Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 244 We need miners

In this way, Lu Chaoding founded the reliable sword sect in the Shushan Sword Domain. The sect was stationed in the reliable mountain, controlled a high-quality jade vein, and recruited two new miner disciples.

"Master!" Lou Jialan raised his hands to Lu Chaoding at this moment and said: "You don't have to give me the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box, but please do not let them fall into the hands of the four sect leaders. Those four immortals They are like raccoon dogs, and they are surprisingly powerful. Once the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box fall into their hands, it will be difficult to get them back!"

Lu Chaoding was walking in front of Lou Jialan and Li Yanlong, looking for the entrance to the mine. He was leading the way. When he heard Lou Jialan's words, he nodded casually and said, "Okay, no problem!"

Lou Jialan added: "If my prediction is correct, those four old guys should have locked the location of Mount Reliable by now. Based on their nature, they have probably sent their men to ask for it. Ordinary people are not afraid. With your methods as the leader, you can easily sweep them away, but I'm afraid those four old guys will come together. When the time comes, you and I can join forces and maybe we can compete."

"Is this why you joined our faction?" Lu Chaoding stopped and looked at Lou Jialan carefully, trying to understand the logic of her behavior.

Lou Jialan nodded and said: "Yes, Master, you are not weak, but if those four old guys join forces, you may not be able to cope with it. It will be much safer if you add me. In short, we cannot let those four old guys anymore." Obtain any fragment of the Hongchen Dao Box."

Lu Chao said: "Do you have a grudge against the leaders of the four sects?"

"That's right!" Lou Jialan showed an expression of resentment on his face, "My master, Taoist Lord Hongchen, was killed by them, and I was imprisoned by them for three thousand years. I don't share the same hatred with those four old guys. Dai Tian, ​​it’s a pity that my current strength is not enough to kill them.”

Lu Chaoding continued to move forward and asked curiously: "Can you elaborate? I am very interested in your master, as well as those four old guys and the four major sword sects."

Li Yanlong raised his hand and said, "I know something about this."

She glanced at Lou Jialan and continued: "My master is the only descendant of Hongchen Dao Lord. Hongchen Dao Lord is my master. He is the guardian of the Hongchen Ancient Road. He has the most Hongchen Dao Box fragments and obtained The authority is to act on behalf of Heaven, so he is called the Dao Lord. The heads of the four major sword sects in the Shushan Sword Domain are the four hometowns. To be precise, they should be the Hongchen Sword Sect, Daluo Sword Sect, and Tianmo Sword Sect. , the second-generation heads of the Qinglian Sword Sect, their masters were also the first-generation heads of the four sects, and they were all ancestors of the Hunyuan Realm. These four ancestors were naturally extremely powerful, but one day suddenly, all of them disappeared!"

"After the four ancestors disappeared, the four factions were leaderless and experienced a period of chaos. However, Daojun Hongchen, who acted on behalf of Tian, ​​almost became the number one person in the sword world. He reorganized the four factions, commanded the sword world, and launched the plane The war aims to collect all the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box, and those four old guys are the second-generation heads of the four major sword sects he has appointed, and they are considered his generals, dedicated to collecting the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box..."

Li Yanlong shook his head and continued: "My master is not very scheming. He probably can't win over people's hearts, and he is not smart enough. In short, one day, the second-generation heads of the four sects who were personally promoted to the position suddenly turned against each other. After killing Dao Lord Hongchen, these four people should know the secrets of some Hongchen Dao Box fragments, but obviously there are not many. After Hongchen Dao Lord died, all the Hongchen Dao Box fragments escaped into the void, and each of them only got Together, in order to obtain the secret of Hongchen Taoist Box, they joined hands and captured my master. They coerced and tortured her. In short, they tortured her for a period of time. My master and their Liang Zi also went to pick her up in the same way. Got off. Later, my master was imprisoned by them, and was trapped under Wuzhi Mountain here. A suppression talisman was posted on the top of the mountain. I went to the top of the mountain to uncover the talisman and help her escape. She accepted me as a disciple and transferred me to Qinglan Sword. Holy.”

"Is that so? Others uncover the talisman to accept a disciple, but you uncover the talisman to recognize a master."

Lu Chaoding frowned. He now believed that the Hongchen Dao Box was a very important prop. Perhaps if he collected more fragments, he could get a glimpse of its mystery.

In addition, Lu Chaoding is also quite curious about the four major sword sects. These four major sword sects are the top forces in the Hongchen sword world and have very rich plots.

Li Yanlong looked at Lu Chaoding, smiled, and said: "I know what you are thinking. Are you curious about what happened to the four great sword sects in Hongchen and why those four old guys came here?"

Before Lu Chaoding recovered, Li Yanlong continued: "According to the plot I know, one day after the death of Taoist Lord Hongchen, the Hongchen Ancient Road suddenly opened, and the missing ancestors of the four sects and other ancestors returned at the same time. The four ancestors After the return, the four major sword sects returned to their orthodoxy. The second-generation master was thrown into the void turbulence by the four ancestors, and he came here. After that, the four ancestors disappeared again. I don’t know how many years have passed, and I don’t know where. For some reason, the four sects of the same spirit were suddenly at odds. The three sects of Da Luo, Qinglian and Hongchen joined forces to attack the Demon Sword Sect. In short, after a great battle, the Demon Sword Sect was destroyed, and the four major sword sects were left alone. There are three major sword sects left. As of now, the heads of the three major sword sects outside are probably the sixth generation heads."

"Oh, is that so?" Lu Chao nodded. At this time, he had discovered the entrance to the mine and said, "The chatting time is over, let's start working. You two go mining!"

Li Yanlong said: "Head, please let my master go mining. Our sect now only has three of us, and the number of people is small. Let my master go mining. I will recruit disciples outside. The more disciples we have, the more efficient the mining will be." Well?"

"You are quite considerate of the sect!"

"Then give me the status of an elder, and I will recruit disciples. I will recruit many disciples. If I can't recruit them, I won't come back!"

"Haha, you are an elder, where is your master?"

"Everyone has their own business. Even if you let her be a handyman disciple, I don't have any objection. I will just recruit disciples!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and said: "I suspect that you don't want to mine and are looking for an excuse to run away! Let's do this. You and your master will dig mines here for a week, and I will personally recruit disciples!"

Li Yanlong suddenly looked bitter.

Lou Jialan said at this time: "No, Master, you and I must not be separated. We must ensure that we can join forces at any time. Don't forget that our enemies are the leaders of the four sects."

"Does that mean we need to maintain our team status?"

Lu Chao said sincerely that he suddenly became enemies with the four most powerful sects in Shushan Sword Domain, but this is not a bad thing. With luck, he is invincible here, and he can defeat big bosses and so on. Not bad.

After thinking about it, Lu Chaoding sent a team invitation to Lou Jialan.

"Ding, Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan accepted your invitation!"

"Ding, Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan has entered your team!"

"Ding, under the influence of Qinglan's sword intention, the current team members (maximum four people) will obtain the sword heart counterattack state and are in the battle space. Affected by this state, team members who are damaged by any attack can actively counterattack once. The counterattack It will not affect the mileage, please explore for yourself for details.”

"Huh? Extra BUFF!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked. He didn't expect Qinglian Sword Saint Lou Jialan to have such special effects for teaming up, and the special effects were so powerful.

"This Lou Jialan is the third one I've met who has team-up special effects. It's really good. She deserves to be a level 120 super master. Wouldn't it be great if she, Ye Longxing, Xiang Ruyan and I formed a team? crooked!"

Lu Chaoding thought it would be good to bring Lou Jialan into the sect, so he said: "Let's do this, Lou Jialan, I will recognize you as my junior sister and give you the identity of a mining elder. Li Yanlong, you can be a mining disciple for the time being, and we will see you later." Performance will give you a promotion. If the position is high, the salary will be high, the benefits will be good, and there will be more jade resources available in the future, so perform well!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding strode towards the entrance of the mine.

He also wanted to go in and visit this mine. There was no harm in mining, and since it was all in the mine, he could still be in a team with Lou Jialan. He wouldn't be afraid if NPCs from the four factions came to visit him.

After a while, Lu Chaoding saw the scene inside the vein of fine jade. Mines have mining props and mining locations. Mining props are mining picks, and mining with them is digging the ground. Whether or not the mine is mined is controlled by probability. It only depends on luck, without any technology or experience.

The mining location is a fixed mining location. Only by standing on it and digging the ground can you collect jade resources. There is a limit to the number of mining locations. For example, the ore vein at Lu Chaoding has only 100 mining points.

“This mining is so boring!”

Just waving the mining pickaxe a few times at the mining site, Lu Chaoding felt it was too boring, so he persisted for a while, and after waving the mining pickaxe about a hundred times, there was a clang, and Lu Chaoding finally harvested what he dug out. The first rock prop.

It was a piece of Jade of Sword Intention, and it had automatically flown into the treasure chest in the sect's main hall.

"The efficiency is pretty good, you two, don't just stand there and come over to mine!"

Lu Chaoding greeted.

Lou Jialan and Li Yanlong were quite helpless, so they could only swing their mining picks clankingly.

An hour later, Lu Chaoding checked the results. The three of them had been busy so far and obtained a total of 30 jade props, including [-] jade of inheritance, [-] jade of certificate, [-] jade of epiphany, and [-] jade of sword intention. piece.

"This income is also very good. If the number of miners reaches one hundred, it will be even more exciting. I especially need the Jade of Sword Intent now..."

Lu Chaoding was thinking about this when he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, warning, someone has entered the mountain gate without permission, please return to the sect hall as soon as possible. When the sect hall is destroyed and the sect is judged to be lost, the sect's station will be canceled and the mineral vein mining rights will be lost. "

"Someone is looking for trouble! Is it from the four major sword sects?"

Lu Chao's command quickly dropped the mining pick, called to the Qinglian Sword Saint Lou Jialan and her disciple Li Yanlong, and said: "Foreign enemies have invaded, follow me out of the cave to fight!"

"It's four old and immortal lackeys who are here, kill them!"

Lou Jialan had a strong desire to fight and immediately ran out of the mine. Li Yanlong said: "Headmaster, Master, you go to fight. I am mining here. I work very hard."

Lu Chaoding was too lazy to ask the female player, let alone expect her to provide any combat power. He flew out of the mine with his sword and soon saw the so-called invading enemies. There were four in total, two men and two women. Lu Chaoding I can see their attribute information. They are entry-level disciples of the four major sword sects. Their average level is no more than 50. They look stupid and have limited intelligence.

"Sent four hot chicks here?"

Lu Chaoding's fighting spirit suddenly disappeared, and he shouted to the four people: "I am the Supreme Demon. If you enter my mountain gate and commit a taboo, you will be punished according to the law. However, I have the virtue of a good life. I will give it to you." Take a chance, join our faction, become a miner, food and accommodation are included!"

The four NPCs were stunned for a moment. When they saw Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan standing next to Lu Chaoding, they quickly knelt down and said to him: "Sir, please spare your life. I am so young that I don't dare to do it anymore!"

Lou Jialan said with a cold face: "Well! You know the current affairs, now I will accept you into the Reliable Sword Sect. You work hard to dig in the mine, don't slack off!"

"Thank you sir for not killing anyone!"

"I am willing to listen to your arrangements..."

The four NPCs were frightened and extremely afraid of Lou Jialan. After a while, Lou Jialan actually accepted them into the Reliable Sword Sect and sent them to dig in the mines.

"Hey, it looks like my junior sister is quite intimidating. Those NPCs are afraid of him!"

Lu Chaoding was so happy that he quickly said to Lou Jialan: "Junior sister, we are short of miners now. Could you please walk around and recruit some miners?"

"Lack of miners! What do you mean?"

Li Jialan's reaction was a little slow. Lu Chaoding explained to her for a long time, but found that she was playing the piano to a cow. She didn't understand what the lack of miners meant, let alone recruit miners. After being confused, she just told Lu Chaoding to join forces to fight. The necessity of the Four Sword Sects.

After a while, four more NPCs came to attack the mountain.

These four NPCs are also one from each of the four major sword sects. Their average level has been raised to level 60. When they saw Lu Chaoding's arrogant attitude, they knelt down and begged for mercy after seeing Lou Jialan.

They obviously recognized Lou Jialan and were quite afraid of him.

Lou Jialan once again accepted them as disciples of the Reliable Sword Sect and assigned them to mines for mining.

Less than half an hour later, the third group of invaders also came, this time four level 70 NPCs.

After seeing Lou Jialan, they also knelt down and begged for mercy. They didn't even dare to run away. In the end, they abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, joining the reliable sword sect and becoming glorious miners.

Lu Chao was very pleased with himself, thinking that the Four Sword Sects were very sensible. Are they here specifically to send miners away?
  After a while, four level 80 NPCs came to attack the mountain. This time they did not surrender. Lu Chaoding teamed up with Lou Jialan and killed them easily.

To Lu Chaoding's surprise, these four NPCs actually dropped thirty-six pieces of jade material.

And using the Jade of Sword Intention, Lu Chaoding upgraded [Gaze Sword Technique] to another level. Now that he locks the target with his gaze, the target's upper limit of life per second will be reduced by 32 points!
  "Not bad, not bad, keep coming!" Lu Chaoding was in a very good mood, wishing that more NPCs from the four factions would come to attack him.

(End of this chapter)

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