Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 238 Golden Seal King Ding Shanhe Sword

"Huh? The Sword King of Heaven's condition is declining!"

"His health is decreasing, Master, what kind of martial arts are you doing!"

Ye Longxing and Xiang Ruyan stared at the Heavenly Sword King curiously, quite curious about the [Gaze Sword Technique].

"Although his luck is immortal and he won't die if I beat him, I can teach him to become brittle. Junior brother and Elder Xiang, this battle may be a protracted one. You must be mentally prepared!"

Lu Chaoding said lightly.

He was curious about what would happen if Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky, reduced his health to zero through [Gaze Sword Technique]. Will he die?

However, Lu Chaoding's [Gaze Sword Technique] can only reduce the target's upper limit of health by 16 points per second. However, Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky, has a life of up to 2000 billion. In theory, if he wants to pass the [Gaze Sword Technique] command, His life value returned to zero, even if Lu Chaoding kept staring at him day and night, it would take more than 23782 terrifying years.

This is obviously impossible.

Lu Chaoding had the mentality of reducing what he could, and slowly consumed Situ Zhang, the King of Swordsmen in the Sky, placing his hope outside the war space, hoping that the fate of the King of Heaven would decline.

In short, trap him first and not let him escape.

As a result, time passed slowly, and the huge battle flag on the back of Fuyun Mountain kept flying.

The battle in the Court of the Heavenly King below also continued. The players of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect went crazy and regarded the soldiers of the Court of Heaven as prey. However, the soldiers of the Court of Heaven also seemed to be inexhaustible. They came from the underground palace. , towers, altars and other buildings appeared continuously, each one like a war puppet without emotion.

Half a day later, the players of the Demon Sword Sect suffered heavy casualties and lost their enthusiasm. Many players began to complain, or they were badmouthing and did not work hard.

"There are too many soldiers and generals in the royal court these days. We can't kill them all!"

"And there are more and more high-level ones!"

"I've been beaten to death three times!"

"There is almost no profit from killing them. What is the point of this battle?"

"Head of the Demon, please take action. If you don't take action, we won't be able to hold it back!"

"Yes, please ask the Demon Leader to take action!"

"Master, show us your hands..."

Amidst the continuous shouts of the players of the Demon Sword Sect, the Demon who had been floating quietly in the air finally moved. He stretched out his hand and pointed towards the sky, and the phantom of the Demon's Hall appeared in the air. This phantom was sacred and solemn. Appearing, the ground in the Royal Court of Heaven shook violently, and with the shaking, ravines tore open.

Moreover, the soldiers and generals of the Royal Court of Heaven seemed to be under strong suppression under the phantom. Many of them were lying on the ground, unable to move. Most of the soldiers who were not lying on the ground were trembling and had great strength. drop.

"Use my Heavenly Demon Palace to suppress this royal court. Under the Demon Palace is the Demon Realm. The disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect will raise their swords and kill!"

The demon said calmly, and then took out the [Demon Sealing List].

"In the name of my heavenly demon, I canonize Qiu Sanyuan, Lu Zhixing, Yan Qulou, Huang Muyun... serve as demon generals for me. I will never be destroyed. You will enjoy protection and be exempted from the punishment of death! Now, I will transfer your positions for you. For the Infinite Sword Demon, the Green-robed Sword Demon, the Burning Blood Sword Demon, and the Soul-Exalting Sword Demon..."

The demon's voice is not loud, but it can spread far and wide. In a short period of time, she used the [Demon Sealing List] to canonize 356 demon generals and transfer them to high-level sword demon professions.

Therefore, together with Song Shu, Geng Jinfei and other nine demon generals, the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect now has 365 demon generals.

The demon shouted loudly again: "Demon Star Formation, open! All demon generals, follow my orders, form in front, and enter the formation!"

After this loud shout, the 365 demon generals of the Demon Sword Sect received system prompts at the same time. The demon invited them to form a team. When they agreed to form a team, they immediately discovered that the demon had launched a formation called [Demon Star Formation]. Formation, and they are the "magic stars" in this formation. Due to the power of the formation and the life link, the damage is evenly distributed and the attacks are superimposed.

"Damn it, this magic star formation is so awesome!"

"The stakes are high, follow the leader of the demon and kill him!"

"365 demon generals, integrating offense and defense, the demon star comes to the world, it's so cool!"

"Destroy the Royal Court of Heaven today..."

The players of the Demon Sword Sect went crazy again. In the following battles, the 365 demon generals stole the show. They floated in mid-air, as one body, and would not be pulled into the battle space. Any one of them taking action was equivalent to 365 people. Taking action together, and with the demon as the formation eye, giving them powerful recovery capabilities, even the powerful men of the Heavenly Royal Court in the extraordinary realm were like chickens and dogs in front of them, vulnerable to a single blow.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield reversed.

After a while, all the Wang Ting soldiers who invaded Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain will be killed. Lan'e, Luliu and other ladies of the heads lead a large number of players and high-level NPCs to start a counterattack, all the way to the King's Court in the sky.

As a result, the players of the Reliable Sword Sect and the players of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect had their first confrontation, but the battle between the players of the two factions soon ended. Lan E and others reached an agreement with the Heavenly Demon to treat the Heavenly King's Court as Fight together against the common enemy.

In the subsequent battles, although players from the Reliable Sword Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect occasionally collided, the overall situation was still very harmonious. When the two factions joined forces, the soldiers of the Tianzhong Royal Court were killed and wounded quickly, and gradually they were only able to be beaten. .

In this way, after another three days, the royal city of Tianzhong Royal Court was shattered, and a huge crack opened in the center of the city that ran from north to south, and this crack became the dividing line between the respective battlefields of the Reliable Sword Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect. .

The war is still going on, and the royal city of Wangting in Tianzhong is divided into two. There are more cracks on the ground, and the city continues to be divided into more pieces.

And such a battle situation also affected Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky in Lu Chaoding's battle space. His original luck value of 500 slowly decreased. After entering the battle space No. 20 days, the luck value was only Over 20!

"No, it's impossible! I have tens of millions of soldiers in the royal court in heaven, who can stop me? Why has my luck dropped!"

Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky, has changed from being arrogant and wild at the beginning to becoming extremely anxious.

And Lu Chaoding's feeling at the moment was not very good either.

He is not a robot. For the past 20 days, he has been living and eating in the battle space. Fortunately, his speed value is high enough and he has too many rounds, so he can hang up while sleeping.

Compared with Lu Chaoding, Ye Longxing and Xiang Ruyan were very calm. They even exchanged player experiences and discussed many skills, weapons, game plots and game settings.

"There are only 20 left!" Lu Chaoding yawned and continued to use [Gaze Sword Technique] on Situ Zhang. At the same time, he said: "It seems that my subordinates are very reliable. Situ, the Sword King in the Sky Zhang, all the tens of thousands of soldiers under your command will probably be killed. When your luck value is cleared, you will be killed by this leader. If you have any last words, please leave them in advance."

"Hmph!" Situ Zhang snorted coldly, "Lu Chaoding, don't get too proud too early. I still have the National Preceptor and the Prime Minister in the Heavenly Court. Their strength is almost the same as mine. They should be awake at this time. If they don't die, The destiny of our Royal Court in Heaven will be immortal, and this king will not die. If they destroy your reliable sword sect, the destiny of our Royal Court in Heaven will be reunited, and this king will still be immortal. Moreover, they will come in and help me kill you and others."

"Just fantasize."

Lu Chaoding replied calmly. Although he seemed nonchalant on the surface, he was actually a little worried in his heart.If two super masters from the Royal Court of Heaven really awaken, it will depend on the methods of Lan'e, Luliu and Tianmo. They are very strong, but after all, their current levels are not high enough. Lu Chaoding is afraid that they cannot beat them. The Imperial Preceptor and Prime Minister of the Heavenly Court.

At this moment, at the foot of Fuyun Mountain, within the broken royal city, two golden light pillars suddenly appeared.

The two light beams, one on the left and one on the right, appeared and dissipated at the same time. After dissipating, two NPCs wearing golden robes appeared in mid-air.

These two people, one with a black beard and white hair, the other with a white beard and black hair, are the Imperial Preceptor and the Prime Minister of the Heavenly Court.

The tens of millions of soldiers in the Royal Court of Heaven have been exhausted. The Imperial Advisor and the Prime Minister in the sky are the last soldiers of the Royal Court of Heaven. Their level is as high as 120, and their health points are 1000 billion. After they appeared, they each shouted angrily. He spoke out and rushed towards the player teams of the Reliable Sword Sect and the Demonic Sword Sect respectively.

"Well done!" Lan E shouted, "Sisters, we are facing a powerful enemy!"


"Cut him!"

The 100 ladies of the head had been waiting for a long time. They flew into the air with their swords and soon collided with the imperial master of the Heavenly Palace. Then a huge war flag appeared in the sky.

On the other side, the Heavenly Demon controlled the [Devil Star Formation] and surrounded the prime minister of the Heavenly Royal Court in the center.

[Demon Star Formation] can avoid entering the battle space, so the battle between the Heavenly Demon and the 365 Demon Generals and the Prime Minister of the Heavenly Royal Court can be seen by everyone around.

Overall, this was not a wonderful battle. The whole battle process was actually quite chaotic. It seemed that the demon general players of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect were fighting in a group against the Imperial Master of the Tianzhong Royal Court. Because they did not enter the battle space, both sides He didn't show any powerful or brilliant combat skills or special skills. Most of the time, he just used straight-forward ordinary attacks.

In the final result, all 365 demon generals from the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect were killed, and the Prime Minister of the Heavenly Court was also killed. The only survivor was the Heavenly Demon.

The demon was not injured at all, and after this battle, her level was raised to level 111.

"This battle is over!"

The demon in mid-air was as cool as ever. She waved her hand, and the treasure box dropped by the Prime Minister of the Heavenly Court was caught in her hand. Then, she stretched out her hand to grab it, and half of the broken city below floated into the air. If The floating islands, under the control of the demon, passed through the space cracks and entered the secret realm of the demon.

"Everyone follow me and retreat!"

The demon gave a soft drink, and the space crack leading directly to the demon's secret realm became larger. She flew into it, and the players and NPCs of the demon sword sect also left together.

At this time, outside the battlefield, there were many sky patrol ships and sea patrol ships. There were reliable sword sect players and NPCs on those ships. Most of them were looking at the battle flag in the sky.

After a moment, the battle flag shattered, and Lan'e, Luliu and others reappeared in the sky.

Obviously, they won the victory, and the National Preceptor of the Heavenly Royal Court was killed by them.

However, this victory did not seem to be easy, because only 66 ladies of the head appeared in the sky, and 34 were killed.

At this time, Lan E was holding a square object in his hand. The object was obviously a trophy. It was the size of a volleyball, golden, and emitting light. If you stared at it, it would be a bit dazzling.


"The Royal Court in Heaven was destroyed by us!"

"The ladies of the house are amazing!"

"Where is the master?"

"We destroyed the Royal Court of Heaven. Will there be a system announcement? Will there be system rewards?"

"Made, after more than 20 days of fighting, it's finally over!"

"Yeah, I'm exhausted!"

"I estimate that half of the benefits will be shared by the players of the Demon Sword Sect!"

"This Heavenly Demon Sword Sect will definitely be my reliable sword sect's greatest enemy in the future!"

"The Heavenly Demon Sword Sect has a Heavenly Demon in charge. The Heavenly Demon looks very powerful, and the Demonic Star Formation is also very domineering!"

"Don't be afraid, we have a master and a master's wife..."

The players of the reliable sword sect shouted excitedly.

At this moment, in Lu Chaoding's battle space, the luck value of Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky, was finally cleared.

"It's cleared, good, good!"

Lu Chao was overjoyed. He no longer used [Gaze Sword Technique] at this moment. After using it for 20 consecutive days, his eyes almost popped out. It only reduced the maximum health of Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky, by less than 2000 million. .

Situ Zhang looked like a dead soul at this moment, raised his head and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Lu Chaoding stopped talking nonsense and took action directly. After finishing a set of Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds, and with the additional attack of Peach Blossom Flying Sword, he directly emptied the health and toughness bars of Situ Zhang, the Sword King in the Sky.

This time, his health bars and toughness finally stopped recovering. After roaring, his body shattered together with the throne under him. After more than ten seconds, the whole body turned into light and dissipated, but his big sword remained. It fell down and fell to the ground, becoming the only trophy.

Lu Chao stepped forward to pick up the big sword, and immediately received a system prompt: "Ding, congratulations, you have obtained the special weapon Shanhe Sword!"

"Ding, system announcement: The Royal Court of Heaven is destroyed, Sword King of Heaven Situ Zhang falls, and the Secret Realm of the Royal Court collapses!"

"Ding, system announcement: The Royal Court of Heaven has been destroyed, and the special props Golden Seal, King Cauldron, and Mountain and River Sword have dropped. The special props Golden Seal is a founding prop, and is currently being used by the Reliable Sword Sect's military advisor, Sword World Walker, and the head's wife Lan'e Obtain! The special item Wang Ding is a luck item and is currently controlled by Tianmo, the leader of the Tianmo Sword Sect. The special item Shanhe Sword is a six-star weapon and is currently held by Lu Chaoding, the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect!"

As the system prompt sounded, the battle space here at Lu Chaoding was also shattered. He, Ye Longxing, and Xiang Ruyan appeared on Fuyun Mountain together.

Ye Longxing raised his hands to Lu Chaoding and said: "The Royal Court in the Sky has been destroyed, and the Royal Court's secret realm has collapsed. There should be a lot of secret realm fragments below. Those secret realm fragments are rare things, so I went to collect them and use them to repair the floating clouds." Mountain!"

"Go, go! Thank you for your hard work, junior brother!" Lu Chaoding said casually, but his attention at this time was on the Six-Star Mountain and River Sword. (End of chapter)

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