Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 237: I have good luck

"Attack the Royal Court of Heaven!"

"Haha, Lord Demon is going to participate in the national war plot!"

"Brothers, come on, turtle spring has arrived!"

"Everyone, have you joined the camp?"

"What kind of camp do you want, just kill indiscriminately!"


Intense shouts rang out, and a large number of players rushed out from the space cracks opened by the demon. They descended on the Heavenly Royal Court, just like the players who had just arrived in the novice village, looking at everything greedily, and the soldiers of the Heavenly Royal Court. Seen as prey.

Among these players, the most excited ones are undoubtedly Song Shu and Geng Jinfei. They are demon generals on the [Demon Sealing List]. They enjoy the privilege of unlimited rebirth and damage-free resurrection, and they love fighting the most.

"The head of the Heavenly Demon actually wants to start a war with the Royal Court of Heaven, yes, yes!" Song Shu was riding a bloody rhinoceros with a black halo on his back. He waved his hand and shouted: "Young men, don't embarrass me, kill me." ah!"

The blood cow is Song Shu's four-star [Bloodthirsty Black Bull], and the black halo is the Infinite Dharma Ring. Song Shu is now the Infinite Sword Demon, and his level has been mentioned to LV77. Among the players of the Demon Sword Sect, his His strength is probably only slightly worse than Geng Jinfei!
Geng Jinfei was standing on top of a giant bloody eagle. He was also an Infinite Sword Demon with an Infinite Dharma Ring behind him. He was one level higher than Song Shu. He was waving a large bloody flag excitedly.

That big flag is a five-star special back piece [Demon War Flag]. In addition to having a halo effect of increasing attack, defense, and health, it can also provide Geng Jinfei with powerful protection.

This [Heaven Demon Battle Flag] makes Geng Jinfei stronger than Song Shu, and he is the strongest player of the Sky Demon Sword Sect.

"Young men, show your skills. The leader of the demon will see it and those who perform well will be listed on the demon list and become demon generals!"

Geng Jinfei shouted loudly that he was the leader of the 3 demon sect thugs from the Demon Sword Sect and enjoyed great rights.

And what he said was not nonsense.

There are now nine players in the Demon Sword Sect who have been sealed by the Demon. The Demon loves to train his subordinates.

Compared with the players of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, the NPCs of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect are much colder and more stern, such as Hua Lao Bustard, Xiang Lao Bustard, Nuan Lao Bustard, etc. They don’t talk nonsense. After they appear from the space crack, they rush to kill, and fight with The senior soldiers of Tianzhong Royal Court will fight.

The three-foot-tall demon looked at everything in front of him with a smile. She looked like a harmless girl, and even the wings on her back gave her a somewhat sacred aura. However, on the battlefield, wisps of black smoke appeared, slowly. Fly towards her and finally enter her body.

Those black tobacco pipes were born from the soldiers of the Royal Court of Heaven who died in battle, and entered the body of the Heavenly Demon, adding mysterious power to her. After a while, the Heavenly Demon's level actually increased by one level.

Lu Chaoding handed over the battlefield below to the Demonic Sword Sect and stopped interfering. He quickly came to Fuyun Mountain with his sword.

At this time, Fuyun Mountain is in a state of disarray. The mountain is broken in many places, and many buildings standing on it have collapsed. A large number of senior soldiers from the Tianzhong Royal Court will be active here, and they seem to have occupied the place.

"Humph, we actually attacked Fuyun Mountain!"

With a thought in his mind, Lu Chao stretched out his hand and pointed toward the sky, wanting to deploy the black cloud formation. However, he suddenly saw a figure riding a wine gourd in the distance, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​using the black cloud formation.

He was afraid of accidentally injuring friendly forces.

The figure riding the wine gourd was Jiang Youxian. She was being chased by a group of high-ranking royal soldiers wearing golden armor.

Lu Chao raised his sword to meet him, and the Great Sun Dharma Ring appeared behind him. His fantasy attack state was [Universal Illumination]. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air. He took out his weapon, a big black knife. With a slash of the big knife, dense sword shadows jumped out towards him. The golden armored soldiers chasing Jiang Youxian will surround him.

Clang, clang, clang, boom, boom, boom...

The sound of sword clanging was intensive, and in the blink of an eye, all the senior soldiers turned into light, the ground was empty, and no one was spared.


Jiang Youxian was surprised and happy. He looked at Lu Chaoding excitedly and said, "Master, you are finally back. Wow, it's too outrageous. You killed a group of high-level NPCs in one fell swoop!"

Lu Chao said: "You are too weak, don't get in the way here, go to my super cave!"

While speaking, Lu Chaoding opened the entrance to the Chaoding Cave again, and Jiang Youxian quickly flew in without hesitation.

But before entering Chaoding Cave, she shouted to Lu Chaoding: "Boss Ye Longxing Ye and Taohua Sword God are confronting Situ Zhang, the Sword King of Heaven, in the back mountain. Go and support!"

"it is good!"

Lu Chaoding nodded, he closed the entrance to the Super Top Cave, rode a tiger and held a sword, and flew straight to the back mountain. At the same time, he kept attacking, and the sword shadows bombarded down, mercilessly crushing the soldiers of the Royal Court below!

No soldier of the Royal Court of Heaven can withstand even a sword shadow cast by Lu Chaoding's [Big Outrageous Split Light Sword Shadow].

Soon, Lu Chaoding reached the back mountain.

He saw Ye Longxing, Xiang Ruyan and Situ Zhang, the Lord of the Tianzhong Royal Court and the Sword King of Tianzhong.

At this time, Ye Longxing is standing on a black dragon, with black hair flying, surrounded by seven swords, with an arrogant posture, and his neck is like a banquet, standing in the air, with the shadow of a huge peach tree behind him, and peach blossoms falling like rain.

Opposite them, Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky, was sitting on a stone throne with a golden sword. He was holding a giant sword in his right hand, and there were phantoms of mountains and rivers behind him.

He noticed Lu Chaoding's arrival, narrowed his eyes, looked at Lu Chaoding with a cold face, and said solemnly: "Reliable leader Lu Chaoding, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Lu Chaoding could see Situ Zhang's identity information at this time, and said disdainfully: "It turns out that he is a law enforcer. He is only level 120. He dares to come here. He is really looking for death!"

While talking, Lu Chaoding silently sent a team application to Ye Longxing and Xiang Ruyan.

"Ding, the Sky Patrolling Sword Demon Ye Longxing has joined your team! Under the influence of the Sky Patrolling Demonic Sword, the current team members (maximum four people) have obtained the Protector Black Dragon. While the Protector Black Dragon is alive, they are immune to 60% of the damage received."

"Ding, Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan has joined your team! Affected by the Peach Blossom Sword Code, all members of the current team (maximum four people) will receive three Peach Blossom Flying Swords. Each time an attack is launched, the three Peach Blossom Flying Swords can be added. An attack.”


Lu Chaoding was a little surprised. This was his first time teaming up with Sky Patrol Sword Demon Ye Longxing and Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan. He didn't expect them to have such special teaming effects.

"Lan'e and the others don't have this kind of special team-up effect. It seems that the character settings of Ye Longxing and Xiang Ruyan are still higher than them."

Lu Chaoding seems to have some realization.

At this time, Situ Zhang laughed loudly. He slapped the armrest of the throne and shouted: "Seeking death? Hahahahaha, it seems that the head of Lu is still unclear about the current situation. Do you know that I, the King of Heaven, have a profound background? There are tens of millions of soldiers in the city? Did you know that there are only a small number of Wang Ting soldiers who have awakened at present, and they are weak cannon fodder? Did you know that the elites will wake up only after the cannon fodder dies? Did you know that even without the soldiers, I, the King, can do it alone? Is it not difficult to destroy your mountain gate with just one sword? Hahahaha, I am a peak swordsman in the peak realm, who of you can defeat me?"

"Really?" Lu Chao looked at Situ Zhang and said slowly: "I have killed more than one peak-level powerhouse. Does Lian Bahuang know him? Does Xuan Qingtian know? Emperor Ni Cai has seen him What? They are all level 120 sword cultivators, and they all died under my sword. Do you think you are better than them?" "Lian Bahuang, Xuan Qingtian, Nicai Huang..."

Situ Zhang was stunned for a moment. Looking at his expressions, he seemed to really know those three people. However, he soon laughed out loud and said: "I am different from them. I have good fortune and my royal court will never be destroyed." , this king will not die!"

"Lucky luck?"

At this time, Lu Chaoding was too lazy to talk nonsense with the Sword King in the Sky. He stretched out his hand and pointed at him, and the torrent of sword shadows washed away towards him.

Situ Zhang actually did not dodge, and withstood all the sword attacks, and laughed loudly at the same time: "I said, I have good luck, and your petty tricks can't hurt me at all."

And the next moment, Situ Zhang was still pulled into the fighting space.

The scene in the battle space was Lu Chaoding's nut secret realm. At this time, Lu Chaoding, Ye Longxing and Xiang Ruyan were also teleported in. Behind them, there was a black dragon entrenched, and above their heads, there were three peach blossoms flying.

Lu Chaoding frowned and looked at the opposite side. Situ Zhang was sitting on a floating throne just like before, holding a big sword in both hands. His health bar was actually full.

Moreover, what surprised Lu Chaoding was that there were three long strips of red, white and yellow on the top of the head of the Sky Sword King.

The long red bar among them is naturally the health bar, which is now at full value, indicating that the life value of the Sky Sword King is as high as 2000 billion.

The long white strips are tough strips, and the toughness of the Sword King in the Sky is as high as 1000 million!

As for the long yellow bar, it is displayed as a luck bar, and its value is 500!

"Full health? I just took action and didn't get even a drop of blood?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but frown.

"The Sword King has luck to protect him!"

At this time, Ye Longxing, who was standing next to Lu Chaoding, spoke, "Qi Luck is a mysterious ability. With Qi Luck, you are invulnerable to all means. This Heavenly Sword King is blessed by the Qi Luck from the Heavenly Royal Court. This Qi If the luck is not eliminated, then you will be immortal!"

"Really? There is also this setting! Junior brother, you should have reminded me earlier!" Lu Chaoding was really surprised at the moment. He asked Ye Longxing seriously, "What should we do now?"

"Ruined his luck!" Ye Longxing squinted his eyes, "His luck is closely related to the Royal Court of Heaven. If the Royal Court of Heaven declines, his luck will also decline."

Lu Chao said: "It's a good idea, but it's impractical now. Is there any other way?"

Ye Longxing pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: "Perhaps reaching the Hunyuan realm can break the power of luck..."

"Haha, if I said it, it doesn't mean I didn't say it. Who can break through to the Chaotic Source Realm in a short time?" Lu Chao sighed. He felt that he was a bit reckless.

Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan said in a deep voice: "If you give him the Kirin Tribulation Mirror with the Nine Lin Tribulation Mirror, can't you kill him?"

"No! If you have good luck, you have to avoid the catastrophe!" Ye Longxing looked heavy, "The twelve ancient royal courts and the twelve sword kings probably all have good luck. If the royal court is not destroyed, they, It’s not easy to kill!”

At this time, the preparation time was almost over. Lu Chaoding received a system prompt that he would have his first round.

"That's all, so what if he has luck to protect him? Under the rules of battle, there is no chance for him to take action!"

Lu Chaoding was not polite at this time. Sword Immortal Twelve Hatreds took action directly. After every attack, the peach blossom petals behind him would fly out and attack Situ Zhang. Situ Zhang's health and toughness bars were under attack. It will shorten later, but it will fill up automatically again soon. After Lu Chao defeated the set of Sword Immortal Twelve Hatreds here, with the blessing of [Sun] Heavenly Power, Situ Zhang was still full of blood and toughness.

"Haha, I have good luck. It would be extremely stupid to challenge me!" Situ Zhang looked arrogant and waved to Lu Chao, signaling him to continue the attack.

Of course Lu Chaoding will continue to attack.

His current speed is as high as [-] million, which is much higher than the three people present. You must know that Situ Zhang's speed is only [-], Ye Longxing's [-], and Xiang Ruyan's only [-]. Without other special settings, Lu Chao It would take at least more than [-] turns before it was their turn to act.

How much difference is there between more than [-] rounds and infinite rounds?

However, in fact, after Lu Chaoding launched five attacks, it was Xiang Ruyan's turn to attack.

Xiang Ruyan said: "I have the five-star Fluctuating Light Power. In the team state, every time my teammates act or are attacked, my action bar will be pulled forward by 20%! However, I am afraid that my attacks will not hurt me. The Sword King in the Sky."

When Lu Chaoding heard what Xiang Ruyan said, he immediately understood and said in surprise: "Xiang Ruyan, you have awakened!"


Xiang Ruyan responded respectfully, then stretched out his hand to point to Situ Zhang, and peach blossoms appeared in front of him, suddenly turning into countless peach blossom petals and flying towards Situ Zhang.

Each petal was a flying knife. Situ Zhang was rolled up by the peach blossom petals, and dense numbers of damage immediately appeared above his head. At the same time, unicorn-shaped thunder fell from the sky and struck Situ Zhang's body.

Soon, the peach blossoms dissipated, the thunder died down, and Situ Zhang's health bar and toughness were filled again.

"Sure enough!"

Xiang Ruyan shook his head in disappointment.

In the next round, it turned out to be Ye Longxing's. A dark star appeared above Ye Longxing's head, which was the five-star [Seven Kills of Due's Heavenly Power].

Ye Longxing said: "My heavenly power gives me one extra team action round and seven exemptions from death. I can use seven swords to immobilize Zhongtian Sword King, but it is not easy to kill him!"

After saying that, Ye Longxing stretched out his hand and pointed at Situ Zhang, and his seven seventh-level swords flew over, arranged in a circle in mid-air, like a sword array, and then fell suddenly, trapping Situ Zhang in the center.

"Ding, Zhongtian Sword King Situ Zhang was temporarily imprisoned and his mobility was reduced to zero for 90 seconds. During this period, he will lose 1% of his health every second!"

When Lu Chaoding received the system prompt, his mind suddenly moved.

"You can't kill him, but you can imprison him, then..."

With a thought in his mind, Lu Chao used [Gaze Sword Technique].

[Gaze Sword Technique] can be used at any time. Lu Chaoding focused his gaze, and damage numbers appeared on the top of Zhongtian Sword King Situ Zhang's head, losing 16 points of blood every second.

These 16 points of blood are a reduction of the upper limit of health. Although Situ Zhang's health bar is full, his health continues to decrease. (End of chapter)

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