Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 242 Qinglan Sword Master

Lu Chao was standing alone for a while, and the dark clouds covered the sky, killing everything. Even the masters of the extraordinary realm could not survive for a few seconds if they entered it.

In this way, three days later, the three sects that besieged Chunyi Pavilion, as well as the Tianma Empire and Tianma Royal Court, chose to retreat.

However, retreating did not mean retreating completely. The demon opened the magic star formation and rushed out with 365 demon generals and many players from the demon sword sect.

At the same time, Ye Longxing also came from Fuyun Mountain.

At this time, Ye Longxing has risen to level 100, and Fuyun Mountain has integrated a large number of secret realm fragments, making it twice as big as before. There are 100 ladies in charge, five condor elders, and a large number of reliable sword sects on it. player.

After a series of exchanges, the Reliable Sword Sect and the Demonic Sword Sect reached an agreement and joined forces for the second time. The two forces went straight to the Pegasus Royal Court.

The Tianma Royal Court, like the Tianzhong Royal Court, is a secret realm force and an important role in the current national war plot. It will be of great benefit to defeat it.

Lu Chaoding also joined the battle as the ethereal demon, and soon he discovered the Pegasus Sword King.

The Tianma Sword King has the same attribute values ​​as the Tianzhong Sword King, and also has luck attributes. However, he is not a law enforcer and looks much duller. Lu Chaoding easily pulled him into the battle space, and then hung up for endless rounds. .

Half a month later, a server-wide announcement was made that the Pegasus Royal Court was destroyed.

Lu Chaoding killed a sword king again and obtained a [Meteor Sword].

The attribute information of [Meteor Sword] is similar to that of [Mountain and River Sword]. It is a sixth-level weapon and a job-changing item. After equipped, it can be changed to the only job [Meteor Sword King].

Lu Chaoding gave this [Meteor Sword] to the head wife Lu Liu, making her the second sword king of the Reliable Sword Sect after Lan E.

In addition, Ye Longxing killed the Prime Minister of Tianma Royal Court and obtained the second [Wang Ding].

The demon used the magic star formation to kill the national master of the Tianma Royal Court and obtained the second [King's Seal].

Lu Chaoding gave all of the [King Cauldron] and [King Seal] to the Demon. The Demon used the [King Seal] to establish the Demon Kingdom with Jufu City as its national territory and became the king.

Under Lu Chaoding's arrangement, she placed the [Wang Ding] in Chunyi Pavilion, which gave it the luck attribute.

The destruction of Tianma Royal Court and the shattering of the royal city also generated many secret realm fragments. All these secret realm fragments were collected by Ye Longxing. Ye Longxing wanted to use these secret realm fragments to continue to grow Fuyun Mountain.

Another half month later, [Tianmo] officially declared war on the Pegasus Empire.

Lu Chaoding had reached level 120 at this time.

Level 120 is the upper limit of the peak level. To break this upper limit, you have to wait until the plane war starts.

Lu Chaoding did not get involved in the battle between the Demon Sword Sect and the Tianma Empire, but instead rode a tiger and sword to Qingfeng Mountain in Tianma Prefecture.

Someone in the forum broke the news that there is fragment No. 66 of the Red Dust Dao Box in Qingfeng Mountain.

Lu Chaoding's goal is this fragment.

Qingfeng Mountain was huge beyond Lu Chaoding's expectation. There were a large number of wild monsters active in it, and the top of the mountain was bare and blown by strong winds.

Lu Chaoding spent a whole day exploring the top of Qingfeng Mountain, killing more than a dozen wild monster bosses, but was surprised to find no fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box.

"Could it be that the information that [I Have the Flame Dragon Cannon] exploded is false? Where are the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but feel suspicious. He reluctantly explored Qingfeng Mountain again, but still found nothing.

"It seems that I was really deceived!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head and was just about to leave with his sword. At the top of Qingfeng Mountain, a strong wind suddenly blew up for no reason. The strong wind rolled into the sky and formed a wind column, which was like a tornado.

This tornado is also special, it is green in color, and there is a faint light inside.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Chaoding looked over curiously, and suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, encountered a special event: the blue tornado shattered the space, opened a strange passage, and was swept into the wind pillar. You may arrive at a mysterious place. (50% chance), or you may encounter a life and death crisis (50% chance). The blue tornado will last for 1 minute, how will you choose?"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up and releases a mission: Enter the blue tornado. After entering, you can reach the mysterious place. If you don't enter the blue tornado, you will encounter a life and death crisis."

"Occasionally the unreliable system starts up again. Is this forcing me to enter the blue tornado?"

Lu Chaoding didn't want to encounter "a life and death crisis", so he walked with his sword and quickly rushed into the blue tornado.

Then, the scene in front of him flashed, and in less than two seconds, Lu Chaoding came to a vast space.

In his field of vision, the blue sky is connected to the green land, the white clouds are high, the green mountains are rolling, and the scenery is excellent.

"Ding, you have arrived at the special secret realm Shushan Sword Realm. The Shushan Sword Realm is not within the twelve states of the Sword Realm. It is in the current region. Some system functions will not be available and you cannot leave through death."

"Shushan Sword Domain?"

Lu Chaoding frowned. He looked around curiously and made some attempts. Soon he discovered something strange.

First of all, in the Shushan Sword Domain, it seems that the "World Map", "Flying Sword Message", "Tianxing Forum", "Tianxing Sword" and other functions have been disabled, and even the entrance to the Super Top Cave is disabled. Even if you open it, you can't use the Demon Sword to open the entrance to the Demon Secret Realm.

Secondly, Lu Chaoding could not find a way to leave the Shushan Sword Domain.

In the past, when he arrived in other secret realms, he could basically find the transmission channels or devices to leave, but this Shushan Sword Realm was completely different. He was now in the wilderness and had no idea how to leave.

"That's all. Now that you've arrived, let's settle down and explore the Shushan Sword Territory."

Lu Chaoding muttered. He looked around again and found that there were undulating mountains in all directions. There were many peaks, but the most conspicuous ones were the four high mountains. Those four high mountains were distributed in all directions, like four strong men among a group of children, towering and majestic. It is extraordinary. You can vaguely see a large number of buildings standing on those high mountains. It seems that there are people active on them.

After a while, Lu Chaoding rode a tiger and held a sword, heading towards the nearest mountain peak. The mountain peak is not high and lush, with many vegetation on it.

Lu Chaoding had an excellent view, and he soon discovered a small Taoist temple on the top of the hill.

The small Taoist temple was deserted, with a small courtyard and three tile-roofed houses, nothing more. There was a plaque in front of the gate with the words "Tushan Sword Sect" written on it.

Lu Chaoding curiously fell into the Taoist temple and found a little Taoist boy wearing tattered Taoist robes sitting cross-legged in the center of the small courtyard.

Judging from the appearance, the little Taoist boy looked to be seven or eight years old, but he had a serious expression and sat cross-legged with his eyes closed without saying a word.

[Ling Daozi: LV90 Sword Immortal, the leader of Tushan Sword Sect? ? ? ? ? ? 】

"Huh?" Lu Chaoding couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw the attribute information of the little Taoist boy.

"This kid is actually a level 90 swordsman and the head of the Tushan Sword Sect!"

Lu Chaoding walked up to the little Taoist boy and was about to ask, but the little Taoist boy spoke first.

"Who are you, your Excellency? Where do you come from? Why do you want to come to our Tushan Sword Sect?"

While speaking, the little Taoist boy still had his eyes closed and his expression was indifferent.

Lu Chao said: "I am a demon from the outside world. I am new here and don't know anything. I am here to ask the Taoist Master for advice."

"Huh?" The little Taoist boy frowned, "Your Excellency came from the outside world... Is the outside world the Hongchen Sword World?"

"Yes!" Lu Chao nodded. He was a little curious about the personality of the leader of the Tushan Sword Sect, and asked, "Does the Taoist Master know how to return to the Hongchen Sword Realm?"

The little Taoist boy nodded, then shook his head, and said: "Shu Mountain has been separated from the Sword World for thousands of years. Occasionally, there is a wind tunnel that connects the two worlds. Only those who have the opportunity can enter and exit. Your Excellency came from the Hongchen Sword World. You are either lucky or not. Whether I can leave the Shushan Sword Domain in the future depends entirely on chance."

"Really?" Lu Chao frowned, "Apart from the wind tunnel, is there no other way to leave this place?"

The little Taoist boy nodded and said: "Yes! The Shushan Sword Realm is also a sword prison. There are three thousand sword sects and countless sword cultivators here, most of them come from the Hongchen Sword Realm. For thousands of years, very few have been able to return to the Hongchen Sword Realm. !”

"The Sword Domain is also a sword prison. Once you enter, you can't get out? How can that be done?"

Lu Chaoding frowned again, but secretly paid attention, realizing that the Shushan Sword Domain was no ordinary secret realm, and was shocked that there were actually three thousand sword sects here.

The little Taoist boy continued: "In Shushan Sword Domain, the strong are respected, and the strong have their own support, while the weak can only become slaves to support others. I think you are also very human, why not..."

Having said this, the little Taoist boy stood up, opened his eyes, revealed his silver eyes, and said: "Our Tushan Sword Sect is quite famous in the Shushan Sword Domain. Why don't you join our sect? Pindao can let you serve as the sect." The deputy head can receive a jade of certificate, jade of inheritance, jade of enlightenment or jade of sword intention every day from now on!"

"Can I receive the Jade of Sword Intent?"

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes, took a look at the dilapidated and deserted small courtyard, and said: "I'd better trouble the Taoist Master to introduce me to other sword sects. To be honest, I am a bit strong. Even if I want to join the sect, You also have to choose a strong one.”

"Alas!" Ling Daozi sighed, "It seems that you don't like our Tushan Sword Sect. There are three thousand sword sects in Shushan Sword Domain. Some of their own sword sects are stronger than our Tushan Sword Sect, but those sects want to join us. But it’s not easy. I’ll just tell you a little bit…”

In the next period of time, Lu Chaoding learned a lot of information about the Shushan Sword Domain from Ling Daozi.

According to what he said, there are many sects in the Shushan Sword Domain, and there are four strongest sects, stationed on the highest peaks in the four directions. The names of the four sword sects are Qinglian Sword Sect, Hongchen Sword Sect, and Daluo Sword Sect. Sect and Demon Sword Sect.

The heads of the four major sects are all level 120 peak level experts. Under the four major sword sects, there are weaker sword sects such as the Moral Sword Sect, the Ruthless Sword Sect, the Star Dou Sword Sect, and so on.

The heads of those sword sects are basically level 120 peak masters.

And if you join the Sword Sect, you can get training resources, that is, you can get the Jade of Certification, the Jade of Inheritance, the Jade of Enlightenment or the Jade of Sword Intent on a daily basis.

If you join a weak sword sect, you will get very few training resources every day. If you join a powerful sword sect, you will get more training resources every day. For example, if you join the four major sword sects, even if you just become the lowest entry among them, Disciples can receive three pieces of Jade of Certification, Jade of Inheritance, Jade of Enlightenment or Jade of Sword Intent every day. If they can become an elder, they can receive upwards of 30 yuan of jade per day.

Lu Chaoding was shocked that there were Qinglian Sword Sect, Hongchen Sword Sect, Daluo Sword Sect and Tianmo Sword Sect in the Shushan Sword Domain. What shocked him even more was that the sword cultivators in the Shushan Sword Domain could master the skills every day. If you go to the Jade of Certification, the Jade of Inheritance, the Jade of Enlightenment or the Jade of Sword Intent, that’s because there are mines here!
The Jade of Certification, the Jade of Inheritance, the Jade of Enlightenment, or the Jade of Sword Intent are all dug out of the mines. The welfare of sect members depends on the mining resources and mining capabilities controlled by the sect.

For example, the Tushan Sword Sect is based on the hill at the foot of Lu Chaoding. There is also a small barren mine. The Tushan Sword Sect is not the only one. In fact, he has three disciples. Those three disciples Now we are mining in the mines under the mountains, but due to the poor mineral resources, the output of jade is limited.

"The Jade of Certification, the Jade of Inheritance, the Jade of Enlightenment, and the Jade of Sword Intent, these are all rare materials, and they have binding settings. I didn't expect that they could be dug out in the Shushan Sword Domain, so I can't miss this. I have to get more opportunities."

Many thoughts suddenly popped up in Lu Chaoding's mind.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook, there was a boom, thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and then golden light fell from the sky.

"what's going on?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky with some confusion.

However, Ling Daozi's eyes shone with excitement, and he said: "There is a mineral vein appearing. Judging from this movement, I am afraid it is a mineral vein with good reserves. Hurry, hurry, search for the mine. The mine should grow soon."

After saying this, Qing Lingzi didn't care about Lu Chaoding and immediately stood up with his sword. After looking at him in mid-air, he immediately left with his sword.

Lu Chaoding also stood up with his sword. He looked in the direction where Qing Lingzi was going, and saw a mountain peak rising slowly on the ground. There were plants on the mountain peak, and the mountain was emitting golden light. It complements the golden light in the sky.

"Is that a mine? Are there veins of minerals in it?"

Lu Chaoding's mind moved, and he didn't dare to delay. He immediately rode a tiger and a sword and headed towards the growing mine.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding and Ling Daozi were not the only people rushing to the mine. In fact, most of the NPCs within a hundred miles were rushing to the mine.

Lu Chao was very fast in wielding the sword. He quickly surpassed Ling Daozi. However, when he came to the mine, someone had already climbed to the top of the mountain before him. It was a woman wearing an aqua blue dress. , she had blue hair and a long skirt decorated with peacock feathers. She shouted to Lu Chaoding from a distance: "I, Jialan, the 120th level Qinglan Sword Master, want to establish the Qinglan Sword Sect here. The mountain is where I am stationed, and outsiders are not allowed to enter without permission!"

"No trespassing?" Lu Chaoding immediately understood that the NPC in front of him wanted to occupy the mine, chuckled, and said: "I, the Supreme Demon, will prosper if you obey me, and will perish if you go against me. Give up the mine and spare your life! "(End of chapter)

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