Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 248 Super Sword Immortal

"It's so exciting!"

Lu Chaoding didn't waste any time, and Qihu Yujian quickly climbed to the second level.

"Ding, you have arrived at the second level of the Hongchen Ancient Road. Congratulations on getting the Unreliable Lottery Ticket x 1 and Hunyuan Crystal x 100. The items have been automatically distributed to the storage space. Please check for details!"

"Ding, in the current region, you can automatically obtain the cultivation value. Please explore by yourself for details."

"Ding, defeat any Hongchen Sword Spirit in front of you before you can continue moving forward."

"Ding, the system prompts that if you fail to challenge the Hongchen Sword Spirit, you will transform into the Hongchen Sword Spirit and stay here. Only after defeating the new Lin Daoist can you move on."

Following the system prompts, Lu Chaoding saw the scene on the second level of stairs. In front of him, a large sword stabbed on the ground. Those swords had a bronze texture and simple patterns on the sword body. It is visually estimated that the sword is three feet long.

And on the hilts of those giant swords, there is a figure sitting cross-legged. Those figures are the Hongchen Sword Spirit!

Lu Chaoding can see the brief information of those sword spirits. They have different levels, some are level 60 and some are level 90. Their attribute values ​​are very different. Some of them are sword immortals, some are sword gods, some are sword masters, and some are sword demons. , as well as Sword Demon and Sword King.

"You can move on after defeating any Hongchen Sword Spirit? Isn't that just picking on the weak?"

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he had already used [Gaze Sword Technique]. With his LV23 Gaze Sword Technique, the Hongchen Sword Spirit in front of him was unstoppable, and they were all caught in his glance. It exploded with a bang, then turned into light and disappeared.

With a crash, as the Hongchen Sword Spirit was killed, the swords under them also shattered, revealing a path forward.


Lu Chaoding felt proud. He received the system prompt that he could continue to move forward. He leisurely moved forward with his sword. After walking past the broken swords, the swords condensed again, with the Hongchen Sword that was killed on them. The spirit also appeared again, blocking future generations from moving forward.

Next, Lu Chaoding effortlessly arrived at the third floor of the Hongchen Ancient Road, where he once again got an unreliable lottery ticket and 100 Hunyuan Crystals. At the same time, he also discovered a new sword and its The Hongchen Sword Spirit on.

The number of Hongchen Sword Spirits on the third level seems to be less than that on the second level, but the average level is higher and they seem to be stronger.

With a glance, Lu Chaoding quickly killed a large number of Hongchen Sword Spirits, and the road ahead opened.

However, Lu Chaoding was in no hurry to move forward. He opened the storage space and saw the Hunyuan Crystal inside.

[Hunyuan Crystal: Special props, special resources, bound props, set as special crystals containing the secrets of Hunyuan. It is a necessary prop for players to advance to the Hunyuan realm. Collect 120 pieces to synthesize the Heart of Hunyuan, and use the Hunyuan Heart. The heart can forcibly break the bottleneck of the Chaotic Source Realm and increase the player level limit to 150! Hunyuan Crystals can also be used to redeem props in the Hunyuan Mall. Please explore on your own for details. 】

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!"

Lu Chaoding immediately consumed 120 Hunyuan Crystals to synthesize a [Hunyuan Heart]. This [Hunyuan Heart] was a glowing sphere, as big as a fist. Lu Chaoding used it again. The system prompt rang in my ears: "Ding, use the Heart of Chaotic Source, your bottleneck in the Chaotic Source Realm will be eliminated, and the level limit will be raised to 150!"       "The bottleneck has been broken!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked and quickly rummaged through the storage space, looking for props that could increase his cultivation.

Although he now no longer has the bottleneck to advance to the Chaotic Source Realm, his level is still level 120. Only when he reaches level 121 can he truly transcend the peak and be promoted to a master of the Chaotic Source Realm.

Lu Chaoding's storage space contained treasures accumulated over countless years by the four major sword sects of Shushan Sword Domain, including many cultivation props. Lu Chaoding enjoyed them as much as he wanted, and in a moment he raised his level to level 121!

At this time, Lu Chaoding was already a Hunyuan realm swordsman, and the thresholds of various attributes were raised accordingly. His attack power increased to 10000 billion, and his speed also increased to 10 billion.

"Ding, congratulations on your promotion to Hunyuan Realm. As a Hunyuan Realm Sword Immortal, you automatically obtain the status of Grand Master of Sword Dao. With this status, you can ignore the upgrade conditions and directly upgrade the level of regular sword cultivation skills to the full level. Level, you can equip sword cultivation skill books from most other professions, and you can modify and create sword cultivation skill books, please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, as a Hunyuan realm sword cultivator, you will have an exclusive skill system to guide you in creating your own career!"

"Ding, your current profession is [Shangqing Daode Yin Yang Wuji Huangquan Qinglian Dayan Taiji Luo Duobao Sword Immortal]. After creating your own profession, your current professional special effects will be retained and enhanced. Please name your self-created profession ( Please do not exceed six words), the default is Super Sword Immortal, would you like to modify it?"

"Create your own profession! A super swordsman?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and secretly said that being promoted to the Hunyuan realm was indeed different. Not only did he obtain the "Grandmaster status of Sword Dao", but he was also able to create his own profession.

"It seems that to advance to the Chaotic Source Realm, you have to create your own profession, so just accept it. If you are a top swordsman, you will be a top swordsman. There is no need to change your name!"

After Lu Chaoding responded to the system, he quickly received another system prompt: "Ding, congratulations on creating your own [Super Sword Immortal] profession, the professional characteristics are being generated..."

"Ding, the super-top Sword Immortal professional characteristics are generated. You have retained [Shangqing], [Morality], [Yin and Yang], [Wuji], [Huangquan], [Qinglian], [Dayan], [Tai Chi], [ The ten skill characteristics of Daluo] and [Duobao] are merged into the characteristics of the super swordsman, and the 'sometimes powerful and sometimes ineffective' characteristic is eliminated!"

"Ding, as a Sword Immortal in the Harmony Realm, you will have an exclusive skill system. Please confirm your core skills!"

"Huh? Exclusive skill system, what do you mean? What are the core skills?"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while, and then tentatively responded to the system: "The Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate?"

"Ding, you have selected the stunt [Sword Immortal Twelve Hate] as the core skill. The power of this stunt has been enhanced and a passive triggering effect has been added: when you receive damage, there is a chance to trigger [Sword Immortal Twelve Hate] to target the target that inflicts damage. Launch an attack. Are you sure about this core skill?"

"Not sure! Try it instead with [Gaze Sword Technique]."

"Ding, you have selected the secret skill [Gaze Sword Technique] as your core skill. This secret skill is more powerful and adds special attack effects: when you use the Gaze Sword Technique, the target locked by your gaze has a chance to be suppressed. Once suppressed, The target will be pulled into a special battle space. In the special battle space, the target will lose the ability to move. Please explore by yourself for details. Are you sure about this core skill?"

(End of this chapter)

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