Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 26 Tianxing Forum

Chapter 26 Tianxing Forum
After a while, Lu Chao opened the lion's cave with his head down.

This dungeon can only be entered at a level no higher than LV3. Compared with the teaching dungeon, there are two more groups of mobs in it, and the attributes of the boiling-blooded poodle have also been greatly improved.

However, as Zhao Weike and the others said, this dungeon no longer has dungeon tasks, and there are no additional rewards for completing the level. After entering, killing monsters means gaining some cultivation, materials, and gold. For Lu Chaoding, this dungeon is indeed a real one. It is tasteless.

However, brushing this copy is always better than jungle.

Lu Chaofeng's Liver Emperor attribute was once again on display. He brushed more than 30 times in a row, from LV1 to LV4. He stopped when he could no longer enter the hole.

At this time, it was not far from dark, and Lu Chaoding returned to the temporary camp.

Niu Daren's supply store refreshes products at 18:[-] every night, and Lu Chaoding also wants to see if he can refresh some worth buying.

In the temporary camp, Zhao Weike and others had already returned. They were sitting around the campfire, talking and laughing, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Lu Chaoding approached and found that they were talking about the cliff jumping mission.

"Brother Ding, you must have jumped off the cliff at Lion Cliff. Can you share with us your cliff jumping strategy? In addition to the naughty clam shells, are there any other props that can increase the chance of surviving a cliff jump!"

"Yes, brother Ding, show us Linlang's secret treasure!"

"You bunch of idiots, I already told you that there are no secret treasures in Linlang Cave, only compressed biscuits!"

This sentence was said by Zhang Defa, who still had great resentment towards the compressed biscuit.

Lu Chaoding said with an expressionless face: "Life is short, don't think about taking shortcuts. Leveling up in the jungle safely is the right way!"

At this time, the sky began to darken, and the system announced that night was coming. Niu Daren's body next to the campfire flashed with golden light. He stood up and shouted: "I have brought some supplies. Junior brothers and sisters, please see if you need anything. !”

This is a refresh of items in the supply store!
Lu Chaoding stepped forward, looked at the product list, and then shook his head in disappointment.

Niu Daren sells cooking cakes, mountain spring water, tea eggs, etc. The most advanced item is the skill book of the general skill [Horizontal Slash]. This [Horizontal Slash] is a group attack skill. Five copies of the skill book have been sold at the highest level in Lu. Of course I will not buy from Niu Daren again.

"Niu Daren sells the horizontal cutting skill book for 200 yuan!"

"Brother Ding is still reliable and sold it to us at half price!"

"Brother Ding is bold, this Niu Daren is a black-hearted businessman!"

Zhao Weike and others looked at the product list and sighed and discussed continuously.

Suddenly, Niu Daren spoke again: "Brothers and brothers, this is your second night at Boiling Blood Lion Mountain. It's a long night. If you don't want to sleep, you can browse the Tianxing Forum!"

"Ding, unlock the forum function, unlock audio, video, screenshot and other functions. Players can call up the forum panel at any time. Please explore on your own for details!"

With the system upgrade, a translucent window popped up in front of Lu Chaoding, which was the Tianxing Forum window.

This forum is naturally empty now, with not a single post.

Lu Chaoding then received another system prompt: "Ding, get the task [Post Discussion]. The task requires posting a high-quality discussion in the Tianxing Forum and getting 100 likes. The reward for completing the task is +1 lottery ticket and gold. Yuan+10!”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the content: Post a low-quality discussion on the Tianxing Forum, and get 10000 bricks. The task rewards unreliable lottery tickets +100, gold yuan +100!"

"Low-quality discussion? 10000 bricks? This task is a bit difficult, but the reward is pretty good, a hundredfold increase!"

Lu Chaoding immediately realized that "paizhuan" means "step on". If he wanted to complete this task, he would probably have to post a post that was both popular and disgusting.

Glancing at Zhao Weike who was taking the blame next to him, Lu Chaoding immediately had an idea and started posting.

"Ding, please set your forum nickname first!"

"Zhao skirt!"

"Ding, the nickname is approved! Please set the discussion title!"

"The ultimate secret technique of Lion Cliff Jumping, 100% effective, easy to get the chance!"

"The title is approved, please post the discussion content!"

Lu Chaoding played freely and quickly coded: "I believe everyone knows that there is a cliff jumping mission in Lion Cliff. I have an ultimate secret skill here that guarantees easy access to the secret realm and safe opportunities... The content of the secret skill is to jump off the cliff at night and take off all the clothes at the same time. If you have the equipment, you will 100% enter Linlang Cave, Zhao Skirt’s exclusive strategy, if it works, please like it, if it doesn’t, hit me!”

After typing a short paragraph of text, Lu Chaoding immediately clicked publish, then closed the Tianxing Forum and strode out of the camp.

Although Niu Daren did not issue the task of "sleeping under the Lion Rock" tonight, Lu Chaoding would not stay in this camp to sleep.

"Brother Ding, are you going to fight the nocturnal beasts? Can you take me with you?"

"Brother Ding, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will get wet morning and night. Be careful of nocturnal beasts!"

"Brother Ding, I wish you will meet a big BOSS that you can't beat!"

Zhao Weike and others shouted at Lu Chaoding's back.Suddenly, Zhang Defa shouted: "Zhao skirt, why do you still go to the forum to trick people?"

"What?" Zhao Weike said displeased: "I'm warning you, don't call me Zhao Shirt anymore. I'm wearing Marshal Zhu Kuang now, you can call me Marshal Zhao!"

"Yeah, Zhao Skirt really posted it, tsk tsk, isn't this a lie?"

"Zhao Skirt, you are so vicious!"

"Haha, you still want to trick me into getting likes?"

"I'll hit him first!"

Xiao Ning, Wang Yingluo and others also commented.

Zhao Weike quickly understood what happened. He opened the Tianxing Forum. At this time, there were seven or eight discussion posts in the forum. However, Zhao Weike saw the article "The Ultimate Secret Technique of Jumping from Lion Cliff" at a glance. The poster was " Zhao skirt"!
"Who the hell is pretending to be me?"

Zhao Weike clicked on the post and saw a reply below.

"Zhao Skirt Trumpet: The content is true and valid, you can rest assured that you will be heartbroken!"

"Zhao Skirt Xiaoxiao: Like it now!"

"Zhao Skirt's true self: I am really not trying to trick you into giving me likes!"

"Zhao Skirt's clone: ​​I swear by Zhao's skirt's chastity, jumping off a cliff in the dark is really effective, otherwise Zhao's skirt will only draw white light for the rest of his life..."

Zhao Weike's blood pressure rose when he saw it.

He raised his head and looked at the serious-faced players from the same village around him, and yelled, "It's you who are responsible for ruining my reputation, isn't it?"

"Aren't you Marshal Zhao?"

"You are Marshal Zhao, what does it have to do with Zhao's skirt?"

"Didn't you post it yourself and try to trick people into getting likes?"

“Hey, there’s not a single like, but I’ve paid ten bricks…”

Zhang Jiaqiang, Zhang Defa and others are all happy people at the moment.

Zhao Weike felt so angry that he quickly registered an account with the nickname "Riding Sword Fairy" and then replied to the post.

"Riding Sword Fairy: This is a post meant to get likes, don't like it, I'll slap him!"

"Sword Riding Immortal: Also, the above Zhao skirts are all fake..."

"Zhao Skirt: Are you Dingge?"

"Zhao Skirt Trumpet: Don't make trouble while riding a sword. Trust me, jumping off a cliff naked in the dark is really effective. Anyone who has jumped knows it..."

"Tianxing's No. [-] Sword God: Who are you?"

"Professional Sword Demon: Is it true? Then I'll give it a try!"

"One shot from eight hundred miles away: @professional sword ghost, the guy upstairs finished the dance and came back to say a word, I'll wait for you to finish."

"Cosmic Sword God: The result of squatting together, but the bricks are served first!"

"Atomic Sword Master: Fake! Identification completed! Brick by brick!"

"Happy people dare to dare: Thanks to Zhao Skirt, jumping off a cliff naked in the dark is really effective. I tried it, everyone likes it!"

"Ye Longxing: Someone else actually knows this method!"

"The Supreme Elder of Dajianmen: @叶龙行, you bastard, how dare you brush the forum!"

"Famous movie star Niu Daren: Oops, the nickname is too conservative..."

There were more and more replies, and the post became popular. Bricks flew up, and there were actually a lot of likes.

Lu Chaoding had no idea about this. He had already arrived at Lion Cliff and rode his flying sword directly to the bottom of the cliff.

This is also cliff jumping!
"Ding, congratulations on completing the [Cliff Jumping] mission. You will be lucky if you survive the catastrophe. You were lucky enough to enter the secret realm of chance [Linlang Cave]."

"Ding, you can also receive a cliff jumping mission..."

(End of this chapter)

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