Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 243 Become miners

Lu Chaoding's attitude was arrogant, and he was not afraid at all even if he was facing a powerful level 120 NPC.

He stared at the mine and could already see the attribute information of the mine.

[Unnamed Mine: A land without an owner, containing a vein of high-quality jade. It can produce up to 1000 jade props every day. After 50 years of mining, it collected 1000 million jade props and then collapsed. Description: The nameless mine is a natural sect’s residence. A sect will be automatically created after occupying it for 24 hours. You can also name the mine. After naming, you will have the right to mine jade props. The mine can be robbed. Please explore on your own for details. 】

"Hey, a natural sect's base? Can jade props be mined only after occupying it?"

Lu Chaoding quickly understood the setting of the Shushan Mine and thought to himself, no wonder there are so many sects in the Shushan Sword Domain. It turns out that a sect can be established by occupying a mountain top.

At this time, Qinglan Sword Immortal looked at Lu Chaoding with an unkind expression.

"The Supreme Demon!" She frowned and said, "Your Excellency, you have such a loud tone. I wonder who it is?"

Lu Chaoding said casually: "This is the sacred place. Please leave quickly. I have the virtue of living well and do not want to kill!"

"Haha!" Lou Jialan laughed, and with a sonorous sound, she drew a long sword from her back, "I have never heard of any supreme demon, and an unknown person dares to shout at me, look at the sword! "

After saying this, the Qinglan Sword Immortal turned into a stream of cyan light and disappeared from Lu Chaoding's sight in an instant.


Lu Chaoding muttered. He couldn't see Qinglan Sword Immortal's movements clearly. When he noticed it, he had been slashed by a sword. His health bar shrunk a little and then filled up again immediately.

Now Lu Chaoding's luck value has reached 250. As the empire grows, his luck value will slowly increase. And with luck added to him, he will be immortal.

In addition, Lu Chaoding also has the characteristic of the Moral Sword Immortal. He can now be exempted from entering the battle 22 times. Therefore, he will not be pulled into the battle space by Lou Jialan's attack. He will not be affected by her attack.

"Huh?" Lou Jialan appeared in the distance, pointing his long sword across the top of Luchaodao, and asked in confusion: "What's the matter with you?"

Lu Chaoding didn't bother to explain, he shouted: "You dare to hit me? You are in big trouble! It just so happens that I use you to establish my authority, so if I kill you, no one will dare to steal this mine from me!"

After saying that, Lu Chaoding was no longer polite. He was riding a black saber-toothed tiger with a big sword in his hand. When he raised the big sword, dense sword shadows appeared behind him.


Lu Chaoding shouted again, and he switched the attack method to [Pu Zhao]. With a wave of his sword, dense sword shadows bombarded Lou Jialan.

Lou Jialan's body turned into cyan light again, and he was far away in a flash. Lu Chaoding's sword shadow attacks all failed.

"This skill is okay!"

Lu Chaoding continued to swing his sword, and dense sword shadows kept rolling towards Lou Jialan, but Lou Jialan was worthy of the level 120 Qinglan Sword Saint. Her movements were extremely fast, and she could also transform into a stream of light. Lu Chao He slashed her head dozens of times, but it didn't hurt her at all. Instead, she counterattacked three times.

Of course, Lou Jialan's attack could not hurt Lu Chaoding.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding decided to use the black cloud formation. He rode a tiger and sword and rushed to the top of the mine. With a thought, black clouds condensed in the sky.

At this time, more NPCs had come to the mine, including Na Lingdaozi.

Lu Chao appeared in the black cloud formation with a black lotus on his head. He glanced around, laughed loudly, and said: "I want to establish a reliable sword sect here. This mountain is where my sect is stationed. Outsiders are not allowed to enter without permission! "

After saying that, he continued to attack Lou Jialan.

Lou Jialan transformed into a stream of light and was quickly forced out of the area covered by the black cloud formation. However, Lu Chaoding refused to give in. When he couldn't attack, he used his gaze sword technique to continuously repel her.

Lingdaozi and other NPCs were also quite frightened at this time. Some boldly entered the black cloud formation and either died miserably or withdrew in fear. Even though more NPCs were still gathering towards the Wuming Mine, they all stopped. Outside the black cloud formation, one does not dare to break in at will.

Lu Chaoding was a little unhappy at this time. He wanted to kill Qinglan Sword Master Liwei, but he couldn't. Her movement was too fast. Except for the gaze sword technique, his attacks couldn't hit her at all. .

"That's all, let's hang up here for 24 hours and close the mine."

Lu Chaoding muttered, no longer using his gaze sword skills, and just sat cross-legged in the air.

Outside the nameless mine, NPCs kept trying to enter or attack the black cloud formation, but they all ended in failure. Gradually, the NPCs showed disappointment and left one after another.

Suddenly, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, the holder of the Hongchen Dao Box fragment was found."

Lu Chaoding was shocked. He glanced around and immediately locked onto the holder of the Hongchen Dao Box fragment. To his surprise, it was a female player.

This female player was standing next to Qinglan Sword Master. She had short hair and carried two swords on her back. She looked like a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. When Lu Chaoding looked at her, she also looked surprised. Look towards Lu Chaoding.

"Master, this guy has the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box!" The female player suddenly spoke to Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan, "Kill him, and you can get the fragments of his Hongchen Dao Box."

Qinglian Sword Master frowned deeply.

Lu Chao glanced at Qinglian Sword Master, and she immediately retreated tens of meters, shouting: "Disciple, retreat quickly, this supreme demon has extraordinary methods."

"The Supreme Demon!"

The female player was stunned, but she looked at Lu Chaoding seriously and asked: "Is the Supreme Demon of the Demon Sword Sect?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't see the attribute information of the girl player, and was a little curious about her. Hearing what she said, he became even more curious, and asked: "Have you heard of my name?"

The girl player nodded and said: "Before entering here, I browsed the forum. Someone on it broke the news, saying that you are the master of the Heavenly Demon and a super master of the Chaotic Source Realm. Some people also said that you are an unreliable Sword Immortal Continent Super Master. You Is it Lu Chaoding? Why are you here? Do you know that once you get in, you can’t get out!"

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he immediately understood that this girl player must have entered the Shushan Sword Domain not long ago. He thought about it and felt that there was no need to talk too much with the girl player. He swung his sword and the sword shadow washed over him, and he immediately She kills.

Then, an object the size of a fist appeared in the air. Lu Chao stepped forward to put it away. Seeing that it was fragment No. 66, he nodded and said: "Not bad, not bad, I got another fragment! It seems that this fragment is probably Qing." Was that piece of Fengshan Mountain brought here by the female player?"

At this time, Qinglan Sword Saint appeared in front of Lu Chaoding again. She struck Lu Chaoding on the top of his head with her sword. Unfortunately, due to luck, Lu Chaoding did not move and was still unharmed.

Qinglan Sword Master's attack was ineffective, and he immediately retreated, manifesting his form in the distance, and shouted: "Supreme Demon, hand over the fragments of Hongchen Dao Box, and I will give you this mine!"

"Do you still need to give in?" Lu Chao responded with swordsmanship with his gaze. Qinglan Sword Master's head was bleeding, but he did not escape this time. He continued: "That fragment is useless to you. What you got is... If you get into trouble, leave it to me!”

"Think beautifully!"

Lu Chaoding turned around, returned to the top of the Wuming Mine, and sat down leisurely.

With the presence of the black cloud formation, Qinglian Sword Saint Lou Jialan did not dare to move forward rashly. She looked anxious and shouted: "Tai Shang Tian Mo, did you know that the leaders of the four major sword sects also have fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box? They will lock your location and come to attack you. Do you think you can deal with four of them old monsters?"

"The leaders of the four major sword sects also have fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box?" Lu Chao was not surprised but overjoyed, "That's great, let them come!"

"You are too arrogant!" Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan stamped his feet angrily.

At this time, the girl player came back from resurrection. She looked at Lu Chaoding and said angrily: "You are such a bad person, how can you kill people and seize treasures? Are you still being reasonable?"

"Reason?" Lu Chao asked: "Didn't you just ask your master to beat me to death and take away the fragments of Hongchen Dao Box? Is this called being reasonable?"

"Hey, listening to you, you don't seem to be an NPC? Are you really the unreliable Sword Immortal Land Super Top? The information on the Internet is actually true! That's easy to talk about!"

The girl player looked at Lu Chaoding, suddenly smiled, and said: "Lu Chaoding, hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Li Yanlong, I am your fan, you should not be leading the Demon Sword Sect to attack Tianma now. Empire, why did you come to Shushan Sword Domain?"

"It's not you who killed me!" Lu Chaoding simply admitted his identity, "Your nickname in the Tianxing Forum is I have the Flame Dragon Cannon, right?"

"how do you know?"

"I know more!"

"Why don't you speak so hastily? Do you want to go out? If you want to go out, just listen to me?"

"What do you mean?"

The girl player pointed at Lou Jialan, the Qinglan Sword Saint next to her, and said: "My master can take us away, but only if you give her the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box!"

"There's no door!" Lu Chao waved his hand.

"Don't be anxious yet, listen to me." Li Yanlong said, "My master is not an ordinary NPC. She is a 120-level peak master. Do you know who her master is?"

"who is it?"

"Her master, my master, is named Taojun Hongchen!"

"Awesome?" Lu Chao became interested.

Li Yanlong continued: "Of course, Dao Lord Hongchen is a powerful man in the Chaotic Source Realm, who can compete with the legendary ancestor! And Dao Lord Hongchen once held 36 fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box. My master, Lou Jialan, is his only disciple. She knows many secrets of the Hongchen Taoist Box. The fragments of the Hongchen Taoist Box are useless in our hands, but they have miraculous effects in her hands. And as long as she gets six pieces of the Hongchen Taoist Box, With the fragments of the Chen Dao Box, she can break open the space and let us return to the Hongchen Sword Realm. So, give her the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box, my piece, your piece, plus the four great swords Give each of the leaders a piece, and we can leave."

At this time, Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan interrupted: "What are you talking about?"

Li Yanlong smiled sweetly and said: "It's nothing, my disciple is just trying to persuade this supreme demon to surrender. Don't worry, my disciple will take him down now and keep the fragments that he sent to the Hongchen Taoist Box."

Lu Chaoding said, "Why are you so proud?"

After saying this, he swung his sword, the shadow of the sword was like waves, and instantly killed Li Yanlong.

Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan sighed, she suddenly sheathed her sword and said: "Tai Shang Tian Mo, you are powerful, I can't hurt you, this mine is yours, but the fragments of Hongchen Dao Box are here." I am of great use, and only I can exert their power, can you give it to me? I promise that once I gather the six fragments, I will send you out of the Shushan Sword Domain as soon as possible!"

"Give it to you? You and I are neither relatives nor friends, and you are not a member of my sect. Why should I give it to you?" Lu Chao waved his hand and said, "You go, I just came here." I still want to stay in Chenjian Territory for a while, and I have no intention of leaving yet.”

Lou Jialan shook his head and said: "You are not aware of your situation yet... That's all, you can establish a sect in this mine first, and I will drive away competitors for you outside the mountain."

After saying that, the Qinglan Sword Immortal put his sword on his back and walked away, but instead of leaving, he patrolled outside the Wuming Mine, like a guard, and drove away other NPCs who wanted to occupy the Wuming Mine.

Lu Chao said to himself that it would be nice to have someone guarding the mountain for him. He didn't bother to think too much, so he just sat calmly on the top of the Wuming Mine.

And because of Lou Jialan's protection, no NPC can harass Lu Chaoding in the future. One day later, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, occupy the nameless mine for 24 hours, and the nameless mine has become your sect." Resident, please name the sect!”

"Reliable sword sect!"

"Ding, naming successful, please name the resident mine!"

"Reliable Mountain!"

"Ding, the naming is successful. Congratulations on creating the Reliable Sword Sect in Reliable Mountain. You have the right to mine the jade veins in Reliable Mountain. The entrance to the mine is generated. Please send miners to the mine to collect jade resources. The mined jade resources It will automatically appear in the treasure chest in the sect hall. As the leader of the reliable sword sect, you have the distribution authority."

Accompanied by the system prompts, in front of Lu Chaoding, a small courtyard that was very similar to the Taoist temple on Tushan slowly grew out of the top of the mountain. There was a plaque on the door of the small courtyard, and there were four big characters on the plaque: "Fuck." "Pujian Sect"!
"Good guy, it's so simple!"

After Lu Chaoding cleared the black clouds, he approached the small courtyard and then walked into the main room at the back. He found a treasure box, which was the jade treasure box. Now it was empty.

"Miners are still needed to dig..."

Lu Chaoding muttered.

At this time, Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan brought her player apprentice Li Yanlong to the courtyard.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist for establishing the sect!" Lou Jialan shouted loudly.

Li Yanlong also followed: "Headmaster Lu, we are here again!"

After hearing this, Lu Chaoding walked out of the "Sect Hall". He looked at the two people outside the courtyard and said, "What are you two going to do?"

Lou Jialan said: "My master and apprentice want to join the Reliable Sword Sect. I wonder if you are willing to take them in."

"Join the Reliable Sword Sect?" Lu Chao was stunned. He couldn't figure out what Lou Jialan's plan was. He didn't think too much and quickly nodded: "Okay, I will take you two in. There happens to be a shortage of miners, so go mine!" (End of Chapter)

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