Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 257 The Four Original Evil Gods

Occasionally unreliable systems are Lu Chaoding's reliance, but now they are also the source of Lu Chaoding's fear.

Because he is the host, the game system will target him and send more and more powerful law enforcers to enforce sanctions. Combined with Li Hongtian's experience, Lu Chaoding feels that if the unreliable system is occasionally separated from his body, then he will be separated. Yes, it’s not a bad thing!
Anyway, he is strong enough now. Without the time bomb of an occasionally unreliable system, he can be more relaxed.

Alice didn't understand Lu Chaoding's thoughts. She felt that Lu Chaoding was a little arrogant, so she once again persuaded him to run away.

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry, but he sat cross-legged on the ground and asked Alice about the plot of the Machine King Universe.

Alice was a little helpless, but she slowly said something.

According to her, the birth of the Machine Emperor Universe was because of the Machine Emperor. The Machine Emperor was a powerful unknown creature. He fell into a deep sleep due to unknown reasons. At the same time, his body mutated and evolved into the Machine Emperor Universe. There was something in the Machine Emperor's body. The twelve parasites absorbed part of his power and became the twelve original evil gods. These twelve evil gods are also the twelve big bosses of the Machine King universe, and each one has an important plot.

In addition, another part of the Machine King's power turned into the Machine Emperor's Holy Cloth. Alice speculated that this Machine King's Holy Cloth was a set of fashionable battle clothes. The four original evil gods all had fragments of this holy cloth, so they were stronger than other evil gods. Stronger.

"The Mechanical Emperor's holy armor is a set of costumes? This is good, it feels a bit like the ultimate artifact!"

Lu Chaoding wants to collect all the Machine Emperor's Holy Clothes.

"The ultimate artifact?" Alice shook her head helplessly, "How dare you, Sword Immortal, my friend, just listen to me, it's still too late to escape now!"

"How dare I, the Sword Immortal, run away?" Lu Chao said with a smile, "My friend, the evil god Alice, you have to have confidence in me. There are only four primitive evil gods, and they do not pose any threat to me at all. Just stand here and watch me kill them!"

"My friend, why are you so confident?"

"Because I am the enemy of the universe!"

"Hey, you are still so proud! That's all, I'll just stay here for a while and see what you are capable of!"

Alice shook her head, with a complicated look on her face.

She always felt that the "Dare Sword Immortal" in front of her was a bit unreliable and worried that he would kill her. But if he was really powerful and could kill the four original evil gods, that would be a great thing. If you are by your side, you will definitely gain huge benefits.

With this thought in mind, Alice did not leave the Machine King Temple, and Lu Chaoding looked fearless, looking forward to the arrival of the four original evil gods soon.

A moment later, a tall figure entered the Machine King Temple.

This figure is quite strange, like a holographic projection, 80% transparent. He has a human shape, with digital symbols flowing vertically around his body, floating, and a halo under his feet. He is bare-chested, has a well-proportioned and muscular body, and his skin has silver metal Texture, with a roulette wheel composed of various bullets behind it.

[Gun God Kuhl: LV150, the original evil god? ? ? ? 】

Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up. He saw the attribute information of the tall figure, and then he found that there was a blood-red crosshair on his body.

"Ding, you have been targeted by Gun God Kull!"

"Ding, warning, the range of Gun God Kull covers the entire Machine King Universe. Its attacks are not blocked by ordinary obstacles. Once the target is locked, it can hit through the air."

"Good guy, the range covers the entire Machine King universe, and it can hit through the air!"

Lu Chao said sincerely that Gunslinger Kull was worthy of being the big boss, but instead of being surprised, he took the initiative to greet him and spoke first: "Gunshen Kull, hello, I am the public enemy of the universe and how dare I be a swordsman, hurry up , beat me to death, or be beaten to death by me!"

While speaking, he used his gaze sword technique without any scruples.

Immediately, the damage number appeared on the top of the head of the gun god Kuhl, but the suppression effect of the gaze sword technique was not triggered. The gun god stood still. He looked at Lu Chaoding calmly and said: "Okay A public enemy of the universe, are you an invader from other planes, or a carrier of the Machine Emperor’s will?”

"you guess!"

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, and then used the extraordinary giant sword technique.

His extraordinary giant sword skill is already a skill in the Super Sword Immortal's Super Top Vision Sword Skill System. Once activated, a giant sword appeared in the Machine Emperor Temple. A crack opened on the blade of the giant sword. Then it turned into a strange-looking vertical eye. This vertical eye was directly locked on the Gun God Kuhl, and there was a reflection of the Gun God Kuhl in its pupil.

The body of the gun god Kuhl trembled. He raised his head and looked at the huge sword eye, and seemed to be frozen. Ten seconds later, the huge sword eye hit the gun god's body like a cannonball.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding's vision suddenly changed.

He saw his own Nut Fortress, and now he suddenly entered a regular battle space.

Lu Chaoding's regular attack with his gaze sword technique cannot pull the target into the battle space. If the target is suppressed, it can pull the target into the special battle space.

The so-called special battle space does not actually exist. According to the skill description, the target is suppressed in the special battle space and has no ability to move. Therefore, the battle process is omitted, quick calculations are made, and the battle results are directly given and displayed. In other words, Lu Chaoding instantly killed the target.

However, the extraordinary giant sword technique can pull the target into the regular fighting space. "It's been a long time since we had a serious fight!"

Lu Chaoding looked at the confused gun god Kull opposite him and said, "I'll teach you the skills of this swordsman!"

After the preparation time was over, Lu Chaoding went straight to the big move and used the [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] in his super-top sword technique.

Twelve huge sword eyes appeared around the gun god. The sword eyes opened, the sword light flashed, and the arrogant characters flashed quickly, "One hates the power of heaven and cannot come out", "Two hates the earth prays hard to find"...

[Gun God]'s body shook, his health bar shortened by a small amount, and a huge damage figure appeared on his head. At the same time, a large number of bullets dropped from the strange ring behind him.

Lu Chaoding used [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate], and the damage caused was the superposition of the attack power of the gaze sword technique and the basic attack power of the character's attributes. With his current attribute data, the damage that this unique move can do has exceeded The realm threshold of Hunyuan realm’s health value.

But the gun god Kuhl suffered such a set of attacks, and his health bar was only reduced by one-tenth.

"The blood bar is so long. In the Hongchen Sword Realm, level 150 is only the highest level of the Chaotic Source Realm. Such a being would definitely be killed by my set of Sword Immortal's Twelve Hatreds. Could it be that it is not the realm of the Hongchen Sword Realm? The threshold does not apply in the Machine Emperor Universe?"

Lu Chaoding muttered, but his round ended right there. The speed advantage did not allow him to win consecutive actions.

"Ding, [Gun God Kull] will fight back against you!"

After receiving the system prompt, Lu Chaoding saw a strange smile on the face of the gun god Kull.

"Public Enemy of the Universe, you underestimate me. No matter you are a foreign invader or a carrier of the Machine Emperor's will, sleep here forever!"

After saying that, a large number of dark muzzles appeared out of thin air around the gun god Kuhl. As soon as the fire flashed from those muzzles, Lu Chaoding felt a strong wind blowing against his face, and his health bar was directly reduced by one-third.

Next to the gun god Kuhl, three vertical space cracks also appeared. The three cracks quickly opened, and a figure walked out of each one.

One of them is tall and mighty, carrying a huge cannon on his shoulders, his skin is glowing with a dark golden metallic luster, and he has four legs.

She was riding a skateboard and was wearing a light blue uniform-style robe. She had the face of a girl and had golden metallic hair.

The third one was wearing a black tights and looked like an ordinary middle-aged man. He held a constantly rotating metal Rubik's Cube on his right hand.

Lu Chaoding could see their attribute information. These three people were the three original evil gods: [Cannon King Sadu], [Captain Pala], and [Pilot Willy]!
"Hey, how did the three of you get in? Into the battle space indiscriminately? Mader's chicken, you don't know martial ethics, do you dare to fight a fair one-on-one duel?"

Lu Chaoding shouted, he was slightly surprised, but the next moment, without giving him time to think, three primitive evil gods who entered the battlefield attacked him together.

"Wait a minute, do you want to know the truth of everything? Don't hit me. Let's chat for a while. I can help you wake up..."

Lu Chao shouted, but his voice was covered by the sound of gunfire, and his body was engulfed in flames.

At the 100,000th level of the Hongchen Ancient Road, the main body Lu Chaoding opened his eyes.

"How dare the Sword Immortal be wiped out? Tsk tsk. I lost a free clone and cut off one-tenth of Gun God Kull's upper limit of health. This wave is not a loss..."

Lu Chao smiled and was not angry. With a thought, the [Immortal King Lin Jiutian] physical ability was activated, and sword eyes flew out of his body again.

The Machine Emperor Universe and the Machine Emperor Temple.

The four original evil gods, [Gun God Kull], [Gun King Sadou], [Captain Parra], and [Pilot Willy], stand side by side.

"I suffered a lot of losses in this battle. The Enemy of the Universe's gaze was really vicious and weird, and it reduced the upper limit of my health. Fortunately, I finally annihilated him!"

Gun God Kull looked at the depths of the temple and said: "The empty passage cannot be blocked. It is related to the resurrection of the Machine Emperor. We cannot be careless. This place still needs to be guarded!"

The Evil God [Captain Pala], who looked like a girl, looked at the Evil God Alice who was about to leave quietly, and said: "Young Evil God, in the name of Pala, I appoint you as the Chief of Guard of the Machine King Temple, granting you With your authority, I will plant coordinates in your body. The plane war is about to begin. There is no room for error in the emptiness. You protect the temple and are not allowed to leave!"

After saying this, the original evil god stretched out his hand towards Alice.

Alice's body immediately paused, a wry smile appeared on her face, she turned around uncontrollably, bowed to the four original evil gods, and said: "I will do my best!"

The four original evil gods nodded at the same time, then turned into light and disappeared.

"Damn it!" Alice spat. She put her hands on her hips and looked at the empty Machine King Temple. She said angrily: "It's great to have power, but I can't resist. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, my unreliable friend dares to sword Immortal, your death is too worthless... No, why didn't you drop any treasure?" (End of Chapter)

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