Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 250 Hunyuan Mall

"Yes, I have proven the source of chaos!"

Lu Chaoding felt proud and continued: "Junior sister is extremely talented and has a promising future, but we still need to work hard now."

Lou Jialan hesitated to speak, and finally raised his hand to Lu Chaoding, and then used his sword to attack a Hongchen sword spirit.

If she wants to continue moving forward, she also needs to kill a Hongchen Sword Spirit.

Lu Chaoding tried his sight sword skills, always looking for the powerful Hongchen Sword Spirit, but the target Lou Jialan chose was a weak scumbag with only level 60. After easily killing him, she Eagerly headed to the fourth level of the Hongchen Ancient Road.

"She can only get a Chaotic Source Crystal after she reaches the tenth level, tsk tsk..."

Lu Chao put his hands on his back, feeling infinitely superior in his heart. He followed Lou Jialan to the fourth level of the ancient road. As soon as he entered it, he received a system prompt and once again got 100 Hunyuan Crystals and an unreliable one. Raffle tickets.

"This Hunyuan Crystal can also be used to exchange items. I wonder where the Hunyuan Mall is?"

Lu Chaoding didn't waste time this time. He randomly selected a target, killed it instantly with his gaze, and then moved on.

Not long after, he and Lou Jialan arrived at the eleventh level.

Here, in addition to a large number of Hongchen sword spirits, Lu Chaoding also discovered a destiny platform and two huge sword monuments.

Lu Chaoding stepped forward to check, and he found that the Tianming Platform was an ordinary Tianming Platform, where you could draw a lottery, there was nothing special about it.

As for the two sword monuments, one of them is a teleportation sword monument, which can be used to leave the Hongchen Ancient Road and be randomly teleported to somewhere in the twelve states of the sword world. The other one is Hunyuan Mall.

"The Hongchen Ancient Road can only be moved forward and not backward. Every ten floors there is a Teleportation Sword Monument and a Hunyuan Mall." Lou Jialan said, "The further you go, the more powerful the Hongchen Sword Spirit becomes. If Senior Brother If you want to leave the Hongchen Ancient Road, just activate the Teleportation Sword Monument."

"I think I can climb a few more floors."

Of course Lu Chaoding would not leave. When he came to Hunyuan Mall, a translucent mall panel immediately popped up in front of him.


[Taiping Sword Seal Skill Book]: A special five-star secret skill, which requires a Hunyuan Crystal to redeem.

[Fulong Pill]: After taking it, one million health points will be added, and one Hunyuan Crystal is required to redeem it.

[Hongchen Sword Qi Skill Book]: A special five-star combat skill, which requires a Hunyuan Crystal to redeem.


[Linglong Dao Physique]: A special physique. After possessing this physique, the speed of practice will be greatly increased. The exchange requires 100 Hunyuan Crystals.

[Bright Moon Sacred Body]: A special physique. After possessing this physique, you will gain beauty, greatly increase your defense and toughness, and gain special resistance. You need 100 Hunyuan Crystals to redeem it.

[Sacred Lotus Body]: A special physique. After possessing this physique, you can activate the secret skill of the Divine Lotus. The exchange requires 100 Hunyuan Crystals.

[Innate Immortal Body]: A special physique. After possessing this physique, you will gain nine tubes of health. The redemption requires 100 Hunyuan Crystals.

[Immortal King Lin Jiutian]: Legendary physique, redemption requires 10000 Hunyuan Crystals.

[Taiyin]: Five-star power, exchange requires 300 Chaotic Source Crystals.

[Giant Ax Greedy Wolf]: Five-star power, redemption requires 300 Hunyuan Crystals.

[Taibaijin Star]: Five-star power, redemption requires 300 Hunyuan Crystals.



There are many products in Hunyuan Mall. Lu Chaoding studied them carefully and felt that there were many good things in them. He was especially interested in various "physical constitutions".

"Linglong Dao Body, Mingyue Sacred Body, Innate Immortal Body... Legendary Physique, Immortal King Lin Jiutian, tsk tsk, this physique requires 10000 Hunyuan Crystals to exchange, 10000 pieces, normal players have to go on this Hongchen Ancient Road You have to go up 10000 steps to save it, but you didn’t even mention the effect. It must be super beneficial!” Lu Chaoding silently calculated that it was not difficult for him to save 100 Hongchen crystals. He only needed to walk steps on the Hongchen ancient road. a step.

Lou Jialan was also studying Hunyuan Mall at this time, and she exclaimed: "You can actually exchange your physique here!"

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he asked her for advice: "Junior sister, can one person have multiple physiques?"

"Huh?" Lou Jialan looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "What do you mean, senior brother? Do you want to exchange for multiple physiques?"

"Yes!" Lu Chao nodded seriously, "Is that okay?"

Lou Jialan shook his head and said: "Of course a person can only have one kind of physique. If he exchanges for a new one, the old one will probably be overwritten. The physiques in Hunyuan Mall are very powerful, and getting any one of them is comparable to a certificate. Do you still want to accept all of Dao Hunyuan’s creation?”

"A person can only have one constitution, what a shame!"

Lu Chaoding was a little disappointed. He had no shortage of Hunyuan crystals. He already had 880 of them. He just couldn't afford the legendary physique [Immortal King Lin Jiutian] from the props in Hunyuan Mall.

He also set a goal for himself, which was to collect Hunyuan Crystals and buy [Immortal King Lin Jiutian].

Lu Chaoding and Lou Jialan then continued to move forward, and soon climbed to the twentieth floor of the stairs.

Here, Lu Chaoding met Lou Jialan's apprentice Li Yanlong.

This player was now a "Hongchen Sword Spirit". She was squatting on a giant sword statue. As soon as she saw Lu Chaoding and Lou Jialan, she immediately cried: "Master, Master, come quickly. Save me, I have become Hongchen Sword Spirit and am trapped here!"

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes and immediately understood what was going on. Li Yanlong must have failed in challenging the Hongchen Sword Spirit. According to the rules of the Hongchen Ancient Road, she would become the Hongchen Sword Spirit and need to defeat other players. Get away.

Lou Jialan ignored Li Yanlong at all. When she was an NPC, she might have cared about this disciple, but now that she was an AI player, she completely ignored Li Yanlong's shouts and just moved forward. She soon found a weak Hongchen Sword Spirit. Fight it with your sword, defeat it and then move on ruthlessly.

"Master, Master, you can't abandon me. I was the one who rescued you in the first place..."

Li Yanlong shouted depressedly

Lu Chaoding came to her and said: "I'm sorry, I can't save you. The reality is cruel, but you have to accept it. Let's meet again by fate."

After saying this, Lu Chao glanced at the Hongchen Sword Spirit next to him, killed him instantly, and then headed towards the twenty-first floor.

He really couldn't save Li Yanlong, and what happened to Li Yanlong also made him understand that it would be a tragedy to be defeated by the Hongchen Sword Spirit on the Hongchen Ancient Road.

There is also the Destiny Platform, Teleportation Sword Monument and Hunyuan Mall on the twenty-first level. To Lu Chaoding's expectation, there is an NPC here.

This NPC has white hair, his name is [Lu Ziya], and he is a level 90 sword god.

He stood in front of Hunyuan Mall. When he saw Lu Chaoding, he immediately saluted and said, "Please help me, fellow Taoist!"

"Huh?" Lu Chaoding looked at the NPC with interest and said, "How can I help?"

"Please help me, fellow Taoist, to buy a realm-breaking bead!"

"Breaking Realm Bead?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the product panel of the Hunyuan Mall. A realm-breaking bead requires 10 Hunyuan crystals to be exchanged. Its effect is to help people lift the restrictions on realms below the Hunyuan realm.

"Is 10 Hunyuan Crystals too many?"

Just when Lu Chaoding was about to refuse [Lu Ziya], he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts and releases a mission: give the mysterious sword god Lu Ziya a realm-breaking bead, and the mission will be rewarded with a realm-breaking bead. ×10, and [Lu Ziya]’s favorability.”

(End of this chapter)

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