Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 252 True Lord Xuan Sha

When Lu Chaoding appeared above the 1200th level, nine level 120 NPCs stood up at the same time. They looked at Lu Chaoding. Some had serious faces, some seemed to be curious, some had expressionless faces, and some had gloomy faces. .

"The old man transforming energy, the crazy old swordsman, the Meitan sword master, the corpse sword ghost, the praying sword fairy..."

Lu Chaoding could see the simple information of nine NPCs. They were not simple. Any one of them placed in the twelve states of Sword Realm could stir up a storm.

When Lu Ziya saw Lu Chaoding appear, he stepped forward with a smile on his face and said, "My friend, you are really here!"

Lu Chaoding laughed and said, "It's necessary!"

He then raised his hands and said to everyone: "I'm the Supreme Demon, the Reliable Sword Immortal, Lu Chaoding, and I would like to say hello to you all!"

No one responded.

Lu Chaoding didn't feel embarrassed. Before he came to Hunyuan Mall, he had accumulated a large amount of Hunyuan crystals along the way, which was enough to exchange for a physique like [Immortal King Lin Jiutian].

Lu Ziya thought to himself next to him and said: "This step up belongs to the road of Hunyuan. It is not under my control. Once you step on it, it is difficult to turn back. You will either reach the end or you will be trapped in it, my friend. Don’t move forward in a hurry, you can discuss things with the gentlemen here, and maybe you can gain a little more strength!”

Lu Chao nodded and said, "I originally planned to take a rest here!"

As he spoke, he had successfully redeemed the legendary physique [Immortal King Lin Jiutian] that ordinary players would have to go through 100,000 levels to redeem.

"Ding, the exchange is successful, congratulations on getting the legendary physique [Immortal King Jiutian]!"

"Ding, system error, start the repair program, the system is being repaired..."

Suddenly, above the heads of Lu Chaoding and everyone, a bright hole opened in the sky. A dazzling golden light came out of the hole, and suddenly lightning burst out from it, striking Lu Chaoding directly.


There was smoke coming from Lu Chao's head that was struck. He was stunned, feeling numb all over his body, and as if a immobilization spell had been cast on him. He was unable to move or use any skills.

"System repair, thunder and lightning? No, right..."

Lu Chaoding quickly remembered what happened when he received the inheritance of the top ten sword immortals, and felt bad.

Then, more lightning condensed from the sky and bombarded Lu Chaoding.

Boom boom boom boom boom…

Lu Chaoding was trembling constantly as he was hit by the blast. The powerful thunder even affected the Hongchen Ancient Road, causing the ground to shake.

Lu Ziya was shocked and said: "What happened? Who is actually bombarding the Hongchen Ancient Road!"

He raised his head to the sky, his expression suddenly changed, and he slapped his forehead fiercely, and his body quickly sank into the ground, as if he had used the earth escape technique, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The other nine level 120 NPCs stood still, maintaining the posture and expression they had a moment ago, as if they had also been cast on a body-holding spell.

"Ding, occasionally the system starts unreliably, protect the running of the host program!"

"Ding, host, please continue to accept system lightning strikes. Occasionally, the unreliable system is looking for loopholes in the order system for you and rewriting the protection plan!"

"Ding, rewrite the protection plan by 10%, 20%, 30%..."

"Ding, the rewrite failed! Please continue to accept the lightning strike of the host. The occasionally unreliable system is working hard to calculate an asylum plan for you..."

"Ding, it's detected that the system enforcer is about to arrive!"

"Ding, we are lifting the movement restrictions for you!"

"Ding, the lift is successful. For a short period of time, you cannot escape the system lightning strike and cannot move, but you can use skills! The occasionally unreliable system has tried its best and continues to calculate the shelter plan for you. Please persist before the shelter plan is generated. Don't die!"

"Ding, please be aware that the system enforcers are coming..." "The enforcers are coming at this time!" Lu Chaoding shouted depressedly. He withstood the lightning strike and tried to raise his head, and saw the bright light coming from the sky. In the crack, a golden figure slowly descended.

The figure seemed to have a sun inside its body, emitting dazzling golden light.

[True Lord Xuansha: Level 180 at the peak of Hunyuan Realm, Yuwai Sword Cultivator...]

Lu Chaoding could only see the person's name and level, and he suddenly felt cold.

"Good guys! All the masters at the top of Chaotic Source Realm are here! I won't fall into trouble here today, right? Sooner or later I will be killed by the unreliable system. If you fight hard, give me my eyes and my sword!"

Lu Chaoding could not move at this time, but he could already use skills. As soon as he thought, 3000 sword shadows appeared around him. Those sword shadows expanded rapidly, and they quickly opened their eyes on the sword body, becoming Jianmu.

Those sword eyes quickly flew towards the law enforcers in mid-air.

At this time, the law enforcer shouted loudly: "The Nine Heavens Mysterious Evil has turned into divine thunder, and with its brilliant power, my sword will lead it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, boom boom boom boom...

Countless thunders fell from the sky, just like heavy rain washing over the earth, instantly presenting a scene of destruction.

Lu Chaoding's three thousand sword eyes were wiped out instantly, and the thunder fell to the ground, shaking the ancient Hongchen Road. Lu Chaoding and the nine level 120 NPCs were attacked at the same time.

"What kind of thunder is this? The damage is so high! Who can withstand this?"

Lu Chao was shocked. His health was dropping by billions.

And the thunder continued, getting stronger and stronger.

Not long after, there was a bang.

Not far from Lu Chaoding, a level 120 NPC was blown up and died on the spot.

Soon, another level 120 NPC exploded under the lightning strike.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth...

These level 120 masters, who could be called legends in the Twelve States of the Sword World, were just like ants at the moment, without the slightest resistance. In less than ten minutes, they were all wiped out!

"Sorry for causing trouble for you!"

Lu Chao said something, but suddenly calmed down at this moment.

"The law enforcer in mid-air is undoubtedly the strongest opponent I have encountered so far. In my current state, I am afraid I won't be able to defeat him. Choosing to fight is definitely not a wise move. If I want to survive, I can only rely on occasional The system is unreliable, so what I have to do now is to buy time for it, or in other words, try to delay it as much as possible. At this time, I can’t rely on martial arts, I have to rely on my mouth..."

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding suddenly burst into laughter. He shouted to the sky with all his strength: "Zhenjun Xuansha, you don't follow martial ethics and take advantage of others' danger. How can you be a hero? Do you have the guts to fight fair with me? war!"

The thunder boomed, drowning out Lu Chaoding's shouting, but True Lord Xuansha heard it in the air.

"Skywalker, Super Sword Immortal, Lu Chaoding, I am destined to kill you here, why should I fight you fairly?"

True Lord Xuansha's voice fell like thunder from the sky.

Lu Chaoding laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "Old man, if you don't dare, you just don't dare. Whatever excuse you have, just use all your abilities. Grandpa will take care of them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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