Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 236 The Royal Court in Heaven

Hongchen Qijie Mountain, ten miles away from the mountain gate, is in the sea.

The big waves are emptying, and a huge city is rising from the sea.

That city is, of course, the royal city of the Heavenly Palace.

This royal city is actually a special secret realm with the ability to move, equivalent to a giant aircraft carrier.

In this royal city, Situ Zhang, the Lord of the Heavenly Royal Court and the Heavenly Sword King, is sitting on the throne. His right hand points to the sky, and a huge sword shadow is gathering above it. Under his throne, the Heavenly Royal Court is The soldiers will be arrayed in order and ready to go.

"Reliable sword sect, reliable leader, Lu Chao is the best! I, King Chengtian, have been ordered to come here to conquer and die!"

The Sword King in the Sky shouted loudly, and the huge sword shadow above his head rose into the sky, suddenly flying towards Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

And above Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, wind and clouds suddenly gathered at this moment, and Fuyun Mountain appeared from the sky, with clouds rolling around it. Auspicious clouds, colorful auspicious clouds, colorful auspicious clouds, somersault clouds, etc. spread out like butterflies, and those clouds spread out like butterflies. Above, there are players, such as Zhao Weike, Wang Chengang, Dugu Tian, ​​Jiang Youxian and others. Under the clouds, arcs of electricity flash and lightning strikes are brewing.

"Foreign enemies have invaded, prepare to fight!"

A loud voice came down from Fuyun Mountain. It was Ye Longxing standing on the top of the mountain talking. With his hands behind his back, his black hair flying, he lightly stamped his feet, and the clouds and mist around Fuyun Mountain immediately turned into black clouds.

"The dragon travels through the seven realms, sending death to life, and opens the black cloud formation!"

Ye Longxing shouted again, and the black clouds in Fuyun Mountain became thicker and rolled like angry waves in the sea. Suddenly, a huge black dragon jumped out of the black clouds. It roared and crashed into the flying Xiang Hongchen. The huge sword shadow of the Seven Realms Mountain.

With a roar, the giant dragon and the giant sword collided, like thunder exploding, shaking all directions, and the sea water scattered. After the boom, the giant sword and the giant dragon disappeared.

At the top of Fuyun Mountain, Ye Longxing hummed softly. He flicked his sleeves, pressed his right index finger between his eyebrows, and shouted: "It's disrespectful to come and not to go back! With the soul of my sword, I can turn all living beings upside down. Great things come to the world. The Flame Dragon Mirror , Ice shines from the fire, responds to the bright sky, thunders of heavenly calamity, buoyant Yuanling, nine-turn demon dragon, listen to my command, shatter the void, come to the world, seven swords merge into one, break the boundary and attack the city!"

As soon as he finished speaking, seven giant swords appeared around Fuyun Mountain. They were Ye Longxing's seven swords.

These seven giant swords shined with strange brilliance, suddenly flew to a place, and turned into a dark giant dragon. This giant dragon was huge, more than a kilometer long, like a psychic, looking towards the King's City in the Sky ten miles away. direction, roaring, and with the power of wind and thunder, he rushed forward brazenly.

Zhao Weike, Wang Chengang, Dugu Tian and others were following the giant dragon, riding the flying clouds beneath them.

"Who dares to attack our reliable sword sect!"

"I guess the evil sect comes from somewhere!"

"Haha, we are an upright martial arts sect. The leader has said that those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. They are seeking death!"

"Don't be careless, everyone. If Boss Ye hadn't discovered the enemy, we might have suffered a loss!"

"Yes, the opponent is very powerful!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. With Boss Ye here, no matter who the enemy is, they will definitely be crushed to death!"

"Boss Ye is so powerful, he deserves to be the former world BOSS!"

Zhao Weike and others were laughing and joking as they came out of the clouds. They didn't know that the enemy ten miles away was the Tianzhong Royal Court, one of the 24 forces in the Hongchen Sword World. However, they were full of confidence and wanted to kill them quickly.

These guys have also been lonely for a long time. They like to fight in groups. They have destroyed many sects in the name of being an upright martial arts sect, and they have always done it easily.

Not long after, Ye Longxing's seven-sword-in-one giant dragon came to the top of the Royal City in the Sky. The giant roared, and a thick arc of electricity immediately flashed from its huge body. It opened its mouth wide and crashed directly into the center of the royal city. , where the throne is.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there are masters among this reliable sword sect!"

Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky, frowned slightly. He stretched out his hand and pointed toward the sky. A huge giant sword statue behind him immediately shattered into pieces. A giant sword appeared inside, with mountains and rivers carved on the sword's blade.

"Shanhe Sword, kill the dragon!"

Situ Zhang shouted loudly, and the giant sword behind him flew into the air and stabbed straight towards the black dragon in the sky.

With another loud sound, the black dragon was chopped into pieces, but it turned into seven black smoke and dispersed. The seven black smoke quickly turned into seven big weapons, including Dazai Chuishi, Yanlong Treasure Mirror, Binghuang Lihuo, and Yingtian Zhaoming. Swords, those seven swords fell into the royal city, causing the ground of the royal city to shake, and countless soldiers died in an instant.

"Yes, a little strength!"

Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky, had a smile on his face. He patted his chest and his body immediately grew bigger. After two or three breaths, he was over a hundred feet tall. He reached out and grabbed the Mountain and River Sword and carried it on his shoulders. On his shoulder, he shouted again: "Wang Ting soldiers, go and kill!"


"As ordered!"

A cry like a landslide and a tsunami sounded, and from within the Royal Court of Heaven, a large number of soldiers rushed out quickly. Some of them flew into the air with swords, some flashed with divine power, some used escape techniques, and some walked on the waves.

This is a huge team.

The largest number of soldiers rushed out from the main gate of Tianzhong City. They were like wolves and tigers, extremely fierce, but suddenly a strong wind blew over, and countless peach blossoms were rolled in the strong wind, and the peach blossoms were all Flying swords, crimson everywhere, corpses lying everywhere.

"Xiang Ruyan, the heroic elder of the Reliable Sword Sect, is here to ask for a fight!"

Accompanied by a loud voice, the tall Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan walked out of the flying peach blossoms. He directly blocked the gate of Tianzhong City. With a flick of his sleeves, peach blossoms rained down with a crash. Then the main gate tower was crushed.

And with the appearance of Xiang Ruyan, clang clang clang clang clang... countless sharp swords came through the air.

Those swords come from the unreliable Wanjian Mountain. When the Peach Blossom Sword God sets foot in the Heavenly Palace, it is an invasion war. The swords from the unreliable Wanjian Mountain automatically join the war. These swords are pure weapons of war. They do not have any When emotions appear, they launch ruthless attacks, killing people, destroying cities, and fighting to the death.

"A heroic elder from the reliable sword sect?"

"How dare you!"

"You dare to come to the royal city alone and seek death!"

There was a loud shout, and three tall figures wearing golden armor appeared above the broken city tower. They did not hesitate, and drew their swords at the same time. A large sword light quickly rushed towards the Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan.

Soon, Xiang Ruyan disappeared, and the peach blossoms in the sky also disappeared. A battle flag appeared, and the peach blossom sword god Xiang Ruyan entered the battle space together with the three golden-armored generals.

But in less than 3 minutes, the blossoming peach blossoms were dancing in front of the royal palace tower again.

Xiang Ruyan had a smile on his face. He held a piece of [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror] in his hand and said: "With the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror given by the master, it is easy to kill at the peak."

After saying that, he laughed loudly and stepped through the city gate in one step. The fluttering peach blossoms behind him quickly destroyed the city gate and penetrated a large part of the city wall.

After a while, the players of the Reliable Sword Sect also joined the battle. They faced off against the charging Tianzhong Wangting soldiers, and battle flags appeared over the sea.

"The strong ones will work alone, the weaker ones will form a team of four and launch the Four Seasons Sword Formation, and the weaker ones will form a group!"

"I have a Jiulin Tribulation Mirror. If you find a master, call me!"

"I also have the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror, which can snipe the BOSS!" "Let's form a big group!"

"It's not good, Zhao Skirt seems to have been beaten to death!"

"Zhao Skirt is a weakling, don't worry about him!"

"Hey, Zhang Defa, the singing and dancing elder, is also here in a mecha!"

"Stop, stop them all, don't let any of them go..."

The players of the reliable sword sect shouted again and again. From Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain to Tianzhong Royal Court, the sea and sky are battlefields. Battle flags appear one after another and disappear one after another. The soldiers of Tianzhong Royal Court will be there. There were casualties, even among the reliable sword sect players.

However, overall, the number of soldiers in the Royal Court of Heaven was greater, and many of them soon broke through the blockade of the players and headed towards Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

At the gate of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, Hua Dashao was a little excited.

"Fortunately, the large army is back. Otherwise, we would suffer a big loss if we suddenly suffered such an invasion!"

He raised his right hand and shouted: "Five condor elders, prepare to face the enemy!"


Five voices came from the direction of the main hall of the mountain gate. Five level 80 condor kings, including [Cang Mochi] and [Cang Molu], flew into the air and rushed towards the outside of the mountain gate.

They were originally the sword slaves of Dao Zangkong. After being rescued by Lu Chaoding, they became the five elders of the Eagle God of the Reliable Sword Sect. They followed the players of the Reliable Sword Sect to destroy many "evil sects" and "devil sects". ".

On both sides of the mountain gate, two nine-foot-long golden lions also launched ruthless attacks under the control of Chu Wudi and Chu Gianshui, the two captain-building elders.

The reclusive elder Huang Zuiying, the master of the two captain builders, also left Siguo Cliff at this moment. His body shone with golden light. At this moment, his level increased rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he was already a level 80 Transcendent Realm master.

"I've been living in seclusion for too long, it's time to get active!"

Huang Zuiying shouted loudly and flew into the battlefield like an arrow.

At this moment, a system announcement sounded: "Ding, server-wide announcement, the Heavenly Royal Court appears in the Hongchen Sea, the national war plot advances, a battle breaks out between the Heavenly Royal Court and the Reliable Sword Sect, all players can go to the battle location Participate in the plot. Please note that players in the camp will receive merit points for killing the soldiers of the King of Heaven, while players outside the camp will not be rewarded with merit points for killing the soldiers of the King of Heaven..."

Lu Chaoding, who was rushing towards Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, heard the system announcement and couldn't help but feel anxious.

He still cares about the reliable sword sect and regards it as his home base. Now that he is gone, he is afraid that his home base will be taken away.

“I don’t know if the players in the faction are reliable, but don’t get slaughtered!”

Lu Chaoding opened the world map while muttering.

After players open the world map, they can enjoy free long-distance teleportation once a month. This teleportation requires selecting the Great Sword Monument as the transmission location. There are several Great Sword Monuments on each continent.

But it is a pity that there is no great sword monument in Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, so Lu Chaoding cannot teleport back directly.

He chose the Tianyun City Great Sword Monument closest to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain as the teleportation destination. He teleported there with a thought, then rode a tiger with a sword and headed towards Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain at high speed.

When Lu Chaoding saw his Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, it was already two hours later.

At this moment, in his field of vision, Fuyun Mountain surrounded by black clouds was hanging over the huge Tianzhong Royal Court. There were roaring dragons below, lightning and thunder above it, the mountain was constantly shaking, and there were many damages. It was tilted, as if a fierce battle was breaking out on it.

"Ye Longxing joins the war!"

Lu Chao had a clear understanding in his heart. He looked in the direction of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, and it seemed that a battle was breaking out there.

"I don't know what the situation is like. Isn't Seven Realms Mountain already occupied?"

Lu Chaoding did not dare to hesitate. With a thought, he opened the entrance to the Chaoding Cave. Lan'e, Luliu and other ladies of the head immediately flew out from it.

"Ladies, I will leave the Seven Realms Mountain to you. Hurry up and support me, husband. I will return to the Court of the Heavenly King for a while!" Lu Chaoding ordered, and then he rode a tiger and sword and rushed towards the Heavenly King in the sea at full speed. court.

As he approached the Tianzhong Royal Court and saw the huge city, Lu Chaoding felt that it was not yet safe, so he took out the Demonic Sword again.

He opened the entrance to the Heavenly Demon's secret realm, then entered it, found the Heavenly Demon, and ordered: " Heavenly Demon, I need your support here. Quickly summon the members of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect and let them attack the Tianzhong Royal Court."

"Yes, my master!"

The demon was obedient, with a rather evil smile on her face, and then she snapped her fingers.

At this moment, all the players in the Chunyi Pavilion in the northern part of Tianma Prefecture received system prompts.

"The leader of the Heavenly Demon has issued an order, and I will teleport to the Heavenly Demon's Hall as quickly as possible!"

"What is the leader of the Demon going to do again? I feel like there is something big going on!"

"NPCs have also received orders. Let's gather at the Teleportation Sword Monument as soon as possible..."

There were [-] Turtle Dukes and [-] thugs in the Chunyi Pavilion. It was noisy, but after hearing the order, they quickly gathered at the teleportation sword monument.

In the Heavenly Demon Hall, Heavenly Demon saluted Lu Chaoding and said: "Master, I have summoned the disciples of the sect to gather here. When I leave the Heavenly Demon Hall and go to the place where the Royal Court of Heaven is, I can open the secret passage and receive Bring them down."

"Okay, okay, without further ado, let me go!"

Lu Chao nodded, and then left the Heavenly Demon Hall with Heavenly Demon.

As one of the ancestral sword demons, Tianmo is only at level 90 now, but her skills are extraordinary. She has extremely fast flying speed, and she and Lu Chaoding arrived in the center of the Heavenly King's Court in a moment.

There are battle flags here, and sword shadows roaring. There don't seem to be many soldiers from the Royal Court in the Four Directions. When they saw Lu Chaoding and the demon, they rushed over with shouts.

"Tianmo, I'll leave this place to you, I'll go to Fuyun Mountain!"

Lu Chaoding knew that Ye Longxing must be at Fuyun Mountain, and was afraid that Ye Longxing would not be able to resist him, so he immediately rode a tiger and a sword and rushed to support him.

The demon nodded obediently, and then looked at the soldiers of the Royal Court of Heaven who were rushing towards him with a smile.


She snapped her fingers, and a dark space crack suddenly tore open behind her. From the crack, she could vaguely see the Demon Hall.

"Disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, listen to the order!" The Heavenly Demon said calmly, "Respect my decree, come here, and destroy the royal court in the sky!" (End of this chapter)

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