Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 239 The Reliable Kingdom

Weapon: Mountain and River (only)

Number of stars: six stars

Occupation: General
Refining level: +15
Attribute bonus: attack power + 1 million, the holder can transfer to the only profession, Mountain and River Sword King, and become the Mountain and River Sword King. The original skills remain unchanged, the values ​​of each attribute are doubled, the original professional characteristics are lost, and the Sword King's exclusive The control characteristic allows you to adjust, balance, and reduce the attribute data of the controlled person. Please explore by yourself for details.

Comes with special effects: When the Mountain and River Sword lands, it can evolve into the Mountain and River Realm. Currently, there are six mountains and six rivers in the Mountain and River Realm!
Comes with special effects: [Mountain and River Suppression]. The Mountain and River Sword King is equipped with the Mountain and River Sword, which can activate the power of the mountains and rivers to achieve suppression. The life source of the suppressed target will be slowly extracted to support the growth of the mountains and rivers.Each mountain and river in the mountain and river realm can suppress a target.

Attached special effect: [Shattered Mountains and Rivers]. The King of Mountains and Rivers Sword is equipped with the Mountains and Rivers Sword. At the expense of the mountains, rivers or rivers in the realm of Broken Mountains and Rivers, it obtains great damage output. The specific damage is determined based on the background of Broken Mountains and Rivers, with a minimum of 1000 billion and no upper limit.When all the mountains and rivers within the mountains and rivers realm are shattered, the mountains and rivers will be destroyed.

Note [-]: There are currently no suppression targets in the Shanhe Realm.

Note [-]: The mountain and river realm manifests, and the mountain and river sword can grow slowly. Please explore on your own for details.

Note [-]: The Mountain and River Sword is the only certificate for job transfer for the Mountain and River Sword King. After the Mountain and River Sword is damaged, only the Mountain and River Sword King can repair or recast it. Please explore on your own for details.

"Six mountains and six rivers, the Mountain and River Sword! This sword is somewhat extraordinary, but unfortunately, it is the only thing that cannot be infinitely refreshed using the mission hall!"

Lu Chaoding immediately realized the extraordinary power of the Six-Star Mountain and River Sword. A moment later, he found Lan'e at the foot of Fuyun Mountain and asked, "Mrs. Lan'e, thank you for your hard work. How are everyone doing now?"

Lan'e bowed and saluted, saying: "The enemies have been wiped out. The mountain gate is in trouble. It is our duty to kill the enemy and the bandits. However, we have lost 34 more sisters in this battle. We still need the husband of the head to resurrect in the Hall of Heroes." .”

Lu Chao nodded and said, "That's natural."

While speaking, he took out the Mountain and River Sword and handed it directly to Lan E, saying: "Madam, this Mountain and River Sword is extraordinary. You can take charge of it on your behalf and become the Mountain and River Sword King."


Lan E was a little flattered, and waved his hands repeatedly, saying: "No, no, this Mountain and River Sword is too precious, Lan E's strength is shallow, how could he be so virtuous, he deserves it, he deserves it!"

Lu Chao said: "Take it if I give it to you. Don't refuse. In the future, the Reliable Sword Sect will face more crises and stronger enemies. You must become stronger."

"Then, Lan'e will follow your husband's arrangements!"

Lan'e took over the Mountain and River Sword, and soon his body flashed with light, and he changed his profession to the [Mountain and River Sword King], and his attribute values ​​were greatly improved.

Lu Chaoding looked at Lan'e's attribute information and quickly understood the meaning of the commanding characteristics of the Mountain and River Sword King.

To put it simply, Shanhe Sword King is a natural "captain" and can initiate team invitations. There is no upper limit on the number of team members, and the attribute values ​​​​of all members in the team will be accumulated separately to become a shared total value. Shanhe Sword King can Those attribute values ​​​​are redistributed, such as concentrated on one team member, or evenly distributed, individually adjusted, and so on.

Within the team, the Sword King of Mountains and Rivers has extremely high status and power, and the team members cannot resist his deployment. It can even be said that life and death are under his control.

"That's fine. From now on, I'll leave all the ladies in charge to you!" Lu Chao said, "Let me show you the world of mountains and rivers for my husband!"

"Okay, husband, please follow me to a spacious place!"

Lan'e brought Lu Chaoding to the wide sea area. She threw down the Mountain and River Sword and made a hand gesture with her right hand. The Mountain and River Sword suddenly shone brightly, and then six mountains grew strangely on the sea.

Each of the six mountains is comparable in size to the Hongchen Seven Realms Mountains. Between the mountains, there are six large rivers that are like colorful ribbons, flowing in the air.

"Six mountains and six rivers, not bad, not bad!"

Lu Chaoding curiously flew into the mountains and rivers realm to explore, and found that the six mountains and six rivers were not phantoms, but real realms. The six mountains had lush vegetation, many small animals, and the scenery was superb. The six rivers defied the laws of physics. It flows in a circular motion, the river is turbulent, and there seem to be fish swimming in it.

"If we didn't know it in advance, it would be hard to imagine that these six mountains and six rivers were transformed by a sword! Lan'e, why don't you show these six mountains and six rivers here, and you and the ladies will sit in them, and I will ask the Dabao Construction Corps' I will help you with special training and make these six mountains and six rivers beautiful..."

Lu Chaoding felt that he had reached a large territory. The natural scenery of Shanhe Sword was still too primitive, so he wanted to develop it.

Lan E naturally had no objection to this. She quickly arranged for a group of ladies to enter the mountain and river realm and let them choose their own place to practice.

After a while, Lan E presented the only trophy he had harvested before, the golden seal, to Lu Chaoding.

Special props: gold seal

Level: LV1
Explanation [-]: The gold seal is a special prop. Holding the gold seal can delimit the territory (thousands of miles in radius) and build a country!
Note [-]: After the founding of the country, the "rest and recuperation" setting is enabled within the country. Ordinary people will experience growth and changes such as birth, old age, illness, and death. They are allowed to have children and reproduce. Please explore on your own for details.

Note [-]: After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the golden seal became a symbol of royal power. With the development of national strength and national construction, the golden seal will automatically upgrade. After the upgrade, the national territory will expand. Please explore on your own for details.

Hey, this is a founding prop!It seems that this golden seal is not a bound prop, nor is it the only prop, then isn't this thing the same as the sect creation token, which can be swiped into multiples through the mission hall? Hahaha, if I want, I can swipe a few or several thousand. Thousands of them, distribute them out, and everyone in my reliable sword sect can build a country, and everyone can be your majesty..."

Lu Chaoding shook his head and quickly gave up the idea.

The golden seal is obviously an extremely rare and powerful thing. Lu Chao is afraid that if too many are used, the system will send law enforcers. If he can beat them, it will be fine, but if he cannot, he will be doomed.

"Well, there's no point in having too many gold seals. Let me enjoy this privilege exclusively and build a country!"

While speaking, Lu Chaoding directly used the gold seal in his hand, and then received a system prompt: "Ding, the gold seal was used successfully, and the kingdom creation process started. Please delineate the country's boundaries. Please note: the country's size is limited to a thousand miles in radius. , and it is limited to private or terra nullius land!”

As the system prompt sounded, a world map automatically popped up in front of Lu Chaoding. After a few operations on it, he selected the sea area with a radius of thousands of miles centered on Hongchen Qijie Mountain as the national territory. "

"Ding, confirm the country territory!"

"Ding, you are about to open a kingdom, please name it!"

"Reliable Kingdom!" "Ding, the naming is successful. Congratulations on creating the junior kingdom Reliable Kingdom. You have obtained the identity [King of Reliable Kingdom] and automatically receive a special fashion [King Reliable Robe] and Sword Reliable." The strength of the faction is an important reference for national strength, and the kingdom management panel is being generated..."

"Ding, the kingdom setting is activated. Players and NPCs in the kingdom will automatically obtain the status of nationals of the kingdom. Citizens of the kingdom are allowed to reproduce. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, the system has detected that the primary kingdom is a reliable kingdom with many powerful people and a very strong national power. It will be automatically promoted to an intermediate kingdom. The national area will be doubled, and the national boundaries will be automatically updated!"

"Ding, the system has detected that the Intermediate Kingdom is a reliable kingdom with many powerful people and a very strong national power. It will be automatically promoted to a high-level Kingdom. The national area will be doubled, and the national boundaries will be automatically updated!"

"Ding, the system has detected that the high-level Kingdom Reliable Kingdom has many powerful people and its national strength is very strong. It will automatically be promoted to the Reliable Empire. The national territory will double and the national boundaries will be updated automatically!"

"Ding, you have obtained the status of [Reliable Empire Emperor], and the special fashion [Reliable King's Robe] has been updated to [Reliable Empire Emperor's Robe]..."

After listening to the system prompts, Lu Chaoding laughed and said to himself: "I have become the emperor. How can I be the emperor? It's fun, it's fun! I just don't know what the setting of [Reproduction] is. Could it be that citizens can have children?"

He quickly called up the [Reliable Kingdom Management Panel] to check.

After becoming a reliable king, Lu Chaoding had the privilege of canonizing officials and creating institutions, such as canonizing prime ministers, canonizing national advisors, establishing barracks, creating yamen, etc., etc., with a high degree of freedom.

However, Lu Chao lazily used these privileges, thinking that he would just be a bare king and rule by doing nothing.

Soon, Lu Chaoding understood what the "allowed to reproduce" setting was about. Just as he had thought before, this was a setting that allowed players and NPC citizens to "have children."

To put it simply, players living in the country will have a more realistic gaming experience. Players and players, players and NPCs, or NPCs and NPCs can become partners after meeting specific conditions, and after becoming partners and experiencing intimate behaviors , the woman has a chance of becoming pregnant, and she can give birth to a child within one month of pregnancy. The child will probably be an NPC created by the system. This NPC will grow rapidly, become self-taught, and form an independent personality in three months.

Lu Chaoding did more research and found that he didn't know about the others. Anyway, he and Lan'e, Luliu and other one hundred wives were legal partners. This was certified by the system. If he was willing, he could get it within a month. Lots of princes or princesses.

"It feels a little weird, that's all, I won't study this anymore..."

Lu Chaoding closed the empire management panel and chatted with Lan E, Lu Liu and others for a long time to learn about the current situation of the Oujian Sect.

Half a day later, Lu Chao supported the 34 dead wives who were resurrected in the Hall of Heroes. Then he took out the Heavenly Demon Sword and went to the Heavenly Demon Secret Realm.

The enchantment of the Heavenly Royal Court left behind three special props, and the third one was in the secret realm of the Heavenly Demon and was obtained by the Heavenly Demon, which is the [Wang Cauldron].

Lu Chaoding found the demon and soon saw the [Wang Ding].

What excites him is that this [Wang Ding] turns out to be a luck prop with powerful functions. Specifically, this Wang Ding only works on "kings".

This "king" refers to kings, emperors, etc.

The "King" is bound to the [Wang Cauldron], and when the [Wang Cauldron] is brought into the country, the [Wang Cauldron] will automatically accumulate luck, thus allowing the "King" to gain luck attributes.

"Blessed by luck, I am immortal! This King Cauldron is quite powerful. It is useless for others to take it, so I took it away!"

Lu Chaoding said something to Tianmo, and then put the [Wang Ding] into his storage space without any ceremony.

After a while, Lu Chaoding placed the [Wang Cauldron] on the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

"Ding, dear Emperor Reliable, you have activated the King Cauldron and received the blessing of luck!"

"Ding, your current luck is 10!"

"Ding, your luck value +1!"

"Ding, your luck value +1..."

Lu Chao stared at [Wang Ding] for about half an hour. At this time, his luck value exceeded 100, and its value was still increasing slowly.

At this moment, in the east of Hongchen Qipan Mountain, in the inland sea of ​​Qianyuan Island, at the bow of the Qianyuan Boat, Gan Duoduo and Yu Fanfan each had a bottle of ice-cold watermelon juice. They sipped slowly while looking into the sky, Facing the direction of Hongchen Qijie Mountain.

"The Royal Court of Heaven was actually destroyed like this. Tsk tsk, Lu Chaoding is indeed a person favored by heaven. He has become the emperor this time. With the blessing of luck, there is almost no solution."

Yu Fanfan suddenly spoke.

Gan Duoduo nodded and said: "Yes, the strength of the Reliable Sword Sect is getting stronger and stronger. Not to mention Lu Chaoding, let's talk about the Sky Patrol Sword Demon Ye Longxing and the Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan, both of whom are at their peak. , it is only a matter of time before he becomes a peak-level powerhouse, and it is even possible to realize Chaotic Source. With the support of these two people, the reliable sword sect can securely sit on the high chair of the first-class sect, plus those hundred sword world practitioners... Tsk tsk, the Reliable Empire has a bright future, and the future may be even more powerful than the Dayu Dynasty you founded."

"That's for sure. How many masters are there in the Dayu Dynasty?" Gan Duoduo said, "You haven't mentioned the demon yet. The demon seems to be a subordinate of Lu Chaoding. He is not an ordinary NPC, but the ancestral sword demon. One of them is inextricably linked to the Hongchen Sword Sect, Qinglian Sword Sect, and Hongchen Sword Sect. She is involved in many plots. With her help, Lu Chao is afraid that it will be the law enforcement in the Hunyuan Realm. If the killer appears, you may not be able to kill him immediately! This guy is already in trouble!"

"Yes, maybe it won't be long before my Qianyuan Island will also become the territory of the Reliable Empire!"

"You should be able to break free by then."

"Theoretically, I can leave the island by then!" Gan Duoduo showed a wry smile on his face, "It's ridiculous that I am in charge of the sword world's money. So far, I have not developed a capable subordinate. Even if I can leave the island, how can I have any What to do?"

"You are too modest!" Yu Fanfan stood up and waved his hand: "I'm going to Wuliang Cave Heaven. When you can leave the island, you might as well go to Wuliang Cave Heaven. By then, I guess Kun Manman will also have awakened..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Fanfan disappeared out of thin air.

Gan Duoduo continued to stare into the void and muttered: "Great Emperor, please develop quickly and take away my Qianyuan Island as soon as possible..."

He didn't ask Gan Duoduo to wait long. Three days later, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, the empire is growing, the country is expanding, Qianyuan Island is included in the national border, Qianyuan Island is not an unclaimed land, triggering National War Mission: [Conquer Qianyuan Island]..." (End of this chapter)

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