Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 241 The Supreme Demon

Lu Chaoding found Heavenly Demon in Heavenly Demon's secret realm. To his surprise, after not seeing him for a few days, Heavenly Demon's level actually increased again, and now it has reached level 117!
Now, there is a star ring behind her, which is actually the epitome of the magic star formation.

Lu Chaoding chatted with Tianmo for a while and learned that she had been leading members of Tianmo Sword Sect to fight against the three major sword sects in the past few days. Under the magic star formation, she had killed an unknown number of high-level NPCs, and Tianma Jufu City in the state is now occupied by the Demon Sword Sect.

Therefore, the situation of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect at the Chunyi Pavilion in Jufu City is not good now. Not only are the three major sword sects surrounding the Chunyi Pavilion and trying to get rid of them quickly, the Tianma Empire and the Tianma Royal Court also regard the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect as their enemy. , sent a large army to besiege, and even the demon had to avoid its attack.

Lu Chaoding originally wanted to join in the fun and take advantage, but now he felt a bit pressured. He must help the Demon Sword Sect solve its dilemma. After all, he is the real master of the Demon Sword Sect.

"In this case, I will show you my methods!" Lu Chao said to the Demon Sect, "Recall all the disciples of the Demon Sword Sect, and I will personally go to Chunyi Pavilion."

The demon said: "Master, do you want to fight the three major sword sects, the Pegasus Empire and the Pegasus Royal Court alone?"

"Not bad!" Lu Chaoding nodded. After possessing the luck value, Lu Chaoding became more confident in his own strength.

"Master, there are many enemies, and there are also experts. You must not be careless!"

"It doesn't matter!" Lu Chao said, "Just recall all the members of the Demon Sword Sect. This leader's methods are ruthless and it is easy to accidentally injure friendly forces!"

"OK then!"

The demon nodded, and a moment later, all the players of the demon sword sect received a system prompt: "Ding, the leader of the demon sword issued an order, and all the members of the demon sword sect returned to the demon hall immediately, without any mistakes!"

As soon as this system prompt came out, a large number of players from the Demon Sword Sect immediately started talking in the Chunyi Pavilion.

"What's going on? The devil summoned us back?"

"How can we go back at this time?"

"Could it be that the head of the Demon wants to give up Chunyi Pavilion!"

"Chunyi Pavilion is our only branch, it would be a pity to give up!"

"Alas, there are too many enemies. We have been surrounded. Maybe the leader of the demon has given up!"

"Indeed, there are too many enemies. It's a good idea to keep the green hills here, so as not to worry about running out of firewood!"

"What are you afraid of? I am a demon general. There is no punishment for death, but we can be resurrected without any damage. We can activate the magic star formation and just kill!"

"Obey the order and go to the Demonic Secret Realm first!"

The Chunyi Pavilion was noisy. Most of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect players here were forced to join the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect at first. They were forcibly trained by Song Shu, Geng Jinfei and others to become turtle masters, guards, etc., but now, They all fell in love with the Demon Sword Sect. In the Demon Sword Sect, they have many opportunities. Many players have been transferred to high-level professions by the Demon Sword. More importantly, they have become disciples of the Demon Sword Sect and fight all day long. It's fulfilling and exciting, and I feel proud to tell you about it.

Most of the players of the Tianmo Sword Sect like to fight. The battle that destroyed the Tianzhong Royal Court gave them a good sense of superiority. Therefore, these players are now eager to fight against the three major sword sects, the Tianma Empire, and Tianma Empire. During the battle in the Royal Court, they were quite resistant to the Demon's orders at this time, and they were procrastinating and moving slowly.

Soon, the players of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect received another system prompt: "Ding, the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect has issued an order. All members of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect must return to the Heavenly Demon Hall immediately and are not allowed to stay in the Chunyi Pavilion. The Supreme Elder is about to come to the Chunyi Pavilion to start an indiscriminate fight." The massacre!”

"Huh? What? Supreme Elder?"

"Our Heavenly Demon Sword Sect also has a supreme elder?"

"In ordinary sects, it seems that the status of the Supreme Elder is higher than that of the leader!"

"Hey, is there anyone in our Heavenly Demon Sword Sect who is more powerful than the Heavenly Demon's leader?"

"Hurry up and teleport into the Heavenly Demon Hall. The Supreme Elder is going to launch an indiscriminate massacre. If you retreat too slowly, you will die!"

"Could the Supreme Elder be the legendary powerful man in the Chaotic Source Realm?"

"You guys retreat, I'll squat here and see what the Supreme Elder can do!"

"I'm not afraid of death either. I'll take a look here too..."

A new round of discussion arose among the players of the Demonic Sword Sect.

In the Demon Secret Realm, Lu Chaoding was quickly surrounded by a large number of players from the Demon Sword Sect.

"Are you the Supreme Elder?" Song Shu was the first to be teleported back to the Heavenly Demon Secret Realm, and also the first to find him. He looked at Lu Chaoding seriously, frowned, rubbed his chin, and said, "Strange, this is too Why does the elder give me a familiar feeling, Geng Jinfei, come over and take a look, look at his body shape, is he the unreliable Sword Immortal Lu super top?"

"How is that possible? Wasn't Lu Chaoding killed by the leader of the demon? This must be the hidden BOSS!" Geng Jinfei raised his hands to Lu Chaoding and said: "Devil General Geng Jinfei pays his respects to the Supreme Elder. How can I help? Yours?"

Lu Chao had a mysterious aura and his attributes could not be detected. The [Kirin Sun and Moon Armor] he was wearing at this time obscured his face, so Song Shu and Geng Jinfei could not recognize him.

Lu Chao smiled and shouted: "Get out of the way, this elder is going to go on a killing spree!"

Song Shu and Geng Jinfei moved out of the way, but more players stepped forward to ask questions.

"Supreme Elder, do you need help?"


"I am a Demon General, don't I need the Demon Star Formation?"

"Need not!"

"Tai Shang Elder, are you a powerful person in the Chaotic Source Realm?"

"you guess!"

"Supreme Elder, please give me a name!"

"Yeah, tell us your name..."

Lu Chaoding faced a group of players from the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect. He thought for a moment and said, "I am the Supreme Heavenly Demon!"

After saying that, Lu Chaoding teleported to the backyard of Chunyi Pavilion through the teleportation sword tablet.

"Come here, come here, the Supreme Elder is here!"

"Get out of the way, don't block the way of the Supreme Elder!"

"Tsk, tsk, the Supreme Elder's equipment is pretty good!"

A large number of players from the Demon Sword Sect gathered around. Lu Chao stood up with his sword on his head and shouted: "Why don't you retreat? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid!"

"I am a demon general, I can be resurrected without any damage!" "Supreme Elder, leave us alone, quickly use your methods to kill the enemy!"

"The NPCs from the three major sword sects are coming to kill them soon!"

When Lu Chaoding heard the cries of the people below, he shook his head helplessly and stopped caring about them. Soon Yu Jian was in the air.

Only then did he realize that Chunyi Pavilion was completely different from the last time he came here.

After the Battle of Tianzhong King's Court, the Tianzhong King's City was shattered and turned into many secret realm fragments. About half of the secret realm fragments were collected by Ye Longxing and used to repair Fuyun Mountain. The other half of the fragments were collected by the Heavenly Demon into the Heavenly Demon Secret Realm.

Tianmo's use of secret realm fragments was much better than Ye Longxing's. She used all the secret realm fragments to strengthen Chunyi Pavilion.

Today's Chunyi Pavilion is the only existing branch of Tianmo Sword Sect. It is far from being as simple as a brothel. It has been reinforced into a special secret realm castle. The pavilion and the secret realm are unique caves.

At this moment, this secret space is shaking gently, and a large number of NPCs are slowly approaching from all directions.

Lu C Chaoding immediately recognized that those NPs were the troops of the three major sword sects, the Pegasus Empire and the Pegasus Royal Court. He was not afraid. He was in mid-air, riding a tiger and wielding a sword, and launched a black cloud formation!

hum hum...

Black clouds immediately appeared around Lu Chaoding, like a huge black lotus, slowly blooming.

Under the black lotus, a white light immediately flashed, and those players of the Demon Sword Sect who were not afraid of death and stayed to watch the excitement suffered immediately.

Lu Chaoding's black cloud formation is different from Ye Longxing's. Under the black clouds, there is no distinction between friend and foe. All targets will be damaged by one ten thousandth of his attack power every second, while Lu Chaoding's The attack power is now a full 1000 billion, one ten thousandth of which is 1000 million. How can ordinary players withstand it?Get killed immediately!

Those NPCs who attack Chunyi Pavilion are not very intelligent and are currently mostly cannon fodder. Those who break into the Black Cloud Formation will of course be killed immediately.

"I'll hang up right here. How many of them can kill me?"

Lu Chaoding felt very stable, thinking that since he had some free time, he would just hang up here for a few days.

So time passed, dark clouds rolled, and murder was merciless.

Lu Chaoding was at ease. He opened the Tianxing Forum, which he had not paid attention to for a long time, and at this moment, the first post in the forum was suddenly related to him.

The title of the post is: [Tianmo Sword Sect Plot Archives].

The person who posted this is actually: Geng Jinfei.

"As we all know, our Hongchen Sword World has three first-class sects (not counting Spicy Sword), namely Hongchen Sword Sect, Qinglian Sword Sect and Daluo Sword Sect. But have you ever known that a long time ago, Hongchen Sword World There are not three first-class sects, but four!

The fourth one is the Demonic Sword Sect.

The Heavenly Demon Sword Sect is the predecessor of our Heavenly Demon Sword Sect. According to the clues I discovered, there was a great war a long time ago. The shameless Hongchen Sword Sect, Qinglian Sword Sect and Daluo Sword Sect joined forces to destroy our Heavenly Demon Sword Sect.

The reason is that the Demonic Sword Sect is too strong. It has surpassed the category of a first-class sect and can be said to be super powerful.

So where is the strength of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect? It is the leader of the Heavenly Demon, the strength of the Heavenly Demon Sword that can create puppets, and the strength of the sect's privileges that can enslave others.

Now that our Heavenly Demon Sword Sect has made a comeback, the three major sword sects are not far from being destroyed.

Here, we sincerely invite people with lofty ideals to join the Demon Sword Sect. Those who are interested can report to the Chunyi Pavilion in Jufu City, Tianma Prefecture. They can choose their own initial profession. Currently, the initial professions are open: Turtle Lord, Guard, and Killer (newly added). "

What made this post popular was not only Geng Jinfei's speech, but also the replies from many players behind it.

"Wang Zhenfeng: A true disciple of the Qinglian Sword Sect broke the news that the Qinglian Sword Sect has the inheritance of the ancient swordsman. The leader Li Twelve is a level 120 peak powerhouse. He is half-step to Hunyuan. He has come out of the mountain and the super weapon Qinglian Holy Sword has been unlocked. Feng, this is a mere Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, it won’t last long.”

"A shot from eight hundred miles away: I, the true disciple of the Da Luo Sword Sect, also came to break the news. The Da Luo Sword Sect has the authentic inheritance of the sword god. The Zhenpa Divine Sword, the Great Immortal Divine Sword, has been unsealed. The leader, Sang Jueshen, is a half-step Hunyuan super A strong man will take action at the critical moment to kill the demon."

"Lezi Renhua dares to dare: I am the chief disciple of the Hongchen Sword Sect. Wuliangjie Mountain has issued an announcement. The leader Qing Lingzi has brought the Hongchen Fairy Sword into the secret realm of the Demonic Sky beyond the twelve states. The plot of the Demonic Sword Sect is The place for the final decisive battle is in the Demonic Heaven Secret Realm. The entrance to this secret realm is under Jinglei Lake in Tianyun Prefecture. Friends who have ideas may wish to go to the Demonic Heaven Secret Realm to explore the way first..."

"I have the Yanlong Cannon: There is a fragment of Hongchen Dao Box on the top of Qingfeng Mountain in Tianma Prefecture, number 66. Does anyone know what this Hongchen Dao Box is?"

"I was abducted by aliens: It was revealed that there is a transmission channel in the backyard of Shopkeeper Li in Tianshui Prefecture, which seems to be connected to a place called the Machine King Universe. If anyone is interested, let's kill Shopkeeper Li together and explore the Machine King Universe. ah?"

"Chen Kang, the great strategist: Please help. There is a strange red-named creature outside the Fire Dragon City in Tianhuo State, named [Niu Taoist]. I was caught by him. Please kind-hearted people come to rescue me..."

Lu Chaoding just glanced at it briefly and learned a lot of plot information. For example, there is a fragment of the Hongchen Dao Box in Qingfeng Mountain in Tianma Prefecture, the heads of the three major sword sects are all level 120 masters, etc. .

Behind the post, more players came forward to break the news and revealed a lot of valuable plot information, so that this post became a dedicated plot post, with plot experts active in it, happy to answer people's questions.

"The head of the Hongchen Sword Sect is called Qing Lingzi. He brought the Hongchen Fairy Sword into the Demonic Heaven Secret Realm..."

Lu Chaoding muttered, thinking of Li Hongtian.

According to the normal plot, if he can bring the Hongchen Fairy Sword into the Hongtian Secret Realm, then there will be cracks in the Hongtian Secret Realm, and then Li Hongtian can escape from trouble.

However, occasionally the unreliable system tampered with the mission. Now even if he brings the Hongchen Fairy Sword into Hongtian's secret realm, Li Hongtian can't get out of trouble.

But there is no doubt that the Hongchen Sword Immortal is an extremely powerful prop. If there is a chance, Lu Chaoding would still like to get it.

We must also get the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box at the top of Qingyu Mountain.

Turning to the end of the post, Lu Chaoding saw Song Shu's new reply: "The Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect was born. The Supreme Elder of my sect is named Taishang Heavenly Demon. He is so powerful that one person can fight against the coalition forces of three sects!"

More replies followed: "The Supreme Demon can activate the Black Cloud Formation, I was just killed!"

"The Supreme Heavenly Demon rides a tiger and wields a sword!"

"Isn't the one who rides the tiger and wields the sword that unreliable leader?"

"Tai Shang Tian Mo is the benchmark for the heads of the three sects. His level should be level 120. He is a half-step Chaotic Source Realm expert. The Demon Sword may be in his hands."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. Taishang Heavenly Demon is Heavenly Demon's master. He controls the Heavenly Demon Sword. He is a true Chaotic Source Realm powerhouse with a level as high as 180!"

"Is the one upstairs real or fake? Is the Supreme Heavenly Demon really a powerful person in the Chaotic Source Realm?"

"It's true! This is the latest plot. Let me break the news a little bit more. The Supreme Demon is a woman..."


Lu Chaoding saw more and more replies about "Tai Shang Tian Demon", and they were getting more and more outrageous. He couldn't help but shook his head and muttered: "The name I casually mentioned was actually passed down by these guys in a decent way." ..." (End of this chapter)

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