The second floor of Wanfa Building is very empty. It is a closed space surrounded by many wooden frames. The wooden frames are covered by a blue light curtain. They seem to be filled with jade pieces, but in the center, there is a standing with four little wooden figures.

These four little wooden figures all look like boys, no more than 1.2 meters tall, with tiger heads and tiger heads, and carry wooden swords on their backs.

When Dao Zangkong and others came here, the four villains' eye sockets immediately emitted light, and they came alive.

Yuan Feiying, the general manager of Ouchi, said: "It is said that there are sword guards on the second floor of Wanfa Building. Infiltrators will be mercilessly killed by them. The four wooden wooden figures in front are probably the sword guards. Kill them before we can move on." Okay. As the chief internal officer, I can only bring you safely to the first floor of the Wanfa Building. Once you reach the second floor, life, death, misfortune, and luck can only depend on your own methods."

As he spoke, two sword shadows appeared behind him. He tiptoed, and his body rushed towards a wooden boy like an arrow from the string.

The next moment, he disappeared together with the wooden boy, and a battle flag appeared.

Daozangkong said: "You two, show me your methods, but don't be too superficial!"

After saying that, he also took action and entered the battle space with a boy wooden man.

Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu looked at each other. They also took out their swords and rushed towards a wooden boy.

Even though these two people don't have any amazing achievements, they have both broken through to the Transcendent Realm at this time and reached LV80. Ordinary players are simply no match for them.

As a result, four battle flags appeared on the second floor of the Wanfa Tower.

But just 3 minutes later, a battle flag was shattered. Daozangkong defeated the wooden boy sword guard and reappeared. He stood there with his arms folded, looking around with interest.

The surrounding wooden frames are still covered by blue light curtains.

Not long after, Yuan Feiying also defeated the sword guard boy and reappeared.

After another 3 minutes, Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu appeared at the same time again.

At this point, all four battle flags disappeared, and the blue light curtain covering the surrounding wooden frames also quickly disappeared. The jade talismans on the wooden frames immediately shined brightly, revealing attribute information.

Daozangkong and others began to explore at this time. They just casually looked at the jade talismans on the wooden shelves, and they were immediately shocked.

Because all those jade talismans are jade talismans that have been transferred to different professions, such as those transferred to the Azure Thunder Sword God, those transferred to the Fire Sword Immortal, those transferred to the Infinite Sword Master, those transferred to the Bloodthirsty Sword Demon, etc., there are countless of them. There are even job-changing jade talismans that hide professions, and each job-changing jade talisman is equipped with secret skills, combat skills, and unique skills.

"The Jade Talisman for the Sword Immortal profession, the Jade Talisman for the Sword God profession, the Jade Talisman for the Sword Demon profession, the Jade Talisman for the Sword Saint profession, and even the Jade Talisman for the Sword King profession."

Jia Zhengyi looked at the row of job transfer jade talismans and rubbed his hands excitedly.

Daozangkong even found the [Jade Talisman of Universal Sword God’s Job Change]. He found that as long as he used this jade talisman, he could become the Universal Sword Immortal and learn the Great Universe Sword Breaking Divine Sword.

"How is this possible? There should be no Universal Sword God in the Hongchen Sword World. It was I who refined the Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword, so I have this profession. There is actually a heritage jade talisman here, and after using it, you can master it immediately. The Great World-Breaking Void Divine Sword.”

Dao Zangkong frowned and suddenly laughed, saying: "As expected of the Wanfa Tower, it deserves to be the Wanfa Tower. It seems that Yu Fanfan, one of the four great wonders, is here. Could he be able to control the world?" Wanfa?"


Ren Daniu nodded, and while speaking, he secretly put a jade talisman into his cuff.

Jia Zhengyi saw this and secretly hid a jade talisman in his arms.

Dao Zangkong looked at Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi, sighed, and said: "You two are so brave. This is Yu Fanfan's Wanfa Tower. You stole these teleportation jade talismans without his consent." , aren’t you afraid of being killed by him?”

Ren Daniu smiled and said: "If I die once and change to a powerful profession, I think it's worth it!"

"Yes, at worst I'll be beaten to death once. Anyway, I can be resurrected now!"

Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi looked indifferent. As they spoke, they seemed to let go. They directly turned on the search mode and put the inheritance jade talismans into their storage spaces.

They are awakened AI players and have most of the player privileges. In terms of settings, they can be resurrected after death just like players. Therefore, Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi are unscrupulous. They feel that as long as they get these jade charms for job transfer , even if you are beaten to death, you still make money.

A trace of sarcasm appeared on Dao Zangkong's face, and after a while, he added: "Resurrection means rebirth, and rebirth means recasting. I advise you two to take the issue of life and death seriously, and be careful that the system will be recast after death, and your consciousness will be erased. You go back to your original form.”

Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi shrank their necks when they heard this, obviously frightened.

Daozangkong laughed, but he also took down five inheritance jade talismans from the shelf nearby. After looking at them, he nodded with satisfaction.

"There is a tunnel here!"

Yuan Feiying, the general manager of Ouchi, spoke at this moment. He is an NPC, not an awakened AI player. Although his interactive ability is extremely strong, he is ultimately acting according to the personality set by the system. Dao Zangkong will automatically respond to many of his conversations with Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi. Filter it out and it's like you can't hear it.

And he was very curious about Wanfa Tower, and he was the first to jump in after discovering the secret passage.

"Let's go on to the third floor!"

Daozangkong strode forward and entered the secret passage.

Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi looked at each other, stopped collecting more inheritance jade talismans, and followed eagerly.

Soon, the four of them arrived at the third floor of Wanfa Building.

There is also a sword guard here, but there is only one, which is a bronze statue of the swordsman.

Different from the four wooden boy villains on the second floor, this bronze swordsman displays attribute information, which can be seen by Dao Zangkong, Jia Zhengyi, Niu Daren and others, but this makes their expressions become extremely solemn.

Because the level of the bronze swordsman is as high as 120!
"Level 120, peak sword guard!"

"Looks like we have to form a team!"

"Jia Zhengyi, Master Niu, you two begged me to go with you, but you can't let your guard down now... It's a pity that guy Lu Chaoding doesn't want to cooperate with me!"

"It's very stable. The two of us combined are not much weaker than the alliance leader."

"Team up, four against one!"

"Three awakened ones, plus a level 100 chief internal officer, should be able to kill this sword guard..."

Daozangkong and others discussed quickly, then formed a team and started fighting with the sword guard.

The battle lasted for nearly two hours. In the end, Daozangkong and others reappeared on the third floor of Wanfa Tower in a somewhat embarrassed state.

They defeated the sword guard. After reappearing, a large number of wooden frames immediately rose from the ground, making the Wanfa Tower quickly become like a Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. The four of them looked around,

This place is like a Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, with rows of bookshelves. All the books on the bookshelves are skill books, some are general and some are exclusive.When Dao Zangkong, Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi came here, they were naturally amazed again.

"Oh, so many skill books!"

Soon, Ren Daniu and Jia Zhengyi couldn't help but start searching, putting one strong skill book after another into their storage space.

Daozangkong couldn't calm down anymore. He laughed loudly and said: "As expected, as expected, you can choose any skill book here!"

After saying this, he waved his sleeves, and skill books flew towards him immediately, and he actually started to plunder them.

After a while, all the skill books on the third floor were collected.

Yuan Feiying, the general manager of the department, looked at all this blankly, and then greeted: "There is still a tunnel here, I'll go first!"

He jumped into the tunnel, followed closely by Daozangkong and others.

After a while, they arrived at the fourth floor of the Wanfa Building, where they all stood obediently, not daring to move rashly.

Because they saw Yu Fanfan, the founder of the Dayu Dynasty and one of the Four Wonderful People.

The former Yuhuang had his back to them, like a sculpture, without any movement. He was the only one sitting cross-legged in the entire enclosed space, with nothing else.

Dao Zangkong looked at Yu Fanfan for a long time and said: "It seems that it is not the time for him to be born yet. He should not take the initiative to interact with us. I think there is enough opportunity. Why don't we just end this operation? Deputy Leader Jia And Niu Daren, we are destined to meet again! Feiying, follow me!"

While speaking, Dao Zangkong took the initiative to cancel the team status, and then jumped into a tunnel entrance with Yuan Feiying in tandem.

"Run away now? This guy is decisive..."

Jia Zhengyi looked at the tunnel and knew that he could probably leave Wanfa Tower by jumping in.

Niu Daren said: "Master, what should we do now? We have received enough benefits, why don't we leave too!"

Jia Zhengyi shook his head. He opened the storage space and took out a letter from it.

The letter was given to him by Gan Duoduo.

"The reason why I came to Yudu on this trip is to complete the task assigned by Gan Duoduo and hand this letter to Yu Fanfan. This letter should trigger some plot. I estimate that giving it to me will also interact with Yu Fanfan. Fanfan interacts with each other, I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse..."

Jia Zhengyi whispered. He looked at Niu Daren and said, "Apprentice, do you want to hand over this letter or not?"

Niu Daren thought for a while and said: "Hand it, hand it over! Gan Duoduo said that Yu Fanfan is the strength ceiling of Hongchen Sword World. Give him the letter, and maybe we will have an opportunity."

"OK then!"

Jia Zhengyi slowly walked up to Yu Fanfan, cupped his hands and said, "Jia Zhengyi, the leader of the Moral Sword Sect and the deputy leader of the martial arts alliance, has been entrusted by the owner of Ganduoduogan Island to send this letter to your Majesty. Your Majesty, please keep it. !”

After saying that, he slowly placed the letter in his hand on the floor in front of Yu Fanfan.

At this time, Yu Fanfan opened his eyes. He looked calm and looked at the letter in front of him. A dazzling light suddenly shone on his body, shocking Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu to retreat.

"It's a letter from Gan Duoduo!" Yu Fanfan spoke. He looked up into the void and muttered to himself: "It seems that he has awakened, so... maybe I should go out for a walk!"

After saying that, Yu Fanfan picked up the letter in front of him, but without even looking at it, he threw it to Jia Zhengyi and said, "I already know the matter. Could you please send this letter to Kunlun Island and hand it over?" Give the island master Kun a lot! As a reward for delivering the message, how about I raise the strength of the two of you to the peak level?"

"What? Peak realm? Real or fake?"

Jia Zhengyi exhaled loudly, his eyes widening.

Niu Daren was also excited and shouted: "Your Majesty, please raise my realm to the peak realm. I believe that I will die to deliver it!"

Yu Fanfan laughed and flicked his sleeves. The bodies of Jia Zhengyi and Niu Daren immediately emitted golden light. Their levels increased rapidly, and soon exceeded level 90. They actually did not stop, and continued to improve, reaching the peak level...

Two minutes later, the light on the two awakened AI players disappeared, and their levels suddenly reached level 2.

"This, this is so exciting, upgrading is like riding a rocket!"

"I am now a master at the peak level!"

Jia Zhengyi and Niu Daren were naturally very excited. After confirming that they had really reached level 120, they praised Yu Fanfan crazily.

Yu Fanfan obviously didn't care about their flattery. With a flick of his sleeves, the two of them were forcibly sent out of Wanfa Tower.

At this moment, on top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, Lu Chao was riding the Daxuan Ship.

He was leaving the island, and his destination was Tianyun City. He planned to pass the realm trial and advance to the peak realm.

As for the plot of the National War, Lu Chaoding is a little curious, but not much.

"24 camps, 24 merit shops, tsk tsk, this is a big melee. It's a pity that there are no props that I like in those merit shops. It's okay not to participate in the plot of this world! As for the disciples of the sect, let them be, anyway, rely on Pu Jian Po’s position is neutral..."

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently, and not long after he left Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, he saw a flying fairy mountain shrouded in clouds and smoke slowly flying over.

"It's Fuyun Mountain, junior brother, he's back!"

Lu Chaoding was overjoyed. He had previously handed over the task entrusted to him by Emperor Yu to Ye Xuntian, which was to go to Sunset Mountain to find the national artifacts of Tianzhong State. Ye Xuntian was in charge of Fuyun Mountain. Fuyun Mountain had returned. Lu Chao I think that the mission should also have results.

"Junior brother, he should have found the national weapon of Tianzhong State."

Lu Chaoding drove the Daxuan ship to Fuyun Mountain, and soon he saw Ye Xantian.

Ye Xuntian stood on top of a colorful auspicious cloud, with his hands behind his back and a mysterious smile on his face.

"Senior brother, the national weapon of Tianzhong State has been unsealed by me. It is a sword. This sword is not bad!"

Ye Xuntian raised his hands to Lu Chaoding, and then a golden sword flew up from behind him, and then slowly flew towards Lu Chaoding.

[Zhanxuan Sword (unsealed): a five-star prop, a national weapon, a special weapon, with attack power +100 million. Holding it can establish a country, and give all players in the country a blessing effect of +30% health and +30% attack power.Explanation: The Xuanxuan Sword is only valid within Tianzhong Prefecture, and will become ineffective when leaving Tianzhong Prefecture. 】

"Is this a national weapon?"

Lu Chaoding took over the [Xuanxuan Sword] and felt that the sword was ordinary, so he planned to take some time to give it to Emperor Yu, which was regarded as completing the task issued by Emperor Yu. (End of chapter)

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