Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 234 I’ve disliked him for a long time

After Lu Chaoding arrived at Tianyun City, he discovered that Chunhua Tower had actually been breached. It was now in ruins and could not be rebuilt. There was a huge sword-shaped monument outside the ruins, and there was an inscription on it. It is described that Chunhualou was a branch of the Tianmo Sword Sect, which was destroyed by the Daluo Sword Sect and a monument was erected.

"What a great Daluo Sword Sect..."

Lu Chaoding investigated the management panel of the Demon Sword Sect. After carefully checking it, his expression became strange.

Now six of the seven branches of Tianmo's sword sect have been wiped out, and the only one that still exists is Chunyi Pavilion in the northern part of Tianma Prefecture.

However, the power of the Demonic Sword Sect has grown even stronger.

None of the core figures of the six branches including Chunxiang Tower and Chun Nuan Pavilion were killed in the battle. They are now concentrated in Chunyi Pavilion, and there are now [-] turtle masters and [-] thugs in Chunyi Pavilion.

And these [-] sect members are all players!

Lu Chaoding studied for a while and found that the reason why these 6 people joined the Demon Sword Sect was thanks to the patrol envoys Song Shu and Geng Jinfeng. Most of them were forced, and there were many Luo Sword Sect and Qinglian Sword Sect. For players from the three first-class sects, Hongchen Sword Sect and Tianmo Sword Sect, once they join the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, it will be difficult to leave.

"The Heavenly Demon Sword Sect is quite interesting. It should be quite famous now. Tsk tsk, let Song Shu and the others do what they want. I am the Lord of the Heavenly Demon, aloof from the world..."

Lu Chaoding didn't plan to get involved with the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect for the time being. After a while, he came to the Tianxing Tower, where he easily completed the Tianxing Trial and raised the upper limit of the level to 120.

Three more days later, Lu Chaoding reached level 91 and officially entered the peak realm.

Following this, his attack power was directly increased to 1000 billion, and his speed was directly increased to [-] million.

Obviously, these two values ​​​​are the realm thresholds of the peak realm, which is ten times that of the extraordinary realm.

Lu Chaoding estimated that the thresholds of the three attributes of life, defense, and resilience in the peak realm should be ten times that of the extraordinary realm. Unfortunately, he could only obtain these three attributes by swallowing [Hunyuan Golden Pill] and [Desolate God Fruit]. Slowly improved.

"The item that can increase the health value to the realm threshold is called the Aspiration Pill. Li Hongtian has one there. I guess it will not be easy to get it. There should also be the item that can increase the toughness and defense to the realm threshold. I don't know what it is. If I can get it, If you get these three props, once and for all, your life will be easier..."

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently. There were not many props that he cared about nowadays, and [Aspirational Pill] was one of them.

Two days later, Lu Chaoding arrived in Yudu.

When he came here again, Lu Chaoding felt confident. He held the imperial alliance leader's token and directly entered the Tianyuan Hall of the imperial palace.

"You, you, you are Lu Chaoding, the leader of the martial arts alliance? You have been promoted to the top!"

In the Tianyuan Hall, Yuan Feiying, the chief internal officer, was still standing in front of the bead curtain. He was staring at Lu Chaoding with a surprised expression.

Lu Chaoding laughed and said: "You do have some insight. Yes, this alliance leader has reached the top!"

"Hmph, you do have some talent, but it doesn't matter if you reach the top. You'd better be humble in front of me. It won't take much effort for me to kill you."

Yuan Feiying's expression quickly turned cold again. He flicked the whisk and the bead curtain behind him opened.

Lu Chaoding did not move forward in a hurry. He looked at Yuan Feiying with interest and said: "Manager Yuan, to be honest, I am not here to see His Majesty Yuhuang, but I am here to see you! "

"Find me?"

"Not bad! Please go to the battle space to have a talk with Manager Yuan!"

As Lu Chaoding spoke, his eyes shot out golden light. He was using the [Gaze Sword Technique]. Wherever he looked, damage numbers appeared above Yuan Feiying's head, and his upper limit of health began to decrease.

"Leader Lu, what do you mean?"

Yuan Feiying was furious and shouted loudly.

But Lu Chaoding shook his head and said: "I forgot, I am too strong now, Manager Yuan may not be able to go to the battle space, so please ask Manager Yuan to go all the way!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding reached out and pointed at Yuan Feiying, and a super sword and dense sword shadows flew towards Yuan Feiying like thousands of arrows.

This is the most common sword attack.

Yuan Feiying disliked Lu Chaoding from the beginning, and Lu Chaoding didn't have a good impression of him. He just did whatever he wanted now, and felt that keeping Yuan Feiying around was useless, so he might as well get rid of him to avoid being an eyesore.

"How dare you take action against me!"

Yuan Feiying was shocked. He stepped back and her body immediately turned into a shadow. However, when she was pounced by the dense sword shadow, her blood bar was immediately cleared. Then her whole body turned into light and disappeared, leaving a treasure box on the ground.

"Hoho, it was an instant kill. It's so unsatisfactory!"

Lu Chao curled his lips. With his current attack power and the blessing of [Sun] Heavenly Power, even a sword shadow was enough to kill Yuan Feiying instantly.

"Assassins, there are assassins!"

"Come here, Manager Yuan has been assassinated!"

"Catch the assassin, catch the assassin..."

A guard exclaimed, and at the same time Lu Chaoding also received a system prompt: "Ding, you killed Yuan Feiying, the first-level general manager of the Dayu Dynasty, and gained the hatred of some NPCs, and related plot advancement."

"Ding, system announcement: Yuan Feiying, the first-level general manager of Daewoo Dynasty, has been killed, and the plot mission related to it is forcibly terminated!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up and releases a mission: You have killed Yuan Feiying, the first-level general manager of the Daewoo Dynasty. You have committed a felony and are about to be chased by the Royal Forest Army. Please do not resist, cooperate with the detention and admit your crime. Mission Completed, the reward will be 100 unreliable lottery tickets!"

When Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt, he shook his head and chuckled, and said to himself: "It's an unreliable system. Do you think that just a hundred unreliable lottery tickets can make me, an indomitable man, serve in the district? Don't resist and cooperate with the detention." ? Let me be captured without any help? How is that possible? I don’t want this mission reward!”

He calmly opened the treasure chest that Yuan Feiying had dropped under the horrified looks of several NPCs around him.

There are only three items in this treasure box: a five-star flying shadow sword, a sword master exclusive [True Dragon Unparalleled Break] skill book, and a [unparalleled sword master transfer jade talisman].

"They're all hot chicks!"

Lu Chaoding put away the three items and looked around again, he saw that he was surrounded.

A large number of armored soldiers had surrounded him. The crowd separated, and one person stepped out, none other than Divine General Zuo Xuandao.

Zuo Xuandao frowned. He looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "Leader, kill Yuan Feiying!"

Lu Chao nodded and said, "Not bad!"

"He is one of the two pillars of the imperial city, a first-class official, commanding the masters in the palace, and serving as your majesty's personal bodyguard!"

"I know!"

"How dare you commit murder even if you know it?" Zuo Xuandao frowned even more tightly. He looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "Leader, this is the Tianyuan Palace. You commit murder in front of His Majesty, and you kill a first-class official. You know What kind of sin is this?"

"What crime?" "A capital crime!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter, you can't kill me!"

"You..." Zuo Xuandao smashed his fist, "Leader, why did you want to kill him!"

Lu Chaoding said nonchalantly: "I've disliked him for a long time!"

"Huh?" Zuo Xuandao was stunned, "Leader, you are making it very difficult for me!"

"Is there anything difficult to do?" Lu Chao waved his hands and said, "Get out of the way and let everyone under your control disperse. Don't take action against me. I'm very powerful. You will bear the consequences if you take action."

At this time, Yuhuang's voice came from Tianyuan Hall: "Let him come in!"

Without waiting for Zuo Xuandao and others to respond, Lu Chaoding walked into Tianyuan Hall with his hands behind his back. Soon he saw the little girl Yuhuang, and took out the Xuanzhan Sword and said: "This is the national weapon Tianxuan Sword. I Already brought to His Majesty!”

"The national weapon, the Mysterious Cutting Sword!"

Emperor Yu stood up from the throne, clapped his hands and applauded: "Okay, okay, great, worthy of being the leader of the martial arts alliance, please quickly bring up the Xuanxuan Sword and let me have a good look at it."

Lu Chaoding handed the Xuanxuan Sword to Zuo Xuandao who followed him in. Zuo Xuandao took it carefully and then presented the Xuanxuan Sword to Yuhuang.

"Okay, it's really the national weapon, the Mysterious Cutting Sword! Alliance Leader Lu, I am very happy, and I will reward you heavily!"

As soon as the little queen clapped her hands, two palace guards carried a treasure box to Lu Chaoding.

At this time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "The task of searching for the national artifacts of Tianzhong State is completed. You have obtained the favorability of the Yuhuang and the treasure chest bestowed by the Yuhuang!"

Lu Chaoding opened the imperial treasure box and received another system prompt: "Ding, you have obtained one hundred thousand gold yuan, five-star fashion [Imperial Guard with Sword in Front], and five-star fashion [Manglong Battle Robe]!"

"That's it?"

Lu Chaoding was a little disappointed. He turned around and left immediately, and threw the imperial alliance leader's token to the ground.

After receiving the reward, he didn't want to stay.

As for the identity of the martial arts leader recognized by the Dayu Dynasty, he no longer cares about it. Once the token is lost, he has no intention of accepting the tasks issued by the Emperor Yu in the future.

No one dared to stop Lu Chaoding. Soon Lu Chaoding left Tianyuan Hall, but Grand Marshal Chen Baji flew in front of him.

"Lord Lu!"

This great master at the peak level raised his hands to Lu Chaoding and said: "My time is running out..."

Lu Chaoding waved his hand quickly and said: "Stop it, I have quit and am no longer the leader of the alliance. We will meet again if we are destined!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding quickly left the palace on his tiger and sword.

Chen Baji looked at Lu Chaoding's leaving figure, shook his head and said, "What a pity, what a pity!"

At the same time, among the surrounding golden-armored guards, one excitedly raised his hands in the air and said: "Great, great!"

This is a player who has the identity of a royal guard. His name is Sun Guan. He is slightly fat, has a single eyelid, and has two small eyes.

Chen Baji looked at Sun Guan and said, "That's all. I will pass on my position as Sword Master Qitian to you."

"Thank you, Marshal! Don't worry, I will cherish your cultivation!"

Sun Guan's face was full of excitement. He also looked in the direction where Lu Chaoding was leaving and said with a smile: "That guy is Lu Chaoding. He is so stupid. He didn't want to accept Chen's eight-level Qitian inheritance. This is a huge step to reach the sky. What a chance, I really don’t know what he thinks?”

After sighing, he ran up to Chen Baji. He knew that this NPC was going to die of old age. Within three days, he would definitely leave the Qitian inheritance to himself, and then he would be the new one. The Monkey King can probably become the No. 1 player among current players.

Sun Guan was full of longing. He was not qualified to enter Tianyuan Palace. He didn't know that Yuan Feiying, the chief internal officer at the same level as Chen Baji, couldn't even withstand Lu Chaoding's casual sword.

At this moment, in the Imperial Master's Mansion which was not far from Tianyuan Hall, Daozang Kong was sweating. He stretched out his hand and a bright passage appeared in front of him.

"I didn't expect Lu Chaoding to be so strong. To be on the safe side, I'd better run away!"

After saying that, Daozangkong quickly jumped into the bright passage and then disappeared.

Less than 3 minutes after he left, a huge sword fell from the sky and smashed the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion into rubble.

Lu Chao was riding a tiger and wielding a sword, using the Great Freedom Sword Technique to Survey the Sky, frowning as he looked at the ruins below.

"This Daozangkong can really run away, but I have discovered your secret realm."

In Lu Chaoding's field of vision, there was a bright sphere. He could see the sphere because he used the Da Zi Zai Tian Xian Sword Technique, and the sphere had attribute information and was in one place.

Lu Chaoding was able to discover the secret realm with his Great Freedom Sword Technique and enter it. Riding a tiger and wielding a sword, he quickly rushed in, only to find that the secret realm was in ruins.

After searching in the ruins for a long time, Lu Chaoding did not find Dao Zangkong, but he found a treasure box.

Opening the treasure box, Lu Chaoding found three [universal materials] and a piece of white paper.

There was writing on the white paper. It was a letter left to him by Daozangkong.

"Master Lu Chao, Leader Lu, you and I are both players, why do we have to live and die? I'll give you three universal materials, so just let me go. Trust me, it's definitely not a bad thing to let me live. Maybe We can still cooperate in the future.”

After reading the words on the white paper, Lu Chaoding muttered: "This guy is really a bit slick..."

After a while, Lu Chaoding left the secret realm of the ruins, but far away, in a small cave, Dao Zangkong was pacing back and forth with a serious face.

Behind him stood the sword slaves [Blood God] and [Sword Zen].

"No, I must improve my own strength, and it is urgent to make sword slaves! And I must make player sword slaves. I need five super players! Just choose from the players in the Daewoo Dynasty camp..."

While talking, Dao Zangkong opened the storage space and took out five jade pieces.

Those were the five jade charms he took out from the second floor of Wanfa Tower. After using them, they can be transferred to [Tai Chi Sword Immortal], [Tai Chi Sword God], [Tai Chi Sword Demon], and [Tai Chi Sword Master]. , [Heavenly Sword King].

"Among the many powerful professions, the Tai Chi series can increase the secret skill column, combat skill column and stunt column. It should be the strongest late-stage profession. I took out a lot of skill books from the Wanfa Tower. I matched them and trained five The strongest player, Sword Slave, shouldn’t be a big problem!”

Daozangkong smiled. He felt that if he worked hard enough, it would not be a big problem to catch up with Lu Chaoding. (End of chapter)

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