Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 246 Lord of Shushan Territory

"Ding, your teammate Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan is offline!"

"Ding, your teammate Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan is online!"

"Ding, your teammate Qinglan Sword Saint Lou Jialan has entered a special state, and the team special effects are invalid!"

The system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Junior sister, what's wrong with you? Junior sister, are you about to awaken? Junior sister, why haven't you given the special effects for teaming up yet?"

When Lu Chaoding saw Lou Jialan's performance, he knew that the unreliable system was showing its power. He was not too surprised by this. After all, the Qinglan Sword Master has been tortured a lot during this period. His original personality The settings have been tampered with many times, so it’s not surprising that he awakened.

"After awakening, my junior sister will definitely have an independent personality and independent thoughts, and become an AI player. I don't know if she will recognize me as my senior brother. That's all. Ignore her and kill the leaders of the four factions first! "

Lu Chaoding looked at the body of the leader of Daluo Sword Sect again. After she was beaten to death, her body remained, half-kneeling on the ground, but she had no breath and could still speak unlike the players.

"If the leaders of the four major sword sects are so easy to kill, this battle won't take much effort!"

Lu Chaoding was full of fighting spirit at this time, so he no longer cared about Lou Jialan. He rode a black saber-toothed tiger, selected Hua Mantian, the head of the Hongchen Sword Sect, as his target, and continued to launch [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate].

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, the head of the Hongchen Sword Sect was able to fight back after being beaten. When Lu Chaoding hit her, she would immediately fight back. Moreover, her damage was surprisingly high, and she could ignore luck. The addition reduced Lu Chaoding's health.

In this way, Lu Chao beat this level 120 master for 10 rounds of [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate], but instead of beating her to death, he was beaten to death himself!

"Ding, your health points are cleared, the Baolong transformation is triggered, and you are about to enter the second form [Baolong Form]!"

"Ding, you have entered [Baolong Form], your health has been increased to 200%, all gains and debuffs have been cleared, and you have gained the ability to move immediately!"

"Ding, your health has reached the realm threshold and cannot be improved further!"

"Ding, the current transformation can last for one hour. After the transformation, it will return to the first form immediately, and the status will be full!"

Following the system prompt, Lu Chaoding's figure immediately expanded. After five breaths, he turned into a huge dragon man with a height of nine feet. It is said that he is a dragon man because although he still maintains a human body shape , but a pair of golden dragon horns grew out of his forehead, his body was covered with a layer of golden dragon scales, and a huge dragon tail grew out of his back.

His physique is extremely majestic, like a god or a demon, but the earth prayer is hidden, and the heavenly power ring is also hidden. The health bar and toughness bar are instantly full, and the luck bar is of course also full.

"What a guy, you actually forced me to transform! As expected of a level 120 master, he really has a lot of skills!!"

Lu Chao opened his mouth, his voice booming like thunder. He checked his status. At this time, the advantage of speed was gone. Although he had an action round at the moment, this action round was inserted after transformation. After he took action, he would probably It was the turn of the leaders of the four major sword sects or Lou Jialan to launch an attack.

"Now Lou Jialan is acting like a ghost, and I don't know when she will wake up. I guess I can't rely on her anymore. I don't want to get overturned!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked and used [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] again. The selected target of attack was still Hua Mantian, the leader of Hongchen Sword Sect.

This NPC carried Lu Chao for ten rounds of [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate], and it was already full of blood. Lu Chao made up for it by one round, and finally killed him, and his body was half-kneeling.

But what happened next was the action of Hua Manting, the head of the Qinglian Sword Sect. The 120-level exquisite sword master grabbed a long sword from the void and shouted: "Tai Shang Tian Mo, and Lou Jia Lan, since you don't If you know good and evil, then don’t blame me for being ruthless, look at my exquisite sword intent and kill!"

After saying this, the old woman's figure suddenly split into two, and then the two figures attacked Lu Chaoding and Lou Jialan at the same time.

Lu Chaoding stood still and let the attack go. He only felt the figure in front of him flicker and was slashed by a sword. He didn't feel the pain very much. He didn't know where he was slashed. His health bar was reduced by a small amount, but his luck was not worth it. decreased, and the blood bar was immediately replenished.

However, Lou Jialan next to Lu Chaoding was not so lucky. She was still acting like a beast, and her right arm was cut off, and her health bar dropped by less than half.

What surprised Lu Chaoding was that Lou Jialan's severed arm flew two feet away, quickly turned into light after landing, and disappeared after a few blinks.

Lou Jialan, who was still a ghost, had lost his right arm. There was no sign of it growing back, but he was still trembling in place.

"Well, can the attack of this Exquisite Sword Immortal cause permanent damage? The wound will not recover? Can it maim people into a disability?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and thought that Huamanting was a good person. He was also lucky that he had good luck. Otherwise, his arms would be cut off, his legs would be cut off, etc. Even if the attribute values ​​​​were not reduced, it would be inconvenient to move in the future. .

Next, it was the turn of Hua Mandi, the leader of the Demon Sword Sect, to attack. The NPC laughed loudly and suddenly took out the long sword and stabbed her body. Her blood bar immediately began to shorten.

"The magic of rebirth by dripping blood! Come back, come back!"

Hua Manting, the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect, shouted loudly, and then spit out a mouthful of blood. The blood seemed to have spirituality, and automatically divided into two streams, and each flew towards Hua Manlou, the leader of the Daluo Sword Sect, and Hua Manlou, the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect. The corpses all over the sky finally disappeared between their eyebrows.

The next moment, the two corpses actually moved. Health bars and toughness bars appeared above their heads, and they were actually resurrected.

"They are still playing like this, no wonder Lou Jialan said they are difficult to deal with!"

Lu Chaoding frowned.

Fortunately, after resurrecting the two companions, the leader of the Demon Sword Sect's turn ended. It seemed that Lou Jialan was at the same speed as them, and it was Lou Jialan's turn to take action next.

Lou Jialan's whole body was shaking like an electric shock, and she couldn't move. Two minutes later, her action round automatically ended due to timeout, and Lu Chaoding ushered in his turn again.

After looking at the leaders of the four major sword sects who were almost in full condition on the opposite side, Lu Chaoding chose the leader of the Demon Sword Sect as his attack target this time.

The leader of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect had the thickest health among the four leaders, the highest defense, and a damage-free passive. It took Lu Chaoding twenty rounds to kill him.

After killing the leader of the Demon Sword Sect, Lu Chaoding then attacked the leader of the Daluo Sword Sect and killed him in ten rounds.

The next round was still for Lu Chaoding. He chose to continue attacking the leader of the Qinglian Sword Sect and killed him in the same ten rounds.

At this point, three of the heads of the four major sword sects knelt down, leaving only the head of the Hongchen Sword Sect.

"This NPC can fight back, and it can also protect itself regardless of luck. If I don't kill him, I will be killed by the counterattack first, so I can only fight fiercely..."

Lu Chaoding sighed. He thought for a while and no longer used [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] to attack the leader of Hongchen Sword Sect. Instead, he leisurely sat down on the ground and used [Gaze Sword Technique] to glare at him. , just wait for the round to time out.


“-64”      64”


Damage numbers kept popping up above the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect, and her upper limit of health kept decreasing.

Lu Chaoding's speed value was extremely high, and it was always his turn. Time passed slowly. An hour later, Lu Chaoding's dragon form was automatically released, and he returned to his human form.

Another hour passed, and Lou Jialan finally stopped.

She touched her broken right arm, raised her eyes and looked at Lu Chaoding doubtfully, and said slowly: "Tai Shang Tian Mo? Reliable leader! You, what are you doing..."

Lu Chaoding was free at this time. He looked at the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect and said, "Junior sister, you finally woke up. Do you still recognize me?"

Lou Jialan was silent for a moment and said: "I understand, I have a great affection for you. According to the setting, I should worship you infinitely, commit myself to you, and become your wife, but... this is impossible. , my reason tells me that I don’t like you, I won’t be your wife, you are not my type, you’d better not have any inappropriate thoughts.”

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he knew that Lou Jialan had indeed awakened. He sighed helplessly and said: "You are not my type. To tell you the truth, I have a hundred wives, which is not bad at all." You’re the one!”

"That's the best!"

Lou Jialan paused, and then said: "You actually single-handedly killed the heads of the four major sword sects to this point. As long as you kill the head of the Hongchen Sword Sect, they will be finished."

"Isn't that right?" Lu Chao said, "Can you help me in any way?"

Lou Jialan shook his head and said, "I can't help..."

She suddenly clapped her hands and said: "Maybe it can help, let me draw the team privileges first!"

After saying that, the newly awakened AI player stretched out his hand to grab the void, but Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, affected by Qinglan's sword intention, the team members (maximum three people) received the blessing of the sword intention. The power of similar skills is doubled!"

After the system prompt ended, the damage number that appeared above the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect immediately changed. It was no longer losing 64 health points per second, but 128 health points per second.

"The power of the gaze sword technique has doubled!"

Lu Chaoding had a clear understanding in his heart. Among all the skills he mastered, only [Gaze Sword Technique] was related to sword intention. This time, the power was doubled, making the battle much easier.

"Brother, come on, I'm injured, so I can only cheer you up from behind! Please be sure to kill four of them, and then give me the fragments of their Hongchen Dao Box. With six fragments in hand, I will You can open the Hongchen Ancient Road and leave this ghost place."

After Lou Jialan finished speaking, he sat cross-legged on the ground.

However, Lu Chaoding became interested. While continuing to glare at the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect, he asked, "Junior sister, what is the Hongchen Ancient Way?"

Lou Jialan said: "The Hongchen Ancient Road is a special secret realm. There are great secrets in it. It seems to hide the opportunity to transcend the Chaotic Source. There are many high-level NPCs active in it. It is difficult for ordinary players to move within it!"

"Really? Are you sure that as long as you master the six fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box, you can open the Hongchen Ancient Dao?"


"Okay, junior sister, just watch the battle from behind. This battle will take a long time to end!"

Lu Chaoding continued to use his gaze sword technique. In his mind, he had to wait until the cooling time of Baolong's transformation had passed, that is, 24 hours later, before attacking the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect. That would be safe and ok. Make sure it doesn't tip over.

During the waiting process, I was idle and used my gaze sword technique to reduce the upper limit of the health of the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect.

Time passed, and finally, Lu Chaoding survived 24 hours. He checked his status and found that the Baolong transformation had completely cooled down. In other words, even if Lu Chaoding was killed again, he would transform into Baolong again. .

"I have two lives! I can finally let go and fight!"

Lu Chaoding felt that he was holding back too much. He stood up, drew his sword and began to attack the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect.

Don't look at Lu Chaoding using his gaze sword technique to reduce the health of the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect. This time he used [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] ten times and still failed to kill him, but he was killed first. After being beaten to death, he passively entered the dragon form.

Fortunately, no accident happened next. Lu Chaoding successfully beat the leader of the Hongchen Sword Sect to death. At this point, all the leaders of the four sects knelt down, and their bodies turned into light and disappeared together. Then the four leaders A treasure chest appears.

"It's finally over!"

Lu Chaoding stretched himself. He stepped forward to open the four treasure boxes and obtained four tokens, six Hongchen Dao box fragments and four thousand jade props.

"Four thousand jade props, tsk tsk, it's prosperous this time."

Lu Chao was overjoyed. He used the newly obtained Jade of Sword Intent on the spot to upgrade [Gaze Sword Technique] to four levels in a row, reaching LV10. From then on, he locked the target with his gaze, and the target's health points would be reduced by 1024 points every second.

Moreover, [Gaze Sword Technique] opens a new special effect, which is also effective on targets such as buildings and mechanical units.

Of the six fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box, Lu Chaoding kept one and gave the other five to Lou Jialan.

Lou Jialan was overjoyed. She already had six fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box. She immediately closed her eyes and sat cross-legged, saying that she was in retreat.

As for the tokens dropped by the four masters, they are the master token of Daluo Sword Sect, the master token of Qinglian Sword Sect, the master token of Hongchen Sword Sect, and the master token of Tianmo Sword Sect. Hold them. Go to the Four Sects Mountain Gate to assume the position of leader.

When the battle space was shattered, Lu Chaoding, who was holding four tokens, received a system prompt: "Ding, defeated the heads of the four sword sects Da Luo, Qinglian, Hongchen, and Tianmo, and achieved a hidden achievement. Congratulations on obtaining Shushan Domain lord identity.”

"Ding, you have become the Lord of the Shushan Territory. You will be rewarded with a top-quality jade vein (distributed to Mount Reliance) and a random five-star Shushan Sword (distributed to the storage space). Your reputation will spread throughout the Shushan Region and no one will know about it. Everyone knows that the heads of various sects in Shushan Sword Domain will go to Mount Reliance to congratulate you, please explore for yourself for more privileges!"

"Hey, I've become the Lord of Shushan!"

Lu Chaoding looked at the four tokens in his hand. He decided to go to the base of the four sects first, to take office as the leader, and to search for the treasures of the four sects. It must be a pleasant journey.

(End of this chapter)

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