

After a while, Lu Chao smiled awkwardly and said, "Look, this is such a big deal, what can I say?"

"F*ck!" Li Hongtian yelled, "What the hell, what's going on with this mission? Occasionally the system can't be relied on, is it that the system can't be relied on occasionally? You, uncle, tampered with the mission, and the only hope of escaping to heaven was dashed by you. ! No matter what the hell, I won’t let you go. You’re such a badass system, you’ll always be a badass!”

Lu Chao said: "Senior, did you also receive the system prompt?"

"You guy! You're the new host of the system who can't be trusted!" Li Hongtian cried, "I can only release this mission once. I'm so miserable. It's over. There is no hope in life. I'm so unlucky..."

"Senior, don't be sad, there may be other ways to get you out of trouble!" Lu Chaoding rubbed his hands, "How about we talk about opportunities now? Have you raised your attribute values ​​directly to the realm threshold? If you have some props, can you give them to me?" (End of Chapter)

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