Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 247 Hongchen Ancient Road

Lu Chaoding killed the leaders of the four factions and obtained the identity of the Shushan Territory Lord. A top-quality mineral vein was distributed to Mount Reliance, causing the mountain to rise rapidly, and it took an hour for it to stabilize.

After the change, Mount Yaopu can now be compared with the four mountains in the Shushan Sword Domain. There are many more buildings on it, such as "Yangxin Hall", "Sword Washing Pond", "Floating Shadow Hall", and "Ziyun Pavilion" , etc., etc., those buildings are the properties of the reliable sword sect, and their interior decoration is very exquisite. They are scattered everywhere, waiting for someone to move in. The small courtyard of the reliable sword sect on the top of the reliable mountain has also turned into a huge palace. The group is majestic and majestic, not comparable to the original.

Lu Chaoding stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance and seeing all the small mountains, and felt very comfortable.

And soon, before he could go to the headquarters of the four major sword sects to take up the post of leader, there were NPCs who came to pay their respects and congratulate him.

The first person to come to congratulate was Ling Daozi, the head of the Tushan Sword Sect. He also brought two disciples with him. The three of them were respectful and bowed when they saw Lu Chaodong, looking very respectful.

Lu Chaoding casually chatted with him for a few words, but he didn't expect that the leader of the Tushan Sword Sect came to congratulate him. His real purpose was to join the Reliable Sword Sect.

"Master Lu, to tell you the truth, my Tushan sect is often bullied. Although I have a small mine, my harvest is very limited. I have to take jade from time to time. As a leader, I I'm not feeling well either, so I boldly came to your door today because I actually want to seek refuge with you and beg Master Lu to take me in!"

Ling Daozi said respectfully, while his two disciples knelt down directly behind him.

Lu Chao said sincerely, isn't this just giving him a pillow when he's dozed off? What his reliable sword sect lacks are disciples. He said with a smile: "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome! I will accept you, Ling Daozi." , I will make you the elder of Tushan. You and your disciples can choose a palace in the mountain as your residence. When the sect stabilizes, I will calculate your salary for you."

Ling Daozi was flattered and waved his hands quickly: "Don't dare, don't dare. The villain is of low strength and cannot be an elder. The head has already promoted him by giving him the position of deacon."

"Elder Lingdaozi, you are too polite, just listen to my arrangement!"

Lu Chao said sincerely that this Ling Daozi was a level 90 swordsman after all. If he were placed in the twelve states of the Hongchen Sword Realm, he would be enough to become the supreme elder of a second-rate sect.

Ling Daozi retired happily, and more NPCs came to congratulate him.

Some of these NPCs really came to congratulate them and brought gifts, but most of them, like Ling Daozi, came to seek refuge.

Lu Chao was not afraid of anyone who came. He accepted all the gifts and asked for all the people. Unknowingly, one day later, there were twelve elders of the Reliable Sword Sect and more than three hundred disciples.

With these elders, the entire sect started to operate automatically without the need for Lu Chaoding to manage it. The twelve sect leaders divided their work among themselves. Some were responsible for mining jade, some were responsible for recruiting disciples, some were responsible for distributing jade, and some were responsible for law enforcement in the sect...

In short, Reliable Mountain quickly became lively, and as the leader, Lu Chao became increasingly leisurely after delegating the management authority of the sect.

Three days later, no more NPCs came to pay their respects to the mountain to congratulate him. Seeing that Lou Jialan was still in seclusion, Lu Chao started his journey to Shu Mountain alone, riding a tiger and wielding a sword.

For a while, Lu Chaoding spent time traveling around the mountains and rivers. There were many mountains in the Shushan Sword Territory. Lu Chaoding thought that as the master of the Sword Territory, he would travel all over the mountains and patrol the territory, taking care of them. Take care of the things you want to take care of, and be at ease.

In this way, half a month later, Lu Chaoding arrived at Daluo Mountain, where the Daluo Sword Sect was stationed.

This Daluo Mountain is one of the five highest peaks in the Shushan Sword Domain today. It has many buildings and tens of thousands of sect disciples. It has one top-grade mineral vein, three high-grade mineral veins, and twelve medium-grade mineral veins. However, due to Daluo Mountain The leader of the Sword Sect and several powerful elders were killed. At this time, the Daluo Sword Sect was leaderless, and the disciples were in panic, which also caused the entire Daluo Mountain to appear in chaos.

Lu Chaoding took the token of the leader of the Da Luo Sword Sect and successfully became the leader of the Da Luo Sword Sect, thereby taking over the entire sect.

He had no interest in sect management. After casually recruiting a contemporary NPC leader who liked him, he became the hands-off shopkeeper and just went to open the treasure house of Daluo Sword Sect.

As one of the most powerful sects in the Shushan Sword Domain, the Da Luo Sword Sect has a very rich heritage. There are many treasures in the treasure house, including not only jade props, but also various rare materials and other cultivation resources.

Lu Chaoding ransacked the treasure house like a thief, and then happily embarked on a journey of sightseeing again.

A month later, Lu Chaoding arrived at Qinglian Mountain, the headquarters of the Qinglian Sword Sect. Just like arriving at Daluo Mountain, he successfully became the leader of the Qinglian Sword Sect, and then collected the treasures from the Qinglian Sword Sect. Clean and tidy.

In the next two months, Lu Chaoding arrived at Hongchen Mountain and Tianmo Mountain, and successfully took office as the leader, and emptied the treasure troves of Hongchen and Tianmo Mountains.

After another two months, Lu Chaoding completed his small goal and walked through the mountains of the Shushan Sword Domain. At this moment, he was standing on a mountain called "Hundred Battles", looking in the direction of Mount Reliable.

"Unknowingly, it has been half a year since I came to the Shushan Sword Domain. I don't know what the situation is now in the twelve states of the Sword Realm. Is the national war plot over? Has the plane war begun? What is happening in Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain? In this way, has the Demonic Sword Sect captured the Tianma Empire..."

Lu Chaoding felt that it was time to return to Mount Reliance. The jade props he had harvested were enough for his own use. If Lou Jialan ended his retreat, he could use the fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box to open the Hongchen Ancient Road and then leave, which would not be bad.

After making the decision, Lu Chaoding's journey officially ended, and he embarked on the road back to Mount Reliable.

In the past few months, relying on various resources collected from the treasury of the four major sword sects, Lu Chaoding has now reached level 120, and has added [Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow], [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique], [Gaze Sword Technique] ], [Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hate], these four main battle skills have been upgraded to the current top level, which is LV23.

LV23's [Incredible Splitting Sword Shadow] can create 3000 sword shadows, each sword shadow has 65% attack power.

Lu Chaoding's current upper limit of attack power is 1000 billion, which is the threshold of the realm. Judging from past battles, the upper limit of attack damage he can cause in a single attack seems to be limited to 1000 billion, which can only be less but not more. [ "The Great Absurd Light Splitting Sword Shadow" cannot break this upper limit, so if Lu Chaoding attacks a single target, it makes little difference whether he uses the "Great Absurd Light Splitting Sword Shadow" or not. To attack group targets, he can use the sword shadow and the power of the sun to achieve it. Group instant kill.

The [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill] at LV23 is similar. When Lu Chaoding uses this skill, he can summon a 23-foot-long giant sword, but it cannot increase the attack power of the giant sword by 23 times, and it cannot attack buildings with it. Over 1000 billion single damage.

However, LV23's [Gaze Sword Technique] is very sharp. Now that Lu Chaoding is locking the target with his gaze, it can cause him to lose up to 8388608 health points per second!

Lu Chaoding would stare at ordinary monsters at a glance. He estimated that few players today could withstand his gaze.

Even those powerful bosses with over [-] million health points would be defeated after Lu Chaoding took a few glances at them.

As for [Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hatreds], the actual effect of this skill is completely inconsistent with the name. Now it is “Sword Immortal’s Twenty-Three Hatreds”. It consumes 23 points of fighting spirit and can be used. Twenty-three swords can be fired each time, and twelve swords can be fired. After that, the sword move Wuming can add an additional skill damage to the total damage after each attack, but the total damage caused by the attack and additional attacks cannot exceed the realm threshold.

Therefore, using [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] once, if the target does not have special damage reduction capabilities, Lu Chaoding can deal up to 23000 trillion damage.

Two days later, Lu Chaoding returned to Mount Reliance. He went directly to the top of the mountain and found Lou Jialan still sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, as if he hadn't moved in the past half a year.

"Junior sister, can you do it? I'm alone and invincible here! I'm counting on you to open a new map! If you can't open the Hongchen Ancient Road, just return all the fragments of the Hongchen Road Box to me! "

Lu Chaoding said something to Lou Jialan, trying to wake her up.

But Lou Jialan seemed not to hear his voice at all. Lu Chaoding was helpless. After waiting for about half a month, Lou Jialan finally opened her eyes. She stretched out her hand and pointed to the sky, and six fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box flew out, and then thunder appeared in the sky. , the lightning struck directly at the six fragments, but the six fragments were like divine iron and were not damaged in any way. Instead, they became increasingly bright and dazzling under the bombardment of lightning.

"what's going on!"

"Why did the sky thunder?"

"Is there an invasion from a foreign enemy?"

"The leader and deputy leader are both at the top of the mountain!"

"No, go and support the leader!"

"Go to the top of the mountain! Go to the top of the mountain quickly!"

The entire Reliable Mountain shook due to the thunder at the top of the mountain. A large number of NPCs spontaneously went to the top of the mountain, among which the twelve elders were the most active.

Soon, these NPCs arrived at the top of the mountain. At this time, the top of the mountain was shrouded in golden light. The six fragments of Hongchen Dao Box in mid-air were like six small suns. They were arranged in a circle, slowly rotating, and the circle The inner light mist surged and suddenly threw a thick bright beam of light onto the ground.

"The ancient Hongchen Road has opened!"

A voice sounded, and the person shouting was Lou Jialan's apprentice, the player Li Yanlong.

This guy stopped mining not long after Lu Chaoding left Reliable Mountain. As Lou Jialan's apprentice, she lived a leisurely life and received a lot of jade items every day. Up to now, her level It is still level 60, but almost all the skills of the equipment have been upgraded to the full level.

If there is one person who wants to leave the Shushan Sword Domain more than Lu Chaoding, it is this Li Yanlong.

After discovering the strange phenomenon at the top of Mount Reliance, she rushed up in a hurry. She looked excited at this moment, pointing to the light beam cast in mid-air, and said: "This must be the teleportation light beam. We can finally leave. Master, uncle, we Let’s go!”

Li Yanlong said hello and was the first to run towards the bright passage without waiting for Lu Chaoding and Lou Jialan to reply.

Neither Lu Chaoding nor Lou Jialan stopped her, and allowed her to enter the light pillar and then disappear.

"Junior sister, is your channel reliable?"

Lu Chaoding asked.

Lou Jialan nodded and said: "This is my setting ability, there should be no problem."

"Then let's go now?"

"Senior brother please first!"

"it is good!"

Lu Chao responded, but he looked at the people around him and said, "Everyone, I am going on a long journey. I will leave the Reliable Sword Sect and the Shushan Sword Domain to you!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and called Ling Daozi to him, took out the leadership tokens of Daluo, Qinglian, Hongchen, and Tianmo sects and handed them to him, and said: "Ling Daozi, I will now be the leader of the reliable sword sect." The identity of the door is passed on to you, you and I, let’s meet again when we are destined!”

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, then turned around, leaving Ling Daozi and a group of NPCs with stunned expressions on their faces, and strode towards the light pillar.

Stepping into the light pillar, Lu Chaoding felt the scene in front of him flicker, and after two breaths, he was already somewhere else.

"Ding, you have arrived at the Hongchen Ancient Road, a special secret realm. In the current secret space, you cannot use system functions such as Fei Jian Shuan Shu, Tian Xing Lun Sword, World Map, etc. Please explore on your own for details!"

"Ding, a special event was triggered. You discovered a huge staircase passage leading to the void. After careful consideration, you decided to step onto the staircase passage and explore the void."

"Ding, automatically receive the chance mission and step on the stairs of the Hongchen Ancient Road. For every ten steps on it, you will be rewarded with 100 lottery tickets and 1 Hunyuan Crystal!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system is activated, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: step on the stairs of the Hongchen Ancient Road, and for each step on it, you will be rewarded with 1 unreliable lottery ticket and 100 Hunyuan Crystals! "

"Huh? Hunyuan Crystal..."

Lu Chaoding looked forward curiously. What came into his field of vision was a huge golden staircase. Visually, one step was ten feet high, as if it was cast for a giant, towering into the clouds.

To be precise, he was standing on the first step of this huge staircase. He could not see the end of the staircase from the top, and could only see the void from the bottom.

"The unreliable system is quite effective this time. My reward for climbing stairs is a thousand times that of ordinary people..."

With a thought in Lu Chao's mind, a Daxuan ship appeared at his feet. He was just about to fly to the second level of the stairs with his sword, when suddenly a golden light flashed around him, and Lou Jialan was teleported over.

The AI ​​player had a happy face at this moment and said: "Hongchen Ancient Road, this is the Hongchen Ancient Road, haha, the opportunity to step into the Chaotic Source Realm is here!"

"Junior sister, what do you know? Tell your senior brother!"

Lu Chaoding looked at Lou Jialan with curiosity, and Lou Jialan actually nodded and said: "In my memory, Hunyuan Crystal is an important tool for promotion to Hunyuan Realm. As long as you can climb the 1201st level, You can accumulate enough Hongchen crystals to break through the bottleneck and step into the Chaotic Source Realm!"


Lu Chaoding's heart moved. Ordinary people can only get 1201 Hunyuan crystals if they climb the 120 steps. But for every step he steps on, he can get 100 Hunyuan crystals. If 120 Hunyuan crystals can If someone wants to break the bottleneck and advance to the Chaotic Source Realm, wouldn't he just need to climb two steps up to be promoted to the Chaotic Source Realm?

(End of this chapter)

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