Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 249 Super Eye Sword Technique

Lu Chaoding showed a satisfied look on his face.

"Gaze suppression, special fighting space, this is great!"

In Lu Chaoding's mind, whether it is [Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow] or [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique], plus [Black Cloud Formation], [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hates], etc., the most beneficial ones are His skill is still [Gaze Sword Technique].

This skill is outrageous. It has a long attack range and locks eyes. You can hit it as soon as you see it. Moreover, it reduces the maximum health value and still does real damage. It can be called a lazy man's magic skill.

The only flaw is that you cannot move or use other skills when using the Gaze Sword Technique.

It would also be great if [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] could be triggered passively, but Lu Chaoding still prefers the improvement of [Gaze Sword Technique].

"Our skills must be unique!"

Lu Chaoding muttered. He was just about to find a Hongchen Sword Spirit to try out his new vision sword technique, but the system prompt came again right after.

"Ding, it is confirmed that the gaze swordsmanship is the core skill, and it has been changed into the super gaze swordsmanship. Your skill system is being improved, and the calculation is in progress..."

"Ding, make sure your skill system is the sword intention system. The characteristics of the system are unlimited fighting intention, hurting the enemy with your thoughts, and no need for movement guidance. The system is being improved. You need to absorb a secret skill, a combat skill, and a unique skill into the skill system. …”

"Ding, absorb [The Outrageous Split Light Sword Shadow] into the skill system, transform it into an exclusive system secret skill, erase the original skill level, and automatically calculate..."

"Ding, activate the outrageous light-splitting sword shadow. You don't need to equip a weapon. You can summon 3000 sword eyes. The sword eyes shine with light and form a perspective. With the help of the sword eye perspective, you can activate the gaze sword technique. Please explore on your own for details..."

"Ding, absorb [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] into the skill system, change it into an exclusive system combat skill, and retain the skill level. The current skill level is LV23, and it is automatically calculated..."

"Ding, you don't need to equip a weapon to activate the Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique. You can summon a huge sword eye to come. With the help of the sword eye, you can launch a powerful gaze attack. The Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique has a ten-second cooldown. In non-combat space, the power of the gaze attack can be increased to Up to 23 times, in a regular battle space, additional consumption of fighting spirit can increase the power of skills, up to 10 times!"

"Ding, absorb [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] into the skill system, mutate it into an exclusive system skill, erase the original skill level, and automatically calculate..."

"Ding, you don't need to equip weapons to activate the Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds. You can summon the twelve sword eyes to come. With the help of the twelve sword eyes, you can launch twelve powerful gaze attacks. This gaze attack will cause superimposed damage of gaze sword skills and attack power. , and at the same time, there is a probability of shooting down the target’s power, land, weapons, back parts, pendants, etc. Please explore for yourself for details!”

"Ding, your skill system has been generated. System skills no longer occupy the skill bar. Learning other skills will not be affected by system skills..."

Lu Chaoding stood there blankly, slowly digesting the information given by his digestive system.

At this moment, in his task list, there are no separate [Gaze Sword Technique], [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique], [Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow] and [Sword Immortal Twelve Hate]. These four skills have been combined. And for one, it became the [super-powerful swordsmanship]!

"Will players get such a skill system when they step into the Chaotic Source Realm? It's interesting and fun!"

Lu Chao nodded, then glanced forward.

There are still many Hongchen Sword Spirits waiting for challenge in this third level of stairs. Lu Chaoding specially found a powerful Hongchen Sword Spirit. This Hongchen Sword Spirit has a name, called [Pi Ke], and its level is With a life value of 90 and a life value of one billion, it is an outstanding existence among the Hongchen Sword Spirits on the third level.

"Try my tricks on you!"

With a thought in Lu Chao's mind, a light flashed in his eyes, and he used a new vision sword technique. The damage number immediately appeared on the top of [Pico]'s head.



"Aww!" The Hongchen sword spirit roared and wanted to attack Lu Chaoding.

But suddenly, the word "suppression" appeared on the top of his head, and his body suddenly twisted, shrinking into a small point with a pop, and then disappeared.

However, Lu Chaoding was still standing firmly on the spot, his gaze and swordsmanship were automatically interrupted, and a system prompt came to his ears: "Ding, the target is suppressed by your gaze, and the target has been pushed into the special battle space by you. The target loses the ability to move in the special battle space and is determined to die. Time accelerates and you kill the target."

"Huh? Die directly?"

Lu Chaoding was shocked.

With his current swordsmanship, he can only reduce the target's upper limit of 8388608 health points per second. If he wants to kill a target with one billion health points, he has to stare at the target for 120 seconds.

However, when he killed [Pico], including the system prompts, it didn't even take ten seconds.

"Can the special battle space accelerate time? Directly determine the target's death?"

Lu Chaoding seemed to have some realization. With a thought in his mind, vertical marks suddenly appeared around him. Those vertical marks were like cracks in space, suddenly opened up, revealing a golden light, as if an unknown creature opened its eyes, densely packed. , floating in the void, extremely evil, and the shape of the pupil of each eye is like an upright sword.

Those are the sword eyes, no more, no less, three thousand in total!

Lu Chaoding used the brand new [Big Outrageous Split Light Sword Shadow].

At this moment, a large number of circular windows popped up in front of him. Each window was like a surveillance screen, folded together, and it was the perspective of all the swordsmen.


Lu Chaoding gave a soft drink, and the three thousand sword eyes surrounding him immediately flew in all directions, and then the perspective of the sword eyes also changed rapidly.

"I see, through these surveillance images, I can also activate the gaze sword technique!"

Lu Chaoding randomly called up a sword's perspective. He found that he could control this perspective and move it forward, backward, left, and right at will.

This situation is as if the sword is a reconnaissance plane. You can control it with your thoughts and see the reconnaissance screen.

Soon, Lu Chaoding locked onto a Hongchen sword spirit named [Pilu] through this perspective. This Hongchen sword spirit was some distance away from Lu Chaoding and could not be seen without looking through his sword eyes. However, at this moment Lu Chaoding As soon as his mind moved, the damage number appeared on the head of [Pilu] in the perspective, and he was quickly suppressed and died.


Lu Chaoding laughed and waved his hand, and the three thousand sword eyes quickly dissipated. He used [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] again, and a huge vertical mark 23 feet long appeared in the sky, and the vertical mark quickly opened. , turned into a huge vertical eye.


Lu Chaoding shouted softly, and a golden light emerged from the pupil of the huge vertical eye. The golden light enveloped a Hongchen sword spirit. The sword spirit immediately showed pain and died in less than two seconds.

At this time, Lou Jialan climbed to the third level of the Hongchen Ancient Road. She came to the side of Lu Chaoding and said in surprise: "Hey, senior brother... you have been promoted to Hunyuan!" (End of this chapter)

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