Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 253 Ten Thousand Levels

"Arrogant! Die!"

True Lord Xuansha appeared in mid-air. He was a tall man with long silver hair and a cold face. With a flick of his sleeves, countless thunderbolts appeared around him, turning into sword shapes and pointing in the distance. Lu Chao top.

"Wait a minute, hero, don't worry!" Lu Chaoding quickly gave in and shouted: "You are so powerful, I can't beat you, but can you let me know for sure!"

True Lord Xuansha pinched his sword finger and shouted: "What do you want to understand?"

Lu Chao said: "You said you were destined to kill me. I want to know what destiny is?"

"Destiny is destiny! Just die in peace!"

"Wait a minute, you don't know that I know!" Lu Chao shouted, "I know what destiny is, and I also know how to get rid of destiny. Do you want to get rid of destiny? If you want to get rid of destiny, you can't kill me!"

"Wild Miao!"

True Lord Xuansha obviously didn't believe it. He pointed his finger downwards, and countless thunderbolts exploded on Lu Chaoding, forming a huge dazzling ball of light.

When the bombing was over, Lu Chao drooped his head, and the blood bar on his head was black, but the system's lightning strikes were still bombarding him, making him tremble.

True Lord Xuansha fell in front of Lu Chaoding, frowned, and shouted: "Pretending to be dead? Huh, do you want to get away with it in front of me?"

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves, and countless thunder flashed and condensed around him.

Lu Chaoding quickly raised his head and said with a playful smile: "Wait, just kidding, don't take action yet, I have another move called Black Cloud Formation!"

"You have no chance!"

True Lord Xuansha pointed his right index finger at Lu Chaoding like lightning. Lu Chaoding felt a pain in his head, and then received a system prompt: "Ding, you have been imprisoned!"

"Ding, your secret skill Black Cloud Formation has been stripped away and the corresponding skill book is damaged!"

"Ding, your secret skill Pan Tough Treasure Body was stripped off and the corresponding skill book was damaged!"

"Ding, your combat skill Fiery Wings has been stripped off, and the corresponding skill book is damaged!"


System prompts kept ringing in Lu Chaoding's ears, and his skills were stripped off one by one. In the end, only the skills of the Super Sword Immortal Super Top Eyes Swordsmanship System were left.

Lu Chaoding didn't feel bad at all. After all, his attributes were based on realm thresholds, so he didn't have to worry if he didn't have the blessings of these skills.

True Lord Xuansha stopped his hand, and Lu Chaoding could speak again. He thought of Li Hongtian's ending, and said quickly: "My hero, spare your life! You don't know something. I am innocent. It's all the fault of the bad chicken system. You Let me live and I will help you escape your destiny. Trust me, you won’t regret it!”

"Away from destiny, hahahaha, what a joke!"

True Lord Xuansha laughed, but his movements paused for a moment.

Just after this pause, three thousand sword eyes immediately appeared around Lu Chaoding. These sword eyes were staring at True Lord Xuansha. Damage numbers immediately appeared on True Lord Xuansha's head, and his maximum health value appeared. It began to decrease rapidly.

"Ding, you have been locked by the system and cannot pull the target into the battle space!"

"Huh?" Lu Chaoding felt a sense of despair when he heard this system prompt. He wanted to pull True Lord Xuansha into the battle space. If he could succeed, he thought that with the speed of his Hunyuan realm threshold, You can also tangle with True Lord Xuansha.

But now, he can't be dragged into the fighting space.

"It's over, I'm really going to be punished by the system this time! Success is unreliable, and failure is unreliable. If there was no unreliable system, what would I do now?"

Lu Chaoding sighed. He felt that he would not be famous for long, and he was a little unwilling. He thought that if he was pressed to death this time, he would be like Li Hongtian, stuffed into a secret realm by the system, never to see the light of day again, and suffer. After tens of thousands of years, will he still be deprived of the occasionally unreliable system and turn into an ordinary player, or will he just die once and for all? “No, I can’t give up. Whenever there is a chance, I have to fight for it!”

Lu Chao thought about this and shouted loudly: "Lu Ziya! Where is Lu Ziya? Treat me as a brother, come out and save me!"

After this shout, Hongchen Ancient Road shook violently, and then a large number of Hongchen Sword Spirits appeared from the void, roaring and attacking True Lord Xuansha.


True Lord Xuansha frowned, and his body flashed with light, bursting out countless bolts of lightning. While those lightnings destroyed Lu Chaoding's three thousand sword eyes, they also killed a large number of Hongchen sword spirits.

However, the Hongchen Sword Spirits were not wiped out. Three of them still existed. They each held their swords and waved sword lights. Suddenly, with a bang, Zhenjun Xuansha and the three sword spirits disappeared at the same time, and a huge battle flag appeared. Then appeared in front of Lu Chaoding.

"My friend!"

A deep voice suddenly sounded, and Lu Ziya poked his head out from the ground.

Lu Chaoding was shocked and his eyes shone with light.

"Alas!" Lu Ziya sighed and said: "My friend, why did you offend such a master? He can break through the void, directly kill the Hongchen Ancient Road, and even interfere with the laws of the Hongchen Ancient Road. He is definitely among the masters. A master like this, the Hongchen Sword Spirit below level 1200 cannot stop him! My friend, I have violated my principles for you and brought destruction to the Hongchen Ancient Road. My vitality has been severely damaged and my lifespan has been shortened!"

Lu Chaoding said excitedly: "Good brothers, let's say nothing more. We will never forget each other even if we are rich or noble!"

"Alas, we still don't know whether we can survive!"

Lu Ziya retracted into the ground.

Lu Chao looked up at the huge battle flag in front of him and muttered: "Sometimes the system is unreliable, so you have to work hard!"

After saying that, he used his skills again, releasing three thousand sword eyes in front of him, and condensed another huge sword eye.

These sword eyes of his are naturally vulnerable in front of True Lord Xuansha, but they can also bring some trouble to True Lord Xuansha.

After a moment, the huge battle flag shattered, and True Lord Xuansha reappeared. Lu Chaoding had been paying attention to him, and Chaoding's gaze sword technique was activated, causing damage numbers to appear crazily on True Lord Xuansha's head.

"Little tricks!"

True Lord Xuansha snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and all of Lu Chaoding's sword eyes were wiped out again.

"Oh! I still can't stop it!"

Lu Chaoding sighed, a little disappointed, but pretended to be calm, and shouted: "Zhenjun Xuansha, don't be proud! I am the Supreme Demon and the Supreme Sword Immortal. I am bound now and cannot beat you. Just enter the fighting space, otherwise you will be dead! If you have the ability, don’t take advantage of others’ danger. Wait until I get out of trouble before fighting. Do you dare?”

True Lord Xuansha snorted coldly, unwilling to reply at all, and stretched out his hand to tap Lu Chao's forehead.

With a buzzing sound and a solid tap of his fingertips, Lu Chaoding felt a pain in the middle of his eyebrows. The next moment, the entire space and time seemed to have stopped, including the system sky thunder that bombarded Lu Chaoding, also stagnant in mid-air.

But a little light flew out from Lu Chao's head.

"Is this destiny?"

True Lord Xuansha looked at the light spot with a thoughtful look on his face.

But quickly, the light point flew back into Lu Chaoding's body. At the same time, Lu Chaoding also received a system prompt: "Ding, occasionally unreliable system startup, the protection process has been completed, congratulations to the player for obtaining the legendary physique Immortal King Jiutian , and at the same time you will be transported to the 100,000th level of the Hongchen Ancient Road!"

(End of this chapter)

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