Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 240 Occupying Qianyuan Island

"Ding, the empire is growing, the country is expanding, Qianyuan Island is included in the national border, Qianyuan Island is not an unclaimed land, triggering the national war mission: [Conquer Qianyuan Island], occupying Qianyuan Island for more than thirty days, then Qianyuan Island Demarcate it as a reliable empire territory, unlock the construction of the Qianyuan Hall, unlock the production of Qianyuan tokens, unlock the construction of personal malls, and unlock investment in malls!”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the content: if Qianyuan Island is occupied for more than 30 seconds, Qianyuan Island will be designated as the territory of the reliable empire, unlocking the construction of Qianyuan Hall, unlocking the production of Qianyuan Tokens, Unlock personal mall construction and unlock mall investment!”

"Huh? Conquer Qianyuan Island!"

Lu Chaoding looked in the direction of Qianyuan Island. In his understanding, Qianyuan Island was extraordinary and a place that all players must go to once, because only there they could obtain Qianyuan tokens.

Qianyuan Token is a "bank card". Without this Qianyuan Token, various transactions will be very troublesome. After all, once the transaction amount is large, counting and storing gold yuan will be troublesome. With Qianyuan Token, you can swipe it face to face. ,Convenient.

In addition, there are many shops on Qianyuan Island with a wide range of products. It is a large "wholesale market" where you can buy many used props.

Another point is that Qianyuan Island is the secluded place of Gan Duoduo, one of the four strange people. Lu Chaoding is very afraid of this NPC.

Ye Longxing has already reminded Lu Chaoding and taught him that Gan Duoduo has awakened. He is a super NPC with independent thoughts, free personality and system authority.

"Among the four strange men, Gan Duoduo seems to be in charge of money. Let's assume that he has unlimited gold. His fighting power should not be weak. The only time he took action, he penetrated the ring island with one palm and created a sea route. , there are so many guards on the Qianyuan boat, it probably won’t be easy to defeat them..."

Lu Chaoding began to think silently.He definitely wants to conquer Qianyuan Island. Once he conquers it, there will be many benefits. However, the unreliable system has tampered with this task. He only needs to occupy Qianyuan Island for more than 30 seconds. Even if it is successfully conquered, the difficulty of the task will be greatly reduced. .

However, this matter should not be done recklessly. Lu Chaoding found Ye Longxing, Xiang Ruyan, Lan E and other one hundred wives of the head of the family, and discussed with them for a long time. Since he was not sure about Gan Duoduo's strength, he decided to test it out first. .

"Gan Duoduo is one of the four strange people. He is in charge of certain system permissions and cannot be regarded as an ordinary player. Therefore, if you easily attack Qianyuan Island where he lives in seclusion, you will take a certain risk. I suggest sending a team of players first. To test the waters, it is best to let Na Gan Duoduo show his strength and see how far the system authority he controls can be achieved. If there is hope of occupying Qianyuan Island, it will not be too late for us to go to the island again."

Ye Longxing said in a deep voice.

Xiang Ruyan nodded in agreement.

Lu Chao said: "Okay, then let's study who to send there!"

Just when Lu Chaoding was discussing with the sect's top leaders to form a "suicide squad", what Lu Chaoding didn't know was that deputy leader Hua Dashao had already led his men to invade Qianyuan Island.

As the deputy head of the reliable sword sect, Hua Dashao also received a system prompt to "conquer Qianyuan Island". This guy didn't have as many scruples as Lu Chaoding, so he directly ordered more than 100 players to kill Qianyuan Island. When I arrived on the island, I met two unreliable guards [Dongfang Dafa] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng] who were wandering around, so I recruited them and let them play the vanguard.

[Eastern Defeat] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng] have strange settings. The former is proficient in manicuring nails with daggers, while the latter is good at cutting the air with wooden swords. As guards of the mountain gate, one of them believes in attacking instead of defending, and the other believes in strangling the enemy. They work as guards and are on the road to fight all day long. It is difficult for the sect players to see them.

The two NPCs were so brave that they rushed directly to the Qianyuan Boat. They couldn't board the Qianyuan Boat, so they started to curse in front of the entrance of the Qianyuan Boat.

"Let the two of them form a formation here, and let's go and occupy Qianyuan Island!"

Hua Dashao commanded a group of players.

Someone asked: "Deputy leader, how do you count it as occupation, and what place did you occupy?"

"Deputy Master, you are the omniscient sword god. You must know how to conquer Qianyuan Island!"

"Of course!" Hua Dashao patted his chest and said with a confident look: "Let me tell you, there is a sect station, 30 Qianyuan halls, and 66 courtyards on Qianyuan Island. Shops and a Qianyuan boat, take them all down, and you will probably occupy this Qianyuan Island. I know the leader of the Xuntian Sword Sect, and I will personally persuade them to surrender later, and you can go and occupy Qianyuan Island. The main hall and courtyard shops! How to occupy them? Let’s live in them first and then talk..."

Hua Dashao quickly made arrangements, and the players who followed him also obeyed the arrangements and quickly dispersed on Qianyuan Island.

Not long after, under the continuous scoldings of [Dongfang Daefei] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng], the Qianyuan Zhou actually came alive.

To be precise, Qianyuan Zhou was a strange dragon boat. It suddenly turned into an extremely majestic golden dragon. This dragon was huge and its golden eyes shone with light. It seemed to have been captured by [Eastern Defeat] and [Dongfang Defeat]. Dugu Qiu Sheng] was so angry that he put his huge head close to the ground and glared at the two unreliable mountain gate guards.

On top of the huge golden divine dragon's head, Gan Duoduo stood with his hands behind his back. He calmly looked at [Dongfang Dafa] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng], and shouted: "You two little pawns, stop talking around here, go back. Tell your boss, let him come here with peace of mind. I know that his speed has reached the threshold of the peak realm. Only he can fight with me for thirty days, and no one else can. If I fight with him, I will let go. No. It will hurt him. Once the thirty days are over and the war mission is completed, just let him get out of the war, do you understand?"

"What? Who are you? You are so arrogant. How dare you challenge our leader!"

"Why does the leader need to take action? The two of us can capture you today!"

[Eastern Defeat] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng] are standard reckless men. They don't take Gan Duoduo seriously at all and attack him directly.

"You two fools, aren't you looking for death?"

Gan Duoduo didn't expect that [Dongfang Defeat] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng] would be so brave. He was a little surprised when he was pulled into the battle space. The preparation time had just passed for 30 seconds when he received the system prompt: "Ding, damn. The army of the Pu Empire occupied Qianyuan Island for more than 30 seconds, and Qianyuan Island was officially designated as the territory of the Pu Empire!"

"Ding, you have lost control of the Qianyuan Hall on Qianyuan Island!"

"Ding, you have lost the permission to make Qianyuan tokens!"

"Ding, you can no longer invest in personal malls!"

"Ding, the system determines that you have been defeated, the battle space is about to be shattered, your belongings will fall, and you will be expelled!"

Gan Duoduo was stunned.

The next moment, the battle space was shattered, and Gan Duoduo was directly teleported to the outside of Qianyuan Island, and fell into the water with a thud.

"What's going on? Qianyuan Island has been conquered now, and all my treasures have fallen away?"

He patted his chest, feeling distressed.

As one of the Four Wonderful People, a player with the authority to control the "wealth" in Hongchen Sword World's "Wealth Couple Law Land", he has unimaginable wealth, but at this moment, all his belongings, including the Qianyuan Ark, All fell away, and I suddenly became a pauper.

"Heaven has tricked me. This is completely different from what I imagined..."

Gan Duoduo screamed in depression, but he had no choice but to identify the direction, jumped out of the water, walked on the waves, and headed north.

At the same moment, Lu Chaoding, who was discussing with Ye Longxing and others to form a death squad, Hua Dashao, who led the people to occupy Qianyuan Island, and other senior figures of the reliable sword sect were all stunned.They all received system prompts that Qianyuan Island has become the territory of the Reliable Empire, and system functions such as Qianyuan Hall construction, Qianyuan token production, personal mall construction, and mall investment have all been unlocked or enabled.

Lu Chaoding, Ye Longxing and others looked at each other without saying anything. They stood up immediately, then each started their own methods and headed for Qianyuan Island.

In Qianyuan Island, Hua Dashao put his hands on his hips and said with a smile: "Although I don't know what happened, my master's plan must have been successful. Hahahaha, I have successfully occupied Qianyuan Island."

On the coast of the inland sea, Qian Yuan Zhou's previous unreliable [Dongfang Defeat] and [Dugu Qiu Victory] were also exciting.

"Vulnerable! The expected victory has no sense of achievement!"

"Yeah, he was defeated before I even made a move!"

The two unreliable guards looked arrogant, and they soon discovered the golden treasure chest.

The treasure chest appeared after the battle space was broken, and it can also be regarded as an item dropped by Gan Duoduo.

[Eastern Defeat] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng] opened it together, and golden light suddenly shone out from it.

"what is this?"

"Jade token? Oh no, it's the Qianyuan Token!"

"What's the use of this thing?"

"It looks useless!"

"Then ignore him, let's go to sea and continue to eliminate hidden dangers for the sect!"

"it is good!"

The two unreliable guards didn't bother to pack up the treasure chest and left quickly.

And in that treasure box, there was a full 1000 yuan of anonymous five-star Qianyuan tokens.

There are 100 billion gold yuan in a five-star Qianyuan token. This 1000 yuan anonymous five-star Qianyuan token represents a huge sum of [-] trillion gold yuan.

This is the wealth that Gan Duoduo controlled as the original controller of the Qianyuan Hall. All of it fell out due to being expelled.

Half an hour later, Lu Chaoding, Ye Longxing and others rushed to the inland sea of ​​Qianyuan Island. They found the treasure box dropped by Qian Duoduo. Fortunately, the 1000-yuan Qianyuan token in the treasure box was not lost.

Compared with this huge sum of money, Lu Chaoding is more concerned about Qianyuan Zhou.

The Qianyuan boat was also dropped, and it was now ownerless.

[Qianyuan Zhou: Special buildings, special ships, and unique props have been bound to be reliable imperial assets.

Special ability one: [Produce gold yuan], Qianyuan Zhou can automatically produce one thousand gold yuan every minute.

Special ability two: [Production interest], deposit gold yuan in the Qianyuan boat, and you can receive interest of one ten thousandth of the principal every day (the upper limit is [-] million)!

Explanation 3000: Qianyuan Zhou has two forms: dragon boat and divine dragon. The dragon boat form is Qianyuan Zhou. It is set as a super patrol ship with a durability of 3000 billion. It has extremely fast sailing speed and strong loading capacity. Recruit exclusive dragon boat guards.The Shenlong form is the Qianlong. The Qianlong is set as a super sky survey ship with a durability of [-] billion. It has extremely fast flight speed and powerful combat capabilities, but it can only carry one person.

Note [-]: Using the Qianyuan Boat to sail will consume [-] gold yuan per minute.

Note [-]: Qianyuan Ark can be damaged or destroyed. After damage, it can be cultivated by consuming gold yuan, but once destroyed, it cannot be rebuilt.

Note [-]: Those who are elders or above of the Reliable Sword Sect can call up the Qianyuanzhou management panel. 】

"This Qian Yuan Zhou is amazing, but it's a pity that it can't be carried with you!"

Lu Chaoding stepped onto the Qianyuan Boat, thinking that this time his wealth would be free, and he would no longer have to go through the mission hall to earn gold coins in the future.

"Gan Duoduo directly contributed [-] trillion gold yuan, took out [-] trillion and deposited it in this Qianyuan Ark, and received [-] million in interest every day, which is really good!"

Lu Chaoding suddenly thought of Yu Fanfan's Wanfa Tower again. Maybe that Wanfa Tower also had special functions. If there was a chance, he would definitely take it down.

In the next few days, Lu Chaoding stayed on Qianyuan Island, studying system functions such as "Qianyuan Hall Construction", "Qianyuan Token Production", "Personal Mall Construction", and "Mall Investment"!

To put it simply, the Reliable Empire can now build the Qianyuan Hall at will within the national territory. The Qianyuan Hall is like a bank, and its functions remain unchanged. Players can handle Qianyuan tokens in it, and can open personal accounts by spending gold dollars. shopping mall, as well as investment in the Great Wall and other operations.

The so-called opening of a personal mall is similar to how Lu Chaoding opened a super mall. Players who have opened a personal mall will have more store features.

Currently, there is a prerequisite for opening a personal mall and investing in the mall, and that is Lu Chaoding's permission.

Lu Chaoding is just researching and understanding, and has no plans to build more Qianyuan halls for the time being. It's like he founded the Reliable Empire, and he hasn't been granted any official title yet, just like a bare-bones Reliable Emperor.

"It's a bit interesting to open a personal mall. I can open it for Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa in the future."

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, system notification: The plot of the Demon Sword Sect is advancing. The Qinglian Sword Sect, the Daluo Sword Sect, and the Hongchen Sword Sect have gathered forces to besiege the Chunyi Pavilion of Jufu City in Tianma Prefecture. All players can go near Chunyi Pavilion to participate in the plot."

"Ding, server-wide announcement: The National War plot is advancing. The Pegasus Royal Court appears outside Juwei City. The Juwei City guard troops are gathering urgently. All players can go to Juwei City to participate in the plot. Please note that players from the faction must kill the enemy. Enemy force targets can obtain merit points, and non-camp players cannot obtain merit points by killing camp units!"

"Tianma Royal Court, Jufu City, three sect alliances, and the Demon Sword Sect! It sounds quite confusing. Do you want to join in the fun? It's convenient to join in the fun. I can use the Demon Sword to go to the Demon Secret Realm first, and then pass through the Demon Sect. Secret realm, teleport to Chunyi Pavilion..."

Lu Chaoding made a decision quickly. After a moment, he put on the [Kirin Sun and Moon Armor] that could hide his face, and then used the Demon Sword to enter the secret realm of the Demon. (End of chapter)

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