Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 235 Qin Rockery

Lu Chaoding came to Wanfa Tower.

In the entire Yudu, now he is only interested in this Wanfa Tower.

Wanfa Tower is a forbidden area of ​​the palace, and there are no guards around it. Lu Chaoding has been here before and found that there was an air wall that made it impossible to enter. This time when he came back, he found that the air wall was gone.

Soon Lu Chaoding entered the first floor of Wanfa Building. It was empty and there was nothing. He studied for a while and it seemed that to enter the second floor of Wanfa Building, he needed to go through the teleportation center in the first floor. The teleportation array seems to require specific props to activate.

"Isn't it time to open the second floor of Wanfa Building?"

Lu Chaoding was a little disappointed. Just when he was about to leave, a figure suddenly appeared from the ground. This man was thin and wearing leather soft armor. He was Qin Rockery.

"Hey, who are you and why did you sneak into Wanfa Tower?"

Qin Jiashan looked at Lu Chaoding with a puzzled expression.

"Huh?" Lu Chaoding also looked at Qin Rockery. He recognized the NPC and said with a smile: "It turns out to be the right guardian of the Golden Sword Sect. I have seen you before. Do you still recognize me?"

"Hey, who are you and why did you sneak into Wanfa Tower?"

Qin Jiashan repeated his previous words. It was obvious that his intelligence was not high and he probably had limited interaction.

Lu Chao said: "I used to be a disciple of the Great Sword Sect, do you remember? But now I am the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect! Why are you here?"

Qin Jiashan was stunned for three seconds, and then said: "If you want to use the secret passage, you need to know the secret code!"

Lu Chao smiled and said, "Another secret code?"

Qin Jiashan said with a straight face: "Stop talking nonsense and get the code right, clang clang clang, clang clang clang, clang clang clang clang, clang clang clang!"

Lu Chaoding still remembered the secret code. Just when he was about to guess it, he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, a special event has been triggered. The mysterious man who appeared on the first floor of Wanfa Building is waiting for the entrant to speak the secret code. Say the correct code." By using the secret code, you can learn the identity of the mysterious man, and the mysterious man will open a secret passage to the upper floors of Wanfa Building for you. If you say the wrong code, the mysterious man will attack you. If you say the wrong code four times in a row, the mysterious man will Will leave and destroy the secret passage into the upper floors of Wanfa Building."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system is turned on, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: speak the correct secret code, and the mysterious man will attack you and destroy the secret passage into the upper floors of Wanfa Building. If you speak the wrong code, You can learn the identity of the mysterious man, and the mysterious man will open a secret passage to the upper floors of Wanfa Building for you. If you say the wrong password four times in a row, the mysterious man will leave."

"Well, the unreliable system is here to join in the fun again. This tampering mission is a bit interesting."

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment and then looked at Qin Rockery and said: "Then I know the password. The password is, hahaha, hahaha, hahahaha, hahaha!"

Qin Jiashan frowned and said: "The secret code is wrong. It seems that you are not a good person... I will open the secret passage to the upper level of Wanfa Building for you!"

After saying this, the NPC stamped his feet, and the ground beside him collapsed, and a dark tunnel appeared.

At this time, Lu Chaoding could see the attribute information of Qin Rockery.

[Qin Rockery: LV60 Earth Escape Sword Demon, who once served as the Right Protector of the Golden Sword Sect, is now the Director of the Earth Hengs Department of the Dayu Dynasty, with a third-grade official position and a monthly salary of 500. In fact, he is a high-end undercover agent placed by the Tianshui Dynasty in the Dayu Dynasty. 】

"Hey, it turns out you still have an official position, and you are working as an undercover agent?"

Lu Chaoding thinks this Qin rockery is very interesting, maybe it is an important NPC.

Qin Jiashan pointed at the entrance of the tunnel on the ground and said with some pride: "This is the tunnel I dug with so much hard work, leading directly to the second floor of Wanfa Building..."

He suddenly paused, then frowned. He was stunned for a while, then looked at Lu Chaoding, and said with an unkind expression: "The secret code is wrong. It seems that you are not a good person. I will give you another chance, Qiang Qiang Qiang, Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!”

Lu Chaoding looked at the secret passage that appeared on the ground with interest, and then said: "Qi Delong, Qi Dongqiang, Qi Delongdong, Qi Delongqiang!"

"What a mess!"

Qin Jiashan's face suddenly turned cold. He flicked his sleeves and shouted: "The secret code is wrong. It seems that you are not a good person... I will open the secret passage to the upper level of Wanfa Building for you!"

After saying this, he stamped his foot again, and next to it, another tunnel entrance suddenly appeared.

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, the attribute information of [Qin Rockery] changed again.

[Qin Rockery: LV90 Tongyou Sword Demon, who served as the right protector of the Golden Sword Sect, the director of the Diheng Department of the Dayu Dynasty, and the shadow general of the Tianshui Dynasty, was actually the head of the Tongyou Sword Sect 200 years ago, and was branded with the sword by the Universal Sword Shendao Zangkong Yin is one of the secrets spreading in the sword world. 】


Lu Chaoding was surprised when he saw the character information refreshed by Qin Rockery.

"What's going on, identity refresh? This guy has turned into a level 90 Tongyou Sword Demon. I didn't expect that he actually has another identity, and he is also one of Daozangkong's secret sons!"

At this moment, Lu Chaoding felt that the NPC Qin Jiashan was even more extraordinary.

Qin Jiashan pointed to the entrance of the second tunnel at this moment and said: "This is the tunnel I dug with so much hard work. It leads directly to the second floor of Wanfa Building..."

He paused again, his expression became stiff, and he began to scratch his head. After scratching for a while, he looked at Lu Chaoding with a blank look on his face and said: "The secret code is wrong. It seems that you are not a good person. I will give you another chance." , clang clang clang, clang clang clang, clang clang clang clang, clang clang clang clang!”

Lu Chao said with a smile: "Li give the waves, Li give the waves, Li give the Li give, Li give the waves!"

"Huh? The secret code is wrong. It seems that you are not a good person... I will open the secret passage to the upper level of Wanfa Building for you!"

Qin Rockery stamped his feet, and a third tunnel appeared. After this tunnel appeared, Qin Rockery became motionless like a sculpture.

His identity information was actually refreshed again.

[Qin Rockery: LV120 Infinite Sword Demon, was once the sword slave of Dao Zangkong, the Universal Sword God, and was enslaved by him. 200 years ago, after Dao Zangkong disappeared, Qin Jiashan jumped into the sea and committed suicide. By chance, he was killed by Zhou, one of the four strange men. After Yu Yu was rescued, he erased the sword seal and was accepted as his chief disciple. He also accepted his order and traveled around the world. He later served as the right protector of the Golden Sword Sect, the director of the Diheng Department of the Dayu Dynasty, and the shadow general of the Tianshui Dynasty. He has multiple talents. identity. 】

"Good guy, I've become a peak master at level 120!"

Lu Chaoding was surprised again.

Qin Jiashan, who was level 120, was confused at this moment. He was silent for about 2 minutes and said mechanically again: "The secret code is wrong. It seems that you are not a good person. I will give you one last chance. Please say the secret code." "

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "The secret message is: Qin Jiashan, who are you and what is your identity? Tell me!"

"The secret code is wrong. It seems that you are not a good person... I will open the secret passage to the upper level of Wanfa Building for you!"

Qin Jiashan stamped his feet again, and the fourth tunnel appeared.

At this time, Qin Jiashan's body flashed with light, and his attribute information changed again.

[Qin Rockery: LV150 Ji Dao Sword Demon, one of the ancestral sword demons, a strong man in the Hunyuan Realm. In order to avoid the secrets of heaven, he pretended to be a mortal and traveled around the world. He has been secretly collecting fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box. ] At this moment, Lu Chaoding received another system prompt: "Ding, the holder of the Hongchen Dao Box was found!"

In Lu Chaoding's field of vision, the [Qin Rockery] was glowing with red light, which was very eye-catching.

"One of the ancestral sword demons, isn't it? This guy is a hidden BOSS!"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but take two steps back.

The guy opposite is the holder of [Hongchen Dao Box], and he is also the holder of [Hongchen Dao Box]. The holders have mutual induction. I wonder if he also knows that he holds [Hongchen Dao Box]. box】?
Lu Chaoding was very afraid that this NPC would suddenly attack him.

Although Lu Chaoding considered himself to be extremely powerful, he still wouldn't dare to be careless if his opponent was a level 150 ancestral sword demon.

Fortunately, there was no special change in Qin Jiashan. He acted stupidly. After being stunned for a while, he said: "You said the wrong password four times in a row. It seems that you are not a good person. I am leaving!"

After saying that, he jumped into a tunnel next to him and disappeared.

"It's good to go!"

Lu Chaoding breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the four tunnel entrances in front of him and was quite curious.

"The four entrances all lead to the upper floors of Wanfa Building. Do they lead to the same place, or do they lead to different places?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the four tunnel entrances carefully and felt that there was no difference between them. He quickly chose a tunnel at random and jumped in.

The vision in front of him went dark and then brightened, and Lu Chaoding came to a rather spacious enclosed space.

"Ding, you have entered the second floor of Wanfa Building!"

The system prompt came, making Lu Chao nodded.

"It seems that the tunnel is quite reliable!"

Lu Chaoding quickly looked around and saw that the place was quite messy.

"Why does it feel like this place has been robbed?"

Lu Chaoding studied for a moment and only found some jade charms for job transfer on the wooden frame, but he didn't care and soon came to the entrance of the four underground caves.

There are also four tunnel entrances on the second floor of Wanfa Building, and they all look exactly the same.

Lu Chaoding randomly chose one and jumped in, and then came to the third floor of Wanfa Building.

The third floor was even more in shambles. Lu Chaoding walked around for a while but found nothing.

"This Wanfa Tower must have been looted. Who is it, Dao Zangkong?"

Lu Chaoding muttered, and soon he jumped into the tunnel again and arrived at the fourth floor of Wanfa Tower.

Here, Lu Chaoding also saw Yu Fanfan, one of the four strange people.

Yu Fanfan turned his back to Lu Chaoding, motionless, like a sculpture. When Lu Chaoding walked up to him curiously, the NPC suddenly spoke: "Master Reliable, you have unlocked an ancestor sword demon in advance. !”


Lu Chao was shocked and couldn't help but take a step back.

In his field of vision, Yu Fanfan was sitting cross-legged. He had a handsome face and slowly opened his bright eyes.

"Qin Jiashan is the weakest among the many sword ancestors, but he should not be underestimated. You have spied on his identity and made him dig three more tunnels in my Wanfa Tower. It will have a great impact. Maybe It won’t be long before he gives up pretending.”

Yu Fanfan said lightly, with a faint smile on his face. In Lu Chaoding's eyes, this smile seemed quite mysterious.

"I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Lu Chaoding took two more steps back and looked at Yu Fanfan seriously.

"This NPC is extraordinary. He knows Qin Jiashan's identity, and he also knows that I have seen Qin Jiashan's identity. He must have awakened... Yu Fan, the Lord of Wanfa Tower, the founder of the Dayu Dynasty, and one of the Four Wonderful People Fan, has he already awakened? What level of person is he? He won’t do anything to me, right?"

Lu Chao's thoughts were racing, and he didn't know whether he should run away immediately.

"However, it's good to dig more tunnels. Maybe I can go out for a walk!" Yu Fanfan stood up and said: "Master Reliable, don't be nervous. I am not your enemy. In fact, I I will try my best to stay away from you."

"What do you mean?" Lu Chaoding asked.

"Because I'm afraid that an unparalleled disaster will happen to me!" Yu Fanfan said with a smile, "Let's not talk about this anymore. Master Reliable, you are a step too late. My Wanfa Building has been looted. Do you want to stay here? When the opportunity comes, why don't you just leave and go back to your Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain? If it's too late, maybe there will be many ruins in your sect's station."

Lu Chaoding frowned: "What do you mean?"

"The Lord of the Royal Court of Heaven, the level 120 Heavenly Sword King Situ Zhang is rushing to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. He is in charge of the secret realm of the Royal Court and has many masters under his command." Yu Fanfan said, "Your Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, can Are there any experts who can stop them?"

Lu Chaoding frowned and said, "Really or not?"

Yu Fanfan said: "You can trust me, there is no need for me to deceive you!"

"Okay then!" Lu Chao raised his hands to Yu Fanfan and said, "Goodbye!"

After saying that, Lu Chaoding jumped directly into a tunnel. His vision went dark and then brightened. He had already left Wanfa Tower and appeared in an open space behind it.

"The Four Great Strange Men... This Yu Fanfan is a bit powerful. What he said must be true. I will go back to the sect. The Sword King in Heaven does not go to fight the national war, but he actually wants to attack my reliable sword sect. How ridiculous." Seeking death!"

Lu Chaoding immediately rode on the tiger and held the sword, and soon left the Dayu Palace.

As he left, one of the original four tunnels disappeared on the fourth floor of Wanfa Tower, but three others still existed.

Yu Fanfan came to the three tunnels, squatted on the ground and studied them for a while, and said with a smile: "The tunnels created by the Jidao Sword Demon can ignore the ban of Wanfa Tower, which is quite impressive. According to the system settings, now the ancestor sword king It has not yet appeared, and the Dayu Dynasty is stable, and it is far from the time when I will appear on the stage, so I can only stay in this empty and cold room, like being in prison, but these three tunnels may allow me to go out and get some air!"

A moment later, Yu Fanfan jumped into a tunnel entrance. The tunnel entrance seemed to be alive. After Yu Fanfan jumped in, it healed quickly, and it was in the open space behind Wanfa Tower.

"Very good!" A smile appeared on Yu Fanfan's face. He looked around and muttered: "Now that we are out, let's go to Qianyuan Island first. That guy Gan Duoduo shouldn't be able to leave the island yet. I'll go and see him. Look at him!" (End of Chapter)

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