Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 258 Finally killed one

The Public Enemy of the Universe appeared briefly, and the Machine King Temple returned to peace. The evil god Alice became the guardian of the temple. She was bound by the four original evil gods and was not allowed to go out. Players only came to the Machine King Temple occasionally, and most of the time it was cold. It was deserted, and Alice couldn't help but feel more and more bored.

In a flash, ten days passed. Deep in the temple, light flashed in the empty passage, and a figure slowly walked out.

Alice looked over in surprise, with a look of surprise on her face, and said: "My friend, how dare you be a swordsman!"

Of course, it was Lu Chaoding's mental clone who came from the empty void. He said with a calm smile, "Of course it's me, haha, I'm back again."

Alice circled him twice and said, "My friend, are you resurrected?"

"What kind of resurrection? We have never died at all! We are the public enemy of the universe. As I said, those four primitive evil gods pose no threat to us at all!"

"But why are you still coming here? Did I know that I am now the guardian of the Machine King Temple? If you reappear here, I must report to the four original evil gods. If they know that you are not dead, they will definitely They will come to destroy you. Before I inform you, run away!"

"Run? Are you calling the enemy of the universe after you run away? I dare to be fearless as a swordsman!"


Alice doesn't understand what Lu Chaoding is going to do. As the guardian of the Machine King Temple, she is supervised by the four evil gods. The reappearance of the enemy of the universe must be reported to the four evil gods. Otherwise, in the future, A lot of trouble.

After thinking for a moment, Alice gritted her teeth and said, "That's all, my friend, please forgive me. It's not that I want to betray you. It's true that if you don't report it, I will suffer! Just ask for your blessings." !”

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you just report it, this Sword Immortal doesn't even pay attention to the four evil gods!"

Lu Chaoding has an entertainment mentality. He is trapped in the 100,000th level of the Hongchen Ancient Road. He just wants to have some fun by playing the Machine Emperor Universe alone.

Alice sighed silently, and a moment later, players in the entire Machine King Universe heard the server-wide announcement.

"Server-wide announcement: World Destroyer Guangdao Sword Immortal has reappeared in the Machine King Temple. The temple guardian Evil God Alice has issued a conquest mission. All players can go to the Machine Emperor Temple to trigger the conquest plot and kill Guangdao Sword Immortal. Those who can gain the respect and gifts from the original evil god!”

As soon as this server-wide announcement came out, all kinds of discussions broke out among the players of the Machine Emperor Universe, and a large number of high-level players quickly rushed to the Machine Emperor Temple.

"Wasn't the enemy of the universe killed?"

"Looks like he wasn't beaten to death last time!"

"Let me tell you, how could such a final BOSS be killed so easily?"

"Brothers, we are going to the Machine Emperor Temple!"

Kedarin, the big anchor who is famous for her sword-daring skills, is now less than two kilometers away from the Machine Emperor Temple. Last time we were in the Machine Emperor Temple, although she was killed by the evil god Alice, she only picked up A small amount of loot, but the harvest is enough to amaze the world.

"How dare the Sword Immortal make a comeback, that's great, I've been waiting for this day!"

Kedarin immediately started the live broadcast, and then rushed to the Machine Emperor Temple as fast as possible. When she arrived at the entrance of the Machine Emperor Temple, she saw [Gun God Kull] and the four evil gods had already entered first. Among them.

"The four original evil gods have entered the Machine King Temple. Will the Sword Immortal be besieged by them again? Everyone will wait and see!"

Kedarin's voice reached the ears of a large number of players through the live broadcast channel. When she entered the Machine Emperor Temple, in addition to seeing a huge battle flag, she only saw the evil god Alice standing in a daze.

"Lady Alice?"

Kedarin was not afraid of the evil god who had once beaten her to death. She ran over, bowed and saluted, and asked, "How dare the Sword Immortal fight with the four original evil gods?"

Alice nodded numbly, and Kedarin showed an excited look on her face, saying: "How dare the Sword Immortal be worthy of being the destroyer of the world, the public enemy of the universe, and the final BOSS. He is so fierce when he strikes four! Last time he Being repulsed by the four primitive evil gods, I believe that this time he must be prepared. Everyone, believe me, the outcome of this battle will be reversed. The four primitive evil gods will be unlucky. Only in this way can the plot of Enemy of the Universe be advanced. Well, am I very clever?"

When Alice heard this, she looked Catherine up and down and said, "Stupid!"

Kedarin was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Stupid? Are you talking about me? Haha, you NPCs will never understand what plot is and what player participation is. Let me tell you, all plots are for the players. , the same is true for the plot of Public Enemy of the Universe. There must be room for players to participate. Whether the Public Enemy of the Universe dares to destroy the Sword Immortal or not ultimately depends on how we players act, you know? We, the players, are the protagonists!"

"Obviously, you are wrong!"

Alice didn't want to talk to the little player in front of her, so she blew a gentle breath on her. Kedarin's body trembled, her skin immediately relaxed, and her whole body instantly became thin.

"No, this despicable evil god is trying to murder me again!"

Kedarin yelled, she took two steps back, and suddenly fell on her back. At this time, she was already like a mummy. After rolling her eyes twice, her body turned into light and disappeared.

She was killed instantly by the Evil God Alice again.

A moment later, the battle flag in the Machine King Temple disappeared, and the four original evil gods reappeared.

Alice squinted and looked over, but did not see the figure of the reliable swordsman.

"Did he get killed again?"

Alice frowned, she was not surprised by this result.

Soon, the plot of Enemy of the Universe progressed, and the server-wide announcement that the Dare Sword Immortal was wiped out sounded again. The players of the Machine King Universe felt confused and had no idea what the plot of Enemy of the Universe was about.

Hongchen Ancient Road has one hundred thousand steps.

Lu Chaoding opened his eyes again.

The clone was killed again!
Pretty much what I expected.

And the upper limit of gun god Kull's health has been cut by one-tenth!

"Come again!"

Lu Chao waved his hand and released his sword eye again, intending to release another mind clone into the Machine Emperor Universe.

In fact, Lu Chaoding was bored at this time. He had no pursuits and regarded conquering the Machine Emperor Universe as a game achievement. Ten days later, a server-wide announcement sounded again in the Machine Emperor Universe, and the Sword Immortal had arrived again.

"You, you're not dead yet!"

When Alice saw Lu Chaoding, it was as if she had seen a ghost.

"Hey, my friend, please inform the four evil gods that I'm back!"

Lu Chaoding had a smile on his face.

Less than half an hour later, a server-wide announcement was made that the Jingdao Sword Immortal had been eliminated again.

The players of the Machine King Universe are even more confused.

what's the situation?
Is this the third time he's been killed?

How dare the Sword Immortal be so good?
I have never seen such a weak final BOSS!

Or maybe the four evil gods and Alice are guarding his body?

"What on earth is the Dare Sword Immortal doing? Will he appear again after a while? What on earth is he going to do?"

Kedarin was very confused. She really wanted to meet Jingdao Sword Fairy and communicate with him. From then on, she did nothing but guarded the entrance of the Machine King Temple.

Ten days later, Kedarin finally defended the Jingang Sword Fairy. When she received the notification that the Jing Gan Sword Fairy had come to the Machine King Universe again, she immediately ran into the Machine King Temple and saw the Jing Gan Sword Fairy. Dare Sword Immortal was talking to Evil God Alice. The two were chatting and laughing, and seemed very familiar with each other.

"Dare Sword Immortal, do you still recognize me? What are your plans next? Are you going to confront the four original evil gods? Is there anything you want to say to us players?"

Kedarin acted like a reporter.

However, she did not get a reply from Lu Chaoding. The evil god Alice shouted at her, "How dare you enter the Machine King Universe?", and then used means to blow out a breath, turning her into a human again. Mummy.

At this stage, ordinary players in the Machine King universe are still quite vulnerable in front of the evil god.

"My friend, just do whatever you want. I am the guardian of this temple. Except for the evil god, I will not let other beings, especially players, enter here. No one can disturb you!"

Alice said to Lu Chaoding, and then stood aside quietly.

Not long after, the four original evil gods arrived, and the battle broke out again. In less than ten minutes, Lu Chaoding's thought clone was wiped out again, and the upper limit of gun god Kull's health had been reduced to less than half of its original value. .

Then every ten days, Lu Chaoding's thought projection came to the Machine Emperor Temple again, and the server-wide announcements of the arrival and elimination of the Dare Sword Immortal were repeated, making a large number of players in the Machine Emperor Universe feel numb.

Time passed by in a flash, and on this day, Lu Chaoding launched his tenth thought clone into the Machine Emperor Universe.

"How dare you, Sword Immortal, you are such an enemy of the universe, are you an intruder from other planes, or are you the carrier of the Machine Emperor's will?"

Gunslinger Kull quickly rushed to the Machine King Temple and stood in front of Lu Chaoding. His behavior was not much different from before, saying similar lines.

The original evil god's upper limit of health at this time is already less than one-tenth of what it was in its heyday. Although the health bar is full, it is equivalent to the blood skin in its heyday.

"After three months of fighting, I finally waited for this day, Gun God Kull. Now, I dare to be the Sword Immortal. One glance is enough to kill you!"

After Lu Chao said this, he used his sword technique with his gaze. This time, with one glance, the gun god Kuhl's health bar was completely empty.


The original evil god had a puzzled expression on his face, and then his expression froze. His body slowly turned into a point of light and slowly dissipated. After his body completely dissipated, ding ding ding ding ding...

A bunch of items fell out.

Lu Chaoding immediately discovered two palm-sized fragments in the pile of items, which were the two fragments of the Machine Emperor Saint Cloth, the main artifact of the Machine Emperor universe plane.

In addition, there are also fragments of the Hongchen Dao Box, a fragment of the Arcane Throne, and a fragment of the Dao Gui Crown.

"It's not easy to get these two pieces!"

Lu Chaoding stepped forward and happily put away the fragments of the Mask Master's artifact. As for other items, such as [Blood of the Evil God], [Machine Emperor's Divine Spear], [Machine Emperor's Token], etc., Lu Chaoding If you don’t need it, you won’t bother to collect it.

"Oh my god, my friend, you actually killed the gun god Kull! One of the Big Four is missing!"

Evil God Alice exclaimed, but immediately stepped forward to grab a sword and collect the items dropped by Gun God Kull on the ground.

Those items were useless to Lu Chaoding, but they were of great use to Alice and could greatly improve her strength.

"Oh my god! How dare the swordsman kill the gun god Kull!"

At this time, the anchor player Kedarin rushed into the Machine King Temple. She rushed forward crazily, trying to grab one or two trophies.

"How dare you make such a loud noise!"

Alice shouted, blew a breath, and killed Kedarin again.

This anchor player is the only player who ignores Alice's warning and enters the Machine Emperor Temple again and again.

Alice has killed her more than twenty times.

At this time, Kedarin's body had just turned into light and disappeared. Three light balls flew into the Machine King Temple and quickly transformed into [Cannon King Sadu], [Captain Pala], and [Pilot Wei]. Lee]...(End of this chapter)

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