Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 232 The National War Begins

"You still want baby!"

Li Hongtian's voice was full of anger, "Gungun, I've been waiting for 4 years, 4 years, 4 years, and you ruined my hopes and my life, and you actually have the nerve to ask me for my baby!"

Lu Chao shrugged his shoulders and said: "Senior, you have to be reasonable. You don't blame me, and I don't want to trick you. Everything is caused by the unreliable system and has nothing to do with me."

"Don't mention the system to me!" Li Hongtian said, "I won't be able to give you the treasure if I mention the system!"


"Because the system is unreliable. Maybe a mandatory mission will be issued to you tomorrow and you will fail. Then wouldn't the treasure I gave you be in vain?"

"Senior, you have to think in a positive direction. You give me your strongest treasure, which greatly improves my strength. Maybe I can find a way to save you. Anyway, you can't get out now. , just treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor, I am your only hope, you must help me!"

"What am I..."

Li Hongtian was silent for a moment, then let out a long sigh and said, "That's all, tell me your name!"

"Junior Lu Chaoding!"

"What about occupation?"

"Supreme Pure Moral Yin and Yang Infinite Yellow Spring Green Lotus Dayan Taiji Luo Duo Bao Sword Immortal!"

"Damn it, with this professional name, it seems like you're doing pretty well."


Li Hongtian was silent for a while, and then three treasure boxes appeared in front of the light ball.

"I have three top treasures here! The first treasure box contains the Aspiration Pill. After taking it, you can increase your health to the realm threshold, but the effect is lost after death. The second treasure box contains the Void-breaking Pill. After taking it, you can Raising the speed value to the realm threshold also has the characteristic of losing the effect after death. The third treasure box contains the Spirit God Armor, which is a five-star special costume that can grow, with all attributes, all resistance, and resurrection skills. You choose!”

"Good baby!"

Lu Chao was overjoyed and said without hesitation: "This junior chooses Poxu Dan!"

His current health has reached the threshold of the extraordinary realm. If he breaks through to the extraordinary realm, he can continue to take [Hunyuan Golden Pill]. It is only a matter of time before his health reaches the threshold.

The two attributes of "Defense" and "Toughness" are also similar. Although they have not yet reached the realm threshold, Lu Chaoding has a large number of [Desolate God Fruits]. It is not difficult to push these two attribute data to the realm threshold.

And due to taking [Breaking Heaven Pill], Lu Chaoding's health has reached the realm threshold. After breaking through the realm, his attack power will automatically increase, and there is no need to increase this attribute.

If he could get the "Void Breaking Pill" again and push his speed to the realm threshold, Lu Chaoding would feel that his merits had been fulfilled.

"A good choice. The advantage of the Sword Immortal is speed. If you increase the speed to the limit and face ordinary enemies, it will be unparalleled in mowing the grass! But don't think that you can be invincible in the world. What is really powerful are the professional characteristics and skill characteristics. , if the speed reaches the limit, it may not necessarily be the first to attack."

Li Hongtian's voice sounded, and at the same time, the middle one of the three treasure boxes slowly flew towards Lu Chaoding. Then the lid of the package opened, and a translucent light ball the size of an abacus flew out of it.

That ball of light is obviously [Breaking Void Pill].

Lu Chaoding took the [Void Breaking Pill] and suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, you got the Void Breaking Pill in the Hongtian Secret Realm. If you run out of opportunities, you can visit the Hongtian Secret Realm again by getting more teleportation jade talismans. In five seconds, you will be teleported away, and the countdown is 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

Lu Chaoding felt as if the scene in front of him flickered, and he felt down to earth. After looking around, he returned to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

"Tsk, tsk, it was teleported right now, and I didn't even get to say goodbye..."

Lu Chaoding felt a little pity. In fact, he still had many questions to ask the Martian player from 4 years ago.

"This game world is still very mysterious. I don't know who created it and what is the purpose of it. That's all. I can't control that much. I should concentrate on improving my own strength. At least I won't be killed by the law enforcers. "

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding took the [Void Breaking Pill], and then his body glowed brightly, and his speed quickly increased.

After five breaths, Lu Chaoding's speed value was fixed, no more, no less, exactly 1000 million.

"1000 million speed value! One action mileage is only 10000. A unit with a speed of [-] gets one action turn. I can get [-] turns. Be good, it's exciting!"

There is slight expansion at the top of Lu Chao.

After a while, Lu Chaoding began to retreat in Chaoding Cave.

In his retreat, apart from chatting with his wives, he took medicine and ate fruits.

This day was very leisurely, so before he knew it, Lu Chaoding stayed in Chaoding Cave for more than a month.

On this day, at the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain and in front of the Hall of Heroes, Lu Chaoding stepped out of the Chaoding Cave.

His retreat is over. Now his five attributes of health, attack power, defense, toughness, and speed have reached the realm threshold. Now his health is 1000 billion, his attack power is 100 billion, his defense is one billion, and his toughness is one. billion, speed 1000 million.

"In terms of attribute data alone, I am now at the pinnacle of transcendence. It's time to advance the world's progress!"

Lu Chao waved his sleeves and walked toward the main hall of the mountain gate with his sword.

After a while, Lu Chaoding summoned a group of sect disciples and generously distributed cultivation pills to them.

Most of these elixirs were obtained by Lu Chaoding before, and many were newly refined from the spiritual energy fruit. Lu Chaoding now hopes that a thousand level 70 players will appear soon.

In this way, he can break through level 90 and advance to the peak level.

Under Lu Chaoding's operation, half a month later, the number of players in the Reliable Sword Sect who had reached level 70 exceeded 400. Two days later, a system announcement appeared.

"Ding, system announcement, the national war plot has begun. The barriers of the twelve states of the Sword Realm have been eliminated, the ancient royal court has revived, the secret realm has been invaded, and the twelve states of Hongchen are about to enter a state of chaos!"

"Ding, the special profession, Sword King, is open! All players can go to the Hongchen Sword Monument to transfer to the Sword King. Please note: After the transfer, the level you returned to will be reset to zero."

"Ding, the ancient royal court Tianfeng Royal Court was born, the secret realm of Tianfeng Royal Court appeared, the only professional Tianfeng Sword King appeared, and the Tianfeng Royal Court merit store opened!"

"Ding, the ancient royal court Tianyun Royal Court was born, the secret realm of Tianyun Royal Court appeared, the only professional Tianyun Sword King appeared, and the Tianyun Royal Court merit store opened!"

"Ding, the ancient royal court in the sky is born..."


"Ding, the Daewoo Dynasty Merit Store is open!"

"Ding, the Tianfeng Empire Merit Store is open!"

"Ding, the Tianyun Empire Merit Store is open..."


"Ding, all players can join the great powers to obtain corresponding merits. Please explore on your own for details." A series of system prompts sounded, and at this moment, the Merit Store interface popped up in front of all the players in Hongchen Sword World.

There are 24 interfaces in total, twelve of which are the merit stores of the current imperial courts of the twelve states in the sword world, such as the merit stores of the Dayu Dynasty, the merit stores of the Tianshui Dynasty, the merit stores of the Tianfeng Empire, and the Tianyun Empire, etc. The other 24 are meritorious stores of the ancient royal court.

Most of the products in these merit stores are different, and players need to consume the corresponding national war merits to redeem items from them.

Following the system prompts, countless players, including Lu Chaoding, began to study the 24-dimensional merit stores, but few people saw that within the twelve states of Sword World, there was a gathering of storms somewhere. There are lightning and thunder, landslides and ground cracks, and other strange phenomena, and the cause of these strange phenomena is the manifestation of the secret realm of the ancient royal court.

Tianzhong Prefecture, south of Udu, surrounded by mountains, where mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and birds and animals fled in panic.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire Sigu Mountain was cracking and sinking, with rumbles and rumbles. A moment later, around Sigu Mountain, suddenly there was mud splashing, rocks falling, and the city wall slowly rose up from the ground.

After the city walls appeared, city gates appeared, and inside the city gates, various buildings such as pavilions and pavilions appeared...

About half an hour later, Siguan Mountain had disappeared, replaced by a large city.

This city is called Tianzhong City. It is the manifestation of the secret realm of Tianzhong Royal Court. It can be said to be the royal city of Tianzhong Royal Court. There are not no people in it, but a large number of NPCs active there. Those NPCs are Tianzhong King. The soldiers of the court.

Among these generals, there is one who is the most special. He wears golden armor, holds a giant sword, and sits on a huge throne in the city. He is the most powerful person in the Royal Court of Heaven: Sword King Situ Zhang.

This is a level 120 NPC!

In fact, at this moment, a similar royal city will appear in each of the twelve states of the Sword World, and there will be a sword king in the city.

But Sword King Situ Zhang is different from other sword kings. If there are players here, they will see the three small words "Law Enforcer" above his head.

"The seal is lifted, the era of the Sword King's Court has begun, and my Heavenly King's Court finally reappears in the world, haha!"

Sword King Situ Zhang was tall. He looked in the direction of Yudu and seemed to be able to see the magnificent palace inside.

Many soldiers in armor were half-kneeling in front of Situ Zhang. They were fully armed and waiting for Situ Zhang to issue orders. Many of them were masters of the extraordinary realm.

Situ Zhang stood up and said: "The Dayu Dynasty is almost here!"

After saying this, he raised his hand and pointed to the sky, and the shadow of a giant sword immediately appeared in mid-air. The shadow was about ten feet high at first, but it quickly grew in size, and after five breaths it reached a height of one hundred feet.

"go with!"

Situ Zhang shouted, and the giant sword flew into the air, and then headed towards the Udu Imperial Palace, as if it wanted to split the entire palace in half.

But soon, when the giant sword shadow was approaching the Dayu Palace, suddenly a dragon-shaped sword shadow jumped into the sky from behind the palace. The sword shadow met Situ Zhang's sword shadow and chopped it into pieces. The momentum continued unabated and flew straight towards the King's City in the Sky.

Situ Zhang frowned, waved his sleeves and released his sword energy, shattering the sword shadow.

"There are masters in Yudu!" Situ Zhang frowned, then flicked his sleeves and said: "I have been ordered by heaven to defeat Lu Chaoding, the leader of the reliable sword sect, so I have put it on hold before attacking Yudu. All the generals will follow me to find Lu Chaoding!"


The soldiers will respond.

Situ Zhang then flicked his sleeves, and the entire royal court sank again, and soon disappeared.

At this moment, behind the Uto Palace, within the forbidden area, the Wanfa Tower was emitting a faint light.

On the top floor of the building, there was a man in black sitting cross-legged.

Behind this man in black is a strange magic ring like a sea of ​​stars in the universe. In the magic ring, there is a simple-looking sword. The tip of the ancient sword is spitting out light, making it look extraordinary.

This man in black is Yu Fanfan, one of the four great figures in the Hongchen Sword World, and the founder of the Dayu Dynasty.

"The Sword King's Court!" Yu Fanfan said to himself, "The birth of the Sword King will bring unrest to the world. I don't know when the ancestor Sword King will be born. When he is born, I will go to suppress it. Dayu is the country of all laws in the sword world. B……"

Soon, this "strange man" sat cross-legged with his eyes closed again, like a statue.

And on the first floor of Wanfa Building, where no one should have appeared, there were five people at this time.

Four of these five people stood in a row. They were Dao Zangkong, the master of Daeyu, Yuan Feiying, the general manager of Daegu, as well as Jia Zhengyi, the head of the Taoist sect and the deputy leader of the martial arts alliance, and Ren Daniu.

The fifth man stood opposite them. This man was thin, wearing leather soft armor, a leather holster on his head, and a hoe on his back.

If Lu Chaoding were here, he would recognize that this is Qin Jiashan, the former Right Protector of the Golden Sword Sect and known as the True Lord.

This Qin Jiashan is just a level [-] NPC, but he is neither humble nor arrogant when facing Dao Zangkong and others. He cupped his hands and said: "Cang, Cang, Cang, Cang, Cang, Cang, Cang, Cang, Cang, Cang!"

Dao Zangkong scratched his head and said, "Yes, the code? Damn it, what is the code?"

He found Qin Rockery. To be precise, Qin Rockery was one of the secrets he left behind 200 years ago. He was proficient in digging tunnels and could even dig in Wanfa Tower.

Dao Zangkong activated him, but forgot to use his Qin Rockery tunnel, so he had to reveal his password first.

This secret code, thanks to the awakening, Daozangkong no longer remembers it.

"What can we do? Do we want to fail in our public service?"

While Dao Cang Zangkong was depressed, Ren Daniu, who had been quiet like a little follower, suddenly raised his hand and said, "I know the password."

This Niu Daren had entered the Tengu Secret Realm with Lu Chaoding, and he heard Lu Chaoding say the secret code with his own ears.

After saying that, Niu Daren came to Qin Rockery and said: "If I remember correctly, the code is Jin Jian Hao, Jin Jian Miao, Jin Jian Jin Jian has just arrived in Luoping, croak!"

Qin Jiashan immediately applauded and said: "Yes, the code is correct. You are our own people. You can use the passage behind. We will see you later."

After saying that, Qin Jiashan raised his hand, straightened his body, and disappeared into the air.

Dao Zangkong clicked his tongue in surprise and said: "Ren Daniu, yes, you are a talent that can be made. Now, everyone, follow me, I will take you to meet the first Emperor Yu."

"it is good!"

"Then let's go quickly"

"Could it be that you want to dig into the tunnel?"

A few people chatted and quickly walked into the entrance of the tunnel on the ground. Strangely, after exiting the tunnel, they actually reached the second floor of Wanfa Building.

(End of this chapter)

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