Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 256 Public Enemy of the Universe

"The holder of the fragment of the Arcane Throne!"

Lu Chaoding looked forward according to the system's guidance and found a tall mecha with red light all over it.

"LV99 Mecha Evil God Palachi!"

The tall mecha had a snake-shaped head. It was different from other evil god mechas. After feeling Lu Chaoding's gaze, blue flames suddenly spurted out from behind him, and then the entire mecha flew toward him at an extremely fast speed. Rush towards the exit of the distant palace.

However, he could not escape Lu Chaoding's gaze. He twisted his body just in front of Kedarin, turned into a point of light, and then disappeared, exploding a large amount of loot.

"Oh my God, another instant kill! The Super Sword Immortal is truly the strongest evil god, so powerful!"

Kedarin exclaimed, her eyes almost shining as she stared at the items dropped by the Mecha Evil God Parachi.

Lu Chaoding slowly came to the pair of trophies, squatted down to search, and quickly found [Fragment of the Arcane Throne (99)], and then a light flashed from his body, and the [Fragment of the Arcane Throne (99)] 】It suddenly disappeared as if it evaporated.

This is when Lu Chaoding used the "synchronization" function to synchronize the items of his mind clone to the hands of his main body at the 100,000th level of the Hongchen Ancient Road.

Such synchronization is actually similar to teleportation.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding's consciousness also switched to his true body. He looked at the fragment of the Arcane Throne in his hand, feeling a little excited in his heart.

"It is indeed a legendary physique. The skills attached to this Immortal King Lin Jiutian are so useful!"

An idea suddenly came to Lu Chaoding's mind. He wanted to leave a legend in each game plane by descending a clone of his mind, leaving a "Dare Sword Immortal" in existence. He thought that would be very interesting.

Next, Lu Chaoding tested the "synchronization function" many times. He found that he could only transfer the items of the clone to the main body, or synchronize the status to the main body. However, this process was irreversible, that is, the items or status of the main body could not be synchronized to the main body. Over there with the clone.

To put it simply, the main body can only benefit.

After switching his consciousness to the body of "Judao Sword Immortal" again, Lu Chaoding saw Kedarin standing in front of him and said quickly: "Great Jingdao Sword Immortal, do you want to bloodbath the Machine Emperor Temple? ?Why are you doing this? Can you reveal to us the plot of the Machine Emperor Temple? Some people say that the Machine Emperor Temple is the heart of the great Machine Emperor. The deepest secret of the Machine Emperor Universe is hidden here. Is that so? ? Some people say that evil gods are all born from the body of the Machine Emperor. Is this true? Are you also born from the body of the Machine Emperor? "

Lu Chaoding was confused by the question.

How does he know the plot of the Machine Emperor Universe?

"I will not tell you!"

Lu Chaoding replied with a dull expression, and then continued to attack the Mecha Evil God.

He didn't care about the materials dropped by the evil mecha gods. He slaughtered them just for the sake of pleasure. He left Kedarin beside him and enjoyed her worship, making her a witness to the incomparable power of the Dare Sword Immortal.

And with Lu Chaoding's current methods, none of the Mecha Evil Gods in this huge hall could be his enemy at a glance.

Half an hour later, there was only one Mecha Evil God left in the Mecha Emperor Temple.

This mecha evil god is named She Mi Le, and his level is as high as 100. He looks like a Buddha statue, sitting cross-legged, with sixteen arms behind him, fan-shaped distributed behind him, holding different handprints, and two normal arms. With his arms and hands clasped together in front of him, his metal earlobes are very long and rest on his chest. There are red dots between his eyebrows. He has a lumpy pineapple hair style on his head. He is sitting cross-legged with a metal circle placed across his knees. Great.

The reason why this mechanical evil god is not dead yet is because there is a light blue protective shield outside his body. The protective shield protects him from Lu Chaoding's gaze and sword skills.

But under Lu Chaoding's gaze, the color of the mask became lighter and lighter, and it looked like he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"Evil God!"

Mecha Evil God She Miele suddenly opened his eyes, with golden light shining from his eye sockets. He stared at Lu Chaoding and asked, "Where does your power come from?"

"Hey, you can actually talk?"

Lu Chao became interested. In his opinion, this mecha evil god She Miele was obviously smarter than all the mecha evil gods he had killed before.

Before Lu Chaoding could answer, Mecha Evil God She Miele said again: "Your power does not come from the Mecha King. Who are you?"

Lu Chaoding said casually: "I dare to be the swordsman!"

"Dare you dare to be a Sword Immortal?" A trace of confusion appeared on the face of the Mecha Evil God She Mi Le, "The Mecha Emperor's old age is unknown, and he slept in the empty void. Twelve original evil god symbionts were born in his body, and the twelve evil god symbionts multiplied, split, and mutated. , evolution has lasted 3600 years, and there are a total of evil gods...How dare the Sword Immortal not be among them!"

Hearing this, Lu Chaoding realized clearly that the Mecha Evil God She Miele in front of him was definitely a very important plot character. What he just said had brought out many important secrets of the Machine Emperor universe, such as what happened to the Machine Emperor in his later years. Unknown, the twelve original evil gods are its symbionts, there are 3600 evil gods in total, and so on.

However, these have nothing to do with Lu Chaoding, and his interest is not very great. However, he still cannot kill the mecha evil god She Mi Le, so he continued chatting with him: "What's wrong with not being among them? Is there any problem?"

"There's a problem!" Mecha Evil God She Miele said, "According to the ancient prophecy, when all the evil gods fall, the Mecha Emperor will wake up and use his incomparably majestic body to face his destined enemy, which is also the destruction of the world. Or. Could it be that you are the destined enemy of the Machine Emperor in the prophecy? The destroyer of the world?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right!" Lu Chao smiled. He just had the mentality of fooling around and continued: "I am the destroyer of the world, the destined enemy of the Machine Emperor. How dare you be the Sword Immortal? Am I awesome?"

The body of Mecha Evil God She Miele began to tremble, and he said: "Sure enough! Now in the name of the Twelve Original Evil Gods She Miele, I will spread the name of the God of Swordsman to the universe. From now on, you will be all evil gods. The common enemy of all creatures in this universe.”

At this moment, all players in the Machine King Universe received a system prompt: "Ding, the original evil god She Mi Le has released a plot mission: The World Destroyer Dare Sword Immortal appears and is marked as a public enemy of the universe. Kill it to obtain all the evil gods. respect and gratitude.”

"What? How dare the Sword Immortal be the destroyer of worlds!"

"A mission issued by the original evil god!"

"Is this mission reliable?"

"Tsk, tsk, the public enemy of the universe!"

"Can you gain the respect and gratitude of all the evil gods by killing the daredevil swordsman?"

"No wonder Dare Sword Immortal is so powerful, it turns out he is the destroyer of worlds!"

"Who knows the plot? How dare the World Destroyer Sword Immortal be the final BOSS!"

"No, the destroyers of the world are here!"

"It turns out that the Sword Immortal is the destroyer of the world!"

"I've seen him before!"

"Haha, it turns out that I was beaten to death by the Destroyer of Worlds at that time. It's not a shame!"

"Isn't the Sword Immortal a player?"

"Please ask for the coordinates of the Jingdao Sword Immortal..."

Countless players discussed it.

Kedarin, who was driving the live broadcast, was stunned. She looked at Lu Chaoding's back and muttered: "Old fellows, the Destroyer of the World is right in front of you. It's so scary. Send me a small gift to calm down the shock!" " Anchor, go kill him!"

"It is recommended to capture him alive!"

"Hold on, anchor, we're going to rescue you right now!"

"How dare you dare to fight the Sword Immortal in a group fight, is anyone here?"

"When all the evil gods fall, the Machine King will wake up. Isn't anyone paying attention to such important plot information?"

"It turns out that there are 3600 evil gods in total. How many are left now? What's the story about the Destroyer of Worlds?"

"So which side are we going to stand on? Are we going to be on the same team as all the evil gods in the universe, and were we colluding with the Jingdare Sword Immortal?"

"I just want to know if all the evil gods have been killed, will the Machine Emperor really revive?"

Comments on the barrage in Kedarin's live broadcast room came out quickly.

Lu Chaoding did not receive this system prompt. He was a little confused at this time and said "That's it", and the mask outside the body of Mecha Evil God She Miele finally broke.

The next moment, the original evil god was thrust into the special battle space by Lu Chaoding's gaze. In less than a minute, a small pile of items appeared in front of Lu Chaoding.

"Ding, system announcement: All the evil mecha gods in the Machine Emperor Temple have been eliminated, the original evil god She Miele has fallen, the relevant tasks are forcibly terminated, and the plot of the Machine Emperor Temple is advancing."

"Ding, system announcement: All Mecha Evil Gods in the Machine King Temple have been eliminated, and there are no longer guards at the entrance to the Empty Void. All players can enter the Empty Void through the entrance to the Empty Void in the Machine Emperor Temple!"

"Ding, system notification: The Evil God Captain, the Evil God Gunslinger, the Evil God Cannon King, and the Evil God Pilot are rushing to the Machine King Temple and are expected to arrive in 24 hours!"

Lu Chaoding could hear the system announcements like broadcasts. His expression was indifferent, but he was a little proud in his heart.

"Are the Evil God Captain, Evil God Gunslinger, Evil God Cannon King, and Evil God Pilot the four big BOSSs? Are they forming a team to attack me? Haha, I'll wait for them here!"

While he was talking, Lu Chaoding noticed that among the items dropped by the mecha evil god She Miele in front of him, there was a metal stick that was glowing and looked very high-end.

"Hey, isn't this the stick that Mecha Evil God She Miele put on his knees? It actually fell out, let's see what it is!"

Lu Chaoding picked up the stick and immediately saw its attribute information.

[Fragments of the Machine Emperor's Saint Cloth (1): The Machine Emperor's Saint Cloth is the main plane artifact of the Machine Emperor's universe. There are 33 fragments in total. All fragments can be collected to synthesize the Machine Emperor's Saint Cloth! 】

"The Holy Cloth of the Machine King? It would be good to collect the main artifacts of the plane!"

Lu Chaoding immediately used the synchronization function to send the fragments of the Machine Emperor's Holy Clothes to his main body.

At this time, Kedarin came to Lu Chaoding again and asked: "Great enemy of the universe, destroyer of the world, Mr. Dare Sword Immortal, do you still want the loot here?"


When Lu Chaoding heard this, he glanced around. Every mecha evil god he killed dropped a small pile of trophies. However, very few of these trophies were valued by Lu Chaoding. Too lazy to pick it up.

"No! If you want, just pick it up!"

Lu Chaoding said generously.

Kedarin was ecstatic when she heard this and said: "Praise you, the great one dares to be a swordsman!"

After saying that, she quickly went to collect the trophies and turned off the live broadcast.

After this live broadcast, countless players who watched the live broadcast were unwilling to do so.

"Damn it, Kedarin is rich this time!"

"So many good things, cheap anchor!"

"Get out of the way, everyone, don't block the way, I'm going to the Machine King Temple!"

"Hurry up, maybe you can still grab some loot!"

"Damn it, why don't you dare the Sword Immortal to kill Kedarin..."

A large number of players from the Machine Emperor Universe immediately rushed to the Machine Emperor Temple. Apart from Kedarin, the first person to arrive at the Machine Emperor Temple was not a player, but a man wearing a bloody dress and wearing a swan on his head. A tall lady wearing a hat and dressed like a lady.

She is not a player, but the evil god Alice.

With a smile on her face, Alice said to Lu Chaoding as soon as she entered the Machine Emperor Temple: "My friend, Dare Sword Immortal, I never thought I would see you again!"

As she spoke, she raised her finger, and a red light flew out from her fingertips, piercing through Kedarin's body with a pop. The happy female player who was picking up treasures uttered an ouch, and her health bar was empty. The next moment, It turned into light and disappeared.

"How can a little player deserve to enjoy this treasure?"

With an evil smile on her face, Alice waved her hand again, and a blood-colored light curtain sealed the entrance to the Machine King Temple.

"Vampire Prince Alice, oh no, I should call you Evil God Alice now!"

Lu Chaoding looked at Alice. He was still very impressed with this NPC. She could be regarded as the hidden BOSS of Nut Fortress. She had an extraordinary relationship with the Weeping Angel of Nut Fortress. When he left the Nut Secret Realm, She has awakened.

"Wrong, you should call me player Alice, you know, I have awakened!"

Alice smiled and bowed to Lu Chao, and then said: "My friend, I really didn't expect that you are so powerful that you actually wiped out all the evil mecha gods in the Mecha Emperor Temple. However, my friend, you also If you cause trouble, run away quickly before the four evil gods arrive!"

"The Four Evil Gods? Could it be the Evil God of the Captain, the Evil God of the Gun King, the Evil God of the Guns, and the Evil God of the Pilot!"

"Yes, it's them! The four of them are the original evil gods. They are very powerful. They can almost be said to be the strongest combat power in the Machine King universe. She Miele cannot compare with it. Although you can wipe out the Machine King Temple, but There is a high probability that you still won’t be able to defeat them, so leave early to avoid suffering any losses!”

"It's okay, I'm not afraid!"

Lu Chao smiled. He was only controlling a clone now. When the clone died, it would have no effect on the main body. He could recreate it at will, so he was naturally not afraid of anything.

"Aren't you afraid?" Alice looked a little more serious, "My friend, I know that there is a different power of the system in your body, and it was the power of that system that made me awaken, but I want to tell you, the four The Great Evil God not only has powerful combat power, but also has authority granted by the system. Don’t be careless, be careful as they dig out the power of the system from your body!”

"Dig out the power of the system from my body?"

Lu Chaoding was shocked when he heard this. He remembered that True Monarch Xuansha had briefly peeled off his occasionally unreliable system with one finger. At this time, he actually had a strange expectation and said: "If they really have that ability, come and come." , I’m still not afraid!” (End of chapter)

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