Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 251 Lu Ziya

"Mysterious Sword God Lu Ziya?"

When Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt, he immediately realized that the NPC named Lu Ziya in front of him might be an important plot character.

The mission released by the unreliable system this time is very reliable. You can exchange one realm-breaking bead for ten realm-breaking beads and get Lu Ziya's favor. This is a big profit!

Lu Chaoding no longer hesitated and immediately exchanged a realm-breaking bead from Hunyuan Mall and handed it to Lu Ziya.

Lu Ziya was overjoyed. He used the realm-breaking bead on the spot. With a flash of light on his body, his level was immediately raised to level 91. And this was just the beginning. The light on his body kept flickering, and his final level reached level 120!

At this time, Lu Chaoding also got ten realm-breaking beads. He was very happy in his heart. Although these things were useless to him, they were super treasures for ordinary players and he could use them to earn favors.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!"

At this moment, Lu Ziya bowed to Lu Chao and said: "In the past countless years, I have met many strong people on this ancient Hongchen Road, but only fellow Taoists have the ability and tolerance to be willing to Give me a Hongchen Pearl. Today, Lu Yazi has received the kindness of Taoist friends and has broken through the bottleneck. I have nothing to repay. I am willing to share one of the Hongchen Ancient Road with my Taoist friends... Oh no, ten secrets! Hey, I actually know ten secrets! "

"What secret?"

Lu Chaoding asked curiously.

Lu Ziya said: "I think my fellow Taoist is also a destined person. He should have met the hidden Hongchen Sword Spirit. Otherwise, it would not be possible to exchange for the Realm Breaking Bead here. To be honest, I am the thirteenth of Hongchen Taoist Ancestor." Disciple, this Hongchen Ancient Road was originally Master’s Taoist temple, and it is also a magic weapon. After Master transformed into Taoism, it turned into a secret realm and gave blessings to the world. Unfortunately, I have limited qualifications and low strength, so I am trapped in this ancient road. Above..."

"Ancestor Hongchen? What kind of existence is this?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help scratching his head. He knew that Hongchen Taoist Master was Lou Jialan's master and the guardian of the Hongchen Ancient Road. Now he heard that Hongchen Taoist Master seemed to be a more powerful existence.

Lu Ziya continued: "The first secret I want to share with fellow Taoists is... I was inspired by Master to become the spirit of the Hongchen Ancient Road. I cannot leave the Hongchen Ancient Road, but now I am on the Hongchen Ancient Road. I can walk freely on the first 1,200 steps. This is my top secret. It is impossible for ordinary people to tell it. I regard my Taoist friends as my confidants and I will tell you frankly. Please keep it a secret for me and don’t tell anyone else."

"Oh well."

Lu Chao nodded, wondering what use this "secret" would be for him.

"Fellow Taoist knows that I am a weapon spirit, so you can summon me anywhere in the first 1,200 steps of the Hongchen Ancient Road. To summon me, you need to stomp three feet on the ground and shout my name, and I will appear quickly. This is considered the third step. Two secrets!"

Lu Ziya slowed down and said: "The third secret is that I have certain management rights over the weapon spirits on the Hongchen Ancient Road. The main thing is to transfer and release them. Except for a few special and hidden Hongchen sword spirits, I can't Outside of control, I can adjust the positions of ordinary Hongchen Sword Spirits or let them go, but of course, this is only limited to the Hongchen Sword Spirits on the first 1,200 steps."

Lu Chaoding thought in his mind and said: "With such ability, wouldn't Brother Ziya be able to give the green light to those who enter the Hongchen Ancient Road and ensure that they can pass the first thousand, two hundred steps smoothly?"

"Green light? What do you mean?"

"The hometown dialect means that it is all the way!"

Lu Ziya nodded and said: "Based on my relationship with fellow Taoist, I will arrange suitable Hongchen Sword Spirit for fellow Taoist in the future. Fellow Taoist only needs to follow my instructions to challenge, and I will ensure that fellow Taoist can pass through safely." One thousand two hundred levels! How about it? If it were someone else other than fellow Taoist, I wouldn’t care!"

"That's great." Lu Chao smiled and waved his hands, "But with my current strength, I probably don't need Brother Ziya to worry about me. I can basically kill Hongchen Sword Spirit!"

"Fellow Taoist's strength is indeed extraordinary."

"Can Brother Ziya also release the Hongchen Sword Spirit?" Lu Chao thought of Li Yanlong who had transformed into the Hongchen Sword Spirit, and wanted to give her a hand, so he asked: "Can you ask Ziya to release the twentieth-level sword spirit?" "Sword Spirit Li Yanlong." "Sword Spirit Li Yanlong?" Lu Ziya said, "Since my fellow Taoist has spoken, I will take back the Hunyuan Crystal she obtained and let her go. However, she will leave the Hongchen Ancient Road and enter After Sword World Twelve States, her level will drop a lot and her skills will be downgraded.”

"It doesn't matter, just let her go!"

"it is good!"

Lu Ziya stretched his hand into the void, and a small sword slowly appeared. There were complex patterns on the small sword. From a distance, it looked like a piece of talisman paper.

This strange little sword quickly sank into the void. Lu Ziya seemed to have released Li Yanlong. He continued: "The fourth secret, what other secrets are there? Yes, there is a special one on the 66th floor. Hongchen Sword Spirit's name is Li Feixian. He rarely appears on weekdays. If a fellow Taoist feels that he is strong enough, he can be summoned in front of him by pointing to the sky and shouting "Li Feixian" three times on the 66th floor. , and by defeating Li Feixian, you can get thirty Hunyuan Crystals.''

"Hey, this information is somewhat useful!"

Lu Chaoding immediately wrote it down.

Lu Ziya continued: "There is also a hidden sword spirit on the 99th step, named 'Li Husheng'. You can summon it by pointing to the sky and shouting his name four times. After defeating Li Husheng, you can I got fifty Hunyuan crystals and a red blood sword."

"On the 111th floor, there is the hidden sword spirit Ziwu Ghost Mother..."

"On the 222nd floor, there is the hidden sword spirit Yuren Gu Yue..."

"On the 365th floor, there is the hidden sword spirit Tianyou King sealed by my master himself..."

"On the 666th floor, there is a Heaven-cutting Sword. It is a six-star universal weapon. You need to defeat six Hongchen Sword Spirits in order to get it..."

"On the 999th floor, there is a hidden inheritance of the Immortal Sword God, which can be found under a red sword tablet..."

Lu Ziya mentioned six "secrets" in one breath, teaching Lu Chaoding to realize that there are really many opportunities on this ancient road.

"The above are ten secrets. I hope they can be useful to fellow Taoists. If everything goes well, we will meet again at level 1200!"

When Lu Ziya said this, he clasped his hands together, smiled slightly, and then quickly disappeared.

"See you at level 1200? Is there another plot there?"

If Lu Chaoding realized something, he didn't waste time anymore. He moved forward quickly and soon caught up with Lou Jialan. Then it took him half a day to reach the 1200th section of the Hongchen Ancient Road. Layers of stairs.

When he came here, he saw Lu Ziya again, and besides Lu Ziya, there were nine NPCs sitting cross-legged here. All of these nine NPCs were level 120 beings.

(End of this chapter)

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