Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 27 The fifth level of the splitting sword shadow

Chapter 27 The fifth level of the splitting sword shadow

"The person who can get three copies of Linlang Secret Treasure is one in a million!"

Lu Chaoding looked happy as he rode his flying sword into Linlang Cave. He soon discovered that the chance treasure box in the cave on the first floor had been opened, and the compressed biscuits he had put in it had also been taken away.

"Who is so lucky?"

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment and guessed that Zhang Defa entered the Linlang Cave. After all, he saw Zhao Weike and the other six resurrected under the sword monument, and they must have jumped to their death from the cliff.

Lu Chaoding put another compressed biscuit into the opportunity treasure box No. [-], then entered the second floor, and placed two compressed biscuits in the opportunity treasure box on the second floor.

"The exciting times are about to begin!"

Lu Chaoding entered the third level.

There are no surprises. The treasure chest guard on the third floor is still the level 15 [Night Owl Giant Tiger] from last night.

This [Night Owl Giant Tiger] has a health value of 6000, a speed of 120, a toughness of 20, and an attack power of 600, which is much higher than the [Prince Turtle]. It also has many combat skills. Its overall strength can be said to be Very powerful, ordinary players, like Zhao Weike, let alone one, even if they form a team of four, the possibility of being wiped out by the team is extremely high.

Therefore, the difficulty of opening this chance treasure chest No. [-] is much greater than the first two treasure chests.

However, Lu Chaoding looked relaxed at the moment.

Before the battle started, he glanced at his attribute information, level LV4, life 220, attack 112, speed 145!

"I'm not stable, I need to take medicine!"

Lu Chaoding took out the Peiyuan Pill, knocked down a few pills, and upgraded his level to LV8. At this time, his health reached 660, his attack power was increased to 156, his toughness reached 2 points, and his defense was also increased. a little.

"It's stable this time!"

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, and with a thought in his mind, he threw the sword out.

This is where the advantage of long-range attacks comes into play.

If you stand outside the warning range of wild monsters, you will definitely be able to attack first. If you are a melee sword demon or sword master, and you carry your sword and go forward to slash, after entering the warning range of wild monsters, will you attack the wild monster first, or will you be attacked first? If the wild monster attacks first, it's not sure yet.

boom boom boom...

The flaming sword and sixteen sword shadows hit the [Night Owl Giant Tiger] like missiles. The fire exploded, followed by a louder explosion, and the [Night Owl Giant Tiger] was blown over. The whole body roared loudly.

The total damage from one sword is 285!

Cut tough 18!

Enter the battle space.

Lu Chao had a "magical feeling" on his head, and his fighting spirit increased by four points!

His turn started quickly, and he started by using the combat skill [Sword Echo].


"-7, broken toughness, -624"







"-703! Fire blast!"

"-2410! Second blast!"

With 17 attacks in one round, 34 attacks in two rounds, and two explosions, Lu Chaoding's total damage in this round was as high as 4520!

[Night Owl Giant Tiger] was blown to its belly, with only 1195 health remaining. It roared in pain for five seconds before standing up again.

Its turn then began, roaring and flying towards Lu Chaoding, and slapped Lu Chaoding on the head with its huge tiger claws.


Lu Chaoding stood securely, with resilience damage reduction plus 3 points of defense damage reduction, only 291 life points were lost. However, [Night Owl Giant Tiger] seemed to be burned and quickly jumped back to its original position. , the turn ends. "End your short life!"

Lu Chao shouted, and his second round began, but he was too lazy to use [Reverberation of the Sword], so he just used a normal attack.





"-196, flame blast!"

"-888, second blast!"

After the damage number floated up, [Night Owl Giant Tiger]'s whole body was scorched black. It whined, fell straight down, and just burped, the damage was overflowing!

Lu Chaoding quickly left the battle space, and with him, there was a green jade tiger-face waist badge.

[Giant Tiger Waist Card: Two-star pendant, speed +5, current refining +0, use Giant Tiger Essence to refine, and can be refined up to three times. 】

"Waist card! Not bad!"

Lu Chaoding immediately equipped the waist card dropped by [Supper Giant Tiger], and his speed immediately increased to 150!

He then opened the opportunity treasure chest No. [-]. When the lid of the treasure chest was lifted, a golden light revealed three [Jade of Certificates], two [Jade of Inheritance], one [Jade of Enlightenment], and a bottle of [Jade of Epiphany]. Peiyuan Pill], a bottle of [San Gong Pill], and a green piece of [Refined Jade].

[San Gong Dan: Two-star special elixir, 5 in a bottle, take one, choose a secret skill, combat skill or stunt, and permanently reduce it by one level. When the skill level is reduced to LV1, the corresponding skill book will be unbound! 】

[Refined gem: a two-star special prop. After using it, select the prop to directly increase its refining level once.Note: This prop can only be used on two-star items, and can only increase the target refining level to +3! 】

"This secret treasure is still available!"

Lu Chao nodded, but was not in a hurry to collect the Linlang secret treasure in front of him. He continued towards the fourth floor of Linlang Cave.

On the fourth and last floor of Linlang Cave, the opportunity treasure chest inside is shining with golden light, and the treasure chest is guarded by a level 15 [Moon Shadow Green Dragon]!
[Moon Shadow Green Dragon: LV15, life 9000, attack 900, toughness 30, defense 30, speed 100, attack distance 30 meters, has the skills three-pronged demon thunder, venom attack, and rapid regeneration. 】

Lu Chao looked up at the blue dragon whose body was thicker than a bucket, and couldn't help but shrink his neck, feeling a little frightened!
"This thing looks scarier than the Prince Turtle!"

Lu Chaoding didn't dare to get too close, silently wondering if he could defeat this dragon.

"With the blessing of Tianquan, my attacks are not affected by defense damage. If this green dragon does not come up and uses combat skills, I will still be able to kill it. If I increase my attack power, I will be stable!"

After Lu Chaoding thought about this, he returned to the third floor of Linlang Cave and collected all the items in it. He was immediately teleported back to Lion Cliff.

Then, Lu Chaoding exchanged the [Jade of Certificates], [Jade of Inheritance], and [Jade of Enlightenment] into virtual props exclusive to the Sword Immortal. Together with what he had obtained before, he had 4 copies of [Certificates of the Sword Immortal]. , three copies of [The Sword Immortal’s Inheritance], and two copies of [The Sword Immortal’s Enlightenment].

The next moment, Lu Chaoding used two copies of [Legacy of the Sword Immortal] without hesitation, raising [Splitting Sword Shadow] to LV5.

Secret Skill: Split Light Sword Shadow

Number of stars: three stars

Occupation: Sword Fairy

Level: LV5 (Extraordinary)
Description 32: Activate the skill to create 10 unstoppable sword shadows from the main weapon. Each sword shadow has [-]% of the player's attack power. When the player uses the main weapon to attack, the sword shadow will follow.

Note 1: There is a [-]% chance that the splitting sword shadow will gather some fighting spirit for the player when it hits the target!
Note 1: The splitting sword shadow has a [-]% chance of restoring some toughness to the player when it hits the target!
Note 4: By consuming [Sword Immortal’s Heritage]

Note [-]: The skill book is bound and cannot be traded.

"32 sword shadows!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked and thought that this was too exciting.

"According to the intensity of this improvement, if this secret skill is upgraded to LV6, it won't be 64 sword shadows, right? This is simply a bombing!"

Lu Chaoding suppressed the excitement in his heart and took out another two-star [Refined Jade].

His current two-star equipment is the sword, the back piece [Ghost Face Axe] and the pendant he just got [Giant Tiger Waistband].

Among them, the common sword has been refined to the maximum, and the back piece [Ghost Panel Ax] has a refinement +1, and the [Giant Tiger Waist Card] has a refinement +0.

Lu Chao did not hesitate to use [Refined Jade] to refine [Ghost Face Axe] to +2. Looking at its attribute information, the toughness breaking damage was increased by 200 points, and the attack power was doubled and added 600 points!

(End of this chapter)

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